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    Lucid Time!

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    Confront Tsunami Dream

    Teach Manei to fight

    Meet Infected Mushroom and have them play Dream Music

    Try to use LD to stop biting my fingernails.

    Activate Sense of Smell

    To Do:

    1. Random Bits

      by , 06-15-2015 at 01:29 PM (Lucid Time!)
      They were making a second Napoleon Dynamite movie. It was going to be called Napoleon Dynamite: Armageddon. The plot had something to do with the main character (I can't remember his name, I haven't watched the movie in years.) going on vacation with his new girlfriend in Mexico and all of these hyjinx happen.

      Many people were concerned that the movie wasn't going to be as good as the first or that it was going to ruin the characters.

      I was in Germany, driving on the autobahn. I drove out into the mountains to go to a cabin that somebody owned. When I got to the cabin it was a secret command center for a nuclear missile launch site.
    2. Semi-Lucid Flying, Boating Trip and Robot Body

      by , 06-13-2015 at 10:16 PM (Lucid Time!)
      The semi-lucidity has been strong with me, even through my dry spell.

      I recall in my first dream I was flying around above my subdivision. I had a smartphone and I was recording myself flying because I wanted to have it for when I woke up; I was planning on using it as lucid dream motivation.

      I remember a couple of dream characters that vaguely resembled some old bullies that used to hang around my subdivision appearing in the dream.

      I continued to fly around. I seemed to be moving pretty low and pretty slow, and it was taking some effort to keep myself airborne. I then got a long stick with a miniature Breadcake (ahem... art thread... ahem) on the end of the stick and began recording him as if he were flying through the air. There was some context having to do with filming it for a lucid dreaming related youtube channel.

      I awoke at some point and tried to properly WBTB into a real LD, but I just wound up with another dream that was more or less nonlucid.

      I was out on a lake in the mountains, with Marcus and Manei in a small metal motorboat. Well... I wasn't with them, I was watching them from the third person. Marcus took out this big duffel bag from the bottom of the boat. In it was... well... me. It was a robot body with a synthetic skin made to look just like me.

      He moved it up and got it into a sitting position, and inserted a small power cell into the back of the head, then initiated the boot sequence. I began feeling like I was being pulled toward the robot. The robot stood up in the boat and then dived into the water. After it landed in the water I merged with it.

      Marcus told me to just enjoy myself and that even though I had a robot for a body I should not be concerned about the water because the synthetic skin made for good waterproofing.

      I saw a wooden structure on the water and thought it was a dock. I swam over to it to investigate. It turned out to actually be a train track. I climbed up on it and through the use of some magnetic technology I was able to slide along it at a decent pace.

      The track was built a little bit like a roller coaster that traversed the mountains. It was an eerie landscape of beautiful vegetation, though it was very foggy and visibility began to become more obscure.

      At some point I passed through a city. Though the whole city had been overgrown by vegetation. Some of the buildings had collapsed or were leaning up against one another. I came to the end of the track here where, taking me up a long hill like the first hill on a roller coaster and then just ending.

      At the very top I found a note written on a very old looking sheet of paper.

      "Well, I really Photoshopped myself into a dead end here...". There was a picture of a pixelated skull and crossbones below the writing.

      I lost track of what happened after this. I think a raptor attacked me and bit off the synthetic skin on my right arm revealing the robotic endoskeleton.
    3. Transition (#215)

      by , 06-12-2015 at 10:04 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I woke up at prescisely 3:00am. I scribbled down some notes pertaining to this dream and tried to get back to sleep, but just could not. I haven't had a good LD in a couple weeks now.

      I recall arriving in the dream scene already partially lucid. I was flying down the hallway of my old high school. Though the way I was flying was sort of funny. I was flying as if I were laying down on my stomach and my arms were straight down into fists projecting my fire jets. The flames were also humorously small, about an inch or two tall.

      I was hovering along at an almost humorously slow speed avoiding people in the hallway.

      I remember wanting to go into the bathroom and make some appearance changes. I was planning on doing a sex change since I haven't had much of a chance to do so lately, but I couldn't decide if I wanted to go in the boys bathroom or the girls bathroom. I decided upon the boys room.

      The bathroom was absolutely disgusting when I got in there. There were four or five guys waiting in line for one urinal, the only toilet in the room, and there were a couple of sinks. The walls and floor were covered in dirt (at least I hope that was dirt...) and the whole room was dimly lit.

      What I saw in the mirror was not a pretty sight either. I looked pale, wrinkled, I had long blonde hair. (Okay, weird). I was wearing a pit-stained tank top and ripped up old jeans. My eyes were a dull grayish brown. There was something in my mouth that I could only describe as a paper straw wrapper, but I guess it was supposed to be meth or something. It was also soaked about halfway up from blood.

      "Okay, the dream is sending a message here. It's not one that I like, but it's a message."

      I had to get rid of the straw wrapper drugs or whatever that thing was first so I spit that out. I figured it was my braces causing trouble again that's why It was bloody. (Yeah I actually have braces IWL... I had my last adjustment two days ago and it hurts like heck. I get them off at the beginning of July.) I just spit out my braces too and ran my tongue across my smooth teeth. Oh, how I missed that feeling.

      I began adjusting myself as I have done several times before.

      "Skin tone needs to be darker... whoops... too dark... Hair... Eyes..."

      As this is going on I do a couple nose-pinch reality checks and feel the sink I am leaning over just to keep the dream stable.

      I get myself roughly to where I want to be. Weirdly enough my eyes are not mismatched, something the dream usually does on its own no matter what form I take. I also couldn't get the outfit to change out. I was stuck with the pit-stained top and ripped jeans.

      I remember seeing and focusing in on this DC who had walked in. She was a tall girl with long hair dyed blue and blue lipstick and goth/punk combination outfit and came to the sink. I remember a studded collar around her neck. She looked over at me with the oddest expression of both superiority and jealousy. Maybe it's some secret girl language I don't know yet. Regardless, I liked her dyed hair and remembered that I used to have my hair dyed in dreams. I copied over some into highlights.

      The last two male DCs in line for the urinal looked a little bit like Jack and Jonathan, though it wasn't really them. I was sensing no energy from them. Just random look-alikes I guess. They seemed somewhat confused as to why a boy had changed into a girl in the boys bathroom, and why a second girl had just walked in. Regardless, dream characters like this have this duty to be a-holes, and they started taunting me and sending some insults my way for being a girl in the boy's bathroom.

      I spit a stream blood onto the floor, both to intimidate them and alleviate the annoying feeling still present in my mouth for good. Instead, they said something sexual about the blood that I can't recall. I picked the two of them up, each with one arm, and told them that they had one more chance to stop acting like this and keep to themselves. It scared them into good behavior and I walked out. The dyed hair girl then started taunting them.

      When I got out, I was surprised to see that the dream had actually stayed consistent. The school hallway was almost exactly as I had remembered it. The only odd thing was that my parents were both sitting on a sofa in the middle of the hallway watching TV. I looked to see what they were watching and it was just static. They both had zombified expressions as though their brains had turned to mush. In fact, they kind of looked like zombies. I recognized this as another message the dream was sending me.

      Manei appeared looking pretty blurry, until she got close and I realized that she was only about six inches tall and was floating in the air. She said something about how this was a different kind of lucid dream than what I usually experienced, where the dream characters were no longer connected to my mind, and therefore I could not take control of their minds or actions, and I could also not sense the energy of dream characters. (Odd, because I could still sense her energy, though it was not overwhelming as it usually was.)

      I can't remember the full explanation of what the rules of this new kind of lucid dream was, but I know that it traded the ability to control dream characters and the environment with as much power with vastly increased stability and lucidity. (Such as environments that you could leave and re-enter with little change.) The best part is that the powers that you did retain, the ones you were most familiar with and used stabilized along with the reality making them more reliable. Same goes for your appearance.

      The way she explained it was weird. Kind of in that thought-language she often uses. Best I can describe it that it was sort of like an RPG video game where you only have so many skill points that you can assign, so you might have someone who is really good at dream control but has a lot of trouble getting lucid. In other words, it's nearly impossible to be a master of everything at once. So what she had decided to try was like doing a re-spec of my character taking some power from dream control and putting it into lucidity and stability. She said that she was worried that I wouldn't like it. I told her I was happy with it and wished she had done it sooner.

      She changed to normal size. We grabbed each others hands and spun around at arms length to change the dream scene. She really seemed to enjoy this and was laughing the entire time. We arrived on a street in a very well-to-do neighborhood. It looked like it was Halloween night because of the decorations, but nobody was out trick or treating.

      I remember asking about what costume I should wear, and being told I should be Minecraft Steve. We then got pumpkin pails and I started running toward the first house. I looked back and saw Manei falling behind. I stopped.

      "Jade, slow down! You run much faster than when we met."

      I lost the dream and woke up.

      So, with this transition, I should become lucid more often at the cost of dream control, something I am fine with. I don't need high-octane dream control unless I'm doing advanced/bonus TOTMS. My usual powers should suffice for accomplishing all the goals that I have at hand.
      lucid , memorable
    4. Supernova escape, Alien Wedding, Godzilla

      by , 06-10-2015 at 01:38 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Piloting a spacecraft, in orbit close to another star. It is by no means a very large star, though, like a red dwarf. The spacecraft I am piloting looks a little bit like this.

      The star starts expanding/exploding and we have to get away by flying the ship and dodging planets and asteroids. I don't remember too much of what happened for a good majority of the escape, but when we got past the last planet the cloud reformed into a new, much larger star. There was some explanation to this like the star was going through a metamorphosis or something.

      We had to go to a wedding on this alien planet. The wedding for some reason took place in this really dingy industrial building on a barren rocky planet. I remember we were inside of this green nebula and the night sky on this planet was green and full of exceptionally bright stars.

      The wedding was between this giant alien mushroom and blob monster. (I couldn't tell what one was the groom/bride.) I don't recall too much going on in this scene either. I think Manei was present.

      We got called to return to earth, but then the Tardis appeared. A much older version of myself appeared and claimed to be Doctor Who. I think he then died. We used the Tardis for transportation to return to earth.

      When we got back we were in a city. It was nighttime and rainy and it seemed as though the city had been evacuated. Godzilla appeared and he started spitting water instead of radiation breath. Somebody told me that we had been called back to stop him.
    5. Old Villian (#214)

      by , 06-09-2015 at 01:38 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was dreaming of one of my old OCs, a villain named Charles Kid. He was a cybernetic human-cat hybrid who was always trying to take over the world with your classic over-the-top villain schemes.

      hi every1 I'm new!!-cool-cat-kid.jpg

      An old drawing of this character. I mean like OLD OLD, like 2011 OLD

      I think the dream was taking place at Doofenshmertz Evil Inc from Phineas and Ferb. Though it felt like we were at ground level...

      He had just invented these new devices. They were little cuffs with rockets on them that would fly onto people and the rockets would fire out of them to control where the person went.

      Charles was planning to release a virus that would turn all of the humans in the world into monsters or kill them or both. He asked (well, forced rather) his assistant, a character who I did not create, a boy named Gregor to build his evil virus-releasing device. I remember him saying to Gregor that "It's just a simple turbine generator... shouldn't be hard for you..." Gregor was a genius boy of about 15 with curly brown hair.

      Gregor was his captured slave and somehow important to the plot. At first, he refused to build the virus turbine for him, but Charles sent some of the cuffs onto his hands and the rockets fired and slammed him into a wall. He then shocked him with the cuffs and told him to get building right away.

      Then, like something out a comic book, Myself, Manei and Marcus busted through the wall of his lair. (The more I think about it, the whole dream kind of looked like it was an animation.) Charles tried to sent the flying rocket cuffs to capture us. Marcus pulled out guns and shot them out of the air. He then distracted us by sending some of his robots (something he did have when I wrote his character) to attack and put more cuffs on us when we were distracted.

      I remember the last scene where he used the rockets to pin Manei and Marcus to a wall. He put a second set of cuffs around their legs. Then the cuffs in on my arms somehow activated the hidden blades I have in my wristbands. (How did he even know about those?) The rockets on the cuffs started pulling me toward my friends.

      I yelled "Stop!" and the dream ended.

      That character wasn't nearly so dark and twisted when I wrote him back a few years ago...

      Updated 06-09-2015 at 07:13 PM by 53527

    6. Continuity is beginning to return

      by , 06-08-2015 at 01:12 PM (Lucid Time!)
      So for the first time in awhile, last night, my dream actually had some amount of continuity. It was still all over the place, but it makes enough sense that I can say for sure what happened.

      I was riding in my family's old van. My dad was driving and I was sitting in the back seat. I remember feeling shorter as though I were much younger. My dad said something about going back to high school. I told him that I was excited to go back, but that I hadn't gone to high school for a number of reasons.

      I had some insane amount of false memories at a moment where I would have otherwise become lucid. I explained to him how I had first been sick, then school had been on break, then my family had gone on vacation, then we had several snow days in a row, then I transferred to a vacation home for a few months.

      He dropped me off at school. I remembered that my first class was gym. It took me some effort to remember my locker number was 318 (that was my actual locker number when I had gym class in sophomore year of high school). I looked in my locker to see if I had left my gym clothes there. Then my old gym teacher showed up but he was wearing glasses and we went and started playing dodgeball.

      I remember thinking that I should go to the office and get a print off of my schedule so that I can remember what my other 5 classes were.


      I somehow wound up back in the car with my dad again. There was a big wall cloud blowing in from the west and I asked my dad to check the weather report. He had a small laptop and he set it between the two front seats of the van so that I could see. It looked like we were going to be getting a big storm.


      This gave way to a dream about a heist of a bank vault in this skyscraper in this big city. I was being chased by guards to the rooftop of the building where I jumped off and activated this glider pack and flew away.
    7. Madness

      by , 06-05-2015 at 02:43 AM (Lucid Time!)
      My sleep has become very irregular and my dreams have become very mucky and difficult to comprehend as of late. This doesn't feel like my typical dry spell.

      I think that I mentioned at least once before what seems off about my sleep, but I'm going to go into detail and talk about it once more. For some odd reason, I've been very tired when I go to sleep. Usually, (ever since I started lucid dreaming) there is a sort of waiting period for falling asleep. Like I didn't just lay down and immediately pass out until now.

      I don't seem to have my natural awakenings any more, (or any discernible sleep cycle either. I recall before this began happening I would frequently go to bed at 10:30 or 12:00 fairly regularly I would have one awakening at about 3:00am and another at about 5:30 before awakening at 7:00.

      Waking up is probably the worst part of it. Now I'm no early bird in that I'm usually not motivated to get out of bed, since this new sleep pattern emerged, I feel downright miserable when I get out of bed, and it seems like I want to just stay in bed all day. (One morning last weekend, I slept from about 10:00 at night until 11:00am the next morning, and still felt absurdly tired after sleeping 13 hours straight. However, about half an hour after I do manage to get out of bed, I rested.

      Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night dying of hunger or thirst, or desperate to use the bathroom. Something else that I am not accustomed to happening when I sleep.

      The though definitely the strangest part of this is the way that I dream. My dreams have been, for the most part, fragmented, indescribable and extremely mucky. (Really the best way to describe what I dream of is just madness. There is, for the most part a lack of any logic or reasoning.) But that's not the weird part. The weird part I recall getting lucid several times each night, though due to the fragmented nature of dreams my lucidity is usually lost very quickly.

      Whatever shift has happened to my sleep cycle, I wish only that it can be changed back.
      side notes
    8. Mucky Lucid involving a lot of fighting (#213)

      by , 06-01-2015 at 05:26 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I think this is the third night in a row I've had some kind of lucid dream, but like the others, it was fairly sludgy and I didn't seem to have good control over my own actions. I only remember a bit of it.

      I was in a coliseum or arena like area. It was very much like the arena from the ending of attack of the clones in that it was in a desert-like environment and the arena was built out of sandstone. There was this big army of roman soldiers coming in. (I don't know that they were Romans, They had red crests on their helmets and all fought with short roman swords. There was some antagonistic general riding a chariot. And in the dream I remember thinking about and wondering why I was getting attacked by them and what they might symbolize)

      I remember I jumped and flew a short distance up into the bleachers of the coliseum to get away because I was getting surrounded. I saw the general guy right behind me on the next step down. He had two of the swords and was getting ready to attack me.

      "Fus Roh Dah!"

      There was no blue sonic wave, like in Skyrim, but the general went flying back into the bottom of the coliseum. I saw more guys coming from higher up on the stairs. I began throwing fireballs at them. I then ran sideways along the bleacher as more of the roman guys poured in. I picked up swords from some of the dead ones and fought a couple of them in sword fights. I then decided that I should stop them from coming in since they seemed to be basically endless.

      I tried to use earthbending to close off the doors but it didn't work. I then remembered that magic words seem to work well.

      "Azarath Metrion Sythos!"

      Two stone slabs that made up part of the bleacher started glowing black and I picked them up with a hand motion and used them to knock down an entire legion of the roman guys. I then blocked one of the doors using the slabs.


      Somehow or other I found myself in my house. The second in command of all the roman guys showed up. He was big and had gold decorations on his armor. He pulled a double-ended lightstaber off of his belt. We fought for a few seconds but I hit him in the head with some blunt object. His metal helmet broke like glass and he fell over. He asked me not to kill him.

      I realized that he was actually my friend C. He said that the general was mind controlling everyone and that by breaking his helmet I had freed him from the mind control.

      Other stuff happened but I cannot recall what.


      Something to do with having a water fight with some friends, though I was wearing this weird blue swimsuit that made it hard for me to move.

      Updated 06-09-2015 at 02:46 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
    9. #212: Waterbending and lots of nonlucid stuff

      by , 05-31-2015 at 01:48 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Something to do with being late for my summer class. For some reason I was running up all these flights of stairs trying to get to class in time and worrying about some homework that I should have done. I think I was in some kind of hotel or dorm environment.

      I was flying some kind of space fighter ship on patrol low above the moon. This big ring shaped ship that belonged to my friend S came out of nowhere and started missiles firing at me. He hit me twice and my ship was almost completely crippled. I turned around and rocketed toward him and hit him causing the ring to break and the whole ship to disintegrate.

      What we were doing turned out to be a game sort of like Kerbal Space Program. He showed me this base he had built on the moon where the ring ships were built.

      Something to do with the Teen Titans. Only they didn't look animated, they all looked like real people. Cyborg had some kind of malfunction that caused parts of his robot body to go haywire and automatically attack the other titans. I remember his arms and legs detached and came after everyone.

      We had to dispose of his computer chip or something to return him to normal. This meant that I had to fly this big plane over the ocean and drop the chip from a certain height onto a certain spot on the ocean.

      The ring shaped ship showed up again and shot the plane's engines.

      The scene repeated several times.

      I was back in my own neighborhood so this might have led into the lucid part of the dream. There was something to do with my next door neighbor having two driveways. Starfire showed up and asked me if that was normal. I think that's what caused me to become lucid but I don't remember.

      I actually remember getting lucid twice last night, but I forgot what occurred while I was in one of the lucid dreams.

      I do remember the other lucid involved me practacing waterbending on the lake behind my house. I was experimenting with different moves seeing what would work.

      I remember using the push-and-pull move. (Thinking that it is a very basic move, also the first one that they ever did on the show.) But I was able to push-pull the whole entire lake making a big wave go from one side to the other. I sloshed it back and fourth faster and faster until the water filled up all of one side.

      I then remember making the water into like a stream or a whip. The whip was disappointingly small and thin, but I seemed to have a good level of control over it.

      I then tired making like a ghyser or a spray erupt out of the water but it didn't work. The water just bubbled up a little bit.
      non-lucid , dream fragment , lucid
    10. #211: Flying through a Window

      by , 05-30-2015 at 01:19 PM (Lucid Time!)
      There was actually some long elaborate dream linked into this that I do not recall. I only remember what I was fighting with this guy with short black hair who was the president of a university campus, when something tipped me off that I was dreaming and I became lucid.

      He sent guards after me but I flew around inside of this big modern glass building and flew threw a window at one point. I remember there being the strangest sensation of the glass breaking on me. Because it was a university, there were a bunch of students who looked in amazement when I was flying.

      Eventually I did talk with the guy and we worked out whatever argument we were having.

      My dream recall has been terrible. My sleep has felt weird lately, like I am sleeping like a rock without the regular awakenings and dreams are very hard to recall, and I wake up feeling very tired, though this wears off very quickly about half an hour after I get out of bed.

      other bits and bobs, I can't remember what date these go to.

      Something to do with being in this race to get from one side of the USA to the other across an interstate highway. I was driving a white moped but it kept breaking down. Luckily there were auto repair shops like every 500 feet along the side of the road...

      Alien astronomy. I am in what feels like my backyard, though really I am on another planet. I believe Marcus is there he has this really big old steampunk style telescope set up and he is turning all of these gears and cranks to look at different planets in the sky.

      I remember the sky was already weird. There were several moons big enough to see with the naked eye. The biggest one was this white ice moon. There was also a green gas giant with rings but it was small; only about half the size of the moon in the sky. We did look at it through the telescope though and get a clear view of the storms on the surface as well as the rings.

      There is a dim red star in the distance that on this planet was called the 'nightsun'. It was a sun that orbited around at night to ensure it there was always a small amount of light.

      Rave party. On the beach. (The location actually felt really farmiliar, perhaps from another dream.) Weird distorted electronic rock music. Weird dream food. I think there were more weird planets in the sky.

      Raiah was the DJ. I got to enjoy the party for only a minute or two before the dream changed. Manei appeared but she was a character in a dating sim and was talking to me in a little diolouge box. Then Raiah became a character in a dating sim. Then I became female and was the third character.
      I became semi lucid.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Summer Camp Prison

      by , 05-26-2015 at 12:39 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I had somehow or other been taken to this remote location that was named to be some kind of summer camp but was really more like Juvy or Prison. The camp was in the woods, on top of a hill in the middle of nowhere. The outer are of the camp, all of the property that they owned was fenced off by a chain-link fence with barbed wire. The inside wall was a high concrete wall with four guard towers at the corners.

      In the camp there were four Quonset huts that were the different dorms. Each dorm had slightly different uniforms and rules, and was for a different personality type (They were kind of like the Hogwarts Houses). There was a cafeteria building, a couple classrooms, and an administration building where security guards met and guarded the whole building.

      The Head Master (who looked kind of like like Kim Jong Un) came out and told everyone that he made a deal with them. Since his camp was really strict, he would use deadly force on anyone caught trying to escape. But, if they made it past the outer fence, he would call off his guards and leave, because clearly, anyone good enough to try and escape and get out was too strong willed for them to contain.

      I remember us having uniforms at the camp. Not really much to say about them, they were kind of generic, suit and necktie for boys and dress for girls.

      I don't remember much about the content of the camp, what we learned. Some of the stuff was basic school stuff, math, science, etc. Some of it was stuff designed to brainwash us into thinking that our leader (the headmaster of the camp) was great. I also took note of the fact that they fed students very generously and had not physical education program, and that students who had been around awhile had grown to be quite pudgy. I figured this was part of what made it harder to escape.

      I do remember going to the class a couple of times. The teacher was a stern old witch and the class was taught in a very old-fashioned looking classroom. I remember class went on for many hours each day, though the material that was covered was fairly elementary.

      I remember classtime was important, particularly to people who were planning escapes. It gave us hours where we could plan things. Most of the books we were given had extra blank pages to make them look thicker and more educational, and disguise the amount of actual content in them. These could be easily and quietly removed one at a time giving you free paper to write notes to students that you otherwise wouldn't have.

      Others insisted on using mealtime to make escape plans and relay information. Like I said, the food here wasn't the best. It seemed like their intention was to fatten students up with the amount of doughnuts, pies, rolls and mac-n-cheese they were always serving us, and something about some of the dishes tasted really off. There were probably some horrible mind-control chemicals or something in them. Though there were foods I found good, particularly the apples that they always had in a bowl at the end of the counter. They were picked from an apple tree just inside the concrete wall by a small patch of bush. It was the only place in the camp that was not mowed.

      And just about everyone I talked to wanted to get out or tried making escape plans. I remember being in the bathroom of my dorm building (It was the only place that there were never any security guards.) A dark, dirty and stinky place. The dorm was also co-ed so there were boys and girls sharing a bathroom. It seemed as though those of us freshman. (People who had been here just a couple months, or had just arrived) Were much more inclined to hatching escape plans than our seniors. Probably because more of the seniors had been brainwashed or realized that escape was futile.

      I do remember not any more than a couple days after I got there, the sophomores tried to escape. Nearly the entire class was in on it. I remember watching from the window at my dorm. I knew their plan was to sneak onto the food truck that delivered to the cafeteria and hide in the empty boxes and sit back as the food truck drove them away. They had actually invited me to join as well, but I declined them telling them I would get out later. I was glad I didn't join up with them, because the plan ended up failing, they were caught by the guards.

      Did I mention the levels of punishment here? Level one, for just a minor one time thing was just a harsh scolding. If you did something against the rules on purpose, you were paddled. If a big violation earned you public whipping, and formulating or attempting escape plans earned you death. The leaders of the team were put to death, while most of the other students got off with a whipping. (Moreso because they didn't want to kill off the entire sophomore class.)

      Yeah, I was going to escape. But I was gonna come up with my own plan, one that I knew could not fail. But first, I was going to need intel and I was going to need to get in good with the headmaster. Intel was the easy part. I remember this short black girl who seemed to know an awful lot about the school and was great at channeling information. I asked her to send all that she knew to me in code.

      Getting in good with the headmaster guy took some sucking up. Trying in the classes. I even wrote a short speech about how great he was for extra credit. This got me major points with him, but made me lose trust with some of the students thinking I had been brainwashed. The black girl didn't lose trust in me though, she knew it was all part of my plan.

      The one other thing I had to watch out for was the way the school caused people to fall out of shape by serving carb-laden foods and the lack of a phys-ed program. This was easy, I would go into the bathroom during the middle of the night and practice martial arts, that coupled with just staying away from the weird-tasting food kept me in fighting shape for the day of my escape.

      At one point, I found out an alternate escape route. Originally I was going to get out the front gate, but I found that by the apple tree and the one area of plant growth inside the wall; if you were to sneak in there, there was a small hole somebody had dug beneath the concrete wall. It was difficult to fit through, but I managed to do so. On the other side was a sheer drop-off about 50 feet of clifface. This was where the camp/prison place drained all of their water and there was a small stream running out of the base of the mountain.

      There was also a rope bridge along with many platforms that connected the trees in the forest that lay beyond. You had to jump from platform to platform, but they led you about halfway out to barbed wire chain-link fence. The funny thing was, I could even see a hole in that from where I was standing. I was also paying attention to the drainage pipe. It was more than big enough to crawl out of. It was big enough for someone short like me to walk out of.

      There was a male student sitting on one of the platforms fishing with a makeshift pole. He told me that this was an escape route he had made to help students get out. It all seemed a little bit too good to be true, and I thought that there was no way it could be this easy, or many more students would have done it a long time ago. Sure enough, it was a trap to see if I would escape or if I was loyal, and by refusing to escape, I had proven my loyalty.

      It was a few days later. The other students thought that my escape had failed and that I had been punished. I told them that was not the case and showed them a drawing of the escape platforms in the woods and told them about the trap. I then went outside and sat under the apple tree. All of the other growth had been mowed and cut down, but the apple tree remained. I helped myself to one when the Headmaster showed up. He congratulated me for remaining loyal and doing well in my classes. He took note of the fact that I was not wearing my uniform necktie, but didn't seem to care.

      He got up to leave, but I dropped the apple I was going to eat. He picked it up for me. It was a shame too, he started to seem like a nice guy, and it was time for my escape plan, too.

      I lunged at him from behind. I wrapped my necktie around his head, gagging him. I put a couple of sharp pencils to his neck. The guards noticed as I started walking him around to through the dorms to the front gate. I told the guards to open the gate and they did. Just outside the main gate, I let the man go, but left the necktie gag on.

      "Good Game!" I sneered at him, and got into my parents' green van that had been left in the parking lot. I got the emergency key and drove off.


      I was hunted by some of his guards. (He didn't keep his promise.) I remember I stopped at a gas station and the guards tried to disintegrate the van using laser guns. I had to get into an old white car in order to get away.

      There was also some alternate part of the dream where the platforms in the woods were not a trap created by the headmaster, but rather the test you needed to pass in order to graduate.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    12. Browsing the Fourms in dreams yeilds weird stuff...

      by , 05-25-2015 at 02:07 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was looking at this thread that had been posted on Dreamviews. The OP said something about posting pictures of the planets, and that we could have nudity if we wanted to. I scrolled down and saw that everyone was drawing pictures of different girls in different skimpy outfits.

      I got to (Post number 8 I think it was). It was by DawnEye11. She said something about Manei and myself and posted a drawing of a very tall, thin boy with blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a long white coat. It looked sort of like my cousins' anime style though. He had a round stomach though and sort of looked like he was fat. She posted about how the thought that the round stomach made him cuter. I wanted to reply asking her how that was supposed to be a picture of me and Manei but there were a bunch more posts, so I wound up PMing her instead.

      I scrolled down to the end of the thread. I forgot who had made this last post but it was an AMV. There was something in the description that was referencing Manei's tribe and I clicked on the video.

      The music was weird enough as it was. There were a bunch of muscular looking guys with short hair and two long braids going down either side from behind the ears. They were wearing blue sparkly shorts and making a beat on these weird drums that sort of sounded like lava bubbling or something. They kept chanting 'Ranuranurah' at regular intervals. The girls came out and looked sort of like las vegas showgirls with big feathers on their butts. They started dancing by shaking their hips. (Keep in mind this was all animated.)

      Then a character who looked like me but had really big eyes appeared and shouted "Lava Solo!" and it cut to this lava monster sitting in a lava cave using two pieces of stone floating on the lava as turntables to make the bubbling sound that the drummers were. The lava monster looked CG. His head came off and his eyes got really big and flew towards the screen. This suprised me (Kind of like a jump scare) and
      I woke up.

      Dream music is so weird.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. I feel like I should post these Dreams :P

      by , 05-24-2015 at 03:51 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I can't recall what dream goes with what night since I haven't felt the need to post. A combination of lousy dream recall and the fact that my DJ is becoming ridiculously big has to do with that.

      I recall a quite elaborate NLD where I was touring rural china on a bus. There were all sorts of absurd things on the bus such as people with chickens and goats. Though I got off at the wrong stop and got left behind in some random village, where I found an exact duplicate of my own house from home.

      I went inside, but I was followed by twin criminals/bandit boys who I fought with martial arts. I remember I was trying to call the police since they were stronger than me and I couldn't fight them off.

      Now these next two dreams were both 'Lucid' in the fact that I knew that I was dreaming. But I still didn't feel like I was all there. Kind of like lucid dreams that I sleepwalked through. Something feels off about the way these LDs were, so I'm not counting them as proper LDs.

      The first dream involved conflict with some sort of monster. If I recall correctly he was called my someone a 'Lucid Demon' He was all black made of armor plates and spikes and had two long flail like weapons and chains. He kind of had cartoony proportions with huge shoulder plates, a broad, bulky chest, and a tiny head, but was made of real-looking material.

      I was fighting him in third person perspective. It was a really intense and destructive battle and we were punching each other through houses and I was using my fire to its full extent hurling huge swirling red and blue fireballs at him. (Shame I couldn't be more lucid than I was for that kind of control.) I think I beat him eventually.

      I got more lucid, but I still wasn't perfectly lucid or completely there. I was now in my parents' bedroom. The walls were painted orange though. Manei walked in and tried to feed me some kind of chocolate truffle she had on a plate. I told her she should eat it instead, she deserved it more. I also said something sarcastic about not eating enough chocolate in WL. She ate it then started trying to tickle me. I told her to stop bothering me because I thought the lucid demon might come back to life and attack her.

      ^You see this really irritates me that this can happen to me sometimes where I am interacting with my dream guide and mentioning waking life, but I am not properly lucid.

      -Another Day-

      The other lucid involved me flying around on a magic quilt in my neighborhood. (The Quilt is actually one very specific one that I have in my closet right now.) I was flying around my own subdivision where the woods trail is.

      I came across these two douchebags. (Literally they looked just like douchebag type of characters, with shutter shades, baggy pants not pulled up all of the way, a shirt that said 'YOLO', you name it, they had it. So I have every right to call them that.)

      I became lucid and the magic quilt lost its power and fell on the ground. I caught myself in the air and started flying on my fire jets and impressing the DCs. I could tell they were looking for a way to insult me, but it's kind of hard to insult someone who is flying around on a column of flame.


      I was trying to get the characters to become good people by talking to them while we walked together on the woods path. But these little white dogs appeared and started barking at me when I tried to talk. I tried talking and telling them to be quiet to them (knowing to some extent that it was a dream and that I should be able to talk to animals.) But they kept barking and started trying to bite me. I tried to swipe them away by moving my hand over the spot in my field of vision where they were, but they didn't go away. I woke up from frustration.

      Updated 05-24-2015 at 01:58 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    14. Nonlucid Bits&Bobs

      by , 05-20-2015 at 04:23 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I was in my old high school locker room. My college roommate was there as well and was naked. I was not naked but I was in my underwear and I was trying to get a large number of legos to fit inside one of the lockers, but they kept falling out all over the floor.

      I was leaving my old high school. (Same dream, quite possibly). In the parking lot, I ran into the skinless giant from Attack on Titan (that I haven't watched by the way, though I assume he is normally a bad guy.) He was friendly here, though and asked me for a fist bump. He got down on his knees and put his fist near me. It was about the size of a small house. I gave him one, and he walked off happy.

      I remember moving some kind of tracking device attached around my left leg while sitting on the patio by the lake in my backyard. I peeled it off of my skin and saw that it was sticking a needle in. Pulling out the needle was painful and it was attached to some tube running up the inside of my leg. I threw the device in the water and called a doctor to get the tube out. I remember very clearly throwing the device in the water and seeing the little cloud of blood in the water. The spot on my leg where the needle went in was a pretty big cut but it wasn't bleeding at all.

      I was on a space mission. Scientists had discovered a new planet in orbit around our sun and named it 'Japan'. It was a little bit smaller than earth, but shared our orbit and had oceans and plant life, but we didn't know if there were animals or people. They sent me and one other person, I think on a hyperdrive-capable spacecraft to the planet. When we got there, we discovered that the only people there were Black Star and Death the Kid.
      (Okay, I think the dream is being a little bit insensitive calling the planet Japan and populating it with anime characters, blame my subc.)

      I was playing a lucid dreaming themed video game, as myself. I was able to fly around with fire jets through some kind of jungle area. There were big clear areas surrounded by stone walls that were broken in places, and there were clouds of fog everywhere. This later transitioned to my own neighborhood. The graphics of the game world looked current-gen (more or less realistic) but my character looked like a 2D sprite. The fire jets also looked really clear. The game had a speedometer saying how fast I was going. It maxed out at 40m/s (or about 18 miles per hour, way to go game, there are real people that can RUN faster than I can FLY 90mph nevermind I'm terrible at math.)

      Updated 05-20-2015 at 12:17 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. #210: Teleportation Fail

      by , 05-17-2015 at 04:42 PM (Lucid Time!)
      The first dream had something to do with me and my mom living with these monks in china. Being with them was nice and they lived in this monastery in the woods. They all wore orange robes and they didn't speak much English. They only knew a few basic words.

      The dream was very long, but many of the details escape me. I only recall the ending where we decided we should go home, but one day come back to the monastery. I was walking around. I remember looking at the woodland around the monastery and thinking how beautiful it all was. I was thinking about how it would be nice to see something like that in a lucid dream.

      I remember one of the monks said he would be happy to drive us to the train station and say goodbye. He drove us in this old white van, and he was a really reckless driver.


      The second dream was absurdly long. It had something to do with me being asked to design a cafeteria building for a college campus then build it. Building it was something akin to Minecraft. I spent what felt like hours putting the structure together.

      There was this big party to celebrate the opening of the new building. Edward and Alphonse were there, and ed was eating tons of food and got fat. Then king Bradley showed up and started attacking.

      I somehow found myself in the basement of the building I had designed. I had become one of the military characters from FMA and I was trying to escape, but my leg was pinned under a wooden beam. I remember struggling for several minutes trying to get free before someone helped me by lifting the beam up.

      I had to disguise myself during the attack by changing into a female and running out of the crowd. From there I was able to get into my car and drive away. I eventually got lost and found myself driving to the top of this hill with a radio station on top. The bad guys had followed me there and captured me.

      The entire dream then repeated all the way up to the part where I had to escape. This time I didn't change into a female, I just ran for my car. I drove the same route again but things were different. The hill was covered in rich vegetation and there was no radio station, just a concrete platform.

      I became lucid here and decided that if I wanted to get back to my home, I should just teleport home.


      I woke up in my bed. I didn't actually expect my teleportation to work- wait a second... Rats.
      lucid , non-lucid
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