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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. 2021-08-31 Epic! Neighbor woman saga, firepit outside CH window, hamsters, coal train car, concert

      by , 08-31-2021 at 08:51 AM
      One of those fabulous "overflow" dreaming nights -- hard to remember it all, including a long, vivid, epic non-lucid! My first since my return to full-on practice, and a really big motivation boost!

      ~100ml champagne brut before bed
      2 ice cream bars (1 of them an it's-it style cookie ice cream sandwich)
      No supplements, sniffed some lavender essential oil

      bedtime ~23:00
      final waking: 09:23

      + giving a shot to my (fiance?)

      [mid ]
      + in my bedroom in CH at night, standing at the windows, there is a fire burning in a "fire pit" placed outside the windows on the side of the house, I see the flames, the smoke is entering the room though cracks in the old wooden window frames. My mother is lying on the bed closer to the door, I ask her about the cost of installing the fire pit, she answers "1 12." I say that "I don't know what that means, does that mean 1/12th the cost of a 'normal installation?' Did it cost $100,000? $50,000? $20,000?"

      + [epic, long, vivid] Saga of the neighbor woman:
      I'm lying on (my?) lawn outdoors on a suburban street with my head facing the sidewalk which runs left to right (with a friend to the left?). Daytime (not very bright but not night). A woman with a small child/boy walk from left to right by us. Then (I think) the same woman with the boy walks from right to left heading in front of us again, and I mention to my friend, "Oh, there's that boy again." Right away, the woman gets down right in front of my face and asks very aggressively, "What do you mean, 'there's that boy...again'!?!?" I'm a bit flustered by her aggression and try to explain I just meant that I recognized the boy from earlier.

      We're walking with this woman to her house which is up the street a little ways. As we approach the entrance, I study the architecture of the house, note the dark stained wooden shingles lining the walls, and recognize this as a feature of many houses in B, and mention this. I'm describing all the feature of the house as we enter. There seems to be a party going on, the house is full of people. I say that this is another typical feature, that these houses are full of hippies smoking marijuana. The guys look very hippy-ish with long bushy beards, they're all young, in their early 20's. I see the guy who I think is the husband of the woman.

      We're in a room with the husband, his friends, and we're playing music. I'm thinking about singing something [details forgotten].

      Wandering around the house, I notice a guy entering a room from a small courtyard, and I think this is a bathroom and the house has the bathroom entrance from the outside.

      Inside a large living room of the house, it's night, and everyone is preparing to go to sleep. The room is fully of the young hippy people, men and women. There are no real beds, but everybody is gathering blankets (plaid?) and pillows and settling down on the ground and on couches for the night. The woman is one of the people on the bed, and (the protagonist, who is no longer me?) is shuffling the people trying to get in to position to lie next to her. Everybody on that long couch is lying parallel to each other, packed really tightly.

      I'm up on the roof of the house. All the roofs of neighboring houses are all located back to back next to each other, heading off into the horizon. They are colored light pastels: pinks, blues. People are in hot tubs on the top of the house, and they're talking very aggressively towards me [DS, I guess!]. I threaten them that I will pour the hot tub water down into their houses if they don't back off. This doesn't work and the kids from the hot tubs pursue me. I get back to the ground level and the kids are ganging up on me, throwing what looks like large Pop-Tarts at me. I am wondering if I should pick these things up and eat them!

      I'm on the street corner down at the end of the street. I'm doing tricks on a long skateboard with multiple trucks on it. It's raining. There's another guy on the other corner also doing tricks, and he sort of gets in my way.

      In a courtyard amongst buildings outside the woman's house, there is a big show, a young man is unveiling a massive (cubic meter sized) drone/robot/missile/thing made out of legos. He takes the thing take off and it looks like a missile, but it rapidly is transforming its shape as it swoops up and down and flies all around us at high speed, it is very impressive. Then the guy, since he's "against me" [DS], as a grand finale, flies the drone right at me and it hits me square in the face, since it's made of lego it doesn't hurt, it all falls to the ground in pieces around me. To show my disdain for this attack, I stomp on the pieces of the drone, completely breaking it so it can never fly again.

      In a pool outside the house, like a community pool. It is packed with people, and it is night/dark outside. In the distance, up a hill, I see the neighbor woman sitting on a chair. I sense and see that there are some guards (female) who are looking at me suspiciously from around a corner. I'm trying to avoid them seeing me [DS], I think they know that I'm not allowed to be here since I'm not a resident. There is a small boy pressing closely up against me from the right. His face is right up against mine, the view of his face is a bit out of focus, he's saying something (which I didn't understand?) and I detect the strong smell of alcohol coming from his mouth. The pool if very shallow (like a wading pool) and I'm moving about trying to stay out of view of the guards.

      Back in the hippy/woman house, the woman is there, me, and a few guys. I'm looking intently at the walls and ceiling of the house, which in almost every room has been stripped to the wall boards. I think that this is a tradition in this house: since the levels between the floors are so thick with so much material, the residents periodically strip down the walls /ceilings to the boards then add their decorations. In this case, the protagonist (not me, not here with us now) is planning to make a massive mural of the Great Wall of China all throughout the house (as a tribute to the woman?). I'm wondering and say, this will probably take many years, and you guys here with me, and the woman, may have already long graduated and left by the time the mural is finished. I can see the details of the wall boards and ceiling, and am studying these intently from room to room.

      [after recalling for about 10-15 minutes, time is 05:23]


      + Standing with others (late wife? PaZi?) observing the hamsters (guinea pigs?) in their cage. The animals themselves are not seen. I notice the galvanized colored wire fencing that runs floor to ceiling around the cage. The openings in the fencing are about 1/2-inch squares. I notice the grey concrete floor of the cage, and notice that the poops have been neatly swept to one corner. The owner goes to throw in the food to feed the animals, using a long pole. I'm disappointed because I was hoping she'd open the fencing and we'd be able to interact with the animals. But I see they're very aggressive, they are a dark blur as they vigorously attack the pile of food.

      I notice that I've feeling something in my pants. I realized I've pooped in my pants, and I'm in a panic about this. I don't understand how this could have happened without me knowing. I wonder if the others can smell it (I don't)? I quickly move down the hallways on my way to the bathroom. I'm going to have to strip and wash everything and put it back on.

      I'm turning corners at right angles, always turning left. I enter a large-ish room there there is an Audi car parked. The driver is in the car and is moving to exit the room out of the entrance from which I entered. There is a wall/divider in the middle of the room, and I am moving to keep myself on the other side of the divider from the car and the driver, so he does not see me [DS]. As the car moves forwards, I change my position to remain unseen across the divider. I enter a long corridor on the way to the bathroom, and encounter a lot of (my? ours) clothes strewn about the floor very messily. I'm picking up pants, shirts, etc. as I go. I think about the notion of always wanting your kids to return home at any time to do laundry, etc. even when they're grown up.


      + Outside, near a train, out group is getting ready for a trip. I move to the back of the train but the way is blocked because the train is backed up completely against (a car?) behind it. I push the train, hoping to get it to move enough to let me get past, and am a bit surprised that it moves, I think there must have been some "slack" between the cars of the train or I never would have been able to move it. I open the high back window of the end of the train car to check the coal levels -- I discover that the coal compartment is not fully loaded up to the ceiling, like it should be. A group gathers to discuss this situation. I'm wondering how we're going to get this compartment filled -- will we have to order a coal cart to some here and shovel it in ourselves? I reach in and pick up a piece of the hard, black, rough-edged coal, about the size of a BBQ charcoal briquette, and put it back in.


      + arrive to pick up my instrument from the storage locker while the concert is beginning, the storage area has a clear door [DS](?). I think I've picked up a delivery just previously to this one from a storage container. I reach in and pick up my instrument case, and take it out, showing it to the people around. I look down and see a red-colored case through the case cover, and then I see that the case is opened and what I'm seeing is the red wood coloring of my instrument. I put the case carefully down on the ground and make sure that all the pieces are there and not falling out. I wonder if I am going to need to grab a fold-up music stand as well to use for the concert. The orchestra is already playing while I'm still setting up.

      I move to a closet (with white pillows/linens?) with a percussionist. He's talking about how he's going to know where his entrances are. I try repeatedly to say "you just need to learn the *context* of your entrances from the rehearsals", but every time I try to say something he keeps butting in and interrupting me. He eventually says what I wanted to say all along.

      Back in the chamber (darkened) with the musicians, they're announcing recognition awards. They announce my name, badly mispronouncing the final syllable of my last name. I say "What!?" and think the conductor very well knows the proper pronunciation of my name. I go to sit among the musicians, and sit there a while where more musicians are recognized. The ones called move through a curtain behind the orchestra. I'm sitting there a while then someone says I should go there, too, to be with the other recognized musicians. I move through the curtain. A group of the young musicians are mulling around, I'm wondering what we're supposed to do next. Some of them are lying on the ground at my feet to my right. A young lying (woman?) reaches up and takes my right hand in hers. I keep the contact, holding her hand, and looking down at her as I move a few steps forwards.
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. 2021-08-26 work, gym, wrench duel, snickers store, tennis

      by , 08-26-2021 at 01:54 PM
      + driving in to work, on a wide open flat area, the road leading uphill to the work parking lot is up ahead. There's another car heading towards the road, I want to get there first, we start racing a bit to get first to the hill. Get out, meet ShCl (former boss at company N), we talk about work

      + downtown B (C & S), enter gym building, this is the gym of tech companies like Google, there are tons of young Google employees there. In the reception area there are many turnstiles. I'm trying to get in, my name's not on the list, I'm explaining that I'm not a full time employee yet. Inside is a work area, large open area, lots of tall counters with stools , there are many groups of young engineers all seated together discussing their projects. Working in groups like this is a requirement for working here. I'm observing the groups and think I would not like to work like that.

      + I get off the (bus?) too early, I'm far from my destination, I'm trying to think how I can get to where I'm going. I may have to the bus. I start walking down a very long street with a broad sidewalk. At some point I see a technical entrance to the (subway)? with stairs leading down, and some employees are entering these stairways. I'm walking along this sidewalk, and getting nervous, because this is a bad part of town. I'm looking suspiciously at the groups of youths walking by. I have a long shiny two-sided fixed wrench (about 1.5 feet long) in my hand. A guy I'm walking next to has one, too, I see. We have a brief duel with these, swinging them like swords.

      I enter a convenience store and am looking closer at the counter. I want to buy some chocolate bars, I think if I feed those aggressive hoods some Snickers, they'll leave me alone. I think I see the Snickers down towards the far end, I get there and don't see the familiar Snickers logo, but there are a lot of other generic chocolate bars. I take some, including an individually wrapped single "mini" bar with a clear top, up to the register to pay for them. A group of people start crowding me [DS] and pushing me from behind, first a young kid, then an adult man (his father?), I'm quite concerned about getting pickpocketed. Then the father is doing some lengthy transaction at the cashier and I have to wait. His family is having some sort of problem on a trip and he is doing some lengthy transaction. I get very impatient and just want to buy my candy bars.

      I go to the bathroom in the back of the store and enter. It's a large room like a living room/office, with couches and desks and furniture, the toilet I think is at the back of the room and I head there. One one bed/couch there is a long row of stacked papers. As I get the toilet, someone else enters the room. I think "GREAT, I forgot to lock the room," and start heading out. A mid-teens girl, dark-ish complexion and long dark hair, is heading in to use the toilet. I'm frustrated that I've lost my chance because I forgot to lock the door, and just head out of the room back into the convenience store.

      There is a dinner buffet for friends and family going on. I'm serving up a plate for my and my young son S2. The A's (kids family friends, Ar. [boy] and An [girl older]) are there and commenting. I put a group of carrot-looking vegetables in sauce on my plate, they have a lot of little branches connecting them altogether (sort of like moss), and I'm dividing the portion between my plate and my son's.

      + at a nice building complex/park with a lot of really beautiful tennis courts [DS]. Some of them have a lot of netting separating the courts. Some of the houses are up on a hill. I come to an area which is good for practicing serves (someone says?), it's just a flat area in front of a fence/ tall netting to catch the balls. I imagine that practicing serves would probably be better on a real court. I imagine the movements for performing a tennis serve.
    3. 2021-08-09 Return to dreaming

      by , 08-09-2021 at 06:30 AM
      I'm working on paying more attention to dreams & dreaming, mindfulness of the present moment and lucidity. I hope to keep it up all through the year, despite the perpetual distractions of waking life. Trying to find a way to smoothly integrate mindfulness and lucidity, purposeful attention back into a 24x7 way of being.

      + at a swimming pool, teacher in the water with students, large olympic size pool, I'm walking along the long side, the teacher calls to me and says "I already have plans for them" referring to a group of youngsters seated in a row outside the pool. I see my young son S2 is there with them.

      + I approach a group of postal clerks seated in an open rectangular area (like a "typing pool" from old movies, about 5x5 workers/desks), and am trying to formulate what I want: I want to see if they can find forwarding records of mail send to me from my old landlord in city S [life-long dreamsign, return to city S] to me, so that I can track down the address or the landlord (so that I can move back there again?). I get pretty confused while trying to explain what I want, and think it's probably not possible.

      + Stuck in traffic at night (driving down LL in B), we decide (I'm not driving I think) to jump the curb and turn right through an open fence, I think this is a brilliant idea, a shortcut to avoid the stuck traffic, we follow some cars on this path, through open fences, make it back to a street (Sol in B on the way to A), driving past restaurants full of people (really packed closely), full-swing celebrations going on 1st and second floors visible (missing/transparent walls), Chinese restaurants I think.

      Inside Chinese Church (?), I think colleague Ch Ch is here, he serves here I think (hear his voice?), there is a tall white staircase/pedestal, I think it's stairs to an upstairs area, or maybe just it's a high place where the people sit who run the ceremonies, Ch Ch comes out to meet me(?).

      Walking with some (former manager? Unknown/unfamiliar) past people seated at long banquet tables with white tablecloth, I think he's going to offer me a job, but we stop and he turns to me and says that he's sold the entire development team to another company.
    4. 2020-10-05

      by , 10-05-2020 at 12:20 PM
      Big dreaming night, and pretty good sleep. No extended insomnia.

      Got very tipsy, two large-ish glasses of wine.
      Ate fresh apple cake, two ice creams, bowl of chips.
      Had a happy attitude all evening.
      Watched videos before bed.
      Read a little bit before bed.
      bedtime ~23:30

      Taking a more relaxed attitude is everything.


      + floating in ocean, attacked by giant whale shark fish like thing, roll around to avoid its mouth getting eaten, it swims off eventually

      + guard at the doorway, I present my key to prove my right to be here, enter apt. see son S1? guard follows, the apartment has colorful but peeling walls, I'm a bit ashamed of the apartment


      + attending some big conference, (outside, preparing to go in)

      + playing wilderness golf?

      + car broken into and emptied. (after a meeting?) I go out to my car parked on the street. It's in the middle of an intersection? The blue ford fiesta? I see that it has been broken into, and completely stripped. It looks like there is nothing left inside. I am panicked and upset, I walk around the car looking for anything, but it's completely stripped. Even my registration is gone, totally empty. Even the jack has been stolen. Looking more, I see there is a door pocket/panel opened on the left side passenger door with some stuff left inside it, I wonder why they didn't take it. There's a police patrol car right next to me, and I'm blocking them and they're trying to get by, I stop them and tell them my car's been broken into.

      + scooter turned donkey ride! [very vivid, feelings of acceleration and gravity!]
      The best/most vivid dream of the night is probably the scooter-donkey ride. I was very closely inspecting [inspecting objects, thinking about them and how they work, especially with a close up view, is a sure DREAM SIGN for me. Very often this is door knob/gate locking mechanisms, and sink faucets] "my" scooter. I very clearly saw the gas in the trasparent gas tank sloshing around, interestingly, it seemed to be getting *fuller* rather than leaking out. I looked around back and found that it was leaking, and so I manipulated some things to close the container to stop the leak. I move around to the back of the scooter and inspect the various components that are hanging by their wires attached to the main corpus of the scooter. I line up one on the right hand side and attach it, using guide arrows, and do the same for another component, but on the left side of the scooter. Now a circular grey-scale display lights up with a control and gague system for the scooter and I start touching things to configure it. (There is some woman nearby who comments on something? Forgot...). My attention moves to the handlebars, and the left handlebar front brake control, which seems non-functional. It seems not attached to anything and just flapping there, I try manipulating it buy I get the sense it's not attached to anything. I look down to the front wheel as I'm doing this. I wonder about the maximum speed of this scooter, and the figure 35 MPH pops into my head. I imagine riding it and pushing on the handles to turn (like on a motorcycle, push left to go left, push right to go right). I mount the scooter, which now inexplicably has transformed into a small donkey! There is still a central circular display/handle and I now hold on to this and we take off. It is outside in daylight on a hilly country road setting with no trees. I "turn" the donkey to a side road that heads upwards, fairly rough gravelly/rocky terrain, and wonder if this thing has the strength to go long with me on it, and how well it will go uphill. The response is that it energetically sprints up the hill, very quickly, and *accelerates*! I feel the gravity and the acceleration as I strengthen my grip to hold on! We lurch forwards up the hill, turning towards the right. Now it seems that we are in some multi-townhouse division with a paved roadway/driveway, still hilly, still heading uphill. There are two men working in the road ahead, and I'm somewhat concerned about encountering them. As I pass them they do not seem threatening but are amused at my passage. Then something about turning downhill and giving a little girl a flower, but that is less clear.

      + walking through office with g/f L, we're in the printer room, there are large printer/copier devices there, they have colorful declas on the side, we kiss briefly in printer room, look at oddly colored and logoed printer/copiers, walk to cube, lots of people in close space close cubes, drinks cooler on ice on desk full of bottles of cold beverages, many of them motel-sized small drink bottles, many of them alcoholic, the manager there warns that some of those are very potent, I enter my cube, there's a team of young IT guys dismantaling routers there, wires are everywhere, they're asking me questions
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. 2020-09-21 boat, market, kids&candy

      by , 09-21-2020 at 07:36 AM
      bedtime ~23:30
      video before bed
      ate two muffins while watching
      waking 02:20?
      waking 04-05:00?
      BTS not hard
      snoozing 07:00-08:00
      spend fair amount of time reviewing dreams during the night
      out of bed: 08:15
      feel a bit groggy in the morning like not completely well rested



      + I'm putting on a pair of white summer-style white pants. I'm not wearing underwear. I put them on and they stretch around my legs, and since the weave is not very tight, the tan color of my leg skin shows through. My wife mentions this and says that these are completely inappropriate. I am not convinced and want to first put on underwear before deciding.

      + In (mexican?) restaurant, I put on mariachi robes

      +(f) close-up view of son S1's face/mouth while eating two candies at once, I tell him slow down eat one at a time

      + in room with my young kids with bins of candy like in candy store, I think this is too much candy


      + [fairly vivid, moderately present] on boat turning counter-clockwise, sitting on edge legs over side, two othes to my right concerned falling pulled under chopped up or left floating alone in ocean. boat's going forwards over ocean, pass over sunken crashed boat/plane shallow, see (dead) pilots in cockpit, ~3 of them clearly. imagine govt sends team to recover black box, a panel of enemy govt officials are laughing because the material of the plane is too hard to open and there's no info left anyway

      + [fairly vivid, moderately present] arrive to parking lot in car, get out, and roof is gone, oh, it's convertible, but I need to close it now, inspect remote, people walk past, find a joystick on remote and press the joystick and it closes the roof, press lock and the car locks, walking to store, get shopping cart? inside store entry way long corridor turn towards food section. in food section very long large section fairly dark, there are many empty bins, I'm amazed how empty the produce section is. The produce I want is not here. I find a pack of thai chilis, I'm pretty sure. There is a clerk unloading produce and tells me I should wait for the <???> because they're being unloaded fresh right now and will be out shortly. I ignore her because I do not want to wait. The produce looks really sad, a lot of it is visibly moldy (fuzzy mold growing all around it). there is very little attractive in the produce section. turn to go, and pass a display with blueberries packaged in flexible plastic "squeeze" containers, orange colored package, I put two into my cart.

      Some close ups of girls <ahem>s area, blurry can't tell if they're still dressed or not

      At some point I'm trying to find my way back (?) to the produce section to get more blueberry packages but can't find the way?

      + young girl's birthday party, there is a single prize balloon, two girls are trying to get it and only one succeeds. view of young girl's drawing book, with flip-page animations, very colorful

      +(f) scene with a driving instructor in a car driving down the street

      + restaurant counter scene, chinese restaurant, middle aged white man is standing up to leave, he didn't have to wait he says and was in and out very quickly, it was not busy. the cook is standing behind the counter, I approach the counter and sit down
    6. 2020-02-05 selected dreams from the last weeks

      by , 02-05-2020 at 06:41 PM
      + [long, vivid, near epic level] at home with the Gl gaggle in their huge new house, exploring inside, outside, breakfast, meeting with them in different rooms, life in the outdoor pond (fish, crabs, crayfish)

      Outside a home among the pines, I'm with AmGlsn talking to her, (I'm congratulating her on the home purchase?) It's located along a main road (heading to lake Tahoe?). I see the house -- it is very large, maybe two-story building with blue tinted glass windows. I think I recognize the building as being built on the site of a gas station I remembered my family would stop at on the way to Tahoe [false]. I walk up to the building and see what used to be a central gas pumping island (dark army green?). Then I'm inside the home looking around. One of the rooms is a tiny-closet sized barely large enough to walk into and turn around. I think this is strange room. Outside, people are sitting down on a terrace and eating breakfast, there are several groups of people. I look out beyond to the lush vegetation beyond the terrace. [I see an alligator?]

      I go walking through the plants and come to a large pond area surrounded by a tall concrete fence. JsGlsn [father] is there doing some work inside a small door opening into the concrete fence, and I imagine he's going to be crawling through this tunnel. Then JsGlsn and I are standing on a board floating in the pond. I look down through the completely clear/transparent water and see creatures/fish there [DREAM SIGN]. I think I see a crayfish. Then the board moves and reveals a very large collection of crayfish, fish, and other creatures crawling around.

      I'm back in the house sitting at a table with AmGlsn and some of the kids. I see her face, it is quite odd with strange teeth. The kids are playing some games or doing some crafts. Later, I'm sitting at a piano and playing some pieces I know.

      + our car is pranked on Ced st. in B by the large groups of Halloween pranksters. We're driving towards Shtk away from the hills. They are throwing water balloons, and a water balloon ends up going through the sunroof and into our car. I'm FURIOUS and yell at the pranksters; friend MkRb sniffs the privates of the knitted animal; cousins on the way back up Ced; our car is driving on high sidewalks on Spr st., heading towards GrzPk, I'm concerned about the car being on the sidewalk. We reach a dead end which is a tiny cul-de-sac with very high (15 feet) concrete walls all around -- we can ago no further. I climb the fence and look over it to see how we can continue. A guard dog races towards me and morphs into an attack woman. I'm walking on the other side of the block moving on and the woman morphs to small girl and we walk in to a Chinese restaurant. We are seated at the table, and the girl across from me finds a fly in her milkshake, the waiter comes by, and she shows it to him, it's fairly larage. The waiter then gives us a demonstration of a freezer at the table, he is messing around with stuff inside it showing it to us.

      + The Tale of "Mair Baku" -- a Welsh aristocracy party: inside a super swanky castle environment, I decide to go to the billiards room. There is a large pitcher of a beverage on a table insdie. I watch the game on the odd billiard table: when a ball is struck, it doesn't roll, but instead the entire felt of the table scrolls and pulls the ball along with it, I think this is an interesting way for a pool table to work. The balls themselves are misshapen ceramic lumps (kind of like raw unwashed beets).

      There is a hall where a young woman is dressed in a wedding gown and a photographer is taking her picture. The whole scene is very fancy and I imagine that this is all taking place in a story called "The Tale of Mair Baku" where "Mair" means some Welsh land-holding and "Baku" is its name. I see this text (on the wall? floating in the air?) written in very swoopy ornate cursive.

      Outside there is a large courtyard with farm-like stalls (with animals?) there are various rooms in the building across the courtyard with various diversions but I decide not to get involved in any of them.

      I'm outside the castle moving around and looking at the castle from outside -- it is very large with a high wall with a walkway on top. I imagine that a burglar could move along that walkway and perhaps kidnap a child from within the castle.

      I have a sort of overhead map now of the area and I'm heading for a break in the building and moving towards what looks like a coast/beach with a river. It seems to be a very steep slope up to (down from?) the sand to the water. Walking along the water's edge among tall palm trees, I look back to see a man with a dog is walking behind me, they walk past me without taking notice.

      I decide to take off flying. I want to gain altitude, but I'm hovering and not going very far up. The sky above me is a clear, pure blue. I think of flying iron-man-style (with rocket propulsion coming out of my feet and hands), and eventually this takes root and I gain a lot of altitude quickly. I think "there, it finally worked."

      From the sky, in the distance, I see a public swimming facility. I imagine there may be some nice bikini-watching opportunities so I fly down there. I land in the water and engage briefly with a young woman there, then wake up.

      + swamp escape: [Disembodied Observer] following flight of young man through a swampy river. He runs away into the river to get away from somebody/thing, the water is a bright green. He makes some comment [Forgotten] about there being vegetation in the water and I look and see that he's talking about a very large, dense collection of seaweed-like plants there that he must get through. Moving down the waterway, there are living spaces placed on top of huge (several meters in diameter) old ancient tree stumps that are about 15 feet high: I look at one as I drift by and see an informal hut-style home build there. Some people are pounding on large dead logs of fallen trees in the middle of the river, I think they use these for their building materials.

      [super vivid/present, alternate life level immersion]
      Spoiler for some light sexy-time:

      I look around the room and see that there are a lot of people here and think/say this. There are too many and I want privacy. I get up from the bed and walk into the center of the room where most of the people are standing around a tall round-ish table with food on top of it (a buffet). I'm thinking I want to go to a hotel with the girl and will invite her to do so.

      Standing at the table looking at the food I feel something under my right elbow and look down an see a little girl with medium long hair has put her head under my elbow, she is funny/cute and I (muss her hair?) and move my attention back to the table. I see and pick up a small Indian pakora of some kind and eat it, it has a bitter taste.

      I walk around the table clockwise to the left and notice the room has tall windows and bright sunlight is streaming in and lighting up the (women?) who are sitting on chairs right in front of the window and between the table and the window. I'm thinking about a class and a reading assignment, I think I should be doing the reading.

      My attention is squarely on the table now and I'm trying to find the tasty stuff. There are various hot dishes (rice, other unknown things) in covered dishes/trays. I move back to the right and have to walk around a rather fat woman and her large butt, she is leaned over the table also looking for tasty things. I spontaneously start singing Arthur's Theme (Christopher Cross) and hear the piece playing. The woman (and some of the others?) starts to sing along and I find this amusing, then wake up...
      non-lucid , memorable
    7. 2020-02-01 vivid, longer dreams: B Burglary, Animal Man, Fired, Peaches, Skiing/Pteradactyl Tree

      by , 02-01-2020 at 05:28 PM
      @~4 hours?
      + B Burglary: I'm walking down my driveway at CH and see the garage door is ajar, I go in and through the door from the garage into the house. Did I leave the doors open? We may have been robbed! On the top of the stairs I look in and my fears are realized: where the washer and dryer used to be in the back porch (before they were moved in WL to the garage), there are only two large vacant squares on the ground. I move through the first floor of the house and all the large items (chests of drawers) are all gone -- some burglar has cleaned us out! I call the police from the hallway intersection between the back porch/dining room/front entry, something about it's pointless? I see a large pitcher of orange juice?

      Then I'm (sitting on the floor) in the dining room (on the deck side of the dining table) facing the kitchen, a portly cop is standing by the entrance to the kitchen, and my BF MkRbk is sitting at the table. I see one of the burglars hiding behind some curtains immediately next to the cop, and a second burglar is behind a chest of drawers on my left. I start frantically miming to the cop and pointing without wanting to say anything to give away the fact that I see the burglars, trying to get him to see them. The burglar to my left is now standing by MR right by the cop, M slowly (too slowly for my taste) grabs him, I yell at him "grab him around the neck!". Both burglars have very large knives (switch-blades?), the left burglar in his hand, and the right one on his belt at his hip. I reach for the knife of the left burglar hoping to grab it before he can use it on the cop. I take it (it's large, about a foot long) and hand it to the cop.

      The burglars have been apprehended and I'm standing looking closely at the face of the right one, he's quite young. I say SL "It's easy to go around looking for houses that have been left open, eh?" He doesn't really answer but makes some sort of grunt in response.

      @~6 hrs
      + (f) Animal man: [part of story forgotten?) There is a guy who raises sheep, chickens, etc. I see the animals, it's an outdoor scene, (the animals are walking around between abandoned cars?)

      @~8 hrs, final waking:
      + Hired&Fired: I'm doing (something?), I'm called in to my manager's office (sort of a tiny little separate house), he's my friend CrgLe from college, and there's some other guy there (his assistant?). C tells me I've been summoned to HR/management.
      I'm then sitting in a chair with HR and management. They're already firing me, after just having recently hired me. They hand me a folder with the severance package in it. I open it and see a dark/black hard-to-read document with some numbers written on it, compensation for the firing. Executive says (something)? [Dialogue forgotten]. This meeting lasts a while.
      I'm wondering if I'll be able to sell all the stock I was promised, or if I'm going to lose it. I think I might be able to still sell it. I'm go back to my manager's little house office. He is alone there. I ask him about the stock. He says "you should get out of here, before [the executive] sees you!" He fired all these people and doesn't want to see any of them.

      + Peaches: outdoor picnic-type table scene with people. I see a group in front of me. RbWhlr has brought a platter piled high (1 foot at least) with thick slices of peaches. These look good and even though I'm not really part of the group, I lean forwards and take a thick slice off of the plate. RW says ST. I look at the slice -- it's not just a peach, it's more an amalgam of dried fruit and chopped nuts.

      + Skiing/Pteradactyl Tree: I'm at the top of a ski run on a snowy mountain, I'm skiing with (EW?). A ski resort employee off to the left says something. We start skiing down the hill. We are carving left and right on a relatively wide, flat slope. EW demonstrates how, if you're not careful, you might accidentally spin 180 and start skiing backwards, out of control, she does this. We're progressing down the slope. It's important (she says, or I think?) not to let your skiis go straight, or you will pick up dangerous speed very rapidly. This happens to me, but I get it under control. There are steep cliffs on either side of us. The slope levels out to a flatter area and I say "Hey it's good that it's more level here". We ski up to drop-offs but avoid them. There is another really big cliff coming up, it is marked with a sign, and there is a resort employee sitting there, too. There is some strange object, like a bunch of iron-man-style ski boots stacked up on the ground with sharp, angular protrusions. I notice a stone stairway leading down the hill, and I imagine that skiiers use this to climb up to the cliff area. The stairway has no snow on it.

      I look around and take notice that the ski resort stone structures on the ground look artificial -- it's like the entirely mountain we're skiing on (which now seems to be mostly lacking in snow) has been modified by man to make it a better skiing mountain. I raise my gaze up and look at the surrounding (natural) mountains in the distance, which have patches of snow on them. I'm looking up at a nearby neighboring really tall peak and am searching for signs of the "Pteradactyl Tree," I see some very large trees, but at the top of that peak I finally see the Pteradactyl tree itself with a large man-made stone foundation at its base.

      My view of the PT is closer, and I see two circling pteradactyls flying in the air -- they are artificial (like stuffed animals) and I think very furry. I'm pointing these out to my mother, (dialogue forgotten). I'm in an elevator with my sister, and she makes a comment about wanting chips and I think about melted nacho cheese. There is a PT staff member man there in the elevator.

      Then there's a scene of a musical performance put on by the staff: that man, and a woman are the star perfomers. The woman is singing (not all that well) a song and doing a dance, moving towards me then away from me, and she is trying to hit a high note in the song that is normally sung by the man, she's trying to give a demonstration of how well she can sing, but I think the has done a pretty bad job of it.

      Then I'm in an after-show-party area, with a variety of long tables set with large cocktail glasses (white tablecloth?). They are starting to serve the cocktails, something fruity with ice in the classes. I surreptitiously drink one cocktail down completely and am thinking how I'm going to get even more from the serving, as if I had not drunk at all. At that point an old work colleague Matt (last name?) comes in and they head to a side table and they've managed to acquire a bunch of the pizza and drinks the staff were going to serve. He comes over to me and he starts to roll up and stuff this very large pizza into my very large cocktail glass. But then he (or a person next to me) says "people who like pizza like it flat, not all rolled up."
      memorable , non-lucid
    8. 2020-01-18 lots of short dreams

      by , 01-18-2020 at 07:11 AM
      + flying from CH to seaside, find a cave to hide in, low/claustrophobic but should be able to lie down and waves won't reach head

      + (f) outside, cabin, countryside, some people (man and a girl?), I have a special key

      + outside, special computers, made from sausage-in-a-blankets, I'm a bit confused on how the circuitry works, slow teletype printers but these are supposed to be state-of-the-art, with people at a fence opening and closing sharp jaws on top I realize I have to be careful of my fingers or I may squish another fingertip like when I was a kid [true], I show my scared fingertip to the guy next to me, he sees something in my other fingernail, it looks like a hive of little black flies, I try to shake/dig them out but they keep coming out from the fingernail. A train is coming and I'm gathering my clothes and my laptop, I keep finding more clothes that I need to pack

      + wake with wife, light switch in hallway turns on A/C I think it should be on all the time, head out to yard on street across street to another bed there, notice a car full of young people who have stayed up all night, I get into that bed, pull the covers over me, get up, want to walk back to the house, holding a pillow between my "privates" and the car of young people, I notice they've all gotten out of the car and the girls are squatting on the ground, I think they're peeing, I keep walking but try to catch a glimpse of the "good stuff" over there.

      + cleaning machine #1, there are chunks of (food) outside it, I have a hose to clean it with, since the machine (and the hose) are electronic I have to be careful not to let the water drip back down into the mechanism, I start to clean it carefully.

      + cleaning machine #2: I have a pressure hose and there is a large piece of commercial cooking equipment (like an industrial cooktop/smoker?) with lots of left over chunks of food in it. I see brightly colored breakfast sausage links (green, blue, red). My hose has very high pressure and I'm a bit cautious that the line of (tourists)? standing/walking past on the right don't get sprayed.

      + choose the dessert at the celebration: there 's a line at the dessert counter, there are choices of small, medium, and very large. A young woman says something about the orange flavor. I'm looking for the flavor of what I've chosen, I think it's probably chocolate since it's brown, and it turns out I chose a very large size, I'm carrying it with me.

      + reaching for the food at the buffet (noodles or salmon). There's a woman to my right who is reaching for the plate of noodles on the buffet table that is very far away towards the back she has to lean way over, she's also blocking me so I'm waiting my turn (I also want the noodles). Someone says "you should have the salmon instead", I see the plate of salmon and reach for it and say (because I imagine that person will say "told you so!") that "I already intended to eat some salmon along with the noodles!

      + driving in the town near the mountain (landslide) (I'm making wide turns, I realize I have to be careful and more hold to the driving rules since I'm in the US) I see a demonstration of the mining operation. There is a stone door leading in to the hillside, there is a curtain (made of fabric stone?) that starts flapping open as the guy(s) inside start the demonstration. I see a stone watercourse inside with (hot spring) water flowing out towards the exit (towards me). the flap opens and hot water shoots out there's a guy inside and out pops a small thing I look at it it gets close to my food I'm looking at it under a microscope and I see a little living thing looks sort of like a maggot, then a new work suddenly grows/pops out from the first one, then another, each new worm popping out from the other ones, I say hey look at that, the demonstrator guy is also surprised, there is a crowd gathering and taking a look at this.
    9. 2020-01-02 Venezuala mountains, motorcycle

      by , 01-02-2020 at 08:07 AM
      + [vivid, long] I'm hiking on a steep hillside in a mountain range in South America (Venezuela?). I look along long dirt pathways heading in different directions, and imagine that some sort of grader/bulldozer had / will be making these paths. Up ahead I see the ridge line, and I think once I get up there I'll be able to see the sea on the other side. I get to the top and I do see the sea, but it's more of an inlet/bay, with the mountains extending around both sides with an opening to the real sea beyond, I wasn't expecting this view.

      Now I'm down at the water's edge standing on what I determine to be a diving board extending out over the water. I'm standing on the edge looking down into the clear, blue water, admiring its clarity. I think how I'd really like to have a diving mask and go snorkeling, how it must be very beautiful. I'm trying to gauge the depth of the water and looking for obstructions to see if it's safe to dive. I'm decide I'll jump to be safe. A friend I'm with goes ahead and dives headfirst off the board into the water. I do a jump and gain some height and head into the water, as I'm descending towards the water I control my direction with hand movements and my will, I see there are shallow rocks which I want to avoid. There doesn't appear to be a completely deep/safe place as I enter the water, but I don't hit anything.

      I climb out of the water in on a very small sandy opening among rocks. There are lots of sand creatures swarming around, like sand fleas/crabs. There are many of them and I'm brushing them off of me as I emerge from the water.

      I'm on a hidden path to the right side (when facing the water) of the main diving board area. I think this is the "real" path. It can be used as a place for concealed shooting? Even though it's in the open, I think I can't be seen from the diving board area. (There is a flock of birds in the sky?)

      + Disembodied Observer, floating (1000 ft, fairly high) over landscape which transitions between dense city and rolling hills with roads cutting through. I'm mentally discussing the IT work situation in (Venezuela?) with some guy (not seen). He's saying there is lots of server-side work there, many companies.

      + (f) close-up view of the curb in a parking lot(?), there are fallen leaves there, I imagine cleaning them up?

      + Standing outside a McD's there's a (woman?) worker inside taking orders, I'm with somebody making an order and I think about adding an order for 4 large egg burritos. I imagine chewing on one and encountering a large chicken bone which fills my mouth, it is an unpleasant sensation.

      + I'm standing/floating over a road, on the right hand shoulder my son S2 is on my motorcycle (facing me) and he's trying to back it up to the shoulder and park it. It's going very slowly so I tell him to put it into reverse gear. He does this and then modulates the clutch and the gas and moves backwards in quick bursts, the process is going faster now, but I see he is very inefficiently using the gas and clutch. He starts rolling the bike forwards and it falls to its left side. "Great," I think, I'm frustrated that he dropped it.

      + In some hall filled with people (like a protestant church), with the benches sloping down towards the front, I'm walking towards the back of the hall up the aisle, there is seating to the left and right (it's divided into 3rds?). I find some spots on a bench to the left with enough room for my family. I'm standing over my kids and discussing how important it is to be a responsible person.
    10. 2019-03-01 night full of vivid & present dreams

      by , 03-01-2019 at 02:01 PM
      + guy standing under a tree with a car up in the branches which falls and hits the ground near him, and I laugh saying "you have to learn how to pay attention!" and I show him how to pay attention to what's around me and I see lots of little baby owls up on a ledge on a wall nearby

      + standing in home looking outside at the street through a window and I see a brigade of foreign-looking workers arrive and set up what I think is a fake construction project. I think it's a front for burglary. I panic and knew I should have kept the phone number of the security team nearby for exactly such a circumstance, I'm so nervous I can't figure out where it is or how to call them. Later walking outside along a road in between fenced properties.

      + at the river (with wife), is that a stone sticking up out the water? no, it's a fish fin, large round ball-shaped fish, jumps out, swallows my hand, it deflates like an empty plastic bag. There's another one in the water swimming near the shore. See more fish swimming in the river, like trout. I'm holding a fishing rod and I realize I've caught a beaver! I try to reel it in. Then it's on the bank with me and I call to (my wife?) to say how we could study the beaver's habits like how it builds dams.

      + at dinner (restaurant) table sitting next to Mr. R--d (scoutmaster), who concludes "...and so that's why prison is the best environment for me." The food he orders comes... it's chicken wings and onion rings and I'm disappointed. I want to order something. I'm trying to describe a food I want to order like a chicken pot pie.

      + flying DO (with wife?) over houses, looking down on them, see that the residents are not there and that there are open doors I think we could enter that property. Flying on the way back there's an open refrigerator with food particles strewn all about, "what a mess" I think.

      + a bunch of guys in superman costumes standing on a sort of ledge suffering through an unpleasant outdoor group exercise program led by a hot young woman. They all misunderstood because the title of the exercise class had the word "sex" in it. I save the day and encourage everyone to continue and the instructor's mood picks up and continues the class.

      + There are large/funny groundhogs popping up out of holes. Something about an old car? I see a bow-hunting warrior princess and I try to run away from her down a side road but she comes after and chases me. I pull out a knife on her and she laughs because it's so small. I join in and laugh with her about the knife being really puny. Then I pull out a nice long blade and whack it against her bicycle tires.

      + standing in my home looking out a window at the road, and I realize with surprise that I'm seeing a large school yard across the road full of young students playing. I think that I'm only seeing this for the first time because we just recently cut down all the trees lining my property and now the schoolyard is exposed. There is a particularly well-developed young woman in the group walking from right to left and I'm trying to check her out but something is getting in the way.

      + at a home, with kids and wife, the kids are going somewhere with wife, and wife chastises me saying "you have to help cleaning up". "Of course," I answer, and look forlornly around at the tremendous mess in the house, mostly large piles of Lego pieces strewn all over the place.
      non-lucid , memorable
    11. 2019-01-15 driving, billiards, baby, university song, saw E, big event, floating castle

      by , 01-15-2019 at 03:39 PM

      +(f) driving in dark city. Disembodied. Watching cars skid and slide around corners at high speed and drive away. I'm making similar maneuvers. One of my sons is in the car with me

      + [DO] billiards table. I think about showing off by making a draw carom of the cue ball from one corner to the next (nearby) corner to knock in the ball hanging in the jaws.

      + In back porch of childhood home with some man. My baby is there, too, I'm holding him in my arms. At one point he's upside down and I'm holding his feet. I wipe his face and mouth vigorously with a towel

      + there is a big celebration and ceremony planned. I realize they have not put out the California flag yet. I thread the flag on to the pole like the curtains I put up IWL before bed, alternating bend on the holes through the rod. We make our way out to the stage. I sing, alone, acapella, "Hail to California", in good tune, I remember all the words. I hold the long note at the word "Faaaaaaiiiiillllll" longer than normal to impress people, and I hold the tone and do not do the descending notes (but I imagine them).

      +(f) I see E, there is another woman, too. E is talking. As she speaks I see her descending into a fit of hysterics (anger). She is laughing with the other woman. Her mouth is open and I'm inspecting her teeth, they seem strange.

      + outside in the theater at the celebration (perhaps same one where I'm singing, above), the manager woman arrives and someone (me?) tells her that she should be performing her duty and greeting the attendees, and she moves to do that. Back stage, kids are placing decorations. There are paper/foam flowers that are being arranged by one kid, and I think that the manager woman would probably want to scold them or to have them fix their arrangement, so I nod my head in their direction as if to say "well go ahead and tell them to fix it if you want."

      +(f) outdoors event of some kind with people -- I look up and see a detailed, large floating castle in the sky, built of stone/brick. Something about another building, there's a small model, then it appears full sized. There's a little kid slide building and it's a special holiday so people are singing a song about it? Kids are sliding on it.
    12. 2019-01-14 parrot island, light switches, hostess, old CA home and neighbor, locker room

      by , 01-14-2019 at 10:47 AM
      +(f, vague) in a car, leaving a parking log, turning right on to a street. There is a high curb, and cars are approaching from the left

      + [vivid] on a beach, with people, wondering what to do: I think about taking a boat trip out to islands off shore. Then I am (disembodied observer?) flying out over the waves. I approach one of the islands and circle it counter-clockwise slowly. It is about 50 yards in diameter, and rocky, the rocks are dark. On the island are very large colorful (single color each) birds that have heads that resemble parrots. They are about 4-6 feet tall and are just standing around there. I see white, red, green, blue, a number of different colors. Each bird is standing alone. I'm thinking that this area is a special reserve and people are not allowed on to these islands. Back on the shore, I describe the parrots to someone I'm with, saying they're "4 feet tall and colorful."

      + (mostly verbal, not much visuals) in a restaurant, speaking to the hostess about my order, she's asking me what I want. I'm asking clarifying questions. When it becomes clear that one of the things I'm ordering is a variant of Coke, I say I don't want it. I'm asking about the large set of flavors and where they come from. I think they must be brought from small villages far away and so imagine they are not all available.

      + standing outside an apartment, speaking with a (neighbor?) about the fact that the power is off. I go inside (my?) apartment and start flipping light switches. Some respond, some don't, it's hard to tell, the lights are behind me when I'm flipping the switches.

      + I'm in a locker room, a commercial place, there are lots of people, and I'm walking along a row of lockers. I'm looking for a note left to me by someone. I can't find it. I'm reading tags and little books of notes left on the handles of the lockers but can't see the one addressed to me. Then I get the brilliant idea to just call the cell # of the guy I'm trying to reach, (I see if on my cell phone screen?) Then I realize the number I need to call is in another state so there's not much point.

      + on the street outside my old CA home, walking by the next-door neighbor's house. She is having major renovations done, there are workers all over the house. She has placed cones on the street and outside her home so that nobody will park there. She is sitting at a desk on the sidewalk facing her home and I'm walking behind her. I walk by her but think I should stop to say hello since I haven't seen her for a number of years after moving away.
    13. 2019-01-13 slide, porcelain girls, see E, bag snatched (lucid?), football, elevator, squash

      by , 01-13-2019 at 11:06 AM
      + see E, ask what she's doing, she's surprised I asked and pleased

      +(f) [lucid moment?] my bag's been stolen, "my life is ruined", my only chance is if I'm dreaming, nose pinch shows I am but I immediately lose lucidity

      + sliding down a tall spiral slide, kids get bunched up/stuck in the middle, there's still coming down from above and we collide

      +(f) porcelain girls laid out on a table? Orally doing each other?

      +(vague) something outside in the dark among buildings with people

      + my college alma mater football game against the (FC = foreign country where I live) team. Walking high through the stands to find a seat, think I"ll root in the middle of the FC area for my old college, I may get hit for that. For a view get down to the frozen river/bridge, then there's a swim meet between the two teams 100 yards apart and the water is rough with high waves

      + elevator (keeps returning to 1st floor, waiting for E), FC people there saying "don't push" in foreign language, eventually go up, exit to a market place wide open to the left lots of vendors

      + squash match in FC. I shake FC president's hand. I may wrestle him, what if I hurt him? Looking for my shorts for the squash game. They're preparing the court, it's one of several courts without separating side walls. There are large (2-3x life) trophies attached to the front walls, I think this will interfere with the game, but they I see a team is dismantling and removing them.
    14. 2019-01-10 shoes, sushi bar, strudel, party toilet problem

      by , 01-10-2019 at 02:56 PM
      Had about 2 hours of insomnia around 4am. Finally got back to sleep with some relaxation techniques. Some vivid dreams but recall poor from the bad sleep

      +(f) I am wearing some spiffy leather shoes. I'm looking at them, they're a bit dirty, I will need to clean them. Activity taking place outdoors mostly with some unknown people

      + I walk by a counter where they're selling food. Seafood mostly. There is some avacado/guacamole?, and some shrimp thing dishes. I try some of the avocado/shrimp?

      + It's my house. It was a party. In a large open atrium. There are tons of deserts on the counter, but I'm looking for my strudel which I was saving. I see a man and I know he ate it. "DID YOU EAT MY STRUDEL!?!? " I shout at him. "I WAS SAVING THAT!"

      + [Perhaps a continuation of the strudel party.] I enter the bathroom which is a separate room. It is a long rectangular room. I need to go #2. There are a series of holes set into a platform in the middle of the room. I pull down my pants and squat over the hole and begin, when I notice that the room has an entirely open/transparent wall and the very large group of people in the atrium party room and sniggering and pointing and laughing at me. I'm mortified, and I jump down from the platform on the far side away from the group of people. I sort of curl up into a ball lying on my side and hope nobody sees me. The people start walking up to and through the bathroom and continue on, not paying me much attention any more.
    15. 2019-01-09 flying, drunk vapor, tidal wave, beautiful sea, tech talk

      by , 01-09-2019 at 09:14 AM
      + flying, high def, from C park (slide/garden/tennis) down to flats, very crisp visuals. Down below, I enter some building and interact with some people

      + in a club? With other young people. We set up something like a room humidifier but filled with vodka. The fumes are making me drunk. I feel my head throbbing in a rhythmic manner and think I'm drunk

      + on the shores of a beautiful mountain lake like Tahoe. Looking out into the late I see a massive tidal wave heading in to shore. It's 20-100 feet high, it's going to swallow us. Looking up at the shore, I know I need to get to high ground but think I may not make it. As I'm running up to higher ground, I think if the wave hits we will be tossed around and may not have the ability to swim to the surface to breathe. After the wave hits and subsides (didn't dream this part), I'm looking for my keys on the wet ground which have all been separated from the keychain. I'm searching with JT from company "3" also. I'm picking up my keys from the black, wet earth, we keep finding more. Some are mine, some are his.

      + Walking (driving?) along a magical seashore. Between the hills I see the water appear, it is luminous, lit from within and undulating, very beautiful. I'm with a woman (L?) and I point and say "there it is!". I know the water is salty. Continuing around a bend in the road to the right, my sight directed to the ocean and rock formations. There are transparent caverns, it is really beautiful. We have come here specifically to see this place. I'm walking around with some man, he has a cell phone, and we meet my woman companion and we "trade off" so that I will be with her. Something else about his phone.

      + In a sort of outdoor quarry, I'm having a technical disagreement with another one of our groups. They want to do the core system in "C" and I'm arguing for C++. It's just such a pain to do things in plain C, global variable collisions, no convenient re-use.
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