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    2016-08-17 LD#198, kitchen/house/glide; bus/houses/hill;

    by , 08-18-2016 at 04:11 AM (361 Views)
    + kitchen, steak (skirt [round], filet, third type on circular spit), ovens, cut-off switch, water on floor [DS] (sand, sponge), outside/glide inside [DS] snow on ground glide back and forth like on ice, floor is white I'm waving to wife as I glide

    + city B (food, beverage), maybe city SJ can be like B eventually

    + bus, put stick thing out back door so can throw things there and will stick, should practice, (keys), standing holding driver pauses look into neighborhood in hills see distances, only the steep plots don't have houses [DR] see steep plot construction, point out to son (LOOK AT THAT!), construction guys there see us pointing and start dancing I say "wiggle!" they're chiseling out gourmet kitchen sink from stone son S2 goes picks up stone hits it with a baseball bat over the ridge, my dad is there hope he doesn't get hit by it

    WBTB, 2-ish hours

    + LD#198, I realize I'm dreaming, I'm in the dark, I do several nose pinches and can breathe, I figure that my dream eyes are closed so I plan to force them open, I wonder what I'll see, what sort of random scene, I do this and I do see something but there is a transition afterwards, wake or lose lucidity

    + in a school room with teacher, reading math problems on pieces of paper, someone criticizes the teacher and he responds.

    + riding in a car/limo with several black guys then they make room for several black girls, we're pushed closely together, we're on the way to some club.
    Spoiler for sort of sexy time:

    More dreams, fairly detailed, but after about 8 hours of dreaming the recall becomes vague, also: woken by phone call
    Saizaphod likes this.

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    Updated 08-18-2016 at 11:07 AM by 65364



    1. Saizaphod's Avatar
      Did you get out of the jet lag?
    2. FryingMan's Avatar
      No, I'm in the 2nd phase of jet lag, now that I've returned. But I've taken some melatonin at bed time a few times (3 nights ago and two nights ago, but not last night), and it seems to have helped a bit. But I'm still waking up early and feeling very tired during the day.