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    2016-01-14 recall still a bit low but 3 major dreams

    by , 01-14-2016 at 10:05 AM (240 Views)
    + at the PTL (former adult) house: there is somebody visible inside the 2nd floor window [false, 1 story home], an intruder! I climb up and he's a sort of crazy looking guy and bring him out and scream at him on the front lawn, which brings a middle-aged man [false] out from the left neighboring house to complain about the noise.

    around the back of the house there is another house on a street with numbers and a sign. The sign says that even those the address is XYZ (has a 9 in it?), that mail to PDQ should be delivered here. The house is actually in a different zip code than what is listed officially.

    Around the front of the house our group is getting in to cars. Somone's handling a large elaborate cake. The cake starts to fall apart, people call out not to try and hold it, but the guy holding it keeps trying to get it under control and the more he does the more the cake disintegrates until there's nothing left, except a large glass of strawberry milkshake. I'm licking up remnants of the cake and the strawberry milkshake which are lying around the outside of the car.

    + standing in a portal/doorway with someone else, looking out on to (sand dunes?), a jaguar walks across from right to left, then it comes running to our door which doesn't close properly, I block the doorway with my body, the jaguar has its paws up on my shoulder, I push it back in and try to close the door but the door doesn't seem to fit

    + in/around/outside some house. In the garden in daylight, there are fruit trees/plants, a horse is eating some cherries from a tree. I'm picking/holding a bunch of blackberries, they're mushy and covered with some webbing which I'm trying to clean off. I get some good big berries but there are bees crawling around on them so I can't eat them, I'm trying to clean off the bees, but this squishes the berries.

    Inside, conversation with some women. I ask "someone should go get more whipped cream," a woman answers "no, there is some around still, I look on the counters and see a couple of bottles. The bartenders are standing at the kitchen sinks and preparing drink orders, I think.

    Some girls walk by, one of which is wearing a sheer see-through top, I get a look at one of her breasts, she has a dark, large areola. I follow her as she walks through the house, to get another view. Then she and another are bathing in the sink, I walk by and take a peek.

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