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    2021-08-26 work, gym, wrench duel, snickers store, tennis

    by , 08-26-2021 at 01:54 PM (259 Views)
    + driving in to work, on a wide open flat area, the road leading uphill to the work parking lot is up ahead. There's another car heading towards the road, I want to get there first, we start racing a bit to get first to the hill. Get out, meet ShCl (former boss at company N), we talk about work

    + downtown B (C & S), enter gym building, this is the gym of tech companies like Google, there are tons of young Google employees there. In the reception area there are many turnstiles. I'm trying to get in, my name's not on the list, I'm explaining that I'm not a full time employee yet. Inside is a work area, large open area, lots of tall counters with stools , there are many groups of young engineers all seated together discussing their projects. Working in groups like this is a requirement for working here. I'm observing the groups and think I would not like to work like that.

    + I get off the (bus?) too early, I'm far from my destination, I'm trying to think how I can get to where I'm going. I may have to the bus. I start walking down a very long street with a broad sidewalk. At some point I see a technical entrance to the (subway)? with stairs leading down, and some employees are entering these stairways. I'm walking along this sidewalk, and getting nervous, because this is a bad part of town. I'm looking suspiciously at the groups of youths walking by. I have a long shiny two-sided fixed wrench (about 1.5 feet long) in my hand. A guy I'm walking next to has one, too, I see. We have a brief duel with these, swinging them like swords.

    I enter a convenience store and am looking closer at the counter. I want to buy some chocolate bars, I think if I feed those aggressive hoods some Snickers, they'll leave me alone. I think I see the Snickers down towards the far end, I get there and don't see the familiar Snickers logo, but there are a lot of other generic chocolate bars. I take some, including an individually wrapped single "mini" bar with a clear top, up to the register to pay for them. A group of people start crowding me [DS] and pushing me from behind, first a young kid, then an adult man (his father?), I'm quite concerned about getting pickpocketed. Then the father is doing some lengthy transaction at the cashier and I have to wait. His family is having some sort of problem on a trip and he is doing some lengthy transaction. I get very impatient and just want to buy my candy bars.

    I go to the bathroom in the back of the store and enter. It's a large room like a living room/office, with couches and desks and furniture, the toilet I think is at the back of the room and I head there. One one bed/couch there is a long row of stacked papers. As I get the toilet, someone else enters the room. I think "GREAT, I forgot to lock the room," and start heading out. A mid-teens girl, dark-ish complexion and long dark hair, is heading in to use the toilet. I'm frustrated that I've lost my chance because I forgot to lock the door, and just head out of the room back into the convenience store.

    There is a dinner buffet for friends and family going on. I'm serving up a plate for my and my young son S2. The A's (kids family friends, Ar. [boy] and An [girl older]) are there and commenting. I put a group of carrot-looking vegetables in sauce on my plate, they have a lot of little branches connecting them altogether (sort of like moss), and I'm dividing the portion between my plate and my son's.

    + at a nice building complex/park with a lot of really beautiful tennis courts [DS]. Some of them have a lot of netting separating the courts. Some of the houses are up on a hill. I come to an area which is good for practicing serves (someone says?), it's just a flat area in front of a fence/ tall netting to catch the balls. I imagine that practicing serves would probably be better on a real court. I imagine the movements for performing a tennis serve.

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