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    2016-11-12 finger in obama's ear, play, gas station, swim, bus (O itn B), employer

    by , 11-12-2016 at 11:55 AM (350 Views)
    + I realize I have my finger stuck in Obama's ear and I pull it out with a "pop!" sound. I look at him he's sitting across a cafeteria table from me with other people), he gets up and is really annoyed, I expect some bad consequences from this.

    + I'm in a play and I don't know any of my lines. Panic. Try to learn them fast? It's hopeless. Play begins, still don't know them. Holding the script in my hands and almost go on stage with it, can't do that. I'm following the script and lose my place, panic again, listening and trying to find the location. Find one of my lines and try to memorize it and the cue. Leading man on stage (actually walking in the audience) gives cue but it's not quite right. I enter the aisles from the back of the theater and deliver my short line. Leading man makes some snarky comment on it? The play finishes, and I'm on an upper balcony looking down. A group of teen girls is leaving, unimpressed by our production, and one of them says "now I really appreciate our [theater] group after watching THEM!"

    + employer threatens employees with not hiring them back if then don't sign and turn in the turns. I scramble to sign mine and get it turned in, I'm not the first to make it in.

    + swimming in a pool a young kid wants to take along I don't want to take (her?) along with me but decide "OK" and push her in front of me as I swim, she complains about how I'm doing it (I dunk her briefly?)

    + on a bus (yellow school bus? curved sides) looking for a seat, most are taken, I see a free spot in the very back corner and head there, then I see some of the main characters from "Orange is the new black" show in orange jumpsuits on seats to my left, I realize I know them so I come back and take a seat near them. One of them (blonde main char?) says something about the neighborhood we're driving through, about how the teen boys here like to date 4-year-olds.
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    1. Azaleaj's Avatar
      Omg I laughed pretty hard about the having to read lines dream. That is nightmare I have as well, having to act and I know I'm going to be awful and can't remember my lines. Funny.