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    2016-09-05 some dream-y dreams, fairly fragmented by now

    by , 09-05-2016 at 02:49 PM (261 Views)
    1mg melatonin @ around 11:30pm

    wake around 5 hrs

    recalled 2 dreams at the time, now forgotten

    awake for a bit, then decided to listen to / do Daniel Love's WBTB "lucid trance" youtube audio. Key last thought: the very next thing I see will be a dream.

    + I'm standing at window in a bedroom looking outside through large window/glass walls [DREAM SIGN]. It appears dark outside, but there are some large objects outside that are white and lit. I'm on the second floor. I'm having an internal discussion of some sort trying to reach a conclusion about what I'm seeing but I do no RC and continue on. There is a bed in this room and I decide that I'm tired now and I will go back to bed. I get under the sheets and my wife comes in and starts talking to me / asking me something?

    +(f) (was this an earlier dream? Not sure) I'm in a house, fairly tall-ceilinged room, and a very large bus enters from the upper floor heads down the stairs and gets stuck trying to make the turn into the next room. I think "there's no way it's going to make that turn, it's too tight."

    + At some large mansion, concrete curvy walls, stairwells around. I need to find some way through to some destination. I need to pour out some garbage bucket. I pour it out over a railing down a road that runs in between this place and the neighbor's place. I hear the slapping sound as the liquid hits the wall of the neighbor's place, like water hitting a plastic tarp. I'm looking down at the splash of liquid and am trying to see the things that I think are in it. I see then several dozen parasitic worms that were in the garbage, as they wiggle their way towards and under the neighbor's fence.

    + at a billiards table [DREAM SIGN]. I'm watching an expert play and demonstrate "draw" (applying backspin to the cueball so that it will zip backwards to the place you want to shoot next), he doesn't get quite the position he's hoping for. Some object balls almost make it to a corner pocket but they stop disadvantageously one blocking the other. I'm presented a cue stick without a proper tip, it's more like a rake. I demonstrate "draw". I am the tip of the cuestick low and hope I won't miscue. I notice that a girl has a cue stick with a proper, rounded tip.

    +(f) in a house, with people (N & A MK grad school?), upstairs, having to climb over some woman's kid to get into a room

    +(f, faint/vague) outside with some attractive girls, I'm friendly with them, giving them hugs, (kissing their heads?), one is in a tank top?

    + long, vivid multi-scene sequence. There is some competition involving one team throwing things at the opposing team into a court surrounded by a net. I'm moving around the surrounding roof-tops with a colleague and we're trying to find a place to line up good shots. We are pushing over large soccer-goal-like angular structures that are straddling the peak of some roof-tops. I try to lob a (water baloon?) into the court and it hits the surrounding net-wall and pops and the water splashes down, I think this is pretty good and I'll probably get the team in the court wet this way. We continue circling around the court on the roofs. We reach a position in our "base" and lie down facing the court near a ledge, and below is a former boy-scout troop scoutmaster, looking up and complaining that our position is not fair, that we have an advantage up there.

    I find some little bottle, like a medicine bottle with a label on it with a name and I go looking to deliver it to that person. I'm walking up a stairwell with low baby gates periodically blocking the way and I step over these and walk by the people sitting near them. I reach a hallway where there are two doors. I'm trying to read the label of the bottle and trying to get the idea of what it is and who it is for, and I'm trying to read the name on the doors across from me. The guys in the doors are some high-up gangsters? A henchman (or two) approach me and I say that I'm bringing this bottle to the lead guy (in the room). The bottle is not full I see. The henchman says the boss is going to ask where's the rest of the delivery? I say I don't know anything about more, this botltle is all I came to deliver. I repeat this and say "so it's probably better to only deliver the full shipment than this one bottle, huh?" So I leave in search of more. Then I'm going through a pile of teeny tiny bottles, trying to read the labels, there are letters there and one bunch is something like "melatonin" (but not quite) so I think it's related to sleep.

    Returning to the court area it's now a fairly large athletic field surrounded by stands. On the field is some large animal/beast, like a white polar bear, the bear comes in to the stands and returns to the field. I see a very large "disc" of about 1-meter long bright orange/red feathers that suddenly appear around the neck of the animal and I think this is particularly noteworthy/interesting. The game is started by tossing the "ball" to the bear on the field but the ball is really a large chunk of a large fish. The bear falls over backwards behind a fence trying to catch it and I think it may be injured.

    I move forwards to the other side of the field and I'm following someone/something. I'm staying very low, crawling on the floor in between chairs. I emerge between two chairs and they squeak when I move them and I think this will give my position away.

    I'm now in a library (or book store) looking for a particular book/series on a particular subject. The book titles show series one or two, in different colors. People are talking about these books. I'm walking along a bookshelf and I hear the librarians talking, I know they are all militant feminists. They're saying something about "Even Edward Norton would(n't)..." most are women, but there's a man librarian (also a feminist) there, too.

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