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    2015-09-17, 2015-09-16 and 2015-09-15

    by , 09-17-2015 at 10:44 AM (283 Views)
    Now I'm way behind on DJing due to late nights hanging out with our guests and lots of car trips showing them around.

    2015-09-15 very vivid dream
    + I'm walking up the hills in my childhood neighborhood, talking to people, I come across a grocery store meat counter (empty) and I'm saying usually there is meat in there.

    Enter some house and while slightly dark everything is amazingly clear. I'm in a room with two grand pianos right next to each other, and I go "oooh!" at them, I'd love to play them. The owner of the house is clearly a musician, it looks like a music studio room, there are folders of music all around the place. I look down (through a window?) on to an open room a floor below and there is another beautiful grand piano there, and I say "ooooh!" again. I glance out the various windows facing different directions and out of each one I see beautiful views of trees and water in the distance, and say "aaahhh!" at the lovely scenes.

    I'm now down in an large open floor plan area, a kitchen/dining area, there is another piano here (the one I saw from above?), and in the distance I see the realtor scurrying around trying to stay out of my way but also interested in what we think of the place.

    I come to the keyboard and look at it, the keys are very odd, quite thin (like chopsticks) and oddly curved like the teeth of a "Pau'an" alien in Star Wars. I think of trying to play the Beethoven: Sonata "Pathetique" Op. 13 - II. Adagio cantabile movement [which at one point years ago I could actually play all the way through from memory]

    But I can't play it because the keys are too thin, and looking at the keyboard I notice it's not as wide as a normal piano keyboard, either.

    Then the realtor is there with our group and is quoting us a price for renting the house that the owner wants: about $900 per person. One of us says "no, no," that is way too high, for that price we could go to Paris for 3 weeks. I think I wouldn't want to be in Paris for that long.

    The dream ends with me back outside, now DO floating over water, watching two little girls swimming in the water of the Bay, near a rock, just outside the house we were in. I know they are the daughters of the owner of the house. One girl is about 5, and the second one is a toddler swimming with her older sister. I think the salt water might get into their eyes. They are Indian (Asian) ethnicity.

    + (f) (maybe different dream?)
    I'm sitting in some sort of kitchen area working at trying to assemble something on the table in front of me. The owners of the house come by, two Asian women, one of them picks up her keys from a plain set of standalone high shelves, they say something.

    2015-09-16 no recall: fair amount of dream activity, but it all receded just beyond my ability to remember any details.


    + in a parking garage, I'm trying to "reserve" a spot by standing in it, there aren't many cars yet. Outside, a guy becomes aggressive and I have some altercation with him. Later I'm in my apartment and I know he's coming so I go outside to lock my outer 2nd door, and I mistakenly close the outer door and throw the deadbolt (from the outside) and I realize I'm locked outside and the enemy guy approaches. I'm holding my musical instrument which is put together strangely with some sections upside down. I'm trying to reason with this guy despite really not liking him.

    +(f) I'm telling someone where something is. There is a wide mountain/hill range in front of us and I'm gesturing and describing the place as being just on the other side of these hills.

    + "sex" with TZ:
    Spoiler for sort of sexy action:

    + Angband dream! Overhead map view, I was toodling around a map level, decided I should quaff my Enlightenment potion (actual item) to fully map the level and see all items, landed in some "magic dampening" corridor/trap (not in the game), and was reading about a pool of "coagulated" something that produced a scroll that if you read it would boost your mana super high against a particular monster(?). I wondered if there were magic-impairing terrain if there were corresponding melee-impairing terrain for warriors.

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