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    2015-11-14 several short but memorable scenarios

    by , 11-14-2015 at 07:57 AM (228 Views)
    + talk in hallway at work, I look to my left again and see DeHo has appeared. DD, SC, walk hallways at company "S" empty desks, old computers, young woman prints me a badge, walk to "cube", company "B" president P is standing there, I'm holding 2-3 coffee mugs in hand, I say "it never fails, as soon as you leave your desk, the company president comes by for a visit"

    + (f) in a (space ship?) which flies at the speed of light, me and another guy are taking a trip to Paris, we should get a good view as we fly over the city

    + hippo swallowing thumb/hand, descend escalator (have to sneak on? Get called back several times to the top?) to below-ground, large, open casino, pockets of poker players, almost empty blackjack pit, players sitting at 1st base, do I want to sit at 3rd? watch BJ dealer deal a hand, he fumbles with the cards, I wonder if players mind that he mixes up the cards, dealer picks cards up off the table and declares this to floorman, dealer turns over a card (ace of spaces?) and verifies the markings on the card that it is genuine.

    + working concessions at a fair, being lazy, hawking the games when my manager comes up behind me, seeing the place I used to sit and work a repetitive boring job and glad I'm not doing that any more

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