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    2016-06-07 and 06-08

    by , 06-08-2016 at 02:51 PM (329 Views)

    +(f) kirk and spock, phasers, anti-explosion attachment on Kirk's gun, that's why I like to hang with him so I don't get blown up

    + I'm with a girl,
    Spoiler for sexy encounter, explicit:

    Then the scene sort of replays like it's a video and it's rewinding. I'm sitting outside, the girl's father is there, and (my? the sex guy?) father is coming after he heard that the guy got the girl pregnant? There are some other girls playing on a swing set nearby and one girl falls on top of a little table, hits her elbow, and rolls off, this is described by a narrator.


    +(f) tribes dream, attacking turrets in a base

    +(f) long scene/situation in a large indoor swimming pool. I jump feet-first into the pool and am trying to float down to touch my feet to the bottom but it's taking too long and I take a very small/short breath underwater [DREAM SIGN] and I think that was unsafe and how could that have worked? I head towards the surface again and break the surface at last and take a breath.

    +(f) I'm driving in a car. I have a destination in mind but not 100% sure of the directions. At an intersection I turn right. There are severl freeway onramps in front of me, none labelled, and I just choose a (middle?) way that heads under an overpass and on to a gravelly road and I wonder if I'm going the right way.


    + [long, fairly vivid] I'm sitting in a room with a girl facing me straddling my right leg, we're dressed. We're into each other, but I'm leery of security, I see there is a video camera up near a ceiling corner of the room and it is panning around. I lead her out and intend to take her back to my (motel?) room. We're walking there and I ask her what part of the complex is her room located, she mentions something about they've already paid or are reliable(?), her room is on the near edge of the complex while mine is farther away. We walk by her family sitting outside and her father holds up his hands and stops from from following me.

    Spoiler for sexual situation:

    Then I'm walking with a group of realtors (I'm a member). There's a lead realtor talking about stuff and we walk by a trade rag newsstand with the publication "Hell's Hills" available. I think that's a sort of odd name and would discourage people from buying there . We walk by objects and I and another guy are peeling off the advertising stickers that others have put there. I pick up an escort add card at one point. We reach a group of people, among them is the girl from earlier whom I was trying to take back to my room. We're eating ice cream and the ice cream come off of the cone, she mentions something about this not being the right type?

    Then I'm in a small airplane with a few more people, I'm in the back area, the pilot and co-pilot are in the front, we're taxiing but haven't taken off yet, there are a few people with me in the back. There is a lead bad guy who is waiting for the girl, but I keep waiting for him to get off of the plane and I've made sure the girl isn't with us anyway.

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