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    1. 00:00 Monday 2014-03-17 Competition #17 night #10, LD #26, KILD, kissing the realtor, TOTM

      by , 03-17-2014 at 08:06 AM
      23:42 bedtime. Not bad, still earlier would be better, but before midnight at least.

      00:00 Monday 2014-03-17 Competition #17 night #10, LD #26, KILD, kissing the realtor, TOTM

      No memories from earlier wakings.


      1) Playing with a little doggy. Cute, this is some woman's dog from next door that has wandered in my front door. I think he's trained so I want to see him to tricks. I'm lying on the floor close to him. I say "lay down" and gesture 'down' with my hand, he lays down. I say "up" and gesture up but he doesn't get up. I say "lie over" and he rolls to his side. The owner comes up and says you need to use a treat to get them to stand up, and I (or her) gets him to stand up leading his muzzle with a treat, I remember that yes treats help in training.

      2) Med school.
      Not total memory, but they're all from the same dream I'm sure, so I'm counting them as one dream instead of individual fragments.

      Meet a group of old friends (in parent's living room?). I see CB and his older brother AB (they don't look right). Another friend to the left is saying that he is going to Med school but is not looking forwards to it.

      I'm going to med school but I'm not looking forward to it. I know it will be a lot of work, and despite working really really hard I may not succeed.

      I'm talking to some (woman?) who is going to the med school, she (?) is some sort of gender changer? I think she/it may be AM, a friend on my kids.

      A group of students are at a table debating the merits of various 3d graphics packages.

      After that the students and I climb up a large grand white wide staircase, and stand there.

      Our group is standing at the "board of pathetic-ness" and trying to choose an activity. The absolutely most pathetic thing to do is to stand on the street, spread a few streets apart, waiting for more cool people to come by and hope they think you are good enough to come with them even though they know you're pathetic, but they see potential in you.

      Our group is skiing down (to town?) I'm DO flying overhead. I see the people skiing and the paths their skis make in the snow, it's dark twilight outside in trees. We're going downhill and that's hard enough work, how will we get back up again?

      3) I'm in a group we're trying to find our way through gardens. I see a strange walrus/dog/worm thing in one garden we go through, I think it's a "heffalump." We reach a stone wall leading up to a neighboring garden, and I see there a young and an adult "heffalump," they have huge blue watery "seal-like" sad eyes ("awwww"). The adult has a deep voice and I think we should avoid it. We turn to another tall (red?) rough rock fence nearby and start climbing it, the stones are very irregular and not totally secure, I climb to the top.

      4) Singing Sweeney Todd in the pub. In a pub/bar location, lots of people in booths, a big bearded young man approaches the stage. But to sing here you have to lift and hold up one side of a huge heavy container. I see him lift it, should I help? It's really big and heavy, but he holds it up, and starts singing the main theme of Sweeney Todd. I join in, and start singing upper harmony (how wild that is in a dream...). I don't hear/recall all the words. We come over to booths full of young people who are also all singing along, it's a roaring good time.

      There's more but it slipped away...

      Up, bathroom, sit for a bit, still have one more sleep cycle to go. Mantra.
      Lying in bed a while, not really insomnia, drifting, can't get totally comfortable, lots of dream scene images appear then dance away. Outside noise starting, I get up and close the window. I *know* that if I sleep, I *will* lucid dream. An hour? 45 minutes, not sure... Left hip is sore, right hip is sore, both shoulders a bit sore, can't sleep on back, so pull out the nukes: sleep on stomach. I eventually just let go and relax, relax...and sleep...


      5) KILD, LD #26, Kissing the realtor.

      I'm standing somewhere going somewhere I need to be, outdoors, at a traffic light, waiting for it to turn green. A late 20's early 30's woman pleasant looking but not really a beauty is standing nearby. I think she wants to talk to me to get a signature on a petition, it turns out that I am a resident of this place so I could sign I suppose, but I want to avoid the conversation. She starts talking to me and says that she just visited the woman in that house over there (I know she's talking about my mother and my childhood home, but I don't reveal this to her), and she says it's good thing she did because they were going to sell soon (I "know" this is true) and the told them about the benefits of selling vs. renting. The light turns green, I gesture towards the light to indicate we should start walking, and we do. We head down a stairway into an indoor office. The real estate agent (for I realize that's what she is) is talking about all her clients, "I have 130,000 problems I need to solve," she says. I think I just want to get away from her and on to my destination. She then says, with genuine feeling, "I love you." What? I feel very awkward, and say "well....uh....that's nice...." Then something clicks. Ah ha. I swoop in for a kiss, and on the way in I get fully lucid. Have a quick but not too fast kiss, it's *nice*. I pull back, we're standing against a bulletin board with random papers posted. We look deeply into each other's eyes, my face is just a few inches away from hers. She has beautiful deep brown eyes I realize! She is looking adoringly deeply into my eyes. Things seem stable but I raise my hands into my vision on either side of her shoulders and rub my thumbs against my fingers to stabilise. I feel like I should turn away but I can't! I ask her, "What's your middle name?" [TOTM basic (i)]. She just keeps on with the adoring looks deep into my eyes, not even confused, just doesn't answer. Ok, next: clothing color, I look down, and CRAP she's wearing green! Bright green[*] epaulet things (shaped, they're part of the material, not placed on top) on her trapezoids left and right over a white top. I look back up into her eyes and I fade to awake.

      About 30 seconds - 1 minute lucid.
      [*] TOTM basic (ii) was "pinch a DC not wearing green, describe the reaction."
    2. 00:00 Sunday 2014-03-16 competiiton #17 night #9, LD #25

      by , 03-16-2014 at 12:18 PM
      00:00 Sunday 2014-03-16 competiiton #17 night #9, LD #25

      00:56 bedtime, ugh, got lazy, stayed on computer. Bad FryingMan, bad!


      1) Empire plato computer key combinations. I (or I'm watching someone else operating the keyboard) am hitting strange key combinations, at the beginning of key combinations special screen pops up, and there's an interface for selecting which special key you want selected. This goes on for a while, selecting different special keys.

      2) see my old car, I look at the license plate to confirm it's mine, I recite the license plate out loud, and look at the car's license plates but the digits aren't quite clear and not quite right. I see a new style of california license plates, they look very different. Ask some woman at a desk outside about the new plates, she condescendingly explains that yes CA has a new license plate numbering scheme, you get a number at first, and then the numbers change a few days later to the permanent license plate.

      3) at work sitting at a long table, I have computers and papers propped up in front of me along the row, I have a paper I wrote propped up in front of me, group of managers come and stand behind me, they start reading my paper out loud, at first in a foreign language I don't understand, and then in English. They ask questions about it. Manager asks in front of everybody why I didn't sign up for the monthly bonus/commendation. I think I didn't because it takes more work. He says "everybody here ALWAYS signs up to get the commendation," he's waiting for an explanation. I'm sitting there in silence for at least 15 seconds trying to salvage the situation and make myself look not so bad thinking of what to say. I eventually say I wanted to work on so many other things I didn't have time.

      The subject changes to meat. I'd rather work on regular kinds of meat. I see a cart filled with many, huge, long, sliced salamis.

      4) At a work secretary in human resources. I was there for a company credit card, she takes out a pile of temporary company cards, snaps one off and hands it to me. I ask her what's going on in the world. She shows me a newspaper article that a young high school guy had killed himself. Then it appears that it was a teacher who was accused of a crime and he was so ashamed he killed himself. I see the face of the teacher, as if on an ID card photo. He was about 40 with a light beard, dark hair.

      There was a public service television commercial put together by all the people who defended and supported him because he was a great teacher. The camera swings around through the crowd and shows the faces of the people lined up along the walls. I "recognize" the face of one man in a spotlight as a celebrity/famous person, even he supports the teacher. The speakers say something good about this teacher and that there was no proof of any wrongdoing.

      A sport team is running down the hallway by the camera, shouting "woohoo!" There were football players, and a little badminton player waving his racquet quickly back and forth. Then there are a bunch of sports players lying down on the ground, I'm one of them, it's the badminton team, I'm lying half on top of the (team leader?). with my elbow on his waist. The leader is asking about different birdies. One of them is flying around the coach asks me to hand it to him. The birdies used are oranges and lemons. I say "I didn't think lemons were the default birdie, I thought it was oranges" we were joking.


      07:30 wife's alarm

      Wife says something, I'm annoyed she's talking to me while I'm trying to sleep. Eventually drift back into sleep, and dream!

      08:00 ?? not sure

      5) At work, sitting on desk talking with coworkers. Someone behind me is asking about the schedule for a project we're working on, there's a deadline coming up. We're trying to figure out what to do, we're talking about a benchmark, I say "we could always just check for the executable name being <something>.exe!" and we break out into laughter for a while, this is a well-known traditional benchmarking "cheat" for device drivers.

      I turn around and look behind me and there is a row of computers at a long table. I see on the screen of one of the computers the remains of the game I was playing there, an ASCII based dungeon game (angband, super fun game: Home of Angband - rephial.org). I think I should clear the screen to hide the evidence. But another coworker goes on that system (a Sun Microsystems workstation) and brings up his game with little graphical buildings and little characters, the whole screen is sort of animating up and down.

      I'm a bit farther down the row of desks, I'm trying to walk forwards, but my body doesn't move forwards. I keep trying to walk forwards, pumping my arms and legs, and then I start moving backwards, I feel like I'm being pulled. This is a very comical situation, I"m exaggerating my motions and people are laughing. I think someone must have attached a rope around by waist and is pulling me backwards, I look behind me to see who's doing it.


      6) FA: I wake up in our old rental duplex. My wife gets up and goes to the dining room/kitchen to do something, I'm lying on the mattress on floor level and looking at her through the doorway, I see just her head, I hear her reading something out loud. Someone then starts talking about the name of a child that was born, my wife says the name is <my name>, Junior. We had a child? They're saying that if the name is mispronounced at birth it cannot be correct later on the birth certificate. I hear my name with the incorrect vowel being used, then I hear "Karen" mispronounced/spelled as "Karan".

      A woman (the name lady?) is talking with my wife, they're looking in at me, I'm trying to hide my face behind a book.

      I'm talking with some guy in a building. He looks like Uncle Hank from Breaking Bad. He's telling me that people were hitting them as they were going up the steps to the hospital in order to give birth. I say we had good luck there, in mid-December so it was not crowded, we had the whole department to ourselves which we needed because both our kids needed... and the guy walks away. "Huh, I guess he's not interested in hearing about our story." I'm looking around, the halls have changed, what used to be openings to other hallways have closed. The same guy (I think a doctor) appears again from where he appeared the first time and walks away through another door and disappears the same way he did before, I sort of try to follow him and start to tell him the story again but I realize I don't know the way back to my bedroom where this started, and I'm lucid (from the location change mostly, ADA/RC-location FTW!). Very unstable, dizzy/hazy at first. Stop, rub hands for a while, start to feel my hands rubbing, and the visuals clarify and stabilize. I clap my hands a few times to finish. I think "OK, I'm going to engage my senses in the dream environment." I really look around, and it's very vivid and clear and WEIRD. The floor, walls, and ceilings are all painted with the same pattern, darkish (army green) pea soup green background, mottled with many swoops/streaks of color, blue and white mostly, maybe orange. It's like the floor, ceiling and walls form one bit pattern, it's very striking. The color seems "wet" and ooze-y like wet paint or playdough. A very "cartoony" looking scene.

      I look to the wall on my left and reach both my hands up and flatten my hands against the wall, it's actually a sort of rectangular vent that runs along the wall, I expect to feel cold metal and I do. I rub my hands back and forth, left and right against the wall, and I look at my hands (RC), they're faint/transparent, and they update "at a low frame rate", they look jerky when I move them, not smooth. I turn again to my left (now facing backwards from lucid moment) and start walking forwards. As I turn I think I should summon a cookie into my pocket and eat it (one of my competition plans), but I forget this instantly after I turn. I walk forwards and think I want to hold this dream as long as I can by engaging my senses and moving through the scene. I quickly come up to a corner bending 90 degrees to the right, where there is an open air snack stand on the right. There are 3 young lady attendants there. I have a quick internal debate and "lose" -- surely a quick kiss would be fine. I turn to the right and face one of them, she's cute, slightly dark skinned, she's looking at me, I say/command "come here!" and she smiles shyly and starts to make her way to me, bending over to come out to the hallway under the counter and...I super fast buzz fade to awake. "No!" 1.5 - 2 minutes lucid.

      walking the corridors of a hospital
      lucid , side notes
    3. 00:00 Saturday 2014-03-08 competition #17 night #8, LD #24 (FA)

      by , 03-15-2014 at 10:40 AM
      23:50 bedtime, a bit late but OK

      00:00 Saturday 2014-03-08 competition #17 night #8, LD #24 (FA)


      1) flying in to Country1, I'm flying over landscape, I land in a large building complex up high. The Country1's have set a trap for me, but Country2's commandos have prepared a way out for me. I make my way back through Country2's front lines and clasp hands with a young Country2 officer and exchange some words of greeting/thanks.

      2) Calling S2 on the phone. I'm on a tent on the lower level, and S2 is sleeping in a tent on the upper level on an out door platform. Then my wife and I are going to go to him and check on something, to check on his reading progress, I try to call him while I"m walking up the stairs with my wife to give him a head's up that we're coming to him. We reach him and he tells us the books he read are on the table under the coins. There are about 4 books on the table and a 5 inch tall stack of coins are placed on top of them. One of the books is really think. He said he'd just read portions of that one.

      F1) I'm calling someone and saying that the weed was AMAZING (IWL I don't touch drugs, weird), that was some AMAZING stuff!

      F2) buying a Honda and waiting for it, other people are waiting for cars to emerge from a building where they've bought them.

      F3) S2 is with his friend S, S2 has his shirt off, he's air-chopping with a katana, S is telling S2 he's doing a good job.

      Can't get back to sleep.

      06:00 out of bed, eat breakfast
      07:00? BTB

      between 08:00-09:00?

      3) FA LD #24. I'm in and out of sleep, dozing for a long time, seeing dream images start to work and then fade away, I see several times what appears to be a wall of bathroom tiles, so I imagine I'm in a shower or the bathroom. Eventually I get up to use the bathroom, I'm using the toilet in a bathroom where the walls are white tiles, after finishing I turn away and head towards the door at the opposite wall, my head feels really heavy/dizzy/drowsy I think I should get right away back to bed and I'll certainly lucid dream. I realize this is not my bathroom, this is a false awakening, I'm dreaming, then I'm awake.


      F4) Horror Hotel -- I'm walking around a bed trying to make it and pull the sheets across, the staff are talking amongst themselves and saying that they can't imagine that I would be staying here after I've heard all the stories. I think I should go farther on down the road to the next hotel.

      F5) Singing up the mountain. I'm walking up the mountain in a big group, I break out into a strong song. I think my voice is pretty good but not perfect.

      4) Battling the cyber demon, sliced leg. Lightsaber trident I'm showing it off to a woman before the fight, it has a long shaft, I ignite the blades, they're lightsaber power blades curved like horns of a bull in the shape of a trident they're white. In the fight some guy slices me on my left leg on the side /back just above the knee, I reach down to feel the wound it doesn't hurt, am I bleeding? but I feel a long cut I can't tell how bad it is I look to my hand and I see blood but not a lot it's not pouring out like I thought it might be.

      F6) dance with the really tall celebrity women. I have a view like standing partly up a stairway looking down. Very thin/tall women are dancing (and doing handsprings?) in a big room.

      5) french crinkle fry / dinner suggestion they say what to eat, I'm on a diet dipping a crinkle fry into ketchup and eating it then want to go out I'll go to keep company but won't eat much. They decide that they're just going to order to go, and I say "no, never mind then" and I leave the group and head towards the door.

      Lots of detail lost here, there's a ton more action that's just beyond grasp.
    4. 00:00 Thursday 2014-03-13 competition #17 night #6, LD #23, long ND

      by , 03-13-2014 at 08:42 AM
      23:30-ish bedtime, yay!

      00:00 Thursday 2014-03-13 competition #17 night #6, LD #23


      1) I'm in my parent's bathroom, it's night, I know I'm sleeping in my sister's old bedroom right next door. I'm looking out through the window slats I see across the fence in the neighbor's yard two beautiful shining blonde people (BB: ageless, I think!). I think they're the neighbors, I don't want them to see me (DS). I slink back from the window and lie down on the floor with my head away from the window against the cupboard wall my head up against the door. I hear/sense them approaching, I think they must be climbing up the roof (this room is on the 2nd floor). They open the windows and look at me and I look at them, and think/say I could be in the next room, trying to make up some lame excuse.

      2) It's the end of the world, and the waters are swirling everywhere. The magic "U" of power is floating in the water and I have to jump for it, I reach it and hold on to it and I'm on dry land. I'm going to be the keeper of the "U".

      3) I'm in a bright daytime colorful fairy garden, with colorful magical plants and beings/animals all around. I have a magical ring/disc (like a frisbie but open center and 2-inch thick ring) I gesture / jerk it with my left hand and shoot out a magical force ring that flies off at high speed going forwards and to the right/up. Strange funny creatures and animals and worms come up to me.

      F1) in a building getting out other people pushing on buttons in the floor with feet, goo oozes up from the floor when I step on the button.

      F2) an outdoor bouncy slide, someone was guided by a force that said they'd never seen anything like that (me), how I was chosen.

      F3) a scene of an outdoor movie theater starting to watch some show I'm floating over the top as a DO

      4) I'm on a boat in the waters, I look behind me and in the distance I see PT approaching, his son G is already on the boat. I know my children are on board down and to the right.

      Get up, bathroom, sit on bed thinking about dreams for a bit, set some intention, then BTB.


      5) ultra long multi-themed dream culminating as lucid. Themes:
      A) SB old grad school serious girlfriend
      B) NM grad school friend
      C) pizza
      D) garden hose invention
      E) musical competitions, son's playing piano
      F) riding a boat with an impressive security system
      G) ghost/burglars breaking in to house, get lucid in shock

      I'm sitting at a counter in a restaurant, finishing eathing something (pizza I think). My (wife?) calls and is annoyed that I'm not home. I'm looking at a glossy brochure and I realize that it is a proposal for a date evening from my old grad school girlfriend, SB. She has prepared this dazzling brochure describing the evening she has planned. Including the meal, the wine/drinks, and I "recognize" a picture of one my own bottles of wine that she's going to use and I think one of my own glasses/mugs.

      I see my grad school friend NM. He is absolutely 100% soaking drenched from the rain outside, he is dripping all over the place. He's inviting me (and SB?) to join him and friends for pizza later, he gives me some phone number to call to meet them.

      I'm outside in a garden there are people there including my sister i'm noticing that a part of the garden is really wet and I realize that I've left on a hose. I turn off the hose and get the brilliant idea for an invention: an automatic timer that notifies you when your garden hose has been turned on for too long so you can go and turn it off. I'm amazed that nobody has thought of this, I think this is going to be a revolutionary invention.

      Entering a musical competition, my son is entering as the piano player in a piano/string quartet group. I think how can he possibly do this he doesn't really play any more. I see a line of judges , I'm walking by them, some are children, they have distorted faces, I think some of them are friends of my son from grade school days. I hear my son playing, he's fantastic, I can't believe how well he's playing. The judges nod at me when I look at them to indicate their approval, I think they don't really look much like my sons's old friends (the M's). I think my son shouldn't show off so much and should let the string players also participate more. I look at him and he's not even facing the keyboard, he's hunched over a calculator (calculating how to play the piece?) and has a small child on his lap as well, the main judge looks and is amazed at all the things my son is doing there. My son moves to put the child in a bed which I pull down the covers for. I think I see an old boy scout friend (VL) in the bed then.

      I'm on a boat it's dark, we're driving in the water, the boat staff are talking about the security system which is to keep invaders off of the boat: I see it, it's a wire that leads from the back of the boat connected to a tall pole, leading all the way back to the dock. They demonstrate it and a bright powerful purple burst of electricity zips down the wire. There's something nearby my head and I don't want to hit my head, and I don't want to get zapped accidently by that security system.

      I'm back in the house with the garden hose invention, I continue thinking about it, there could be a wifi transmitter that communicates with a wrist-band display that you carry, and each hose can tell you when it is done so you can see "front lawn finished", etc. My sister is giving me some music but only as a loan.

      I'm standing out side the door of another music competition, I look up and see the sign. We're entering and standing at the elevator, I know my son is absolutely not ready for this one, it's a (Chopin?) competition, some other people want him to play anyway, they go up, I hear the piano sounds then, it's an absolute disaster, he's just pounding on the keys randomly it doesn't sound like anything at all.

      I'm in an indoor area, large, open, with lots of cupboards and beds like a giant dormitory room. I'm there with former girlfriend SB. We're arguing, I'm trying to suggest something that she may like to do as a job, she doesn't want to do anything I'm suggesting. I say "Do you want to just stay at home and let me do all the work supporting us?!" and she indicates she does, I leave.

      I'm returning to this room. I'm outside it, I see the corner of the room, SB is resting, she has rigged a way to hold the curtains closed, the walls of the room are glass from floor to ceiling but with beams periodically placed horizontally and vertically. In the corner there are two vertical beams close together and she has jammed some water bottles into the crevice there to hold the curtains closed, I know she's resting.

      I'm inside the room see her lying on a bed, her head's on my left, I see a dark black wet spot near her mouth, I ask what that is she says something, I suppose she's been drooling, she's not feeling well.

      I'm standing somewhere with SB and I decide to call NM up and go meet him for pizza. I can't remember his number! I come up with 7 or 8 digits and I'm just not sure, but AHA, All I have to do is look in my phone, start typing in the numbers and it will automatically find the number then I can call NM, and


      I'm severely startled out of my thoughts of calling NM by a loud sound to my right. It sounds like something really big banged up against something else really big. I look to my right and see I'm standing in the back porch of my parent's house, and I'm looking down the hallway to the front door which is standing widely open (the wrong way I think) and there's a large green garbage dumpster there at the front door full of garbage. WTF?!

      SB and I are now standing at the front door looking in to the living room. She inhales quickly with a loud gasp and clasps her hand to her mouth in shock. I look in to the room AND ALL THE WINDOWS ARE OPEN. The room only has 2 windows that open but there are at least 10 open windows in this room. The furniture looks like it's been tossed around. I feel shivers of fright/shock.

      Spoiler for profanity warning, LD here:

      I lie awake for some while calming down from shock at the dream end and in awe at the amount of recall I have, easily 20-30 minutes worth or more, it seemed to go on forever. I get up to record it, then come back to bed and think about it some more and sleep some more. Should have set an alarm at this point because I overslept my out of bed target by 1.5 hours. I was astonished that all that time, all the things i was doing, all the places I was, was all a dream, and I felt that astonishment when I got lucid, sort of like a brief "life flashing before your eyes" moment.


      6) football fake out play. I'm DO watching the overhead cam view of a pass, a long bomb towards the end zone. A huge pack of red-uniformed defenders are all running after the ball, I think it may be intercepted, they do a running leap in the end zone but the ball goes through the arms of one of the guys, incomplete pass. Then the team coach comes to me, at first I think he wants to pass to me next, but then I realize and say "Oh, you want the other team to *think* they're going to pass to me, but you're NOT!" and he says "SHHH!!!!!", he's going to pass to some other guy after all the defenders cover me because the other team saw the coach talking to me.

      F4) something about going around with a group of women/girls and ice cream.

      There's more there but forgot.

      Updated 03-13-2014 at 01:41 PM by 65364

      lucid , nightmare , memorable , side notes
    5. 00:00 Monday 2013-12-30 comp #16 night #18

      by , 12-30-2013 at 11:05 AM
      00:00 Monday 2013-12-30 comp #16 night #18

      01:49 bedtime (urgh! bad!)


      1) performance of computer chips. I meet a marketing guy from one company on the street and he rolls out some marketing posters, showing certain companies holding certain spots in the ratings list. I check with the other company that game/performance was not their intended platform.

      In a boat with computer scientists, climb up stairs to open upper level for a meeting to discuss the chip performance, there are some big wakes we ride over making the boat rock a lot front to back, I see the water and the waves approaching the boat.

      The ships arrives at a place with a whirlpool and a waterfall, they both need to be avoided. I'm in the water. There's a boy in the water, directing our attention to these two dangers to avoid them. (Something weird about berries and chewing these berries and getting them off of your neck). If you avoid the dangers there is a police chase, and the police will always get you. I see an overhead cartoon depiction of a police car chase.

      2) my mother is performing a financial audit/full business report of a company. She's comparing the number of employees and expenses versus the goals of the company. She's preparing detailed typewritten reports on large brownish sheest of paper. Her conclusion is that everything is going perfectly well in the company. She's describing the troubles she had producing the large charts in the typewriter, like she at first thought of having to type each letter individually and then having to re-adjust the paper to type the next letter. I see words written in a foreign language as well as English on the report.

      3) a company lunch. I see the kitchen where they're cooking. All the food was white. I did not want to eat it. Cheese/chicken sandwiches on white bread, I saw the finished toasted sandwiches piled up waiting to be taken. I wanted to go to a different cateferia for lunch. There was a warning sign posted over a stairwell about how some employees had been talking about a 3rd party company (that specialized in charcoal) and these employees had been overheard discussing confidential information, and the charcoal company was angry. The Japanese CEO of the charcoal company appeared saying something about the history/honor or the company.

      F1) last day at work, shook hands with colleages including BI. They were going out for lunch but I had other plans.

      4) I was being detained by a big black bald police officer, I'm sitting on a coach in a room full of columns. He won't let me get a drink of water because it's against protocol. There's an annoying little black guy sitting on the couch poking me, I push him. I complain about him and move to the other end of the couch. He puts something in my mouth like a little wafer of ice cream.

      Scene in a restaurant where a rich woman is trying to figure out if her (dog can have ice cream?). She's eating lots of cheesecake. I'm sitting on the couch eating ice cream and I put the spoon down on a towel on top of the couch, she comes over, I think she'll be upset about me putting the ice cream on the couch, I pick it up and she says something.
      non-lucid , side notes
    6. 00:00 Sunday 2013-12-29 comp #16 night #17 LD #16

      by , 12-29-2013 at 01:57 PM
      00:00 Sunday 2013-12-29 comp #16 night #17 LD #16

      02:00 ? bedtime. Kids were in our room doing a skype chat with an old friend really late


      1) animated cartoon race looks like sidescroller video game small cartoon characters one walking one on a bike/trike, they're moving from right to left, I watch for a few seconds and am amused. I think it's funny that the girl passes the boy and wins. Sitting at a table, the cartoon race boy is JoSa, the girl is his sister, I'm sitting at a table with a bunch of other children and JoSA, I ask him "How is your sister, anyway?" He had trouble speaking/answering, he was embarrased, he spoke French? A little. His sister I understood didn't like something about the world.

      Looking closely at JoSa, I focus up close on his left eye. It is very large with strange streaks of orange. The eye is looking around, it sort of has a chameleon look to it. There is a huge strange red area between his eye and his nose, even larger than the large eye area, filled with red capillaries running back and forth from top to bottom (like refridgerator coils).
      Children eating around the table, the subject of money comes up. I say "math is really tricky, how did you do on the exams?" One kid has apparently earned drug money, he has a fistful of bills, his mother comes up and takes it, he can't have the money "because Jesus did not touch the money."

      The kid are trying to forge some forms. They're filling out the forms with their childlike block capital letters, I see the letters, they're obviously written by children, I think this forgery will never work.

      2) bad grandmother, was pounding the poor grandchild all around, roughly placing the child on the ground. The GM put the child inside even though there was nice weather outside, something about "warming up" but I know that it ridiculous because it's very warm outside. The grandfather always watched to make sure the GM didn't hurt the child. The GM told the GF "oh you can never do anything," and the GF answered because he has to stay and watch her.

      3) UL (lake) Indian battles. We're standing in a high overview looking down on a bunch of Indians, we shoot a volley of arrows at them, this causes them to start chasing us, they're mad that we shot the arrows at them. This was at the main boy scout campsite. You can't outrun the Indians, they're going to catch us and probably skin us, it's going to be bad. It turns out the main campsite was some sort of sacred ground and the Indians would not enter this area, that's why the scouts chose this place for the camp. I'm trying to climb up some rocks in the camp.

      4) tractor battle. I'm driving a large vehicle with high clearance like a truck. I'm trying to get back to the main road which is right ahead, but I'm currently on a sandy/soft-earth area and I'm trying to find a path to the paved road but I can't. I'm moving forwards and reverse several times. I then realize the enemy has constructed a moat all around the truck and there is no path to the road. I hit the edge of the moat and the truck almost flips over forwards, it goes up to about 70-80 degrees before falling back down. I see some metal girders buried under the sand in the moat. Then the enemy rushes the truck, and I jump out to fight. Some come over to my side and are trying to construct a bridge over the moat made out of garden lounges, they make a high bridge, I doubt they will hold the weight of the truck.

      F1) I'm returning somewhere with a group, I stop to eat in a cafeteria, there's a guy at a table behind me eating his own lunch.

      F2) on a country road, looking down the lane, then there's a tomato vine that grows several feet per second. I support it with my hands as I watch it grow farther down the road, I see the little tomatoes forming, someone is quizzing me about the length to which it will grow.

      07:37 BTB

      long time hovering on the edge of sleep, at least 2 hours. Lots of dreamlets, some perhaps dreams forming. Tried a WILD on back at one point. Gave up after a while. Some external disturbance, but never waking up much. Did not get up out of bed despite long to-sleep time because I felt that manging this balancing on the edge of sleep was important for lucid dreaming: for LDing, one is on the sleep side of this edge, while I was on the awake side last night, hoping to transition over.

      10:29 LD #16

      F3) watching a small orchestra playing without a conductor. I look to the side and see my brother-in-law lying on the ground under a table, sleeping. I think that makes sense, he's tired. I see someone else also lying partly under the table (my father) but his feet are protruding out past the end of the table.

      5) standing in line at an attraction/ride. I'm near the front of the line, my younger son is playing on the ground in front of me. I shoot a rubber band at the ground in front of him. We start shooting rubber bands at each other for a while, one hits me hard in the chest area and I say "Hey don't give me a heart attack!" The attraction is in a building out on the water, and we're waiting for the shuttle boat. I move forwards in the line and rest my right arm on a counter. There are peoole behind me in the line. My wife is concerned we won't make it back in time because we have to go somewhere. I figure we indeed probably will not make it, since once out on the water we will be unable to return without the boat, currently the time is 07:45 (?) and the attraction is probably at least a couple of hours.

      Walking on a road past a building, I go in, it's a huge chinese banquet/buffet meal. The staff are finishing setting the places and starting to bring out the food. There are many tables set with many plates. I'm walking around looking at the tables. The guests have not started arriving yet in big numbers. A few are sitting down to eat. I think I better grab a plate soon before everybody else arrives, there are a few dishes on the tables already. I can't find a plate, I see some serving platters, that's not a dish I can use. I see a place setting with a plate and I take the plate and put some food on it from some of the dishes served already. My plate is floppy like a paper plate it's hard to keep it from collapsing. I maneuver around a server bringing a big plate of food. I sit down to eat, I start to eat, I look down at my plate I see it with food up close, I realize this is a dream and I slowly wake up...

      ...but not very much, I think briefly about the dream but I'm not very awake, and I fall asleep again...

      6) ... and wake up in a luxurious fluffy huge hotel room entirely in white (with no memory of prior dream at this point). There is lots of furniture around: couches, beds, everything is white. I'm alone, looking for family, don't know where they are, I was sleeping on a fluffy white comfortable couch with white comforters. I go through a door it is into an adjoining room which is darker, I'm confused, I say "Huh, What!?" I look around the room, there's nothing in it. I return to the original room and go out through another door. It looks like the main room door of a hotel room, lots of throw bolts / slide locks. I enter into the banquet room (of previous dream), there is a maid cleaning with a large vaccuum cleaner, and some people farther along to the left are sitting down to a buffet breakfast, I look down and see I'm wearing my tattered "comfy shorts", I'm embarrased about them and go back into the room to change into my sweatpants.

      I see in a sumptuous luxurious sleeping area with wafting white gauze curtains my sons lying in bed. Older son is to the right and covered and asleep, younger son is to the left and uncovered and awake, my wife has prepared a breakfast tray for him the tray is with him in bed. His face is underneath a large couch rectangular cushion (held above his face by the
      couch, not resting on it) whicih is screening the light from his face, he's asking my wife for a blueberry muffin.

      This is my first recognized dream exit, dream re-enter sequence.

      10:39 BTB

      drowsing on and off for several hours.


      F4) thanks (sarcastic) for hiding the refugees in cells with the masses, for telling them it's safer to mingle with the groups, the corrupt immigration officials are managing them, they've been slaughtered. All you have to do to get back to the other group is declare yourself to be a "dikta". A guy then looks at a girl and says "I'm a dikta"and she says "OK" and pushes him over to the other side.

      F5) going to church climbing over fence in a stone ampitheatre. Walking up the rows there is a photographer. He says he likes to take pictures of women when they're sitting down because you get lots of detail, there are a number of young women sitting down bottomless, their privates are visible.

      There's a guy hiding in a hidden area with a small window, up above the sitting area, he's chatting up a woman in the audience area, he's trying to pick her up, she has a clever reply, he comes out he's a nondescript guy in his 30's with bumpy face and a thin mustache.

      Probably spent at least 4 hours not sleeping between to-bed and final waking time, so it's probably just 8 hours of sleep altogether.
      lucid , side notes
    7. 00:00 Saturday 2013-12-28 comp #16 night #16 LD #15

      by , 12-28-2013 at 09:35 PM
      00:00 Saturday 2013-12-28 comp #16 night #16 LD #15

      01:08 bedtime

      golf, thte queen and the humulus, crazy dogs, dales in the garage, starry moonlit night

      1) game of golf, a father is hitting his golf ball, which knocks into his son's ball, the announcer says "if it goes down the right hill the son will be the winner." there is a small mound about a meter high with various slopes going forwards/backwards and left/right. The ball is like a small tribble, a furry ball with white/brown patches. The son is watching the ball rolling down into the target "hole" (more like a large bowl), so he is the winner. I'm also watching, up close. I imagine it would be stupid for the son to knock the ball out of the hole since he'd lose points.

      F1) the princess/queen is waiting for someone. I'm with her. She's going into the back of the library, I follow and sit down with her. She sits down and reads a story. I see "the princess and the humulus" written on a wall. The "humulus" is some other woman.

      2) MD is driving down the driveway into my childhood home's garage where I'm standing with my wife. There's a refridgerator there, low, long and rectangular. RD has been coming to spray the things growing inside the refridgerator with water. My wife is asking my why I can't do that, she was upset that I wasn't doing it and someone else had to. I couldn't find the spray bottle which is why I couldn't do the spraying. I say if I could have found it I could have done it. ND is up at the top of the driveway (on HC). M's car comes into the garage and manages to turn around in a tight circle without having to back up, it turns around several times. He manages to avoid hitting my parent's car. I tell my wife she could leave a message for RD on this other refridgerator in the garage.

      3) sitting with a bunch of people outside. There had been some battle. There were crazy attack dogs like little Tasmanian devils whirling around that are posting signs on fences about their enemies. I'm standing next to an open furnace. I'm indicating with my head towards the furnace, several times, and I say that they could soak their enemies in oil and through them in the fire. They said they tried it before and it didn't work, but I know it can work.

      F2) guy in a car with a date. If all else fails, they could look up at the stars and the moonlit sky. I look up and see a beautiful night sky with silvery moonlight. They need to find a place to park, though.

      F3) there's a cord leading up to a security camera high on a street pole on the street.

      06:04 MILD and SSILD.

      06:57 still trying to sleep

      07:35 still trying to sleep, get up get a snack, BTB

      08:57 LD #15

      4) walking/running through well-lit narrow office corridors with white walls and blue office carpet, I realize I'm dreaming. I continue walking a few steps. Dream feels unstable (dizzy?), I rub hands together, I hold them up in front my eyes and feel the rubbing and see my hands (they look normal). I do my stabilization kata: pat down my dream body with my hands while counting to 5, I see my torso and legs, I'm just wearing my underwear, so my hands are slapping on my skin, it's effective, I feel my hands on my body. I hear someone behind me in the corridor, I don't want to encounter anybody while stabilizing, I count to 5 again turning around, I don't see anybody. There are lots of intersecting corridors (at right angles). Vision is clear and vivid, dream body is well-lit. I have good memory of dream goals, I have a huge point-fest all planned. I feel stable, vision is clear. I say "OK, Pickman, time to get down to business!" I reach my right hand behind me to summon him and fade to awake in bed. Total time, about 45 seconds. Lying on stomach, head to the right.


      5) On ski lift with sister, brother-in-law, and parents. We're looking at the snow paths down below. The path has gently rolling hills, my sister says that it looks like a really attractive path for beginners. Lots of bumps to do little jumps if you want to. The lift reaches a 90 degree turn to the left, and I say "here we go up the mountain!" We're up very high there are large snowy mountains. I feel like I'm starting to slip off my seat. I wonder how my folks will get back down since they're not skiing.

      01:30 wife woke me up

      6) in the neighborhood a few blocks away from childhood home, down below. I'm standing in a clearing, looking down towards a circle. I see houses and a playground beyond the circle. There are houses in the distance, I'm studying them, they seem to be under construction. I'm trying to remember if those houses were they before or whether they were new. There are lots of open arches in the design, I'm thinking they're building more and more houses down there. There is an opening leading through some trees to the playground. I say "that playground must be for everybody who lives around here" I go into the playground. There is a drinking fountain there. It's low to the ground again a brick wall, in a tight spot, I turn it on and bend down to get a drink. There were some small kids thre playing.

      F4) Frickin' awesome flying scene. I'm *imagining* that I can fly. I'm flying from the hills down to the city. I'm It is superman-style flight, powered, will-controlled speed, not just gliding. I see the trees and the ground passing beneath me, I'm ecstatic, and say "oh yeah!". I'm astounded at how well I can "imagine."

      I almost didn't remember the flying fragment. It's amazing how much we forget every night.
      lucid , side notes
    8. 00:00 Friday 2013-12-27 comp #16 night #15

      by , 12-27-2013 at 05:24 PM
      00:00 Friday 2013-12-27 comp #16 night #15

      00:15 bedtime two 200mg tabs of Valerian


      F1) skiing, there's not enough snow

      1) arcade game contest, you have to get a huge balloon-like ball through a hoop in the ceiling. The game is arranged with mirrors. It's very hard to see what the goal of this game is exactly, I'm trying to figure it out. Eventually a faint hoop high up in the back comes into view and I know you're supposed to get this huge ball through that hoop. I'm trying different ways, including throwing a deflated balloon, then I get the idea of get the balloon in place to fall through the hoope: I tie a a string to the balloon, throwing the string over the roof of the building beyond the game area, and pulling the string from the other side of the building to get the balloon directly over the target.
      Dream changes to their being an attack from one team on another down a river. One team is waiting for the other team, there's an ambush. The older people are upset they didn't want to participate in an attack, it is a betrayal of trust. Is some places the ground is food, like pizza.

      F2) A guy says "only people who are believers (O) can come inside".

      F3) A guy fails the test of good character, "b" (flat mark) Pyt.T. is grading the test. I see a hand/pencil making a mark on the grading form paper up close.

      F4) a campus police offiicer is standing in full uniform in the distance, I see his badge. They're advertising the job of being a campus policeman. There's a guy sitting at a gate then this policeman comes out.

      2) bowling in the bowline alley throwing the ball, left handed, it crosses over the middle, hits near the 10 pin, but in a very slow chain reaction all the pins fall down for a strike. I said "wow that's one of the (ugliest/slowest) strikes I've every seen!" Some people were watching, they don't react much. I'm happy to get a strike. I bowl another ball, having trouble releasing it on the proper arrow. I try to stand far back, and approach the 2nd arrow from the left. Look at the ball and the finger holes are all wrong and spread out strangely and there are more than 3, I see the ball up close. I'm playing another guy, I bowl the first ball, and he bowls the second shot, I say "hey you're not supposed to do that, that was my shot." He's upset that I chastised him, and he says "that's the reason why I don't like to play this game," which I think is ridiculous. All the time I'm in the left-most lane of the alley up aginst the left edge of the building. I keep missing my arrow, and the ball at one time skips over an entire lane and enters the gutter of the 2nd lane to the right.

      04:40 BTB, doing MILD and SSILD


      F5) watched a woman having a nightmare about being a mermaid. Her legs were short and amputated-looking rather than fishy. Then there's a close up of her bloody decapitated body with the neck stump rubbing up against the bottom part of a couch next to the floor. The view is from overhead.

      3) with children trying to watch a movie, I'm in a rocking chair that won't stop rocking, like it's motorized. It's really bothering me, I'm trying to figure it out, to make adjustmets, I say "it's a bad rocking chair, a RC should only rock when you want it to."

      We're doing a project with these kids, building something, a little toy house is being fixed up.
      Outside with a bunch of kids, they're playing in water.

      The kids are playing in the water, a small shallow creek with short reeeds. "we're being sponges" they say. I move to stand in the water too. The kids are naked, and I get naked too. They're all little boys but one is a girl. She's older and she's not naked but is topless. She is shy and keeps turning away from me, I keep maneuvering for a better view. I'm walking in the mud and feel it on my toes.

      I'm concerned about making progress on all the projects, the kids are not concerned, they say "you could do t his, you could do that," since they're not concerned, I say, "OK, I'll be a sponge, too."

      I see two purple fly-like insects up close with triangular heads covered with insect eyes, their weird mouth appendages are touching each other. I recite the little poem "There were purple bees, kissing in trees." Then I see a very colorful small rainbow minnow flying through the air, it stops in front of me, I see the horizontal stipes of the colors, purple on the top and bottom, and red and yellow in the middle, it's beautiful. I say "hey did you see that?" The guy saw it.

      4) in a room, large, tall ceilinged, rectangular, white paint on the walls. It's like a hotel or a dormitory. Son2 is there and wife. Someone rings the bell. Nobody goes to answer the door, eventually I go open the door, I open it, there's a second door, but on the doorknob inbetween the doors is a piece of paper. I take it back into the room and open it. It is a number of pieces of paper stapled randomly together so it's really hard to open and see anything. I eventually see some number, it's a bill for the stay, 1000, or 1900, or 19000.

      There's a large toy/model house, one floor is a drawer with a lot of garbage in it, food garbage, and it's wet. Food and dirty. There are strange coins, I try to flip one of these coins but I can't because the coin is too large. I try to do this repeatedly but can't. The coins are rolling around on the ground. I try to find a smaller coin to flip it. I find some "19 r" coins, they're not normal coins, they're only for buying a weird thing. A giant vacuum cleaner starts spewing out sewage into our room. I put it out into the corridor so it's a shared problem, not just our problem.


      F6) a doctor is searching a man for lesions inside and older man's head. I see the top of the man's bald head, his head is bumpy like an egg carton (or snow moguls) all over the top of his head, the doctor is pressing in the valleys of the head poking around trying to find something. I see the front of the face of the patient briefly.

      5) in childhood home (DS!!!), I hang up a coat in the hallway closet. We're rushing somewhere. There's a sweater that wouldn't go properly into a drawer. My wife asks me to push it in, I look down and see it protruding from the bottom drawer of a dresser. My wife has a business with Yo Yo Ma, but he hasn't been working recently, but we were still paying him. "If he's not working why in the heck are we paying him for?" Wife answers "he still works occationally, he taught just a few days ago." I say "it's amazing you have so many contacts with famous people." My wife was talking about paying the insurance so we could take care of a pink spot under my arm.
      side notes , non-lucid
    9. 00:00 Thursday 2013-12-26 comp #16 night #14

      by , 12-26-2013 at 09:42 AM
      00:00 Thursday 2013-12-26 comp #16 night #14

      00:17 bedtime cup of peppermint (two bags) and St. John's Wort tea (tea big teaspoons)

      01:11 long discussion at bedtime, felt very awake, took 3mg melatonin to prevent sleepless night, in retrospect it might have been better to be awake for a while but get some dreams , but I also wanted to "reset" my going to bed time to midnight.

      07:45 alarm, up for breakfast duty, no recall, melatonin really zonked me out

      09:06 BTB

      09:40 phone call, important business matter, had to do some printing and scanning, was almost asleep or asleep, took a while to get there since I was wide awake at the BTB time.

      10:27 BTB... I do NOT accept a night without any dreams! Lots of dreamlets/HI. I saw my backpack and the view from the bed out into the corridor very clearly. This one seemed to last for a long while. I did a motionless RC but it indicated awake.


      1) baseball game. I'm in the close outfield just behind 2nd base. A ball is hit and runners are running around the bases. I see a base runner who has rounded 2nd base falling back to 2nd. The runner is naked and he has a giant huge flappy stomach. I'm amazed that that guy can run bases at all he's so fat. He stands up and he's so big with his arms on the ground and his feet in back of him that I think he looks like a centaur. Then he fully stands up and he IS a centaur. He has the face of a famous fat actor and his chest is very hairy with red/brown hair.

      2) leaky house & GF
      I'm in a big very tall ceilinged old leaky house with lots of sleeping lofts. It is raining outside and the rain is dripping everywhere onto people's beds. I hear the rain pouring into a cooking pot and filling it up that someone has put on their bed. I think my cousin's bed is going to be very wet, he won't want to sleep there. I see damp beddings on the beds. I pick up the pot to empty it. I walk past one bed with a girl sleeping in it on her right side, dark hair, pretty face, light skin, I see her shoulder/top of her chest, she's piled deeply under many feet of blankets, she is the girlfriend of the guy in whose bed she's sleeping.

      I stand next to another bed, I'm half-way through taking off my shirt over my head, when my college GF (D.B.) appears and says sarcastically "wow, is that your (celebration?) outfit?", I know I look dishevelled, my hair is a mess. I say "I know I look....'attractive' right now" (being ironic), "but I'd really like to lie with you for a while here, can I?" She says yes of course and comes into my arms. Her bed is right in the open area, my bed is up above in a much more private area, I think of asking her to come up there because it's much more private.

      Some workers are moving through the area, moving large objects, the objects are banging into the sleepers lightly.

      F1) a big house is a huge toy house model, I see the model a few feet away from me. I know someone is in the garden there.
      non-lucid , side notes
    10. 00:00 Wednesday 2013-12-25 comp #16 night #13 ALMOST lucid

      by , 12-25-2013 at 02:40 PM
      00:00 Wednesday 2013-12-25 comp #16 night #13

      00:00 bedtime


      F1) I said "bullshit bullshit bullshit..." about the flying man, flying around with a (something?)


      F2) fighting


      F3) someone's trying to get me in trouble


      1) "ship battles & potstickers"
      On a ship at night in the Mediterranean sea, one guy is swimming in the warm water, the crew is on board, one of the guys is playing the classical guitar, suprisingly well, I hear it clearly and follow the melody for a while, he's not playing perfectly but still very well, I'm quite astonished such a rough/low-brow guy can play so well.

      It's daytime and the ship is moving through the air, we've taken on a huge cargo lot of rugs, piles of rolled up rugs cover the deck, I'm concerned we have too many rugs on board.

      Enemy scouts ahead of the path of our ship have spotted us and recognized our ship. I'm in a team to kill the scouts. I try to chop the head off of one guy by hitting his neck from two sides at once with a blade in each hand. It's not working and I'm squeamish about continuing.

      Attack scene: inside the ship, the enemies were attacking, the enemies were approaching the doors and shooting in grenades that bounce around inside around corners and exploding. I also shoot some bouncing grenades back at them.

      I'm DO: 2 from my team are retreating back to our ship, one, an infantry, makes it inside but stops to help/watch the flying mech partner, which is caught by another flying mech in a strong stream of machine gun fire, I watch the steam of fire, it is ripping our mech to shreds, pieces of metal are flying everywhere, I think our guy won't survive.

      I'm in a high place, and a woman is gesturing/calling to me from a platform about 100 feet down a hill from my position and asking "what happened to the potstickers?". There are a few people on this small platform (about 4 square meters). I can't understand what she's saying so I mimic holding a telephone up to my right ear with my right hand so that she will call me. She doesn't, so eventually I fly down to the platform. They're asking me where the potstickers are. I conclude that someone threw away the potstickers which were boiling in the water when the attack began, so nobody knew there were still there in the water and probably threw them out with the old water. I put them in the water initially, then was distracted by the attack, I tell this story a few times. I then see a frying pan with some potstickers/dumplings cooking in oil and ask "hey is anybody going to have these?"

      08:31 took 30 drops mother's wort.

      F4) DO flying over a map of the US, I was trying to figure out a route to the West coast.

      09:59 BTB


      2) "amazingly real imagination" (all but lucid: vivid, active, but without "I'm dreaming")
      Swimming in water, I see up ahead some people, I go to them, still in the water, they're talking about what happens when you fall into a pool of juice (different kinds of juices), I say I swam once in a pile of sliced kiwis. I have trouble saying kiwis it comes out like "kee-vees", and I repeat it again, the woman looks at me funny. I swim away from them and see a girl nearby. I say to myself "if this were a dream I would get with her," I reach for her and then my vision sharpens and she comes very clear, it was like becoming lucid without the acknowledgement that I'm dreaming. I'm amazed that my "imagination" is so powerful, 3D, and realistic. Vivid high definition clear visuals, and I have good touch sensation. She's naked and I touch her for a few seconds before the scene changes.

      3) "coffee with the drunk blonde"
      I'm in some kind of a bar, there was someone I knew there, a beautiful blonde-haired woman in a black evening dress. she was very drunk, I did not want her to try to go home by herself. She starts walking out, I go to her and say "let me help you home, let's go get some coffee." I felt attracted to her. We're starting up some stairs, I said "turn around," she's ahead of me on the stair and turns around and I pull her into a light hug, and I kissed her right cheek through her blonde hair. We continue walking around looking for coffee, I'm holding her closely against my side with one arm around her waist, I feel her against me and I feel my hand on her waist very clearly, it's soft and a wonderful feeling. I imagine some people are looking at me funny (isn't he married?) my answer is "hey she's just a friend and I'm helping her out". I said "let's go for a coffee in the hotel, it will wake you up," she says ok, we're in a restaurant she starts to sit down in a regular open area, where other people also sit down at the same table, I say "no no let's go back here," I indicate a sort of lounge with couches, there's an even darker more intimate area to the right but we don't go there. We enter the lounge area with couches and she says "now this is more like it," there are a bunch of black kids playing games on another couch, and she really likes kids so she went to play with them, I think "oh, great," sarcastically, I go to sit with them.

      4) "gangster casino & the mayor"
      It's night and I'm standing outside on a sidewalk, I'm next to a business / office building with black shades drawn down over the windows, there is light inside, there are people moving around, I think a security guy is watching me through a window. I'm standing there watching something on the ground. Another guy appears standing next to me and watching me. I'm wearing a robe with nothing underneath. I think it was a bank at first, but later imagine it's a casino.

      And older woman was reelected mayor. She was whooping it up in celebration, skipping through the crowds and waving her arms in the air and whopping in delight. She had prepared a gift for the city upon becoming mayor, and she was working on a building-sized banner to proclaim this gift. The gift is a full day of no government regulations, including not having to pay taxes on that day.

      I'm inside the casino, it's very small, just a few tables, this is a private/gangster casino, I'm looking for a blackjack table. I see a table with a young skinny sneaky looking Italian looking male dealer, I imagine he's a card shark and very adept at cheating. I find a table but i can't see the table limit sign. I'm poking around the table looking for it eventually find it and see it's a $5 minimum table, I'm turned off by this I only wanted to spend $20 but still play for a while. I'm playing a hand, maybe I lose a hand, the casino chips are huge about the size of a pancake. I give the dealer cash and wait for my chips. I have a bunch of cards in my hand I don't think they're from the table. If these are my cards I could follow the play along with these cards and know exactly which cards are still left, no reason to count cards.

      This whole sleep cycle was on my stomach, head to right of pillow, normally I sleep only on my side, sometimes I sleep on stomach in late morning briefly if both hips/shoulders are a bit sore. Quite an amazing dreaming night given the fact that I had a hugely stressful evening last night with a lot of drama. I didn't expect to sleep not to mention recall anything. But I was very tired as well. Got to sleep earlier than normal, I really need to keep my to-bed time around midnight for better dreaming.

      Updated 12-25-2013 at 03:00 PM by 65364

      non-lucid , side notes
    11. 00:00 Tuesday 2013-12-24 comp #16 night #12 LD #14

      by , 12-24-2013 at 11:38 AM
      00:00 Tuesday 2013-12-24 comp #16 night #12 LD #14

      01:54 bedtime


      F1) lampshade


      1) F says my work area is very dirty: you chop up insects, you do (other things) , etc, all over the place,, I see it and agree it's very dirty: tools and clippings of things are all over the place. I ask him to please show me his secrets to how he sets up his work surfac. He says come here I'll show you. He started showing me how he sets up his work surface by nailing a yoga mat stretched over a large piece of wood. F shows me several small custom video game computers about the size of a cell phone obviously home made with about 8 buttons/speakers on front. One game is a jedi lightsaber fight, he programmed them in hardware with chips. I play it a bit, I push a button and the little figure on the screen does a stab/lunch with his shiny lightsaber. It has good music effects as well, F said he used a radio program API to do the sound. F went to a conference show off his creations, I thought to myself, I wonder what happens if you move one player on top of another player, I think his game may not handle this case and one player would disappear behind the other player, and this would be a glitch. But no, when this happened, the wookie hugs the other player and a little message pops up. I would love to make games and little electronic projects the way F does.

      2) approaching the rebel base command center with some other young computer hacker DCs. The base is surrounded with huge rectangular force fields, there is lots of security. There are a lot of busses approaching a drop-off area. There is a big field of radio controlled communication dishes. Some are old models, some are newer ones. One hacker says "look at the enemy antennas!" I (or DC?) say "What do you mean 'enemy antennas'?, that's a standard (some model name) model! I used to reprogram them to play (some game)" I'm looking at these antennas and I see one is a really old, decrepit model. I'm remembering that one could be reprogrammed to play a simple game. I/someone pulled a lynch pin out from the base of an antennae pole and I think that we should put it back in.

      3) Walking by a table with playdough on it, the playdough has gotten too hot and it is melted and nasty, somebody is upset about this.

      In kitchen to get a glass of water. I go to a cupboard around to the right to get a glasss (they're odd shaped/tall, kind of hour-glass shaped), I go to the sink, there is a teapot with many strips of frozen chicken standing vertically inside it, and all around. The women in the kitchen are defrosting it. I'm trying to get water to flow from the pot/faucet into my glass without hitting the chicken because 1) I don't want raw chicken juice in my water, and 2) the women might get upset that I'm interfering with the defrosting process by making it defrost faster . I turn on the water and it starts flowing over the defrosting chicken. I can't turn off the water for a while, I try different places to turn it off, you have to push down on the tap as well as rotating it to the correct location. It finally turns off. They say it's not the location, it's how far down you push it.

      4) on a road leading in to a tunnel, there is a jedi lightsaber battle. Good/bad guys not clear, not sure what side I'm on. I do a force-pull of a lightsaber that is on the ground and start battling with one guy. The lightsabers keep falling down, I keep looking for them and trying to do force-pull to me. I remembered a legend, of an unbelievably strong jedi, who went into his last battle against insurmountable odds. At the end he was covered in wounds and perished, but he defeated multitudes of opponents before succumbing.

      5) (not sure this waking) I'm walking on a road with trees and see a duck fly by, it can change the color of rubber dish gloves. I start flying, I have two yellow rubber dish gloves, there is some random DC flying 20 feet to my left watching me. I will the gloves to change color to blue, and they change. Then back to yellow. Then I try to change to red, and the color comes out more like orange, half-way from yellow to red.

      Later on down the road, I'm on a bicycle and the random DC is too, we're approaching a checkpoint, I stop my bike to the left side of the road, and the DC is going too fast, I tell him to slow down, he makes a fast curving path to the left with his left foot out to prevent a fall, but he manages to hold on and not fall over.

      10:07 BTB close to sleep, body rocking hallucinations, close to sleep, disturbed by wife.

      10:56 LD #14

      6) In a dark (but not pitch black) random room, nothing notable in the room, I start feeling like I'm becoming lucid, "Hey I'm getting lucid in real life again! Whoa....I'm dreaming!" I take a few more steps deeper into the room with widely-open eyes and a sense of wonder/surprise, and then I'm awake in bed.

      A few days before, I was walking in waking life and had a very strong impression of becoming lucid: things became crystal clear, people were kind of shining, it was very much a "dream feeling", lasted about 10 seconds. Thus the "lucid in real life again" in the dream.
      lucid , side notes
    12. 00:00 Monday 2013-12-23 comp #16 night #11

      by , 12-23-2013 at 02:00 PM
      00:00 Monday 2013-12-23 comp #16 night #11

      00:30 bedtime

      06:07 "Escape from the bunker"

      1) escape from a bunker where I'm being held captive. Some sort of mafia/gang is holding me, I enter a room with 3-4 strong metal doors with no knobs on various walls, when I see the doors have no handles on my side I realize I'm being held captive and start panicking, I will be kept here forever forced to do whatever the gang wants (like make porn films). There are lots of people moving around. The doors are opening and closing and some guys come in, I take the opportunity to try to find my way out. One of the guys I see is the leader of the gang and has a remote control in his hand which causes the doors to open. He sees me making my escape is angry and follows. He's threatening me, I make it to the outside, and he says he'll blow me away, and I say it will be just like our usual showdown, "I'll blow you into a million f***ing tiny pieces." I imagine our next battle will be with heavy artillery like tanks or bazookas. A lot of people outside are talking about my threats. "Oh, he says he'll blow [the boss] away"

      F1) boy scouts rebuilding the latrine which was falling apart.

      F2) insurance company, going on a vacation/fishing trip, talking with someone about going on vacation, I could go to a travel agency to book my vacation, there's a fishing vacation it only costs like $400 day to have a big fishing boat with all the equipment and bait. The travel company was outdoors at an airport.

      06:14 BTB

      08:45 BTB again, not drowsy before. Did some MILD/SSILD, was already pretty awake don't think these hurt.

      10:51 got to sleep eventually. Found some drowsiness, got close several times, got some body rolling on waves hallucinations (I caused these). Thought about / tried a bit of WILD. Made it to sleep using my focus on relaxation. Took some effort but made it.

      2) "Spiderman on the brain"
      I'm DO. Peter Parker can't stop thinking about spider man. Everything he does in school is related to spider man. He can't draw anything else but spider man. Every class he has, every report he writes, has to do with spider man. I see a table willed with spider man related writings and drawings from all types of classes. There is a 3d spider man skull model with all the small bones labelled, Peter Parker is using this to practice moving one little tiny muscle. / bone in his ear.

      3) in a (college dorm?) room, it's the room of a rich girl, and old friend who became estranged came into the room and sat down, saw the room, she sat down like she was completely comfortable in this place. Looking around the room, there was a fireplace, and the fireplace was completely covered/faced with plain upholstery: the opening, the mantle, thte sides, and the area over the mantle,

      F3) biting Cat/boys. A cat bit me on the back of my neck and held the bite. There were also little boys who follow and bite. You have to dive into the ocean then they will dissolve away. I imagine diving into the ocean.

      F4) evil titans. They're taking over. They're being observed carefully from a distance by someone (I'm DO), then my perspective changes to the one observing. Lots more to this, forgot.
      non-lucid , side notes
    13. 00:00 Sunday 2013-12-22 comp #16 night #10

      by , 12-22-2013 at 03:55 PM
      00:00 Sunday 2013-12-22 comp #16 night #10

      01:30 bedtime. Why oh why do I persist in these late bedtimes? Just can't tear myself away from DV. Will get to earlier eventually to see how the dreaming goes...

      04:17 bowling with friends.

      1) I'm in a bowling alley, I bowl a ball. There's one pin left. O from Lx shows up to play the game with me. The pins start moving around dodging the ball, O is doing this via some control. O takes a shot, and I do the same thing, press a control and make the pins jump out of the way. After the shots we're waing for two other friends to arrive in their car. We're in the parking lot which is very full, someone pulls out and we jump in to the place to save it we're waving with our hands pointing to the spot, therre are other cars coming but our friends make it.

      Walking beyond the parking lot, I see a bunch of people sitting together in an area, they're old funny looking Indian/South American looking people, they evolved somewhere where there is lots of water and this is a very dry place, so they're very uncomfortable. A lot of them turn to look at me with big eyes.

      It took a bit of effort to get this recall. At first there was nothing. Surprisingly, since it's still quite early and I was quite tired, I feel almost no drowsiness. After about an hour, drowsiness returned, and I got the sinking deeper relaxation going, but movement in bed woke me again and again right at the critical moment. At some point fell asleep for a brief period before the alarm went off at 08:00.
      non-lucid , side notes
    14. 00:00 Saturday 2013-12-21 comp #16 night #9 LD #13

      by , 12-22-2013 at 03:49 PM
      00:00 Saturday 2013-12-21 comp #16 night #9 LD #13
      01:30 bedtime
      02:16 real bedtime


      F1) a bunch of people becoming lucid, in a competition


      F2) ice cream shop in the mall it's our shop, we expanded it, I see the early construction of just the foundation and the subfloor. Everyone's congratulating us, they like it better than the smaller one. There's a spot at the end which is ours. Sister and BIL came by the shop.

      F3) moving through a huge 3d building/space there are peole everywhere. There is a love story, there is only one person for you and you're trying to find them sometimes there are hard situations where more than one person wants the other. Moving through these huge structures, getting to the top (flying?), I'm trying to get higher and higher to get to the top to see something about the roof. I"m not able to get up there.

      07:36 "The dog that wouldn't die"

      1) On deck at parent's house, I see my dog wrapped up in newspaper, he's very warm there in the sun, he's normal sized, but he's not responding to me, I unwrap him, I think he's dead, I take out the small battery from him and I see he's dead, now he's a tiny dog in which fits in the palms of my hands. I show him to my wife, I'm devastated. I run into the house to the laundry room to find some batteries to bring him back to life. I'm running in "where's the battery!? Where's the battery?!" My son shouts after me "that's stupid, don't even try it, what are you doing?" I get a battery and put it in. For a moment I see him alive, then I don't see him any more, and I think "where did he go?"

      I'm entering a mad scientist laboratory, a big industrial medical facility, I'm talking to the mad scientist. I see a living dismembered dog head on the table strapped down. The face is facing away from me the head is lying on its side, I see the severed neck meat with the bone in the middle. There's an experiment that's being done stimulating different parts of the brain of the dog which are actually located a bit down on its back. Then the head is upright on the table facing me, the pelt extends down beyond the head. They run experiments and the head yelps and yowls and apparently dies at the end. It's very disturbing. Something is written on a sign in red next to the head, it reads "Hi (my name)", an assistant says that was painted with yak butt blood. I'm outraged by this whole thing. I just want to take my dog which is in a bag by the table who has been brought back to life by the scientist. I take my dog and run away with some other kids.

      2) sliding down a hill with some other people with some animals, my dog zips by on his own down the hill. We're going somewhere, maybe to the beach. We come to a house, there are kids and adults. There's a hedgehog walking slowly across the lawn away from us. We look at him. The hedgehog then see see is climbing up on the beams of the overhang of the roof. Someone says "don't shock him! He was starting to come out!" I look at him for a little while and decide he's not coming out.

      I go inside the house and see a bag of chips (round flavored corn chips) I eat a few chips and realize this bag may have been meant for something else and shouldn't have eaten them. There's a party in this house, there's a lot of food open around the place, there's taco mix, dips, there's a table in a living room they're packing up this food to take it somewhere, there's a bag on a table, I lift it and hear glass clinking together, I think there may be wine insdie, I look inside and see two wine bottles, they're opened, I'm thinking "how are these not spiling, they're on their sides?" I look inside there is an amazing invention: a special stopper that goes down inside the bottle that allows you to store an opened bottle of wine on its side. There's a funny big upright handle that attaches to the edge of the table (like a beer tap) that holds the opened and stoppered bottle of wine upside down. The idea is you must pick up this wine with one hand upside down, and you pass the bottle to your other hand, and it won't spill because of the stopper (explanation goes on for a while about the hand passing).

      3) I'm with people in daylight in California, wow look at the blue sky, it's warm, There are kids and parents, they want to slide down the hill, across a busy street, I say "STOP!" "Don't do this, you have to set up someone to watch for traffic. When a car is coming you have to signal stop, and when the way is clear you signal go, I hold up my hands to show the signal for stop and the signal for go. The kids are mimicing these signals to show that they understand. I'm amazed at this blue sky, I'd never get that sky where I currently live.

      F4) I see the DG (wife of JT) with funny looking eyelids. I think about how peole change, I saw her in a party room.

      08:12 BTB

      10:52 Christmas mother lightwaber battle crow girl (LD)

      F5) I'm a detective.

      4) Christmas celebration. I'm home finally to see family for Christmas. Not my family though, I don't recognize the faces. A very large, sumptuous rich home with huge rooms, in the room where the Christmas tree will be. Earlier I selected a tree, and set it up, I thought it was a great tree, I brought it into a room to set it up and decorate. The tree starts falling apart, and I realize it had been constructed from smaller from little bits of branches all tied together. I could see little potted plant pine trees as part of it, it fell apart. I saw a green flag tied to the top of the tree, I thought it was a signal that it was a bad tree, I'm pissed about this tree.

      I'm in a room with other men, trying to set up a long series of table/benches in order to be the work surface for preparing Christmas/decorating. The men are some agreeing with me some disagreeing, I'm setting up the tables so that one interlocks with the other to form a very long single table.

      In a huge sumptuous house arguing with people I don't know about how to set things up for Christmas, we're disagreeing, there are two cavernous adjoining rooms, we're in the living room and the dining room is just beyond us, a huge open aired area. I'm upset, this is not how I wanted it to be, I wanted it to be the way when I was a boy. They're saying "we can set up this room then that room." I say, "NO, that room's the dining room, we're not going to set up the tree in there.

      Then the whole thing turns into a giant mall with canned Christmas music and stores, highly commercial, my Jr high school best friend is in a shop preparing something, I'm so upset because this isn't how I want Christmas to be, I'm on the verge of tears. Then my mother (young) is on my left walking with me, I'm trying to hide from her that I'm crying, I don't want her to know that I'm upset, I think "I just wanted Christmas to be like when I was a boy!" I don't want to say this to her. Mother says to me "I think I know why you're upset," she's being very motherly, trying to explain that everythingis OK. We walk for a while end up outside.

      5) fruit salad. In my parent's house living room. Wife is fixing somebody a fruit salad. I say "it's OK, I'll maek the fruit salad." I go to the kitchen start cutting fruit, I realize I don't know how much to make so I go back to the living room to ask who wanted it, "OK who's going to have the fruit salad?" there were two middle-aged women sitting in chairs to the right, one say "Oh no no I won't," the other woman says "Yes I'll have it," and someone else had left. So I went back to fix it.

      Back in the living room, lying down on the couch, I look behind me and see a glance of my father naked, "ew" I think I didn't need to see that, then I thought "wow my body's a lot like his." There are guys in the room and they're fighting, I'm imaging it's a light saber battle with toy lightsabers with collapsing tubes. They're real but they're not. I'm imagining a lot of ways I'm winning this battle, lots of maneuvers like in the Star Wars movies, cutting off both hands of the opponent in a single swipe, I think if you cut their hands off it's such an easy way to win. Then I think "just cut right through them! How can you stop a light saber?!" Just cut their heads and bodies, I imagine doing this. They don't fall down or die. At one point I move to the entry way and extend my light saber about 15 feet to bonk one of the other guys.

      6) crow girl LD #13

      I'm in an unknown house in a hallway I see a room at the end, in the middle of the hallway just beyond me there's an open door leading up to the attic, it's like a closet stairway the walls are lined with books it's extremely cramped. I know that crow girl lives up there. I think she may be my wife. I have a feeling this is a scary nightmare. I call for her and expect her to come down, she starts coming down the stairs, she's young and beautiful with black hair but with a scary nightmare movie dead zombie exression on her face. I expect her to turn into a crow at any minute and it'll be scary. All of a sudden she's a small doll like a little straw man doll in a burlap sack with a drawn-on face, I'm holding this doll out in front of my face with my two hands. I start running the other way down the corridor all the while with my eyes fixed directly on this doll. I move into a room at the end of the hall still looking at this doll. I expect the doll will transform any second and it will be scary. I think "well that will only happen because I expect it to happen." I'm looking at this doll and realize I'm dreaming and I'm partially lucid. I'm still holding the doll and still scared a bit, say "I'm dreaming" again and all fear is gone, I'm lucid, and the doll is forgotten. I turn around in the room facing the door to the hallway. I'm ready for goals now. I begin my practiced group summons, and say "OK, line 'em...." I stop myself, wait, here I am jumping into girl stuff again, my partner's name is Pickman, I'll summon him and get some team points going, what was my partner's name again? Oh yeah, Pickman. And the next thing: I say again: "OK, ladies, line 'em..." (again I don't get to the word "up"), I'm instantly awake in bed, and finish the sentence, "oh, shit."

      A slight variatoin on sleep-friendly fusion SSILD this time, I did it a few quick alternations like I mentioned last time: quick SSILD cycle, then relax, quck SSILD cycle, then relax, but then I moved to doing them together: I did the longer SSILD cycles, but with a relaxing mindset, so that I have the attention focused on the senses, but a softer attention, and try to move deeper into relaxation while doing the cycles at the same time. I do a few long cycles this way. Either I dropped the SSILD and went to sleep or I fell asleep while doin this combo technique, which would be great it's just what I was trying for!

      Didn't stabilize! Argh! I remembered my teammate's name, but didn't remember to stabilize. I was also not calm, I felt very rushed.

      Updated 12-22-2013 at 03:51 PM by 65364

      lucid , side notes
    15. 00:00 Friday 2013-12-20 comp #16 night #8

      by , 12-22-2013 at 03:40 PM
      00:00 Friday 2013-12-20 comp #16 night #8
      01:46 bedtime

      lots of action in this waking, way more than what's recalled, I'm walking around doing lots of things.

      1) morgan freeman has sexy time with a hot she-male. My view is from the feet of the she-male lying on its back. Morgan has his head oriented towards the feet and is face down, lying off to the right side of the SM. I say "Hey, this one's all you, Morgan." MF pays oral attention to the upper-body lady parts, and then moves down to do the same with the man parts. I'm thinking "ew."

      2) a traitorous attack on a US warship by a team which intercepts American forces. Intelligence arrives up the river via boats via woman who hold the data, I see these boats arrive, once they women learn the schedule of the US vessel they deliver it to the interception team. the interception team launches a full scale attack: helicopters launch up from between the palm trees, some helicopters are purple, some are green, fruity/bright colored. I'm DO. George Bush Jr. is president and is on an open barge/boat with the interception (traitor) team, he doesn't like it, he's confused about this attack. All the traitors are trying to convince GB to attack, he doesn't want to. A black labradoodle dog (one of the traitors) with a half-dog, half-Jeb-Bush face is running on the shore alongside the barge, saying "We have to call mother and tell her to call George to talk some sense into him." But George is angry. I give the orders to the attacked ship (which is the USS Missouri, and is anchored in a harbor in a tropical island) to return fire against the traitors. I see massive gunfure erupt between the two ships. The traitorous ship is larger and has a much stronger stream of firepower hitting the smaller ship than the smaller ships's fire towards the larger. This isn't what I intended, I thought the Missouri would have the stronger firepower. I get a close up of the process of enemy ammunition arriving at the Missouri, and the return fire. It is a very large Metal snak-like contraption, where incoming fire enters through the "mouth" travelling inwards, and outgoing fire is move from section to section and fires out of the mouth. Explosions take place on the internal sections, sometimes destroying the outgoing ammunition. I see a close up of one section, little legs descend from the section, where the outgoing munitions fall down and are protected from the incoming exlposions, then the legs retract back up and the munitions continue on the path to fire.

      F1) The machines know how to clean up. There's a lot of dust left after the work. I see dust on the work surface and it's getting swept up.

      07:30 breakfast duty, didn't make it back to sleep?

      8:59 BTB
      had to get up at 10, I woke up at 9:59 before my alarm went off!


      F2) middle-aged woman in a house I'm staying in. She's wearing a black top.

      3) I'm working on my laptop, my wife is walking around behind me. There's an asian man leaving the bedroom of our house with no shirt on. I think "THAT's odd!?" I wonder what he was up to there. He's got small baby sized shirts, and he's handling cash. I talk to my wife, "did you sell these baby shirts to him?" She answers yes. He's rushing, he says he's working on the Makefile for a project, he has to meet other people to get the project put together.

      There are two women standing in a street talking. My view is the perspective from the ground looking up. One was an old girlfriend, I see her stomach is sticking out quite a bit, she's wearing jeans, "Man, she got fat!" I think. I was trying to see if it really was here.

      F3) Two Very hairy redhead men with very bright orange chest/stomach hair.


      4) football formation. There is a team of small boys in formation (a wedge) protecting a goal, I'm trying to find a way through to score a goal. I dodge some of them by faking them out but there are too many to make progress. On the sides of the formation are super short/small (large doll sized) boys. I stand in front of one and hold my privates protectively, because I know these little guys' job is to block by hitting opponents in the privates.

      5) I'm holding a laundry basket approaching the elevator, I'm meeting the babysitter who is coming for the first time. The babysitter started out as a dark skinned curly black haired girl but became a guy at the elevator. I'm smiling as I approach because I recognize him from the intercom camera but he's never seen me before. I say "hi I'm (name)," I joke once we get on to the elevator because the laundry basket is not very full. I say jokigly "yeah I had a HARD time spreading them out in the machine so that they don't clump together!"

      6) It's early morning walking down a city street, the early morning sun is shining, the street itself is deserted but there are some people sitting in outdoor cafes on the sidewalk to the right, basking in the early morning sun. A lot of them are naked. One guy comes up to me and claims me, I learn that they are vampires, that's why the streets are empty, this is the time that they can claim you. I have to figure out how to escape, maybe by getting a room in one of the hotels off to the side of the road.

      F4) in a party environment, I've been drinking the $60/bottle liqeur (there was lots of detail, forgot)

      F5) in a loft in a building, I'm arriving, I'm calling my dog to come up there

      F6) flying fortress with dragons, over the water. The fortress is being torn to pieces in the air.

      F7) wife approaches a pieno, trying to find the music, there's a pot of water underneath the piano, the music is falling down, I say "don't let the music fall in the water," she's having trouble finding the music, she wants me to help.

      Very happy about continued back to sleep success.
      non-lucid , side notes
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