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    1. 2015-10-01 girl bus (twins/triplets/more?), LD#149 (KILD)

      by , 10-01-2015 at 11:07 AM
      + first waking: no concrete recall, definitely dreamed but couldn't move beyond vague impressions

      busy mind. Calmed it with modified SSILD (fogelbise style, all senses per one breath)
      got back to sleep!

      + (LD#149) I'm on a bus. Sitting in front of me is a girl and (her family members?). My hand is one the back of the chair. She's wearing an open-backed shirt and my hand is really close to touching her skin. I think about brushing my hand against her skin "accidentally" but I don't. The girl then turns around fully, kneeling on her seat and seems to be looking right at me and starts talking, but I figure out she's talking to her "sister?" who is right behind me. (The girl in front of me has red hair & blue eyes?). I glance behind me and see the sister, she seems to be a twin of the girl in front.

      I decide to do some "stuff" hidden by blanket on top of me. At one point something comes in to view briefly and I wonder if the girl behind me sees it. I cover up with the blanket again.

      I look up and see a reflective mirror strip near the ceiling of the bus. I look into it and see a row of girls a few rows back. 2-3 of them look like identical twins (like the sister), and one more of them looks similar enough to definitely be a sister.


      I look forwards and notice that the girl and her family who had sat in front of me had moved across the aisle, I think they moved away from me because of my "stuff." There is another family sitting in front of me. I notice I'm sitting next to a girl on my right, rubbing shoulders with her. I turn to look at her, placing my right arm over her seat back. I get bold and lean down/over and kiss her. I'm lucid now and I say out loud, "I'm dreaming." I continue to kiss her, several "smacks", lightly pulling on her lips a bit for the sensation, feels totally convincing, and I fade to awake.

      Very stoked about the LD. Get my self calm again with SSILD and am just about asleep again when I get a phone call, and then get up for the day.
    2. 2015-09-30 tent, gun, firewood, parking lot/bus, parachuting, other moments

      by , 09-30-2015 at 08:31 AM
      +(f) in some room, there's a friend there, narrator/thinking about a gun that kills by silently (boiling the blood?), what if somebody comes by our window with that gun and shoots us while we sleep?

      + in my camping tent which suddenly collapses, something happened to the main lines. Friends offer to help. I realize I didn't stake the perimeter of the tent at all. The tent is on a raised rocky ledge so staking will be hard. Friend puts long metal stake on one of the corners

      + parking lot at night, cars are pulling in and out I'm trying to find a space? I'm trying to get out we're going somewhere other cars are pulling into and out of spot and are in my way. I wonder how I'm going to find my way (in a caravan of vehicles). I see on the main street that a large long tourist bus has arrived (it's going with us), I'm relieved, I'll just follow that bus even if it's slow, there are some other cars pulling to the curb that are in our group.

      + someone (wife?) says son S2 should take off his ring (?). I'm looking at our area, and I see that all of our firewood everywhere is smoldering, with coals, and burning in some places. Everywhere I look, our wood is catching fire. This is very dangerous we could all get burned out! Someone piled the wood on top of the stoves and it is getting to hot and catching fire. I look into one stove and the fire has almost gone out, I want to light it again, so I blow on to the embers to get it blazing again. DC comes up and we kiss deeply.

      + I'm in a (tram?) high up and have a sky-diving apparatus on. There's another guy and a girl instructor. She's giving bad instructions, I'm panicking because I don't know where any of the important controls are on the vest. She's saying "pull this thing" and I'm saying "where!? which one?" I imagine falling through the sky without knowing how to deploy my chute. She's telling us how to inflate cushioning areas on the vest (to help with landing I wonder?). Our tram approaches the ground and it's basically right at ground level and I think "well, should we just step out? What's so hard about this? Is this all there is to it?" I step out on to the ground and get my pants stuck on a low fence and get untangled. A woman guide says "OK, let's go exploring now! Make sure to take your precious gold jewelry along with you."

      + (f) I'm in some porch waiting for some items from the clerks. They're all young people, the girls are saying the guy should deal with me, they don't want to. I imagine I'm old and unattractive so that's why they're saying that .
      Inside a room like a dormitory with lots of beds laid out I see my cat(?) and then jump on to my bed and my cat jumps there too(?)

      + (f) walking on a sidewalk next to a line of middle-school students who are singing, I see and listen for a bit. I'm walking a little faster than they are. Up ahead are some more people including some girls who are standing around in a doorway.
    3. 2015-09-29 lots of short dreams, busy night!

      by , 09-29-2015 at 11:14 AM
      +(f?) lightsaber on off, waving around, button cover falls off, still works but have to push harder, it's inconvenient without the button cover. The blade is a bright blue color.

      + giving superman flying take-off lessons: fly low over grass, then "pull up" suddenly into the sky. Barrel rolls preferred to avoiding obstacles over simply weaving around them -- give demonstration but a huge buffalo latches on to me and hinders my movement

      + driving to Reno: turn right, speed limit sign, signs look different in Nevada, you have to really keep your eye out for them, they're sort of small and square and blue-colored. I remember the speed trap approaching Reno and drive slowly. The road starts out as a very winding two-lane road [more windy than I recall] it soon becomes a high rocky path that I'm walking on (no road any more), then I find myself standing in a depression (formed by the feet of all the people who stood her previously) on two huge high abutting boulders, look at ground for best path down, it's to the left, jump down but go right, fall head-first put out arm, it'll probably break

      + entering room with renowned (movie directors/publishers?) and friend, everyones seated around a table for a meeting. We go to my friend's place at the table, he says I should have a place at the table, friend says I can find a place, there are name cards at the places, he's looking next to him, but I see my name on a card across the table from my friend [reading upside down!], I'm a bit surprised they know me and put a place for me.

      + in car, detour intersection, busses all turning right, I go straight, then walking. Guy wants to go to Azerbaijan, I point the way along the detour route. I try to say "detour" in <foreign language> [but in waking retrospect used the incorrect word that sounds similar to the correct not]. The guy starts following us and I think about telling him again the correct route but don't.

      + observing (elderly?) people stranded on steep tall cliff trying to climb/jump down, they're trying to slide slowly down vertically by digging their shoes into the hillside, a man is going to jump, is he close enough to the ground so he won't get hurt? He jumps and lands on his back against another rock, but he seems OK. Then DO flying over the scene the people on the cliff are talking about the woman who killed someone. She seems to be lying face down as if drowned in a rocky tide pool by the edge of the ocean, but she moves and says something.

      + getting into bed, there are tons of thick comforters at the foot of the bed piled up, I get in around the foot. I see a slow-moving large black mouse appear on top of the pile of comforters, it starts to walk around on top of the pile. I think there's lots of hiding places inside that pile. I shove it on to the floor, it moves slowly and doesn't avoid me. Then I see several large rats on the floor. I freak out and call for my wife, we put one into a cage, some discussion about these rodents.

      +(f) in swimming pool, I find/am looking for shoes?
    4. 2015-09-28 just some frags

      by , 09-28-2015 at 07:51 PM
      +(f) observing a pool game, one guy only does well when (a pig sits on him?) he slams a shot into the corner pocket which violently rocks around in the pocket before falling

      +(f) in an assembly line and I'm excited that the big hunks of sliced salmon have shown up, I'm running around talking to someone trying to get the line moving

      +(f) something about jumping on a high podium with a bear
    5. 2015-09-27 (LD#148) flintstones, work, path/cars/bribe/toaster, fly(LD) bath,brain,train

      by , 09-27-2015 at 03:04 PM
      Paying attention to senses during the night. Poor/light sleep.

      bedtime around midnight 00:00 - 00:30?

      + (f) sitting around a fire(?) with guys holding huge stone axes, the axe heads are several feet in each dimension, this is because stone is much more fragile than metal, metal tools can be much smaller

      + work

      + tree/path/cars/bribe/toaster

      I'm standing on a path looking to a hillside fairly far away where bunch of guys have wrapped their arms around the trunk of a tree (various side branches) and are trying to pull it down. The tree breaks and falls to the ground on top of / around the men. I call out "you've broken the tree!" (I see this process repeat once?). I see that one of the pieces of the multi-trunked tree has splintered and landed on top of one of the guys. Another guy is near. He uses his strength (he'll have to be really strong! I think) to move the trunk off the guy underneath. He's not wearing a shirt. I sort of expect to see he's been pierced by a sharp piece of wood but he looks OK.

      Walking on the dirt path on the way I used to walk home from the science museum. The path is much wider and with established tire tracks now. A dune-buggy like car zooms by me on the higher part of the path closer to the fence. I'm annoyed by this fast traffic. I look back and see a large bush is separating the two parts of the path. I think of placing a large, metallic pyramid structure about 1 meter high on the high path to block the way of cars. As I approach the fence at the end of the dirt path, a small, bronze car zips by me at high speed on the lower path. I gesture with my arms and call out "slow down!" as I reach the gate and turn to look the bronze car stops and a (blonde?) guy leans out his head and calls something which I can't hear, but presumably to complain about my complaint. I call out "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!".

      Suddenly a small car runs right in to me. It hits me across both my upper legs. It bumps against me again. I'm mad and I pick up the tiny car in my arms and throw it a few meters down the hill. I see that there is a female driver (young, blonde?). I then realize what's happened and say "You hit me with your car!…..YOU HIT ME WITH YOUR CAR!" I think I'm going to call the cops and get her in a heap of trouble. I take out my cell phone and there is a big conical damaged area in it that I push with my fingers and it goes in and out above/below the main plane of the phone.

      I'm walking in a room and there is a man there who is trying to bribe me (about the accident?). He asks me "are you a member of CRSS?". I say "I don't pay any attention to [city B] politics. I just want it to be a good place for people to live. The people who live here shouldn't be bothered." He hands me a small stack of cash. I start to count through it and I see $1, $5, $10, $20 bills, and also some paper advertisement fliers, which means there's less cash here than I thought. He says not to count it here.

      Walking out, there's a woman(?) giving a class on a chess program (like ChessBase or Chess Position Trainer, but it has its own name), there are several young (high school?) male students there. The teacher is apologizing to the guys, saying "I know you wanted to get in one more game." I'm with my wife and I want to head up the final hill home [to childhood home], but the stairway leads through a toaster oven which is cooking an open-faced sandwich which is blocking the way out. I open the oven and wonder if they'll mind if I take out the sandwich myself. It's really bubbling from the heat. There is a thin layer of meat, and some bubbling brown sauce on top. I want to put in a sandwich for my wife, I see some onion rings under the stuff piled on the tray.

      start BTS
      07:00 ?
      up for a few hours
      09:00 - 10:00? BTS

      time unknown

      + fly LD(#148)
      I'm on my childhood home deck at night [location not acknowledged in dream], I'm jumping high into the air, a cat is on top of the railing and also jumps high. This may be a dream/RC doing this jump, before was not conclusive even though we hung in the air a split second. Jump again and the cat also jumps with me, higher this time, I do a nose-pinch in the air and get lucid. I turn to look down the hill and see the city lights far below me in clumps in the distance. I stretch out my arms and start flying towards the lights. I'm losing a bit of altitude and am coming up on some neighbor's deck furniture below me pretty close but I decide I'm going to clear it OK and I do. A lock of hair is hanging down obscuring the view from my right eye a bit and I shake my head to dislodge it. I keep flying towards the lights and decide that I'm going to do my best to maintain lucidity and keep the dream solid and stable for a long time. Then my wife moves in bed
      and I wake up.


      final waking

      + arriving with group in car on steep hill. Our destination is down the hill below the parking lot. The guys in the car don't want to park so far away. I drive in to the parking lot (circling it first?) and choose a spot that is still pretty high. We get out and then the people help me to empty pieces of a bathtub into the parking lot (?)

      + I'm in some sort of scientific lab. I'm talking with people about the discoveries that have been made. It is apparently some sort of electronic brain. I'm saying that there has been a breakthrough in nerve signal transmission. Also something about the high amount of power it takes to drive this device.

      Then I'm standing a bit farther down the room. There's a sign/thing that we are required to read and memorize only when the train arrive and we must repeat this word/phrase/code/thing before the train leaves. My friend lifts up the flap covering the code and reads it ahead of time, he's beaten the system he thinks. It reads something like "NOOOOMOOO". Then the train comes, and I lift the flap, and I see that the code has changed. The joke is on us, now we must quickly memorize the new complex code and restate it in just a few moments. We're not going to make it.

      Updated 09-27-2015 at 03:29 PM by 65364

    6. 2015-09-26 LD#146,#147 study law book, boat details, "spider master" man; dolphin, deck, "Sylvah"

      by , 09-26-2015 at 10:30 AM
      I had a bunch of wine before bed. About 5-6 glasses, it is a very weak homemade sort of wine, more like beer. The glasses were small. Probably equivalent to 2 regular glasses of wine, alcohol-wise. Also a few sips of Jagermeister .

      Also had a bedtime snack of a scrambled egg sandwich with cheese, and a glass of milk. Think I'll be repeating this in the future!

      No recall before the dreams that went lucid.

      + (LD#146) Law book, spider-master man, (LD) garage tour
      I'm about to start studying a really thick book for Law School. We have to remember every single detail from the book. I'm a bit nervous about how I'm going to remember all this detail. I think I should prepare a notepad with me to take notes while I read. I flip through the book to see how many pages it has. The same page numbers (90-something?) keep repeating throughout the book, they don't keep increasing. I say "every chapter starts over at page one!" I go look for the table of contents to try to determine how many pages there are. I finally determine there are somewhere around 600 (?) pages in the book.

      I start reading through the book. One one page there is a diagram towards the bottom of the page depicting and naming about 6 different styles of boat. Some of them look like little "Orion" ships from the computer space battle "empire", and are labeled "orion-<something>". Do I have to remember this, too?

      There is a veteran lawyer in the room, he's busy working on something. I want advice on studying, do I really have to remember everything? I go up to him and respectfully say "excuse me, may I ask you a quick question, it won't take long" but he shakes his head "no," he's preparing for a client?

      I keep studying the book some more. Then I go back to the guy a bit later and ask again "I just want to know do I have to remember every single detail from the book?" He says yes, you have to memorize everything.

      I'm standing outside and the lawyer guy comes. I want to get away from him so I transform myself into a little spider and slip through a crack. He keeps coming like he knows where I am. Again I transform into a little spider and slip through a railing on a stairway and down to the ground floor. He keeps coming at me. I think he is the "spider master". I ask him "do you always know where all spiders are?" He says "yes." Then I either ask or he volunteers that there are thousands of spiders within the immediate vicinity. He says that there's a room (garage?) with zillions of spiders there, he detects them now, and offers to show me.

      I follow him and we walk around a corner in the hallway in this house and there's the door to the garage. I'm surprised by a large (reddish?) stuffed fish that is hanging from a wire from the ceiling down just above my head that starts wiggling in alarm when we come around the corner. I also glance on the far wall and see something crawling there I think it's a large spider. I do a nose pinch RC from the surprise/oddness of the situation and I can breathe, I'm lucid.

      The man is continuing the tour but I decide to ditch and go back outside to the right where I met him. There is a DC there
      Spoiler for sexy situation:

      I decide that I want to go on the tour now. I head back to the garage door and the man is there and I say something like "let's go on the tour." We head in to the garage. There is a small group now of people on the tour. There are a bunch of rooms all connected, like garage/laundry rooms. There are no spiders, I note. In one room I glance in and see a bunch of stuffed animals. Very life-like. One is a small dog. I think I could transform that dog into my old dog "L" and bring it back to life. We walk on.

      I encounter the DC I was interacting with earlier
      Spoiler for sexy situation:

      mistakenly touch some woman who's walking by. At that point some kid throws something at the woman, distracting her.

      We're then in another room. This is the family of jr-high GF KS. This room preserves statues (like wax) of the 3 girls in the family as they were at various ages growing up, each one riding the bicycle that they had at that age. Also extremely life-like. I notice one who I think is HS (brown hair) but none of the faces are right. I also look for JS but don't see her. There are lots of people in the group of various ages, I see the face of a girl, I do not know her. Dream starts slowly slowly fading
      and I'm awake. Try to DEILD back in but am awake, so I spend time recalling the dream.
      Time lucid: ~4-5 mins

      + (LD#147) dolphin, animals, "Sylvah"
      Memory of the dream begins with me walking into a room and stopping dead in my tracks, because there in the room standing on its "head" is a dolphin! It's "walking" that way? It's also part cucumber? I notice in the next room beyond two tiny penguins (pigeon-sized) standing close together. I do a nose pinch and I can breathe, am lucid. I thank the dolphin (and pat it?) as I walk by out on to the deck [of childhood home apparently]. In the corner to the right are some shelves with pairs of little live animals. There is a pair of pigeons there and I choose a pair of little rodents and put them on my right shoulder to perch there. I turn to the right looking down the length of the deck and ask them "what would you guys like to do? Go flying? "Find" some girls?" I reach the corner where the deck turns to the left and on the other side of the railing I see a girl there doing something. I say happily "Hi! My name's <real name>, what's your name?" She comes up to the other side of the railing and whispers something which I can't hear. I want her to speak louder. She says, audibly this time, "Sylvah." I reach over the railing and put each hand under each of her armpits and lift/pull her over the railing to my side. I place her with her back against the front railing. I lean down in front of her and kiss her briefly. I then ask, "would you like to go to the beach under the bridge?" She shakes her head and says "No....too cold....". I then say "how about an inland beach by a lake, warm?" She nods her head "yes." I want to get her into her bikini. I lift up her shirt (she's wearing something like loose pajamas) and see a bikini top, lower the top, and pull down her pants and she's wearing a bikini bottom.
      the dream fades at this point (or I just lose lucidity).

      I then return non-lucid to the place where the animals were on the corner of the deck by the door. I'm taking some notes with a pen on a plastic transparency. I realize the notes will be permanent. I'm recording how large a dose of sleeping pills I gave the girl (?). I write a big cursive "g" and a 3? I think "3g, no, that's way too much, probably meant mg." I think I shouldn't be writing this here, people will come and find what I've written.

      Time lucid: ~1.5 mins
    7. 2015-09-25

      by , 09-25-2015 at 08:17 PM
      + (f, started full dream, eventually lost to fragment) with boy scouts (?) and stuff in the van?

      + locker room
      I'm walking through a locker room looking for a locker to use. I have a padlock in my hand. I find a locker without a lock on it and open it but it turns out not be suitable. I walk back the way I came, looking at the shelves of lockers, small ones, each with a combination lock with different colored dials on them. I find a locker? I think about changing into my swim suit.

      + spider woman
      With wife, walking by a glass display of a woman in side who is the "spider woman." My wife looks in and walks on. I look in. All I really notice is the face of a woman with a fairly creepy smile on it showing large white square teeth. I expect that at any moment she could lunge at the glass with her fangs out but she doesn't.

      + by the pool
      I'm standing by some bleachers next to a swimming pool. There are other people in the bleachers.
      Spoiler for nude talk:

      Later on I'm in another room and I see the two woman, dressed now, and think "ah, that's a shame that they got dressed"

      + FA wife, bed, student
      I find myself in bed (prior house? not current). My wife is working with a student at the desk to the left of the bed. I reach over and tip my wife's chair backwards so that she falls back and sprawls in the bed with me. I massage her legs. I think the student's parent are in another room. I consider getting out of bed without clothes.
    8. 2015-09-24 military stuff, girl mech driver, bike ride; epic: baseball stadium, colleagues, star shi

      by , 09-24-2015 at 07:35 AM
      Nice to get an epic again. Hope this signals continuing return of recall.

      + military theme, mech girl, bike ride
      I see trucks carrying huge missiles drive by.

      I'm standing outside in daylight at an intersection with a cute girl inside a big mech warrior suit. I'm talking to her but she doesn't respond. At one point I stick my hand which is wearing a light and loose glove into the mech's arm/leg and some moving gears inside catches the glove. I realize that my hand is stuck and is getting pulled slowly but surely close to the moving gears which will probably at least take off a finger. I manage to dislodge my hand (by pressing on some lever on the mech?). I'm asking the girl something, but she just turns away and walks off with the mech into some trees, then heads back to the road and (I think) to camp. I think if I should try to follow her.

      Follow on foot, or on bike? I'm then riding a bike (thought of my father?), like my old Schwin 5-speed with the banana seat and high handle bars. There is only one hand brake, on the left handle bar, and I use it to stop. I think about trying the pedals to see if there is a brake there, but there is no bake on the pedals. I'm riding down some hills, and I stop and turn around and ride back up.

      + epic: baseball stadium, colleagues, terrorists, space ship, captive?

      I'm in a parking lot outside the stadium. Cars are parking. I'm on foot but want to find a parking spot. There aren't many spots left in the preferred parking. I walk to the normal lot and there are plenty of spots here, but people continue to arrive. I go to the parking ticket dispenser. I'm standing in a spot that I want to park in, but how can I reserve it, I need to keep this spot and go get my car and park here. Should I leave the ticket here on the ground?

      Inside the baseball stadium, I enter and am at a concession stand. At the stand buying food is my old colleague from company R (then company N), WaDo. He's there with his young son [false]. He has a mustache and kind of crazy-looking "Einstein" hair. He son looks just like him, just a lot smaller, including the mustache! I'm standing nearby him and as he turns away from the counter and his gaze passes over me, I wave energetically and say "Hi, W!" and wait for him to notice me. But he seems not to recognize me. He's approaching some stairs going down and I talk to him some more. He stops to talk to me and places his tray on the top of the banister, but he misses and the tray falls to the ground, he doesn't seem too upset about this, he just says "Oh." Then he mentions that he never got that email from me about <something>. Then I "remember" that I did indeed forget to send it, it wasn't critical though just some question.

      I see then colleague JiMa (company 3), he looks quite accurate. We're walking down the stairs, and I'm saying "do you know who that was? That was WD, the architect of the P-engine at (company R), he worked with famous guy JC on the application Q!"

      I'm concerned about my ticket, it doesn't seem to have a seat assignment on it in the stadium. I take it out and it just has a number "58" (?) on it. My wife gave me these ticket stubs, maybe I'm missing the seat assignment. JM says that I should have the PDF file that contains the information.

      I'm inside my room with my wife and (younger) kids. I see a door and go out. There's a second door beyond the first door, but I can't reach it without letting the door to my room close. I go out and the door to my room closes. I then go out the second door. I'm in a narrow twisty corridor with lots of unmarked doors. I start to panic and want to get back to my room. The corridor floor is curved (like the cross-section of a slide) and colored with "dots" (?). I'm moving through sequences of doors and finally emerge to a large open area.

      The first thing I see is another concession stand but it's just a bar. I think "oh, so this is where my son went," to sneak away from us and drink beer. I see my son sitting nearby with a friend and expect to see a glass of beer in his hand but he's not drinking beer actually. I also see the end of some amusement ride: it is a stand-up ice slide. People wear slippery attachments to the their feet/legs and balance standing up as they slip down the twisty frozen slide. I see some attachments on legs that look like casts (for broken legs).

      I hear no noise from the crowd and I think that means our team is probably losing. JM is there again with me. At some point someone narrates about tall glass buildings where the glass reflects the light and it gets in everybody's eyes.

      I'm standing in a corridor and there are 3 suspicious looking guys. Their faces are covered by black balaclavas, and they have a lot of things strapped to big vests that they're wearing. I clearly see a hand grenade attached to one guy's vest, eventually I think he's carrying 3. They're all acting very nervous and are continually fidgeting and adjusting their gear, opening zippers and pulling out things and attaching them to their vests and then closing the zippers. I think they're terrorists.

      I'm in a space ship, we're preparing for a massive battle with many other ships. Now the critical auction for ammunition is beginning. Our captain steps up (a man at this point), he's very experienced at munitions auctions and we urge him to hurry. He quickly steps up and says "15,000 for 15,000!" He ends up buying 355 missiles. These missiles are then placed as golden squares on the consoles around our ship. There is a lot of room for more missiles on extended munitions systems, but they say that these extensions are not reliable.

      I'm walking through the ship talking to somebody (JM from baseball?), and am feeling confident that with 355 missile we'll triumph. I say "we'll (use lasers?) on the easy targets and mop up the rest with the missiles" (?). Our captain is now a young woman, and I point her out to my friend and say she is an extremely talented captain. I'm searching for the right phrase, and say "she's the Mozart of space ship captains."

      I'm now wearing a vest with lots of pockets on it, and apparently I'm a captive being taken somewhere. I check my pockets and think that I put something in the pockets back in the baseball stadium. I feel for a small item but nothing is there. I'm looking for a weapon, like a knife. In a room I see a scalpel and a small round black plastic rubber ring/plug in a zip-lock baggie by a door, but I don't pick it up. I think I'll find something else in some room. I'm walking with (my captors?) through the rooms in the ship, and when we reach an intersection, they walk forwards and I quickly zip into the side passage (which is just another entrance to the same room it turns out), and I'm continuing to search for a weapon to hide but don't find anything. At this point a young man with black hair (who is the son of other colleagues from company K who got married), he's looking harried and is also a captive/stowaway.
    9. 2015-09-23 LD#144,#145 apple tree, basketball, video tape, frisbee, fly (LD), tall guy (LD)

      by , 09-23-2015 at 10:57 AM
      Sense of many many dreams this night. Forgot some early ones. Dream signs in bold.

      + apple tree
      I'm standing in a small quiet garden. Someone else is here. In front of me I see a small tree with an umbrella-shaped canopy. It's about 10 feet tall. There is one large red & yellow mottled colored apple hanging from the tree. I reach for it and pick it. It is slightly bumpy, not perfectly spherical. It is pretty heavy and I imagine it will be really good. I say something to the person there. The leaves of the tree are completely covered with light webbing from worms/moths like on in my apple tree IWL.

      + basketball
      Playing basketball, scramble for the ball, the other team ends up kicking it and it rolls all the way through our side of the court and out of bounds. I imagine taking it out. Later, I'm setting up a position to take a shot, from half-way up the key on the side (like when playing "round-the-world"). I will bank the ball off the backboard. I take the shot (but there's no ball visible?)

      + (f) video tape
      Operating a tape in a video tape (VCR) machine. I see the tape and it's sort of thin.


      + frisbee
      I'm hanging out in a backyard near a fence with good friend IvKr (company L). I want to play frisbee with him but I sense he's reluctant because he doesn't want to throw the frisbee over the neighbor's fence and have to go searching for it in their yard. I say "that's OK, I have developed excellent control skills", and I take the frisbee and give it a light toss towards the center of the yard. It flies slowly about 10 feet and hovers for a second before dropping.

      I run out into the center of the yard and I notice that the lawn is bare of grass in number of spots.
      IK throws the frisbee really hard/fast and I manage to catch it and say "oh HO! So I can do strong throws like that, too!" And I show him how I used to [true IWL] throw "discuss-style" and say "in this way I can throw it for hundreds of yards!" and do a throw like this but very very softly so it doesn't fly over the fence.

      Then I notice that IK is standing in the yard, naked, bent over, butt facing me, and is mooning me. I'm sort of grossed out by this but I see that he has a very female-looking butt and no male sex organs, it looks like a v-jay in fact. But I still look away because I "don't want to go blind."

      + fly from deck (LD#144)
      I'm upstairs in my childhood home in my parents' bedroom. I pick up a pack of wet wipes and something else (a small cylinder?) and head to my bedroom for some "quality me-time". My door is open (there is no door?) and I think that's sort of risky since I'm just a room away from where people are. I turn right into my room from the hallway, and my son S2 is following me and I don't want him to see what I'm doing so I stash the things I'm carrying quickly on a shelf (on the wall of shelves) fairly high up and immediately head out and down the stairs. Part way down the stairs I look through the railing and see S2 is still in my room, craning his head poking into the shelves to see what I put there with a sort of smirk on his face and I'm annoyed at his persistence in trying to figure out what I'm doing.

      I walk out on to the deck and lean forwards against the railing with my arms on the top and think why haven't I come out here yet on to the deck on this trip? There are a few strange bolts sticking up out of the top of the railing in a few places. I'm admiring the view. I turn go around the corner to the left towards the steps down to the garden and turn back towards the view. I get the idea of trying to fly. I think, "wouldn't it be awesome if I could transition into a dream and start flying from being totally awake, like I am now? I take a quick running start and stretch my arms out in front of me and wish that I could be lucid and fly, and I don't fall down, I'm flying, and I'm lucid! [*2] I fly out over the city below and I'm seeing the trees, buildings, roads, fairly far below me and really enjoying the view. I want to go faster so I pull back a fist and thrust it forwards quickly [*1] and I start moving over the landscape faster. I look up and see the view and city S in the distance, I want to go there.

      I am now flying at ground level and a car is approaching across the water which fills the street. I want to get to the car, it's a small brownish-orange compact. It starts turning away from me and driving in a circle, but I'm really slow now. I want to go faster but can't. I do a bit of "air swimming". There's a female in the car I want to get to? As I get to the car, the
      dream fades.

      [*1] like in the "superman with a go-pro" video
      [*2] (It worked, I got lucid from being awake!?)

      + talking to tall guy friend (LD#145)
      I'm standing in a garden outside in daylight, there are a lot of people there. I'm standing near the side of a house with a friend who's a very tall guy, who seems at least 1 foot taller than me. My friend is leaning his back up against the wall, and I'm standing in front of him, close, facing him, and looking up into his face. Another friend is standing to my right / his left. I'm trying to figure out just how tall he is. I hold my hand above my head at the level of the top of my friend's head and figure out his height. I say "you're what, like 6'7"?" He/the other friend says " 6'6" " I say " 6'6"? ".

      Then I'm standing in my room in my childhood home [don't realize this] near the closet door and the window, standing close to this tall friend, with my right elbow on his left shoulder, with my right hand placed affectionately on the back of his head, and I'm telling him the details of lucid dream #144. "...Then I took off flying and I made the superman gesture and started flying even faster" "Cool!" my friend says. Then I look at my friend and I start to realize...and say "in fact, I'm lucid dreaming right now!" Let's go to the next room, there are a bunch of girls there and we can <bleep>. I lead him to the next room. There are lots of girls seated around (circular?) tables. I say "here, you can <bleep> this one, I want one with bigger <bleep>s, and select one. Dream is getting unstable/fading.

      Then I'm non-lucid and standing with some girl (my choice when lucid?) and I'm handing her some bills from my wallet to pay for some classes which I want (my kids?) to take.

      Updated 09-23-2015 at 11:52 AM by 65364

    10. 2015-09-22

      by , 09-22-2015 at 10:01 AM
      Well my schedule should be returning to normal now. It's going to take a few days to recover from all the late nights. Still managed a dream or a couple of frags, not sure if they're related or not.

      + I'm on a city street and circling an intersection in a car trying to slow down. Outside there are people from (my home town?) who are critical of me for some reason.

      A pig comes down the line of people?

      I'm walking up an incline (with my dad?) into a restaurant, I put my things down and try to select a table, they're all leaning because they're on the incline too. My friend (dad?) says "we're going to eat really well!" (?)
    11. 2015-09-21 coding, skateboarding, talking about startups, impressions of water and school

      by , 09-21-2015 at 11:52 AM
      recall starting to make a bit of a comeback

      + I'm in front of a screen talking about my code with a guy and a girl. It's some sort of database system and I'm trying to remember the name of the index which is used to look up things in further indices, I'm scrolling through something trying to find it

      + (vivid, present), I'm moving (DO) through a hilly city. Main feature I keep thinking about is a super tall broadcast/transmission tower that I can see at all times. We're going to our friend's place which is near this tower. I'm concerned about the effects of them living so close to this very powerful transmission tower. At some point the hills block most of the view of the tower except for the top. I think this is the Sutro tower in San Francisco.

      We come upon (flying DO still) an empty top floor of some parking garage that is slightly slanted and entirely empty except for some kids skateboarding there. I think this is a great place for skateboarding. (1st person) standing on the pavement next to a skateboard I step on to it and want to do some "wheely-circles" [can do IWL]. I start spinning counter clock-wise and I start counting my revolutions. I get going faster and faster and I close my eyes and keep counting, all the way up to 20 and then I step off the board and make a "ta-da" gesture.

      I'm then sitting in (my childhood bedroom?) looking at the various skateboards I've had in my life placed on the lower shelf, and thinking about narrow vs. wide trucks.

      + I'm walking outside with lots of people around in <foreign country>. I see childhood neighborhood acquaintance JD there and wonder if he likes it/fits in (because he's of a different culture/ethnicity than the majority here). We're riding in a car/van and talking about work. I'm talking about startups and he says yeah but his other job paid better. I say that the advantage is that even if the start-up fails, if there are like 20 people working there, they're very start-up minded and tend to work at other start-ups. If this start-up fails, then you have 20 contacts spread all throughout different companies.

      +(f, impression) where's my backpack, I need it in order to go to school

      +(f, impression) water running among trees

      +(f, impression) cafeteria line, food, lunch at <company N>.
    12. 2015-09-20 LDs #142 and #143, supermarket "Texas Ranch" eggs, sex in the frat house

      by , 09-20-2015 at 07:36 AM
      Placeholder, more detail to come later

      wake at about 4.5 hours.
      1 hour trying to BTS.
      Up for WBTB
      About another 2 hours BTS. Try SSILD, following the breath. Finally fall asleep and dream.

      + LD #142 (my young kids, going to school, coins in pockets). in the grocery store, contemplating the somewhat strange eggs, see naked girls riding in the grocery carts ("that's strange, normally they cover up when they do that"), get the urge to fly, don't get off the ground but I try again, I see people jump into the air in front of me and freeze, get lucid, the world turns greyscale, then the void, I try to open my dream eyes but waking eyes open, back to sleep

      + LD #143 running through the frat house, having sex with a woman who's bothering me/stalking me, basement door, stairs, scene fades to me saying "then I teleport them to a different location and have sex with them" and I find myself in bed with a naked beautiful blonde spread out before me, get lucid, sexy time ensues, it's stable and awesome, I say "we're stuck here forever! We'll never get out of here!" (experiment with pretend expectation to prolong LDs, like people who are afraid and can't wake up and seem to have really long LDs that way by getting "stuck" in FA loops). It's starting to look like my best LD sex *ever* AND THEN THE ALARM GOES OFF! It probably is the best so far in fact. Wow.
    13. 2015-09-19 cards, long vivid previous home dream

      by , 09-19-2015 at 08:29 AM
      +(f) long earlier dream, playing cards with people

      + Back in old home
      Wandering around inside and outside our old home for a long time. We've returned. Out in the garden I'm amazed to find some plants of ours still growing. They're short but they're living. I pick a leaf or two from them and hold them up for my wife to see. I'm doing something with our cars which are in the garage.

      Inside, something's not right. Before we sold the house we refinished all the floors to brand-new condition, but these floors are dull and scratched. I ask my wife "didn't we refinish the floors so that they were shiny and new-looking?" I think the realtor must have been letting people inside the house while we were away. I'm confused and am trying to remember correctly.

      Outside I walk up to a car in our driveway (not our car). It is a white, low, sports car, like a miata, with its front pointing towards the street. I see that the gasoline tank cover section on the right rear corner of the car (which lifts up and is made of the car body material) of the car has been left lifted up exposing the gas cap. I think this means somebody has been perhaps siphoning away the gas. I think of opening the gas cap and smelling to see if there's any gas left. I also think about shaking the car to feel for the sloshing gas. I move on.

      I look back at the house and see "our cars" parked in the driveway in a way that seems to encroach on public space a bit, but it's still part of our property so we have the right. The house that abuts up against ours also has a parking area covered in concrete outside. That area is on an incline that covers the corner, I think they can park their car there but it is less convenient than our place. A woman turns the corner and stops in her tracks when she sees our cars in there positions, she thinks they don't belong there.

      I'm (sitting?) on the pavement near several women who I think are discussing my house (and the cars?). I wonder if they recognize me as the owner of my house but I don't think they do, and I listen in to what they're saying. A third woman indicates that she doesn't care about what's going on.

      Inside (my house?) there are two women, and one is trying to fill a bucket up (to water plants) from a strange tap but can't get the water out. I start some sort of pumping motion with the tap which gets water flowing, and then I figure out I can turn the handle and water will flow without pumping.

      Outside on the street, I'm riding scooters with (3?) other guys. There is a sign that indicates that the lesser-experienced skater should now get the front position on the scooter and I see the 2-man scooter the back skater takes the front position. Then we approach a 90-degree corner turning to the right, and there is another sign that <some name, famous skilled skater> should take the front position due to the speed and the difficult corner. There's a short straight section, then a 90-degree corner turning to the left, and the other skaters start to cut the corner, crossing into the oncoming traffic lane. I tell them not to do that, because some actor guy (who played Scotty on the original Star Trek) could come barreling around the corner in a car. I struggle to remember his character's name, and finally say "Scotty."

      +(f, impression) something about loading up into a space ship
    14. 2015-09-18 fair amount of dreams, remembered several

      by , 09-18-2015 at 09:04 AM
      Bedtime slipping badly last two nights, this last night was better (12:30am or so), but need to return to dedication to regular and earlier bed times. Recall is worse on nights with bedtime after midnight I've noticed.

      There were more dreams than this and were pretty interesting I sense. Really need to focus on recall to get it back up to a much higher, more present average every night.

      + Electronic project: paper airplane simulator
      My friends from high school had finished their digital design/electronics project and were demoing it. It had large swiveling vertical sections on top of the base circuit board. I told them not to move the project until it had been graded, because I did the same thing in my class [true], we kept our project, once working, overnight in the lab, in order to be graded the next day and not to risk something being shaken loose. I asked them what it did and it was a "paper airplane simulator!" I thought about inputting my favorite stunt plane design to see what the project would do.

      + "Ugga Bugga" laughing Baby
      I'm (babysitting?) with a baby of some friends. It's in an upper bunk (like a airplane overhead luggage rack) and it (falls?) down into my hands. They want to know if it laughs or opens its eyes. I'm supposed to say a particular word to it. It's eyes are covered with a hat. Instead, I decide to sort of tickle it and say "Ooga Booga!" to it, to which it opens its eyes a little and opens its mouth in what looks like a smile. I call to the parents and say its opening its eyes and smiling. I then say "Ooga Booga!" again to it.

      + Homework?
      I'm in class, it's towards the end of the semester. I realize I haven't done most of the assignments. I'll have to do a marathon week-long session to finish them all. But I don't know what they are! Did they hand them out? I ask the girl at the desk in front of me if she has the assignments. Then the woman teacher at the front of the room starts giving out the assignments.
    15. 2015-09-17, 2015-09-16 and 2015-09-15

      by , 09-17-2015 at 10:44 AM
      Now I'm way behind on DJing due to late nights hanging out with our guests and lots of car trips showing them around.

      2015-09-15 very vivid dream
      + I'm walking up the hills in my childhood neighborhood, talking to people, I come across a grocery store meat counter (empty) and I'm saying usually there is meat in there.

      Enter some house and while slightly dark everything is amazingly clear. I'm in a room with two grand pianos right next to each other, and I go "oooh!" at them, I'd love to play them. The owner of the house is clearly a musician, it looks like a music studio room, there are folders of music all around the place. I look down (through a window?) on to an open room a floor below and there is another beautiful grand piano there, and I say "ooooh!" again. I glance out the various windows facing different directions and out of each one I see beautiful views of trees and water in the distance, and say "aaahhh!" at the lovely scenes.

      I'm now down in an large open floor plan area, a kitchen/dining area, there is another piano here (the one I saw from above?), and in the distance I see the realtor scurrying around trying to stay out of my way but also interested in what we think of the place.

      I come to the keyboard and look at it, the keys are very odd, quite thin (like chopsticks) and oddly curved like the teeth of a "Pau'an" alien in Star Wars. I think of trying to play the Beethoven: Sonata "Pathetique" Op. 13 - II. Adagio cantabile movement [which at one point years ago I could actually play all the way through from memory]

      But I can't play it because the keys are too thin, and looking at the keyboard I notice it's not as wide as a normal piano keyboard, either.

      Then the realtor is there with our group and is quoting us a price for renting the house that the owner wants: about $900 per person. One of us says "no, no," that is way too high, for that price we could go to Paris for 3 weeks. I think I wouldn't want to be in Paris for that long.

      The dream ends with me back outside, now DO floating over water, watching two little girls swimming in the water of the Bay, near a rock, just outside the house we were in. I know they are the daughters of the owner of the house. One girl is about 5, and the second one is a toddler swimming with her older sister. I think the salt water might get into their eyes. They are Indian (Asian) ethnicity.

      + (f) (maybe different dream?)
      I'm sitting in some sort of kitchen area working at trying to assemble something on the table in front of me. The owners of the house come by, two Asian women, one of them picks up her keys from a plain set of standalone high shelves, they say something.

      2015-09-16 no recall: fair amount of dream activity, but it all receded just beyond my ability to remember any details.


      + in a parking garage, I'm trying to "reserve" a spot by standing in it, there aren't many cars yet. Outside, a guy becomes aggressive and I have some altercation with him. Later I'm in my apartment and I know he's coming so I go outside to lock my outer 2nd door, and I mistakenly close the outer door and throw the deadbolt (from the outside) and I realize I'm locked outside and the enemy guy approaches. I'm holding my musical instrument which is put together strangely with some sections upside down. I'm trying to reason with this guy despite really not liking him.

      +(f) I'm telling someone where something is. There is a wide mountain/hill range in front of us and I'm gesturing and describing the place as being just on the other side of these hills.

      + "sex" with TZ:
      Spoiler for sort of sexy action:

      + Angband dream! Overhead map view, I was toodling around a map level, decided I should quaff my Enlightenment potion (actual item) to fully map the level and see all items, landed in some "magic dampening" corridor/trap (not in the game), and was reading about a pool of "coagulated" something that produced a scroll that if you read it would boost your mana super high against a particular monster(?). I wondered if there were magic-impairing terrain if there were corresponding melee-impairing terrain for warriors.
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