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    1. Film shoot

      by , 03-11-2011 at 07:44 AM (Trial and Error)
      I am with a group of people on a film shoot, including my roommate Br (which is strange because she is not a film student). And we are unloading the gear from the car when most of the people I was friends with drove by in a huge vehicle of some kind. My old film teacher, Mr. R, says they are on a field trip and wishes me luck on my shoot.

      In the span of us just trying to set everything up different people from that group pass by and say hi. (it is like they have an entire vacation while we have 5 min).
      Tonisha H. and says hi to me, and I think how strange it is that she can drive. She drives away (and I think everyone leaves, but I am not sure) as we are still just getting the stuff out of the car.
    2. Fragments/ Job hunt

      by , 02-14-2011 at 05:18 AM (Trial and Error)
      I have the feeling that they are the same dream, but don't remember how they connect.

      One was-
      I saw my roommate Br (who in real life is a black belt, but I have never seen her fight or anything) was in a sparing match with someone. The guy seemed to think that he could win, but when they started fighting it was clear she had the upper hand. She began to attack with graceful and inventive attacks involving flipping and rolling. I had a sort of Mortal Kombat view point and thoroughly enjoyed watching her kick some random guys ass.

      The other was considerably longer-
      Tons of people (some I knew, some I didn't) were being sort of filtered into one room. It was a sort of competition to get a job. (I think this originates from current budget cuts at my school). People came in small groups and it was announced the job that they would get if they won. They stepped into the arena and either played some sort of video game or had some kind of fight to the death match with what seemed similar to NERF guns.
      One of my roommates S was randomly there and she did not really know what she was doing there. I suggest to her to go for the job I have so we could work together, she agrees.
      I end up almost facilitating the event since I am the only student worker left (Budget cuts in real life again! ) the game starts and a bit into it I realize that she can't have that job, because she does not got to my school. I yell this to her, and she ceases to care about the game and just goes through the motions since she can't win.