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    1. Barf and bicycle lanes

      by , 07-10-2011 at 08:29 AM (Trial and Error)
      dreams that were one after the other a couple nights ago...

      The first one was very long and interesting but I only remember one part due to my alarm
      I was returning to what I think is my friends house, or at least I had met her their near the beginning of the dream. It had become over run with people all of which who were barfing. I tried to ignore it and find my friend in the chaos but the smell of it was so overwhelming that I had to leave. I remember being disgusted that everyone there was so drunk that they were barfing their guts out, and I left before barfing myself.

      Dream from the next night:
      I was driving (which was strange because I have never had a drivers license) and suddenly the entire road turned into several green bicycle lanes. I look for a place to turn away but there are no roads to turn onto. I drive into the lanes and begin avoiding bicyclists in a panic. After a bit of driving I start to think that it is not going to turn back into a normal street, but decide that it is to late now and that I should just keep going.

      I am stopped by the police that begin to arrest me for driving in the bicycle lanes (I realize after awakening that I have no idea what their transportation was). I instantly begin to argue that there was no where else for me to go and that the way it was set up was ridiculous. They say: prove it. I walk back to the street (which I was magically next to again even after driving) and begin to point out the lack of exits to a different street when suddenly I see a paved area. My heart stops for a second until I realize that it is a paved bicycle lane. I continue to walk down the road, and it is awhile before I reach a street I could turn off of. I start to walk next to it and get stuck in very deep mud. I am unable to move but this does not stop me from complaining. The police want to fine me but I continue to make the point that there is not enough time or warning for me to have made any other choice. They finally agree to not fine me and are nice enough to help me out of the mud before continuing on their way.