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    1. Huge casino hotel and winning the lottery.

      by , 10-18-2013 at 06:12 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Huge casino hotel and winning the lottery. (Non-lucid)


      I was in some sort of hotel/casino. It was a huge casino actually, bigger than Vegas itself.

      I was with Fabian and we were going to head to an amusement park inside a mall, but on our way, I met with a young lady who really had a crush on me. She appeared to be the manager of an old job I had, she hired me again almost against my will. I wondered what my former boss would thinka and how I was going to work on my readings.

      The lady told me farewell and I went with my friend to the amusement park, which ended out to be pretty bad. We found ourselves a matress to fall asleep and before going to sleep, I had an argument over the phone with that manager.

      I kind of felt bad about it and tried to meet her. She kissed and hugged me and told me that everyhing was cool. I told her I would meet her on Monday at work and wondered if I had my same old schedule.

      I realized that I won the lottery, for 15 milliion dollars.