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    2016-02-11 very vivid & present, alternate life dreams

    by , 02-11-2016 at 08:17 AM (280 Views)
    + (f) at work with young colleagues

    + instrument got all mixed up, in the music room of the instrument makes, tons of instruments and parts of them strewn all about, including "instrument making class" where I try out the student projects, funny overlarge mouthpiece, they say "this is a professional player"

    + pool, girl with misaligned bikini bottom and exposed bits, great view, follow her around, she notices me, group of people in water, they drain the water out of the pool, time to get out

    + (f) in a hallway playing awesome scales on my instrument

    + (f) girls scrubbing the sloping cobbled floor with soap and water in a resort area

    + standing on a road in an area nature of a big/medium city (my hometown), struck still by the view of a beautiful untouched wetlands area, go on a long monologue telling a guy standing there about how it's such a shame that this place used to be so beautiful now it's all built up, but "that's progress," how everyone thinks "I should be the only one allowed to build here, nobody else," but since everyone thinks this way then that's how areas lose their pristine nature.

    Then I notice his car (he's there with his wife [and kid?] on a [camping?] trip). It's a sort of two-level open jeep-like thing. Very boxy, orange/yellow colored, open. The driver's seat is up on the second level, and on the first level there is a large covered area. I climb in and look all around, appreciating and telling the guy that you can fit all kinds of things in here, that you can sleep under the covered area very comfortably. I tell him about my cars, I mis-remember my last big minivan, then I remember it and look and see that it now is a huge motor home, slightly confused by that. Get it in with my wife and pull a U-turn and drive away, almost wacking the people I was just speaking to with the back of the van which whips around very fast. Wife tells me to be careful an I realize I always forget about the back whipping around thing when making a tight turn.

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