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    2019-01-09 flying, drunk vapor, tidal wave, beautiful sea, tech talk

    by , 01-09-2019 at 09:14 AM (788 Views)
    + flying, high def, from C park (slide/garden/tennis) down to flats, very crisp visuals. Down below, I enter some building and interact with some people

    + in a club? With other young people. We set up something like a room humidifier but filled with vodka. The fumes are making me drunk. I feel my head throbbing in a rhythmic manner and think I'm drunk

    + on the shores of a beautiful mountain lake like Tahoe. Looking out into the late I see a massive tidal wave heading in to shore. It's 20-100 feet high, it's going to swallow us. Looking up at the shore, I know I need to get to high ground but think I may not make it. As I'm running up to higher ground, I think if the wave hits we will be tossed around and may not have the ability to swim to the surface to breathe. After the wave hits and subsides (didn't dream this part), I'm looking for my keys on the wet ground which have all been separated from the keychain. I'm searching with JT from company "3" also. I'm picking up my keys from the black, wet earth, we keep finding more. Some are mine, some are his.

    + Walking (driving?) along a magical seashore. Between the hills I see the water appear, it is luminous, lit from within and undulating, very beautiful. I'm with a woman (L?) and I point and say "there it is!". I know the water is salty. Continuing around a bend in the road to the right, my sight directed to the ocean and rock formations. There are transparent caverns, it is really beautiful. We have come here specifically to see this place. I'm walking around with some man, he has a cell phone, and we meet my woman companion and we "trade off" so that I will be with her. Something else about his phone.

    + In a sort of outdoor quarry, I'm having a technical disagreement with another one of our groups. They want to do the core system in "C" and I'm arguing for C++. It's just such a pain to do things in plain C, global variable collisions, no convenient re-use.

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