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    1. 2016-08-15 some good dreaming, but low recall

      by , 08-15-2016 at 05:14 PM
      + very vivid: I'm in CH neighborhood, flying/floating/jumping on to the roof of a huge cement cube/building. There are dense areas of 2" nails sticking up from the cement and I have to choose my footing carefully. I'm looking off into the distance at the base of the hill going up S street and I'm looking for (opponents?). Some opponents come flying at me and I have to bat/push them away a few times.

      + (f) in the gym?

      + (f) top bunk of a bunk bed?
    2. 2016-08-01 comp summer 2016 night #3

      by , 08-01-2016 at 10:19 AM
      bedtime 21:00


      + outside, we sold something and got a big pile of cash which I set in a satchel. Two guys walk by and I see one guy give a quick hand movement and I know he stole our stuff. They're trying to walk away quickly but I block them and loudly accuse them of the theft, they deny, I shout "I SAW YOU take it" and yell for my friends to come and help get the money back. There's a scuffle, we move around and eventually grab the money back. I run for my car and yell at my companions "GET IN! GET IN! HURRY!" and they get in and I speed away. But then I need to walk through customs, and I see the agents there and recognize them (that were the ones who stole our cash?) at the border they're interviewing everybody who's taking (encryption technology?) out of the country and that's what we're doing too. They're talking to one guy and they're asking him why his hair is cut in that particular way, and they say they're gathering detailed information about the people who are doing this. I know they don't know me so I should go ahead to the next checkpoint on my own and hopefully because I'm an unknown, they'll let me go through.

      WBTB @ 02:00
      dufus talking so loudly outside my room that he woke me through my earplugs and I locked myself out of my room stepping out to tell him to be quiet, said "you gotta be kidding me, this is bad, UNLESS I'm dreaming..." did an RC, swore another oath, and then had to walk to the front office to get another key in bare feet

      Up until about 04:00 - 04:30, then BTS

      + I'm walking with a few people going somewhere, we're walking in sand. I look to the right and there's an opening and there are palm trees there. I notice that one tree has a huge trunk, 4-5 meters in diameter. As we continue walking I notice that the shape of that tree is very strange: elliptical, wide in one dimension and narrow in the other. I point this out to my friends "Hey, look at that weird tree!" and I'm trying to think of the shape name (eliptical).
      We stop on the sand to talk, and a woman comes and stands right in our midst and starts changing her clothes, I'm a bit annoyed by this.

      Later, I'm with my wife. I'm giving her a passionate kiss. But she's talking about some other man. She's saying that she doesn't go be with him because he has some disadvantages that prevent her from being with him. This hurts me as I think the reason isn't simply that she loves me, but that she likes him less.

      Updated 08-01-2016 at 10:11 PM by 65364

    3. 2016-07-26 motorcycle; WBTB/BTS; vague scenes

      by , 07-26-2016 at 11:14 AM
      + [vivid]riding motorcycle in a parking garage
      I climb on my motorcycle and open some (glass?) doors and roll out onto the ramp of a parking garage. I'm driving and leaning in to the turns and sometimes turn wide. I stop on a downwards ramp stuck in traffic. A huge black SUV comes up and lightly pushes me a few inches, I feel the movement and look backwards in annoyance, the SUV driver says something?

      WBTB 1hr, BTS ~ 1hr

      vague scenes:

      +(f) in a student/shared house, wrappers, garbage, food around, some girls?

      +(f) in a team using a camera, we're observing something on the level below us

      +(f) jumping on a giant trampoline, also a team-based event

      +(f) sitting at a table with people?
    4. 2016-07-25 mansion; opel/chess/sleeping bag; scouts in park; lego/mom; tennis; train; ice/bomb;

      by , 07-25-2016 at 06:14 AM
      + [long, vivid] mansion epic
      Driving/moving with friends. We're going by some large mansions on our right. I pretend to be a real estate agent showing off the mansions as for sale even though they are not. Some of them are in severely deteriorated conditions with peeling paint. In a car stopping on the side of the street, limosine, the rich guys in the back seat talk to 2 guys standing on the sidewalk, they exchange a few words about the house and we go on.

      Near the house I remark that it has a custom-built church tower. Then me and one of the rich guys and someone else are up in the cramped tower. We're lying down on the ground on one level. It's like a multi-level children's play house, very small. I'm pointing out where the trap door is to the level above, where (an animal?) is hiding. The guy opens the trap door and an eaten ear of corn falls down. An animal races down and is trapped on the next level below, the guy says we can push down on the floor and squish it, I say "NO, don't kill it!"

      Inside the living room of the rich house (which is not ours) I'm still showing it to the rich guys as if it were for sale. At one point I start playing a video game being projected on one of the walls of the living room. My face is right up against the wall. It's a space game and the little ships that I need to maneuver around are hard to see because there is a lot of light and glare coming from the room. I say for people to turn down the lights so there's less glare. The light comes down and I notice the screen with the game has moved to another wall (monitor?) and I decide it's OK to stop playing.

      We're talking about this (these) mansion houses. I'm trying to get in a word but people keep talking over me and not listening. I'm trying to say that I remember that I've sample some of the sumptuous bath tubs in the house and they're amazing.

      At one point another buyer guy comes in to the living room and says why don't we split the cost of the house. The original guy says no, he is not interested in joint ownership.

      Outside, we're talking about the cost of the house. One guy is saying that he can't afford maintenance on this place, that he'd have to cut down the size of it because he can't afford 5,000 (50,000?) gallons of paint to cover it.

      One guy is asking another guy how he managed to afford his place. "You have 'Man's Dream 1' will you use it to finance 'Man's Dream 2'?"

      + opel/chess/sleeping bag
      There is a white Opel parked on the street, I have a hovering view about 15 feet away, I recognize it as potentially our old family car when I was growing up. There is a man sleeping in it, he has pulled a "blanket" over himself consisting of heavy construction paper/material rolled out going from the dashboard to the back of the hatchback, to cover the sun so he can sleep.

      I'm in my car, I'm cold, I'm pulling my green down mummy bag sleeping back on top of me like a blanket and I'm thinking about down as an insulating material.

      I visualize a chess board (flat, as if on a computer screen) and I'm planning my move. Black is my opponent. His king is exposed still in an uncastled position. I'm looking for check double attacks that I can use to win material. I think I see a black knight on the right side of the board around f/g 3/4 that I can win with a check. I also note my a-file rook is pinning a black pawn that has moved to the black a-file rook and I can take his rook if that pawn moves. I continue looking at central attacking possibilities due to black's exposed and centralized king.

      + scouts in park at night
      I'm with a boy scout troop camping in a large city park at night. I'm walking and talking with one scout and looking up at the night sky. There are stars visible there, but they're faint. I explain this by saying there are some clouds, and the lights from the city are preventing a clearer night sky.

      We're talking about sleeping locations, it's not hard to find good spots because of all the flat places on the ground.

      A tree branch is poking directly into my eye. I'm trying to move backwards and away from it but it continues to poke my eye. Eventually I get away from it. I look up and pluck a ripe walnut from the tree. I open it easily and I pick out the meat and start eating it. I look up at the tree it is covered by dark pod hanging down, others come to pick the walnuts.

      + lego / mom
      A young scout patrol member is being praised for stepping up to the role of patrol leader. He is reading the rules of lego / D&D, there is a little miniature rule book. There is a table full of lego, lego is organized into generations of different kinds of pieces. The pieces on the table in front of us are fairly early, of the Star Wars type. I start playing with it, picking up one plane and flying around making "Boy Noise" (Vroooom! ). I notice out in the hallway (this is in my CH bedroom) that my mother walks by the door. I want to play but feel compelled to go spend time with my mom. I walk behind her as she goes down the stairs to the first floor. I hear my dad say "I don't which I should ask you about: if your knee still hurts or if you need to pee?" I now want to ask if her knee still hurts. She turns to show me the apparatus attached to her feet. She's sitting in a wheel chair. My left foot gets caught in the fabric wrapped around her right leg and I hop on my right foot as her chair continues to roll backwards. She's talking about the pins in her feet? I see that each foot is in a sort of medical metallic cage, the bottom platform is covered with little pins, head up.

      + tennis training
      DO, overhead (about 20 feet up and a bit to the back) looking down on a tennis training session. About a dozen students are lined up in a row, each one with an instructor (or two) in front of them. They are all performing the same drill: the instructor bounces a tennis ball really hard off of the ground, and the students must do a two-handed grip on their racquet, and smash the ball back down into the ground right in front of them. I think what's the point of that since they'd lose the point. Then I realize they must be practicing for overhead smashes at the net.

      + ice/bomb
      I see a white tube going down into the ground. Then I see another one, but it is almost completely filled with water, and it has a funnel top about 1-2 feet in diameter. I'm walking along the ground and I notice things under the ground. One place has buried huge ice cubes about 1-2 meters on a side under the ground. There is another building with a control center in it and guys working the controls, there is talk of a rebellion and setting off a bomb, but there is a poster on the wall about how the authorities (some name) know about them. I climb down the outside of this bunker, lowering myself to the ground and breaking my fall by holding on to the edge of the bunkers as I go down.


      + train/Jack/weird ties
      (maneuvering and driving in cars, backing up, police cars? vague).
      There is a train stopped at a crossing. We're waiting for another train. I wonder if the other train is really small to be able to fit on the small side tracks nearby. No the other train is 80 cars and coming on a parallel track. Are we going to be unloading from our train to theirs? The other train arrives I get on to a car with some others. "Jack" is managing this entire thing and the other train will be going to Florida.

      There is a lot of equipment strapped to holding pockets on the wall, we need to unpack it and set it up. It is really confusing. Do we set up these strapped hooks on the inside or the outside of the train car? Will they be used to hold firewood for feeding the fires while we go? I put some a hook apparatus tentatively in one of the pockets in the wall.

      I'm shirtless in the car, there are some girls there, the car is moving/bouncing and I'm flexing my abs and wonder if they'd find me attractive even though I"m older.

      The train car starts moving and I'm concerned that Jack may not be able to find us, I move through the inter-car doors ahead to see why we're moving. I glance down and see a children's picture book.

      Updated 07-25-2016 at 11:47 AM by 65364

    5. 2016-07-23 LD#194,#195 long, vivid dreaming night, BEST LUCID FLIGHT (best flight, period?) EVER

      by , 07-23-2016 at 08:51 AM
      + camping on cliff, talk to scoutmaster DG, ask about his sons J and G, see my mom sitting there and I think I should be talking to her but I started talking to DG first.

      +(f) in a group, on the outside table there are a few pieces of slightly stale pepperoni left over from a pizza and I eat one

      + swirling fast descent on an icy road including loop-de-loops, end by crasing through a fence

      + LD#194 in some sort of month-long retreat location, sitting with two middle aged but attractive women, I think I"ll probably sleep with both of them by the end of the retreat. I have to leave, and return to another place, I'm getting a ride there. I walk up a hill and turn to the left and BOOM, there's an amazing vista opening up over a huuuuge valley far below stretching for maybe 20 miles out before me, including a road down blow me wandering through the hills that is the one I was going to travel on to my destination. "OH!" I say in shock at the vista. And I think "I can just fly there ". I'm pretty sure I can fly, and that I'm dreaming I lean out over space and take off flying and do a nose pinch and confirm I"m dreaming. <more flight detail later>
      At the top of the mountain I lose lucidity among the tourist groups. ending with "give us a kiss, love" girl (tweak nipple with lips then light kiss, the tweak is required with her I recall, I feel like I'm quite a playa) and the child racer who was #2 but now is #1 because the former #1 it turns out has just a vagina so he had to quit and his friends are telling him to open it up and look inside and see if he has a penis in there.

      + flying into a strip-mall building feet-first through a narrow trellace (showing off?), I walk through a wall and follow two male voices which are talking about (pork sandwiches?) I open my eyes and I"m following them and their moving away from me, one looks like and comes into focus as my best friend DD from Jr. High. Super high res visualization, and it is him, perfect in face, hair, etc. I go to give him a hug it's been so long he's a bit hesitant at first but them comes into the hug. I say "What's been up with you?" He says "2015 was a hard year, <some more>"

      + motorcycle in house in CH, I need to pack it up and take it somewhere, which car should I put it in? My old clunky FF or my newer one, they're both small though. Out on the street with my motorcycle I heft it up to see how heavy it is and to see if I can lift it into the car at all. I think it'll be heavy but I get it off the ground without much trouble. I ride it down my steep CH driveway into the garage there riding the breaks so I don't go too fast.

      + LD#195 leaving area with family and kids, their slow, people behind are getting mad at the delay, I signal out the back of my car and say "you'll just WAIT for my family!" on main road the guy is following us and I'm looking out the back of our car window (sitting in back seat) at him, he looses control, crashes into a fence on the side of the road, and is rolling himself on the road. HAH, I thnk, that's what you get! Our car takes off flying. The guy on the road himself takes off flying and follows us into the air. I think "WTF!? How can he do that, unless......<nose pinch>, I'm dreaming..
      I start trying to shoot laser/energy bolts at the guy, but I see nothing come out. I shout to my friends in the car, "come on, shoot lasers at this guy!" but they don't. I feel confined inside this car, and I jump up through the roof and out into the air. I land on the ground and there are some girls around and I decide it's time for a bit of sexy fun. Pull one girl's pants down, stay in the dream by looking around every few seconds, pull another one, and while I'm trying to push myself up to look around

      I actually move my waking body in bed and am awake.
      lucid , memorable
    6. 2016-07-22 vivid grief; semi-lucid nudist colony; non-lucid long sex; weird witch scene; pickpocket

      by , 07-22-2016 at 02:35 PM
      family stress at bedtime. 2mg melatonin, but it turns out I probably didn't need it as I fell asleep quickly anyway

      + I'm DO at first hovering over a view of a high snowy ridge and collapsing snowy stone bridges between peaks. A character jumps and lands on the other side and the bridge collapses. My view shifts to a bridge leading the other way behind me, and someone says "Nobody has ever made it going this way! S*&T! We're F^&*ED!". I'm on the ground now. We're climbing up a very snowy mound, it's steep and the snow is soft and fluffy. In front of us a small brown shape is in the snow. Someone says "just move that poop out of the way and let's go forwards!" The guy in front doesn't want to touch it. He then picks it up and tosses it down on to steep icy hill leading down to a waterfall on our left. It turns out it was not poop, but a long caramel pop on a stick. The caramel pop slides down and lodges under a rock overhang just above the icy river/waterfall. Some (kid?) in our group jumps down after it, and I say "Oh, great!" and jump and slide down after him. The caramel pop falls behind the overhang in a dangerous position. My feet are getting wet and I feel the cold. I carefully reach around the rock outcropping and pick up the pop and toss it back up the hill a bit. Then all of our group is taking turns on the caramel pop. I grab it and push it in and out of my mouth, tasting the sweet flavor.

      + I'm standing with someone (wife?) inside, looking outside to large open area including one side of large stadium seating far to my right, pointing to an open field in front of me. The stands are empty. But I "know" that (cadet students?) sit there to watch sporting events on the field. On the ground level in between the stadium seating and the field, is a covered terrace. I know that I have participated in a ceremony on that terrace. I accompanied a young lovely girl there, and sat with her in the stands.


      + grief on the rainy hillside
      I'm standing about 6 feet below the ridgeline on a long steep hill, mostly dirt but there is a small clump of trees to my right and a larger clumb about 15 feet in front of me. Down at the bottom of the hill is a line of trees, and I know that beyond the line of trees is a river. I'm imagining a system of buckets on lines dipping down into the river, and being raise up to the top of the hill I'm standing on, where they can be used/poured out. It starts to rain. I look around me and my/our belongings are strewn around the immediate area and are starting to get wet. I'll have to pack up, now. The rain gets harder, and I'm hurrying to pick my stuff up. I look down and see our cat L about 10 feet away sitting on the hillside looking at me. I take several big steps down the hill to get her and the dirt starts a small landslide, pushing my cat away, but I lunch for her and grab her by the collar and the scruff of her neck and place her on my shoulder, right among that lower clump of trees.
      Just below the trees a man plops down face down on the dirt, and a large splat of blood is under his face. I think his eyes are bleeding. I call out to my wife, "I see your dad here!" My wife is with me, and her father plops down again in between us, sort of splurts/coughs and a huge splat of blood covers the area under him. My wife tells me in a heavy voice "our son S2 is gone! Gone forever! Overdose of Kool-Aid "Zip" (which I know to be a candy flavored drug). I'm stunned. I say "Our S2? Gone forever?" I try to think when I last spoke to him, and think we'll never again see him. I am overcome with unimaginable pain.

      I wake up and it takes me a long time to calm down, with a pain in my heart. I think dream practice would suck if dreams were all like that.

      get up and work for a few hours, make & eat breakfast. Then BTB and BTS pretty easily since I'm feeling quite drowsy/tired again.

      + turkey jerky
      I'm standing in some large open office area with a square counter set in the middle, stairs lead down to the left, sort of like a large public library. The woman at the counter asks me if I've received my complimentary replacement shipment of 2 packages of turkey jerky. I have not received it and say so. She calls a man over to help me with the order? Don't recall anything after that.

      + nudist colony
      A young woman is leading me through a series of doors and rooms. This is a nudist colony, and she's directing me to the swimming pool. I think (say?) that a nude swim would be wonderful and refreshing. I'm noticing that there are nude women sitting to the sides of the rooms, I see just their backs, a couple are in a hot tub on the left. As I walk past them I think there's probably a lot of free and open sex here. I walk up to one sitting girl and get bold and
      Spoiler for sexy encounter:

      and I wake up. Probably lucid at the very end.

      + long non-lucid sex
      ... walking along somewhere in a group, a window at eye level appears on the right in a wall, I look in and catch a glimpse of a pretty girl. I stop, enter through the raised door in the wall, step up and go in, turn to the left and there's the girl.
      Spoiler for sexy encounter,:

      +(f) weird dark witch scene
      Dark building, freaky faced witch to the side.

      + pickpocket
      I'm walking in a crowded outdoor area with lots of people and I feel a tugging at my left hand. I look down and see a guy running off from me, I'm holding my wife's bag/backpack in my hand and he just obviously tried to pick it. I look at him he seems vaguely Asian. Then I keep looking and I see two more guys, one a white guy who is looking back at me while he runs away and I "recognize" him [FALSE] as a pickpocket I've encountered before. I'm starting to run after them then I call out to the crowd in a foreign language "STop, thieves!" I think a better word to use is 'catch' so I call out "Catch them, thieves! thieves! They tried to steal my wallet!" and I see ahead of me some people are coming out of a (restaurant) and surrounding the guys and catching them. I run up to the group, where about 4-5 beefy young men have surrounded and bound the thieves (in what looks like large doggy circular no-scratch head shields). All the guys, thieves and catchers, have strange, slightly deformed faces, like droopy eyes or very bad uneven teeth. The catcher to my right indicates that the are an (undercover squad?) trained in capture, he's proud they caught them. I say in a foregin language, "thank you! they would have stolen my wife's ..." and I wonder what they would have stolen. I open up her bad and look inside and see several small things, including a portion of her broken gold watch bracelet/chain. I say if they had gotten that it would have been a real blow!
    7. 2016-07-21 LD#193; pool/girls, room & candles, work, pasta/food table, old guy, wolf/tree, cosmetic

      by , 07-21-2016 at 12:06 PM
      + pool/girls

      + room & candles

      + work: meeting, food table, take pasta home even through supposed to pay

      + talk to old guy former colleague asking why I'm here visiting a competitor, I say "you have to keep your contacts current! Meet people, go to lunch. I've been working 20-25 years, and you've been working for like 50 (oops, that may hurt hi feelings

      + cosmetic counter, 2 beautiful clerk girls wearing amazing colorful outfits, I'm standing at the counter admiring them, and admiring their outfits. They are modeling the outfits which are for sale. One is a two-piece top and shorts combo in a green silk-like material, showing off her body nicely. The other one is a shimmering rainbow dress. I want the green two-piece girl to come over to me so I can see her closely. She does not come. I walk to the left around another customer to stand in front of her. She takes out a hand cream and is going to give me a sample. She pours a HUGE pile of it onto her hand, a giant pancake of it, and takes my two hands and smears the cream all over the palms of my hands, then the back of my hands.

      As I walk away I'm wiping my hands and think if I need hold something like an axe or something with a handle like a weapon, it will slip out of my grasp

      + LD#193 I'm walking and I look down and feel/see that my pants are loose. I put my hands on to the top of my pants and flap them around a little bit, seeing how loose they are. Then it hits me: MY BAG IS GONE. Could it take been taken off of me by somewhen when I was sleeping?. I run back where I was before. I see my bag sitting on the top of a buffet/desk. I put it on. I look down and see that IT IS EMPTY. I freak out. I start running. I say/think "IT HAS FINALLY HAPPENED, I'VE LOST MY WALLET and PASSPORT, I'M SCREWED!" I'm running towards the main entrance but think that there's no hope, the thieves are probably long gone. I have only one hope, and that is if I'm dreaming. I reach up for a nose pinch.

      I CAN BREATHE. YES, I'm dreaming. OMG what a relief. I stop running, and do 2-3 more nose pinches. I become aware of my surroundings, indoors in a mostly dark huge open space, the walls are very far away. I look at my right hand and it is translucent and I have fractal fingers growing out of the main fingers. I think about doing some meditation in the dream. I hear voices from far away, there is a wall 100 feet away or so, I head in that direction. I think it's taking too much time to travel by "walking." I continue to hear the voices and I see then a door/opening in the wall and catch a glimpse of people moving inside.

      Then I'm past the wall and standing in another huge open area, no ceiling visible, but this is brightly lit, and there is a dance/exercise class going on. I'm standing at the front with all the class members (about 30 people in rows) in front of me. I look at them while I walk into the crowd. Vision is slanted at first, and distorted, like I'm looking through a strange lens. I walk up to a girl, and see more girls in the crowd but I choose this one. They're dancing, doing aerobics, moving in place. I get an idea to stop time and I snap my right fingers and will time to stop for them. They all stop, but they're not frozen like time is actually stopped, but that they're rather pretending to be stopped.
      Spoiler for sexual situation:

      I wake up.
    8. 2016-07-17 and/or 16 some amazong, long, semi-lucid/nearly-lucids

      by , 07-19-2016 at 04:54 PM
      +(f) visiting the people who (invented?) volleying in tennis?

      + in a bar with friends. There is some intrigue going on, I'm walking back to our table, and I'm holding a (larger than a hand) strip of photos covered in plastic and I'm folding this and putting it away. The husband is talking to the wife and I think I have a secret (affair?) with the wife and I'm thinking "don't say it, don't say it" but she does and he gets really mad and I go to another room.

      A strange thing with people who have left? Left some things behind, like a shoe, a wallet/bag, I pick them up and take them with me. One of the guys is Dwight Schrute from The Office.

      + [long, vivid, very semi-lucid/ weak lucid] walking night AH, take of flying, shine my "summon friend signal" flashlight into the sky but the enemies see it and come flying after me. We fight in the air, I have my lightsaber out and I'm turning it on and off, adjusting the length of the blade by pressing the rocker switch once, twice. I'm not feeling any feedback when I swing the blade through enemies, so I do it again, this time imagining resistance and sound. I get light resistance. Continuing to fly/fall down, the world is now entirely cartoon-colored. Bright colors. I think I'm back in a cartoon (dream?) eventually. I land and continue fighting with my lightsabre. I enter a room and there is a guy in there with his own pseudo-lightsaber, hooked up to some machine? With cables? I'm going at it with him and he's rejecting that I hit him, and he keeps on fighting, I reject his rejection and strike him again.

      At the end I'm climbing up on to some very high platform where a large air vehicle has landed with the Big Leader. I'm walking with the Big Leader into a large hangar, and he has a very important piece of technology that he wants me to examine and study/report on. We walk up to it and I see it lying on the ground: it is the fighting equipment from the last guy I fought. The last view of the dream is me looking down on the hoses and things and laughing to myself, thinking this is like a funny/ironic end to a movie.
    9. 2016-07-19

      by , 07-19-2016 at 04:19 PM

      +(f) with friends, inside one guy's house, go outside, then into another entrance


      + [vivid] taping up the chair to block the entrance. Some other guys in the group have just placed a few pieces of tape bent at right angles sticking up from the back of another chair placed across an entrance. I'm rolling the tape around and around the chair. There is some conversation [forgotten] relating to what we're doing

      + Walking with a (maitre d'?) through a very narrow restaurant with people sitting to each side by the walls. We reach the door at the end of the room leading to the outside, and I think the maitre d' wants me to open the windows on both sides as I go out. I'm not sure the people sitting there will like it because people from this country do not like feeling drafts from open windows.

      Another room? An end room with windows to the outside, there is a beautiful girl sitting here. I think I recognize her from earlier [day residue]. She is talking about wine. I think about wine, and say something about bouuet or taste of wine, and think they're all drinking white, but what if it were red? She is addressing me about something but I don't understand what she's saying. It turns out to be a something about a recipe (to and Asian dish of some sort?) and she is listing ingredients.
    10. 2016-07-18 LD#192 TOTM; pl music; CA car trip, lobsters, music; card club; test; principals office

      by , 07-18-2016 at 09:00 AM
      details later
      lucid , task of the month
    11. 2016-07-15 LD#191; crazy kitchen, movie theater labyrinth; shark, guitar, pirate ship, bday/BJ

      by , 07-15-2016 at 09:26 AM
      +(f) in darkened room, computers up high on top of cabinets

      + [vivid, long] crazy kitchen: clean pot won't get clean black spots, scratched frying pan, dining room, re-arrange kitchen, multiple dining rooms, toasters, book-ends(?), pencil sharpener not working right

      + movie theater labyrinth, crooked movable hallways that the staff spend time re-arranging to change the shape of the theaters, pressing buttons to see the preview outside the theaters, have to pee, come to lobby to avoid the gorilla guy (overheard), in another strange kitchen with large combination gas cooktops/urinals

      Awake, check email, BTS tough, use Holecek visualizations to step down into sleep successfully, more dreams:

      + people in parking lot, go inside, sit at table in restaurant, I'm feeding plates to a girl on the couch on the right, she takes a bite and passes the plate back to me and I pass them back to the left, she eats a piece of shrimp from one of the plates and I see the little tail/meat stub remaining as I pass the plate back.

      + playing and singing the chorus to "Wild world" by Cat Stevens on the guitar and playing the riffs well

      +(f) get on a bus that is flooded and I"m worried a bit about avoiding the sharks in the water.

      + take off on a pirate ship after convincing the captain to go with our people as crew, hit by 100 foot tsunami breaking right on top of us, wake up thinking I should have laid down on the deck to avoid the tsunami's slamming us down and damaging our heads, applying/peeling bandages, captain angry

      + LD#191 starts with picture of "me reading in my room" after other rooms are all busy (with the needs of a new baby in the family?)
      wife snoring in pink bed in pink room, leave, go to snacks room which is parent's bedroom in CH, eat an egg-shaped cookie and worry about recording the calories for it in MFP, step out on deck, there's a chaise lounge laid out for sleep there, which is a bit surprising, then I look out and see very colorful festive buildings just off of the deck and say/realize "in dreams, the buildings can be very close". There's a birthday party going on in the colorful home, I grab a girl and bring her back into my room for a short session of fun and I wake up/transition while counting to 10.

      Lucidity weak but I'm counting it .
    12. 2016-07-14 near early WILD [remarkable!], long insomnia, late semi/almost-lucid

      by , 07-14-2016 at 12:54 PM
      I was reading Andrew Holocek's new book last night before bed. He has an *amazing* chapter on mindfulness meditation. He writes about napping exercises where you try to take a thought through hypnogogia into sleep and from sleep back to waking.

      I find myself awake at about 3hrs and get up to pee. I decide to return to bed lying on my back with pillows supporting my arms straight down at my sides. I don't sleep on my back any more because of snoring but I've lost a lot of weight in the last several months, so maybe I can return to back sleeping (I slept on my back for the first half of my life). Back sleeping has resulted in the past in fairly "wild" FAs.

      + I find myself aware that I'm experiencing REM atonia "noise": extremely loud rushing in my ears, growing louder, together with a sense of pressure on my chest. I remain calm and wait it out. The noise subsides then returns. No visual dream begins. I wonder if I should just "get up" and if I'm already in the dream state.

      Then (perhaps discontinuity) I realize I'm lying in bed in my CH in my sister's old room by the corner/windows. In the other twin bed is lying my ex-gf SB [DREAM SIGN]. I feel like telling her about my almost-WILD.. She says something, I don't hear perfectly clearly, I think she says "I want to kiss you." I wonder if I should get up and go over to her and kiss her.
      Spoiler for sexy/erotic content:

      Then I realize her leg is lying across my body. I reach down and caress her calf and her upper thigh. I think about how I've always admired her legs. I feel they're smooth and say "smoooooth....". I detect only the slightest bit of stubble, very little.

      Then she's on top of me? Then she gets up and heads out of the room (which has an entry room? another set of doors leading to the hallway) and she's going to the bathroom and says "I'll get us some towels" in preparation for cleaning up afterwards I think. I notice the door is open. She is not SB any more but a brunette with a sort of husky and a bit "hill billy"/low class voice.
      Spoiler for sexy/erotic content:

      I look out the window and I see a very close view of the B Bridge, a bit slatted like on a computer screen, and I say, "Hello, <city>!"
      Then I realize the blinds on the windows are open, and the people living up the hill from us can see into the room, and this bothers me [DREAM SIGN]. The blinds don't seem to close properly. I'm standing right in front of the windows, looking up at the houses that can see into our room. Among the trees and against the blue sky, there are two twin black modern "tower" houses barely more than a room or two wide on each side that go up 30 or so stories. I then realize there's a man sitting on his balcony looking down at us. My dad says "Oh, that's just RoLu".
      Spoiler for sexy/erotic content:

      I then try to pull us both under a desk out of the view of the guy peering down from his balcony.

      Then we're talking to some clown looking guy with brightly dyed hair: it's a solid bright orange/pink. He's also wearing bring (orange/pink) shoes. He looks like a middle-aged white guy. He's saying something about what someone said. I think he's courier and I want to tell my girl that she shouldn't be scared of him.

      I wake up,
      Spoiler for sexy/erotic content:

      My heart is beating really hard. I'm really excited about this near-WILD, so early in the night. I find it very hard to return to sleep.
      Discontinuity, sleep one more sleep cycle?
      Somewhere around 4-4.5 hours I wake and just can't get back to sleep until about 6-7 or even later.

      + I'm driving along side a truck, this truck has some friends of mine in it. It's a big truck with a big cab. I think to drive up alongside the truck and to push in the clutch and rev my engine to tease them. I pull up along side and look in to the cab, there are two guys there, my friends. Then we're stopped and I walk in front of the front of the cab, and notice a lot of little green plants either growing there or plastered there. It looks very messy and I think they'll need to clean this up.

      + I'm walking into a bar, it's "only 5pm" and is deserted and I don't want any drinks. There is a female bartender, I go to her and say something, I'm waiting for someone? I look down and see an open large red and black backpack and "recognize" it. Then I'm walk through a short hallway around a corner and I'm outside with a very old woman/witch standing a bit away from me. She controls a wolf I know, but I don't see it. She turns reverse video (like a camera negative), and I go up to her and imagine igniting my lightsaber and slicing her with it. Then I see a skinny wolf who confronts me. I'm then back in the corridor, trying to return to the room I came from. The corridor keeps making 90-degree left turns. One, two, three, 4 left turns in a row.
      This corridor doesn't lead back the way I came, something is not right with it. Then I see an opening into what appears to be the back/high area of a large auditorium [DREAM SIGN].

      I walk in to the auditorium and wonder if my mind will be able to render it instantly and completely when I turn to the right and look down. I enter and indeed I see a complete auditorium.
      I look down and there are only a few sparse groups of people seated, partway down to the right. I jump/fly down to them, and try to choose a girl. I'm hovering over the higher group, but look down to the lower group and see some cute blondes, one of whom is turned around and looking at me. I decide the one I'm over is cute enough and land
      Spoiler for sexy situation:

      I soon wake.

      + some fighting/team situation. I'm in a corridor and my friend is in a large cubicle when I notice an enemy soldier coming our way with a large rifle/energy gun. I say out loud "soldier, big gun, he'll be here in SECONDS!". Soldier arrives, my friend comes out of the cubicle and mentions/says something about "the rail gun is in the cubicle." I go in and look around but I can't find it. I come out and shrug, he indicates behind himself again and then I notice that it is stuffed down the back of his pants. I take it out and pump a lever which charges the rail gun and it starts making a high-pitched charging sound. I point it at the enemy solder (it has a flexible tube from its barrel?) and shoot, which gives him a minor shock. Then I pump and shoot, pump and shoot again, on his left/back side and it really gives him a jolt. He really hates that rail gun. Then I'm outside and ahead of him and he's pursuing I know. I have a lot of places to hide, it's like a multi-level children'd playground with lots of low tube tunnels. I'm not sure where to go. The pursuer runs around the perimeter of the play area and I hunker down inside, not well enough, because as I'm crouched down I see his eyes meet mine and he's found me. (We fight?)
    13. 2016-07-13 big big night, tons of dreams, vivid, late morning BTS and continued dreams

      by , 07-13-2016 at 11:32 AM
      No middle of the night recording, I remembered this through to morning (via multiple reviews at each waking) ...

      @3 hrs:
      + dungeon crawl game, dark, then light, concerned about dragons one-shot killing me

      + setting up to play "tennis" across a small orchestra as the court, trying to choose proper orientation (lengthwise or width-wise) have to pee and wonder if I should pee before we start the game

      later, but still early:

      + riding a ten-speed bike with ram-shaped handlebars, flicking the brakes, switch to the upright straight bar brakes, ride into an area where students are taking tests, I come up behind a young asian man feverishly working a calculator and I see numbers and equations on a screen.


      + I'm seated on top of tall/big boulder, looking into a clear lake with stones in water. I want to ask tourist board which I think is nearby on the shoreline for advice for fresh-water snorkeling sites in Michigan. I'm looking down into the water, and one of my two bulky pillows/bolsters fall down the slope into the water. It is on the surface of the water still. I look how I should go down and retrieve it, and then plan my route back to shore, the boulder is quite steep and I'd need to walk with severely tilted ankles along the water/stone boundary. I go down to get the pillow, but it has sunk down into the water, I still see it through the clear water, I'm not pleased at the aspect of getting all wet. In the water, I feel an unexpected current pulling me away from the pillow, "great," I think and swim vigorously to get back to the pillow, and dive down and pull it out. It's wet. I'm back in a dorm room on top of a bunk bed, a scary guy will be angry I know about the wet pillow, I stare him down with a fierce face to scare him off and not to ever bother me again, which works and he goes away. I'm happy, get down, and high-5 an old black woman lying in a bed on the ground several times with one hand and then two hands, trying to figure out which hands to hit together. Her hands are sort of withered and claw-like.

      + store, turkey pack, deli counter, want to add guacamole to my open turkey tortilla, a guy in front of me has ordered "with everything except <one ingredient>"

      + communist legions are forming and marching to attack, I see familiar people in the crowd wearing uniforms with now severe/serious faces, I run ahead of the legions to warn everybody and when they arrive I try to climb up on top of shelves to escape arrest.

      + carrying a girl in front of me, I have a hand on her *ahem* through her panties trying to feel for the "button"

      + [semi-lucid] I discover I have "girly bits down there", and investigate . At first there is blood, but use control to will it away, it vanishes, then I go exploring, the sensations are interesting.

      + I'm teaming up with two girls in a (make-up?) store. I communicate to them by walking up, taking a hairbrush from one of their hands, and tapping myself twice with it in the middle of my forehead, and returning it to the with a raised-eyebrow "knowing" expression on my face.

      + I am pushing my baby boy in a stroller. He's asleep but then sunlight hits his face and he wakes up and opens he eyes which are solid pure blue (like Dune Fremen). I feel a wave of amazing love for him. I notice he is small, and I think this is also because his mother [my wife] was premature. I think I should be talking to and holding him and touching him to aid his development, so I pick him up. Then I'm seated along a bench among tables with lots of young people seated there. His face is right next to mine and I pepper his cheeks with smacking kisses to get him to laugh. He doesn't laugh but opens his mouth widely and I'm a bit concerned about him biting my lips. I notice across the table there is a young girl who looks like a guy including a long wiry beard. He/she then stands up on the bench putting his/her butt in the air and I see his/her pants are down and she seems to have girly parts there with the same wiry pubic hair, but then I see boy bits. I realize my own pants are down and pull up both my underwear and pants/shorts wondering what people will think of me sitting like that.


      + with my old dog L and some guy near a fence, there's a hole and I think he'll get through and I'll have to get up and follow him around the corner so he doesn't get lost.

      + there are people in a lively multi-story cantina/restaurant along a canal having a great time. Then I'm with a group of people coming to this place in a boat or floating vehicle. It turns out the people in the cantina are huge giants compared to the people in the boat, including me. We arrive at the cantina and I'm sitting next to a girl I like and I take her hand in mine

      + a work scene, a girl engineer is talking about how the "sol" core of the chip that she designed is located in the center of the package and so is isolated from water damage on the periphery. Then we're going somewhere (lunch?) in an elevator. Our group gets on the elevator but two girls already on the elevator block us just inside the entrance with their arms against the wall. A guy in our group didn't make it on the elevator. On the elevator a group of girls are singing and kind of dancing. I'm crouching down and looking up at them and harmonizing and adding a beat that doesn't quite perfectly blend with the music but is close enough. I look up and there is a girl in a (green bikini?) dancing there, another girl across from her close by, and a guy in between them?

      We get off and there is an old woman on the street we interact with and talk to briefly, she takes a pose (or I do?) pointing my leg out to the side. From a side passage I see the guy who didn't make it into the elevator coming down a tunnel/alleyway to us. I go around a small kiosk to rejoin the girls from the elevator.

      Updated 07-13-2016 at 11:37 AM by 65364

    14. 2016-07-12 long dreaming night strange plants, pizza party, creatures, class, hugging the Devil

      by , 07-12-2016 at 11:20 AM
      night before:
      + a portion of the fence in our former CA home is missing, our dog could get out. I'm sizing up the boards we'll need to rebuild it. I'm walking around the perimeter of our yard. Turning the corner I see the fence is made out of metallic strips that are rustry/peeling paint, they need to be restored

      + cars like dune buggies are zipping around on a dirt road partially covered by snow. They are taking corners fast and skidding around. Something about they are supposed to be pulling carriages. Stop in front of a house in the country, a car has its hood open, its radiator is boiling/steaming and my son S2 is about to open the cap. He opens it and pours in water from a large water jug instead of ani-freeze. A large, naked woman steps into the engine compartment which contains a full-sized bathtub, she relaxes in the tub. My son moves to close the hood and I think this will trap her in there and it might get too hot. Another woman climbs in and there's a hole leading to the bathtub that will allow her to finger the woman in the tub.

      last night:

      + driving around talking to some woman about my former CA home. I say it was in the center of downtown "C..." [true]. The woman says "that's right on top of The Bomb!". I think she's talking about the earthquake fault line. I mention the house wasn't just a fixer-upper, it was a "rebuild-er". Arrive in some house walk in to the garden, wife is there, I'm looking at the flower/strange plants, different base/top, tall & spindly stems with flowers on the end

      + in some friend's house in a party situation. My wife arrives with our two young sons and has brought pizza. The pizza is wrapped in white paper and I'm unfolding them on low tables. There are more and more pizzas, this must have cost a lot. I see ham and mushroom. I'm looking for a pepperoni and find one, there are two large round pieces of pepperoni stacked one on the other on the slice I take. I then notice that the low tables/couches are all gone and there is a (3-4" diameter) hole in the floor, I look down in the hole and see the subfloor and think this was the work of [former colleague] RyHo (company "3"). I "know" this hole is where the underside of the couches connect to the floor so they're held in place.

      + I'm in a house with two guys, the owner and some professional guy. The owner is apparently gay and his partner guy comes home to see the other (professional) guy there and I think he may misunderstand and get jealous/sad, but the professional guy is there to cheer up the owner's BF. Then I'm the BF and in a bubble bath prepared by the professional. There are strange living being's faces strapped to my wrists. I put my hands under the water/bubbles and take them out and I notice the face on my right wrist's eye blinking away the suds. I think what a great idea this bath is and these things on my wrists also a great idea.

      + flying DO over a round platform/field covered with small black/white robot beings which are moving around. There are strange beasts rolling on the ground to the side, like a big tortoise with long legs leaning on its side and displaying some weird genitals underneath. I'm hugging the muzzle of some large animal like a horse or a big dog and kissing its snout.

      + I'm in a classroom sitting at a desk, there is some equipment like a pair of eyeglasses in front of me. The teacher for the class is telling us for next time we should upgrade to the "664" model of the glasses. I ask the teacher if the upgrade will be lasting for the remainder of our class. He says that actually the "564" model is good enough to last the rest of the class.

      +(f) I'm "backstage" with some beings in colorful robes. One of them is Satan. We're hugging each other. I'm a bit leery of Satan. This happens twice.

      +(f) in an area with two very long rows of picnic tables end-to-end. There are piles of clothing on them. I'm moving my clothing out of the way to clear room on the first set of tables.

      + I'm observing my dad playing a difficult war board game. He's playing the side of the underdog. Right at the start he places units which he says are grenade launchers with a secondary unit that increases the grenade launcher's efficacy. He also places another set of units in another place. I know that moving fast and playing aggressively at the beginning of the game is the underdog's only chance. I'm impressed with my dad's knowledge of the game and the characteristics of the various units.
    15. 2016-07-10 vivid dreaming!

      by , 07-10-2016 at 09:14 AM
      quick notes for now:


      + flying/riding outside on snow-sprinkled rocky boulders mountains, deep dark tall elevator shaft, "4 guys agreeing to make the movie", hallway of elevator doors and rooms with girl, young folks sitting watching TV one guy with dreadlocks eating cereal

      + walking through dimly lit [DS] house, confused, always choosing wrong room, "oops, wrong room" (walk in on two people, don't see)

      + Django, walking up steep street telling pack of young men the benefits of it, how it has a HTML preview layer so you don't have to debug using only the DB [FALSE]. I question this statement later and suspect it's wrong and they might find out


      +(f) the open refrigerator, I remember cleaning it [FALSE]

      + indoor garden, tree with pears impaled on branches, I remember [FALSE] that I put them there to ripen, I take on off and take a bit. I go open the curtains to the outside, look down and see potted plants/succulents with water in them some plants have decayed but some live

      + son S2 is getting a haircut, I see the locks of hair being snipped off he says he doesn't want to short, I'm admiring the work and saying that the overall shape is still the same while being reduced. Then I notice a HUGE spiderweb in his hair and then it's sitting on edge on top of his head with a big freaky black&white striped spider in the middle, I lean to the guy next to me and point this out, then the spider is walking down to my sons's head and then we have a battle of blowing this spider back and forth between us each trying to get it away from ourselves. The spider just won't let go of its strand and fall to the floor. I feel partially paralyzed. The spider wraps itself in a bladder and becomes like a dark jiggly water balloon.

      + toy car track set: wooden train tracks, symmetrically built by two brothers. Very extensive. I see cars zipping around the track. I'm closely examining one of the raised "X" interchanges, moving a car across it, but it keeps getting stuck, I'm trying to see how the track can let the car by. I ask if this is a starting point? The boy points out another part that is the starting point with a little "catch" on one of the rails to hold the car. Then I accidentally hit a portion of the track and it starts collapsing. I try to scramble and halt the chain reaction but for a second it gets away from me. I'm eventually able to to reach ahead of the wave of falling and stop it, but the boy is very upset. I'm looking at a portion to see how to rebuild it, it was a raised section made from tiny toy birthday cakes with little teeny splinter sized colored "candles" on top. The little splinters have spilled all over. It's going to take a very demanding effort with tweezes to put this back together.

      + pack of toy cars given to "grandparents" the grandmother takes only a few: high detail cars, silver VW bug, "Formula 1" racer, I think my son shouldn't give them all away so he can give them to his own son in the future.
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