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    2016-03-23 variety of scenes

    by , 03-24-2016 at 09:03 PM (256 Views)
    + view from above of sleazy guy, look down from the ledge he approaches and stands against the wall below the ledge and I think he's going to sexually molest another man, or perhaps just pee on the corner. The sleazy guy is holding a little kitten and showing it off to everyone. I'm then down on his level and he presents the kitten to me but now it is a bedraggled, scraggly & nasty looking rat. The guy wants me to take the rat and let it climb on me but I move away, I don't want that.

    + (f) NMcK got fired? He's complaining to me about the group that got laid off?

    + I'm with a fire-arms instructor. He's showing me a gun and talking about the safety. I'm relating my experience with a fully automatic weapon, "how I held down the trigger and that thing just kept spewing bullets everywhere." Then I get out my favorite gun, a compact (kind of like an Uzi) automatic, I pop out the clip and look for a bullet in the chamber. I say how I like to use this as a rifle. The instructor is impressed with my gun.

    + son has shaved my cat and I see it completely furless (living room of childhood home) and think "ARGH, What did he do!?". Lying just outside my childhood bedroom door in the upstairs hallway petting my [current] cat, it really likes it and stretches out its front paws together luxuriously. Son S2 (and an old woman?) walk by in the hallway, he says "I'm tired, I didn't sleep all night"

    + nice naked puffy-nippled boobs on a hot girl sitting down in a crowd. I see her briefly from the front, then standing behind her looking down over her shoulder, then move through the crowd along the left edge positioning for another view of her and get another peek. I can't make forwards progress because there are too many people trying to walk in both directions in this "aisle." A young version of (my mother?) is up ahead on my left, there is a woman holding a food-service tray up over her head waiting for a clearing to walk back the opposite direction I'm walking in, and I stand aside to give her a land to come through.

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