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    1. The Twin Towers and their unborn sibling

      by , 07-12-2024 at 10:47 AM
      summer competition 2024 - 12.7 (day 6)

      i was sitting in the back of a car, noone else was inside, yet i was at an intersection, next i was somehow in the drivers seat and the car didnt do what i wanted, i went the wrong way on a roundabout and police instantly stopped me, i pulled over into this small park and i couldnt stop, it was a slippery slope. It barely stopped before falling off a cliff and i got out, then the car started to slide again so i tried to hold it, but it fell, i was really bummed about the entire situation so i jumped off the cliff, noticed i was fine, became lucid and jumped down again (+5), i was in a park with a lot of grass and the police officers were still chasing me, i cast invisibility and i could see their expression go blank because they lost me (+5), i walked towards a building that looked like my old dorm and suddenly a friend from school appeared and we fought (+2)(im re-reading opm so i got brawls on my mind i think), i was comboing him and after a while realised i should be getting points so i cast rocket jump (like in quake)(+7.5) to drop kick him from ~15 meters, had to repeat multiple times because he kept getting up, i then decided to fly as it is my 3-step task so i asked for wings (+5) and started flying (+5), i was flying above the city thinking about what elemental manipulation i should do when the twin toweres emerged from the fog, there also was a third tower which was a new building planned for a city in Czech Republic which looks pretty similar, my first thought when i saw them was to use them as a target for elemental manipulation and set them on fire, but decided recreating a terrorist attack where 2977 people have died is not very tasteful and figured eating something would be better and dropped down to a mall and into a ice cream shop, took someone's bowl and ate chocolate and wallnut icecream (+5), i ran outside but one of their employees was adamant about me paying, i wanted to run but she was really fast so i figured i could spawn her some money why not, then decided to give her a DV coin (+5) instead since that is more points and continued running on this grass plain till i reached a golf course where a kid with a mullet was playing and i woke up, i also recall opening a DV coin (+2) somewhere on the grass plain and eating the chocolate which was inside (shouldnt have a chocolate layer if yall didnt want me to eat it)

      Updated 07-12-2024 at 02:12 PM by 101041

      Tags: 9/11, car, dorm, food, police
    2. 4 Apr: Crazy family and escaping abusive husband

      by , 04-04-2024 at 12:24 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Marry into a rich family. Their mansion in a beautiful place surrounded by mountains, but my mother in law is insane. She wants everything in the house plus everybody to wear only white knitted clothes. It is kind funny at first, but it gets exhausting after a while. None of the sisters and cousins of my husband ever complain but the hate it to. I get an accomplice to change the decoration in the living room to colorful stuff. Off course she hates it and wants it down.

      Then I live in an apartment (looks like my mom's, but in a totally different life) and my husband becomes abusive. He keeps me locked up, I can't go anywhere except to some family or work events with him. He's been telling everyone that I'm schizophrenic, so nobody believes when I say what's going on. I always find ways to come to the door when the mailman comes or something, but nobody believes me. He keeps moving me to more and more restrictive places. Then at some party he takes me to, I refuse to go back home, keep insisting publicly that he is abusive and I demand someone to call the police. There is a couple people who give me the benefit of the doubt, I press charges, I don't go back and I stay with this lovely family. Police goes to the home and does find evidences he keeps me locked up and that I am suffering malnutrition. There is no record of me in hospital and psychiatric treatments as he claimed. I get a restraining order from him, get support and go to university to study. But gotta keep looking over my shoulder.
      I am afraid to pass under a tunnel that is so dark. Some guy passing by seems safe and nice so I ask if he can walk with me and we become friends. He is such a geek and later invites me to watch him participate in a Lego tournament for 2 or 3 days. I go and I am amazed, as he builds an entire Hogwarts castle and train from Harry Potter with regular Lego pieces.
    3. Night of Wednesday 3/27/24

      by , 03-28-2024 at 04:35 PM (Dreamlog)
      It's daytime.
      I'm driving with my girlfriend's Mom in the passenger seat through a roundabout.
      Traffic is slow. A policeman on a motorcycle signals to pull me over.
      I've been arrested. I'm at the police station in an interrogation room.
      The woman interrogating me is talking down to me, but I know I've done nothing wrong.
    4. 8 Sep: Creepy village with weird rules

      by , 09-08-2022 at 04:07 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Running away and hiding from something or someone. I arrive at this small village on a hill, near a river, that I used to often dream about. Some lady stops the car and offers me a ride. I accept. She then proceeds to talk to me as if we're familiar to each other but I don't feel like we are. Until she says we met years ago in a summer camp, in this place and we used to swim on the river. Then I feel like I have been rude and say sorry, but I still don't remember. Then notice she has a kid in the car, so I say hi to the kid. I need to do some shopping, so she takes me on to a local supermarket. Then it gets weirder. Everybody looks at me like I am a foreigner. Then at the cashier, I am surprised that a jar of olives I picked up is over 50€. I tell the cashier to please put it back as I am not taking it and he goes ballistic. Says he won't, that it is the shop policy that anything you bring to the cashier, you have to pay and take with you. I refuse and say that's insane. My so-called friend actually says I should because it is like this around here and nobody breaks the rule, it's the law. So I just drop everything I was going to buy and walk away not buying anything. They say if I don't pay for it all and take it with me, they will call the police. I am increasingly befuddled and decide to just run away before the cops come.
    5. cccxcviii. Breaking into a shop, Helping Trump, Police central AI computer

      by , 08-22-2022 at 02:16 AM
      2022 July 2nd

      Left recall until late in the day. This one might be in DFLN but I'd have to go find it for linking.


      I'm outside, night time. I'm with H and we're by some shop or similar place? H works here apparently and he wants to get inside for some reason but it's all closed, so he smashes a window and we get inside. I forget what we do or look for, but I worry about him losing his job for it. (not actually his job)

      (recall gap)

      At some kind of hotel/casino place. I'm at a sub-level lobby, there are some sofas and other comfort things. There's also a slot machine in a corner by a sofa. I'm sitting on the sofa and try out the slot machine one time. It spins and I win, not the best amount it could pay out, but something like 1837? Then I get distracted by someone like Donald Trump who's in the room with me now, I just know that he apparently owns the casino place. He's not feeling too well and we talk about it, possibly something he's eaten. I either tell him I'll get him some help or get him to come to the nearby lift with me.

      (recall gap)

      Something in a similar area, likely still part of the same segment. Elizabeth II is here and is taking part in some kind of tour? There's also some sort of activism going on.

      2022 July 3rd


      I'm at a dream version of a mix of my old home and the house we live in now. It's early morning, something like 4AM. I am down in the kitchen area which has large sliding pane windows that are also doors, rather than latching windows. Outside, I see police officers in the backyard patio area. The patio has stone flags and a garden table and chairs, as well as some planters. At first I dismiss this and presume they are just being thorough and that they are here because of a neighbour.

      Then a bit later I'm somewhere else in the house, possibly upstairs, and a police officer lady talks to me and tells me that they have to search our house. I don't understand why and feel a bit reluctant and emotional, possibly getting in their way a bit. She tells me that they didn't want to but that it's procedure as set out by the "central AI computer" which tells them what to investigate or something. I still feel distressed by their searching but feel more accepting of it now that they've told me that's it's just something they have to do because the AI told them to.

      Later they're gone and I'm in a version of our bedroom with H; he was asleep through all of this and I'm still a bit distressed as I tell him all about everything that happened.

      (recall gap)

      At one point I'm somewhere in the USA and I get away from California just in time to miss some massive quakes there. I'm in Arizona now maybe? Here there are very large fires or something but I feel safer. Something about a transit hub and talking to people.
    6. 22-08-13 Massive Firefight

      by , 08-13-2022 at 02:07 PM
      There's a run-down village, where two groups of heavily armed & equipped men are engaged in a gun battle. One side loses and is entirely eliminated. I'm walking among the corpses, realizing I need to get out of there ASAP before they find me. I run through a hut/house, quickly looking for something I can use as a weapon. Outside, on the muddy road, I find some dead guys. Two have dropped their weapons, but the barrel is bent out of shape and is unusable. I find one shotgun in good condition, so I grab it and run off. As I run off, I eject the spent shell casing and pump it to chamber a new shell. On a road up ahead, I see a police car arriving with sirens blaring. I realize they are here to help me. But for some reason, I don't want to be found. Maybe I assumed that because I had that gun, the cops would consider me "one of them" and arrest me. I run through a grass field, up to someone's home. An elderly man stands there, watching the scene. He sees me approach, carrying that shotgun. I say "good day, sir". He says hello back. I run onto his property, into his backyard - intending to jump the back fence and escape that way. Instead I woke up.

      During this dream I was pretty close to waking. I had some limited ability to choose the direction the story was going in, while also being a character in it.
    7. Friday, July 15

      by , 08-01-2022 at 12:34 AM
      I’m driving home, I think from downtown, though it mostly looks unfamiliar. I’m at a Y type intersection, waiting to turn to the left. I pull out slightly, waiting for the cars coming from the other fork. The light turns yellow while I’m still waiting and red as I finally make it through. I’m not trying to pick out a Furthur show on my phone; I think I have a lot of time, so I’m looking for a long one. I find one with a long timestamp, but clicking into it it looks more like studio material. Now, I’m parking at a 45 degree angle on some dirt shoulder. A cop car parks right next to me, which is weird with all the space around. The cop then gets out and sits in my passenger seat. She’s taken off her uniform (there are street clothes under - I think leggings and a pink tank top) and stuffed it to the right side of her. She says something like ‘you look flushed, so I’m just waiting [to get me for something].’ I take a quick video of her from head to toe. She is a large female with an intense, childish face. I sit in complete silence.
      Tags: driving, music, police
    8. ccclxxxviii. Not stealing from me

      by , 06-24-2022 at 03:25 AM
      2022 May 23rd

      Unknown time

      Something about going with H to meet up this businessman for some kind of financial assessment. Looks a bit like Goldfinger? We drive there I think.


      I'm at a version of our home. A detached house in the middle of some woods. It's really dark outside, realistically pitch black. We have a lorry outside that we have been loading stuff into, for moving house. I go to it and check inside. I'm attacked by Meowth (Pokemon) who jumps off the lorry top to attack me. I grab him and threaten to break his neck if he doesn't tell me who else is here. He says something and I understand Jessy and James to be here too.

      I have a quick look around outside, but as I do, I see a red glow. They've gotten in the lorry and are going to back it up. I try to open the passenger side door, but a slightly fat man keeps trying to shut it so I just start slamming it open and shut so that he might lose grip, having no such luck. I decide to try and jump up on the bonnet. I do, and then I'm sort of sat there looking at the both of them. I think the other one is actually Jessy. I have my boots on and I use them to smash the two bits of windshield, then putting my feet through and starting to kick the crap out of the two of them, one foot each. This is all happening as they're reversing and driving around, now onto a roundabout of all places.

      I see three Humvees with military police with blue arm bands inside the cars and I repeatedly yell for help from them as I keep fighting the burglars with my feet, trying to indicate with my hands that they've stolen the lorry. The thieves are different people now (both male).

      The military police finally take position and aim at the lorry. I'm still kicking the thieves like hell. The police take their time but eventually start shooting. I take to opportunity of the shots hitting the lorry to somehow swing myself around and change the centre of mass for the lorry, making it topple on its side, passenger side at the bottom. One of the thieves gets out from the top and the police shoot him dead, making me briefly think about how close to me that was, but not dwelling on it.

      Possibly moving the corpse or something, I sort of get into the cabin from the top and start kicking and stomping on the second thief and yelling "Get the hell out of my truck!" and such like.

      Eventually, the thief gives up and is arrested. I'm not fully content with the outcome, having wanted them both dead, by my hands, or feet as it were.

      I check the back of the lorry now. Inside, the contents have all gone and there's just a long and thin compressed cardboard box that everything should be in, though nothing is actually inside. Eventually, I get back home and I'm talking to H about it. I ask if we can't get some insurance payment for all the stuff we lost but he says we haven't got any. I am disappointed but say with confidence we'll manage somehow.


      Subway, with someone. Some kid bumps us, he wants company? Then we get the kid to come round to some house or piano shop place, and we show him my dad playing the piano. Later I/we return to the same place, but dad doesn't remember the moment from before when it's brought up.


      - The long dream about the theft wasn't really a bad dream but it was quite vivid and somewhat intense.

      - Probably one of the most fun dreams I've had in a while, as even in the dream I did quite enjoy stomping on those thieves repeatedly. Even so, at the end I did feel very disappointed about losing so much of our stuff and being able to get nothing back for it.

      - My feet are rarely weapons of choice unless a situation really calls for it and I have my boots on, which in fairness is always these days.
    9. Wednesday, February 2

      by , 05-11-2022 at 11:39 PM
      I am with Melissa and Stella in my Subaru, parked somewhere. A police officer? approaches me on the driver’s side. I think he’s in uniform, though it’s a simple one that, to me, indicates a high rank. It also seems like he may not be on duty but is just approaching in a friendly manner because he sees Stella. Stella crawls over me to approach him as well. He has short ginger hair and a calm energy. He extends his hand to her to let her sniff her. This she does, as well as some protective growling and barking. He remains calm and I can tell that she responds positively - she continues some growling but with a wagging tail.
      Tags: police, stella
    10. 6 Mar: At friend's hotel, reward for turning in criminals

      by , 03-06-2022 at 04:45 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Staying at a hotel, managed by a friend and her husband. She introduces me to some guy, I think maybe trying to be a match maker, but I am not into it and it fails.
      There is a guest at the hotel which we suspect has covid, but he refuses to follow the rules and spits on his hand and grabs the doorknob just to anger us. So, basically a Karen. He also brought along an entourage, My friend suspects his entourage includes some suspicious people. She collects some of their food leftovers to analyze (I thought first for covid, but it is for DNA) and she calls the authorities. Turns out the Karen is a most wanted criminal worth a 2 million reward.
      My friend's husband has been a bit distracted and busy, but I notice he finally realizes of the unusual happenings and goes around trying to figure out what's up. My friend doesn't want him to know because he has this policy against denouncing the guests, even if they are wanted criminals. So she keeps it to herself and hides the money. But he saw an agent from the FBI or whatever handing her an envelope with the money and she hiding it temporariky under an armchair at the lobby. He asks me what are those samples on the fridge and looks at her notes from the past days trying to figure out what is going on. I lie to protect her and say we have been working on analyzing food quality just has he always wanted to do and that she tried talking to him a few times but he was alwasy busy. He says he noticed some guests missing and I say the guests were indeed sent away, but it was because of a covid incident and it was the health department which came and took them away for everybody's safety.
      He isn't so happy with my explanations, but he accepts and kinda feels proud that his wife has been doing her best while he's been kind of absent from managing. We all go out to lunch and they make up, but when he goes to the toilet I tell her we have to talk so I can tell her what I told him and that she needs to hide the money somewhere else because he saw her putting it there. I advise her to never tell him the truth, but use the money in small investments here and there so he doesn't suspect. She is very thankful for my help and we hug.
    11. 11/18/21 - Montana, I think.

      by , 11-19-2021 at 12:50 AM
      I was in a culdesac with a long road leading up to it. My friend had the home at the end of the road (like if you were to drive straight down), and I had the one to the right. For some reason, Tony Soprano was in my dream looking for some sort of device that folds up, but when not folded it turns into a gun and shoots someone or vehicle? I think he was using it to whack people. One night I was pointing it at the sky, and a police officer drove over, but she didn't mind, I guess it was legal or something. Then I go to a party I was next to.

      Later, I'm in this factory along with a few other people, and we were stealing stuff from these offices inside the factory. I was stealing watches lol.

      The title is Montana because the environment looks like Hope County, Montana from Far Cry 5.

      Updated 11-20-2021 at 03:08 PM by 98358

    12. cccxv. Airport troubles and explosion disaster

      by , 08-05-2021 at 07:06 PM
      5th August 2021


      (mostly the second half of a dream)

      I'm arriving at an airport, supposedly in L. I'm with H. We walk in through a tunnel I think, like from a subway. We're approaching a check-in queue area. It's packed and it doesn't seem to be moving at all. There's a covid context but with relaxed rules, making me feel generally apprehensive.

      This is on one of those upper tiers, though this dream location doesn't quite relate to any specific bit from waking life. There's sunlight at an angle, brightness and colour that makes it feel as implied early morning, just after sunrise. Seems like it would be hot but in the dream I have no recall/sensation of temperature.

      Mom and dad are here at the queue. Mom is impatient and suggests to dad that he might use his airport credentials to hurry them through this. Dad doesn't want to, but he does start a conversation with the woman at the desk. She says that the airport suffered a virus attack a while ago and all the flight schedules are therefore inaccessible (among other problems?). Dad says something about how she could use pen and paper?

      I think to myself that they really should have an on-site IT crew to deal with this sort of thing and that they should restore a physical backup to the system.

      (gap and recall is fuzzy)

      A few things happen while waiting around. At some point H isn't with me anymore.

      Then I'm outside, it's night time now and I'm walking along some hangars, on a typical road that has a stone wall and forested area to the left. I feel I am going away from the airport. Three 1950s-ish cars, all black and kind of sportsy, go past. I make note of their headlights as they go past, with a pretty circular shape. The ground is wet? I end up walking through a residential area of sorts. It's more like overcast daytime now. After a short climb of cobble stairs or something, in a parking/loading area in front of a warehouse, I see three police officers and a police vehicle of some kind (a van?). They are fighting, two against on. Those two aren't real police officers, I feel, but I am not certain.

      They're restraining the third officer, a woman with black hair and pony tail. All their outfits are completely blue apart from a bit on the back with POLICE written in English, in white letters. Uncertain that I'm doing the right thing, I spot a serrated knife with a wooden handle (like one from our WL kitchen) and I pick it up and sneak up to the officer restraining the woman. I stab the restrainer in the back, with a lot of force to be sure I can get through the body vest.

      He falls over forwards and the woman gets away to the right, taking cover behind the police vehicle. The other fake policeman draws a gun and I hide/take cover behind the body. He shoots at me but hits the body a couple of times. On the ground is a Beretta, which I pick up. I wait for a moment and then come out of hiding from behind the body and shoot the fake police officer in the head, he looks surprised as he dies.

      The woman urges me to get in the car with her. I do and we drive a short distance back to the residential bit. We talk and I tell her about the dodgy cars I saw earlier. I tell her the drivers had white racing helmets and seemed to be up to no good. We drive over two oncoming cars on a descending ramp bit. It was accidental but it all seemed fine actually. In the car, I'm trying to find more ammo, because I think that I only have eight bullets left. She can't manage to tell me where more ammo might be, but I get the impression there is none.

      At a certain point we need to get out of the car. It's still wet, and raining now. There's a lot of water flowing through some cobbled part of the path and it looks like there's a bit that's in disrepair where the water is flowing into.

      Eventually I start running, toward the airport area I'd originally come from. I pass the hangars. I see SWAT police reinforcements ahead of me. I get to a more open area and there are implied signs of a massive explosion (but not really) under a huge commercial jet. Some music like "New York" plays but New is replaced with Zoo. I look for survivors and am told by someone (a narrator?) that these two people on a corner, a mother and daughter are the only survivors, supposedly because they were under a blanket together at the time of the explosion.

      The mother and daughter were implied to have been victims of incredibly horrible burns but when the blanket is removed they just look like those wooden mannequins artists use for reference, but they have stylised (and real somehow) eyes that move. The spherical and cubical wooden blocks that make up their bodies seem pristine.

      I realise something about barrels and explosive atmosphere mixture and how nobody should have used firearms. I fall to my knees crying (and wake up shortly after, with leftover emotion).


      - In the dream I did not realise how odd it was that the mother and daughter looked like wooden mannequins but still felt like real people. After waking and recalling the dream, I think about how this could have something to do with how trauma is processed, but I find myself unable to relate to this specific experience in that sense.
      -- This is one of several dreams recently where hard and pure geometric shapes have made an apperance. I am not certain why this is, though a week or two ago I returned to practising basic shape drawing, something I'd been lacking in and on the other hand, I recently read up on Platonic solids and something else related to that subject.

      - Essentially there were two viruses in the dream context, Covid, and the computer virus.
    13. 3 May: I am a criminal escaping a police chase

      by , 05-03-2021 at 10:21 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      On some big ship with Riverstone, I think illegally and we are being looked for by the security on board and policemen awaits us on arrival. The ship enters some water elevator, like those in canals and we use that chance to escape through service areas and service latches into a concrete ramp that will soon be flooded. I run up the ramp but there are police waiting on top of it. I yell to Riverstone to run the other way, not sure there is another way, but I think there is. The leading detective then keeps me secure while he sends out the rest of the men after my guy. He takes me away through the crowded terminal and I claim I need to go to the toilet. He denies me that first, but turns out we have to wait a lot for the other men who are not succeeding in catching my BF, so he says ok.
      I think I see Riverstone in the crowd and think I know where he is heading. In the toilet I find some passed out tourist napping against the wall and she has some bag with a t-shirt, a sweater and bermudas, plus a small purse with some change, so I take it and change clothes and hairstyle. The detective is not really by the door, he is slightly distant, keeping an eye on the door, so I sneak out quickly the other way and he can't tell it is me. Doesn't take long though for him to go check on me and learn that I stole things from the girl. Later on he spots me at a ticket office trying to buy some ticket and he catches me again. He takes me to his place, which I feel is unprofessional and wonder what's happening, but he just wants to have some heartfelt conversation with me, wanting to know why we are outlaws and keep committing crimes. I really ask him what we did so wrong, since we haven't hurt or killed anybody and the worst I did was steal some clothes and some change - as I don't recall doing anything else before. I tell him anybody in our position would do the same. He insists if we do small crimes we'll do bigger ones and I explain I could eventually knock him down unconscious to escape but would never deliberately beat him in order to seriously injure or kill and I mean it. He seems to believe me and cuts me some slack. Apparently we have some waiting to do. He says his men caught Riverstone but they have to meet at some exact hour at some door to a police station where they'll bring him. I pretend I have given up and just want to enjoy my last hours of freedom and he relaxes and serves some drinks and we talk and listen to music. He doesn't tie me up, I am free to move around. I sing along and he is impressed with my voice. He starts really enjoying our time together, like we are on a date, singing and drinking, but I am making sure he drinks way more. At some point he is losing control and I manage to tie him up with some S&M gear that he has. My plan is to leave him there comfortable while I go to the meeting point to rescue Riverstone,
    14. 11 Apr: Bus dragged by flash flood and killing someone in Hollywood in the 30s

      by , 04-11-2021 at 09:11 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Taking a bus somewhere. My parents are also on board but not seated nearby. There is some flash flood and the bus gets dragged by muddy waters. The water covers most of the bus and I think of strategies to get out, but the windows are fixed with only small horizontal ones on top which open but hardly anyone can get through them. I get my parents out through there anyway and then I go next. Then the water recedes and we take refuge in a subterranean park just to get some rest and plan what next. My parents lock me up in a public bathroom and say it is not safe for me and they will go outside do some reconnaissance of the situation. I am pissed. But then laugh when I notice the bathroom walls don't go all the way up but have an opening that communicates with the next bathroom. I climb the wall and get on top it. On the next division, there is a dog someone also left in there alone, but he is friendly. As I am exiting through that door and taking the dog with me, some couple appears and claims it's their dog. I am a bit upset with these people, whom I think are a bit irresponsible, but I keep quiet and just say goodbye to my friend. Then my parents come back and are upset to see me outside and I joke "Did you really believe that locking me would stop me? And they agree they were silly."

      I am in Hollywood in the '30s (maybe). I got a leading part in a film and I am absolutely thrilled. I think it is all going fine, until some other girl who is sharing the house with me and some others, reveals she got a part in the same movie and not any part, but she is meant to replace the leading character. I get seriously mad, but I avoid taking my rage on her and run away to a different room to cool down. She follows me and confesses she didn't know it was me and she is sorry and that it is all some revenge plan cooked up by people who hate me and she only accepted because she needed the job and is nothing personal. I forgive her, but then later, this girl accuses me on the set, of stealing her earing which appears magically in a pocket of my coat. Then I realize she is indeed part of the revenge plan and I beat the shit out of her until she dies. Then a guy who comes to intervene and is holding a gun, accidentally shoots himself in the chin and also dies. I run away down some stairs to the basement. The police arrives at the scene and I don't wanna be caught. So I go through a trapdoor that leads to a park outside. I try to blend with the people on the street. I hear police sirens everywhere. I head to a small aerodrome nearby where some Africa dude that I know traffics stuff. I wanna try ask if he can fly me away to Africa. I ask him where in Africa it would be better for me to start a new life from scratch. He suggests Ghana and he paints a lovely picture of it. I can see myself there already and then I come back to reality and think I'll probably never make it. The police comes raid the aerodrome and my friend helps me hide by ducking on the ground in a bushy area. We slowly move towards the entrance booth and with the complicity of the lady in the booth that controls the entrances and exits, we escape to outside. I keep on the move, I hide. But I end up coming back later to the aerodrome and taking a plane later to Africa. I then see myself living there for years, getting married to a local and having a kid and sitting calmly at a café with my family, enjoying my new life.

      Updated 04-13-2021 at 09:40 AM by 34880

    15. 25 Mar: Escher's stairway in a museum and police strippers at party

      by , 03-25-2021 at 11:39 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      With my dad. my uncle Fernando and my cousin Rui, visiting the house-museum of the famous saint-doctor from my hometown. Someone mentions that a guy claims this is his house and he demands to live here, so he actually moved in one day and started collecting the entrance money from visitors, but apparently he was arrested.
      I notice something strange about the staircase, my uncle and cousin go up but they end up coming down and when me and dad try to go down, we end up going up, like Escher's stairways. We are trying to reach the second floor and after some struggle, we do. Once there, there is a DJ playing music and some party going on, probably illegal. Soon after, a couple policemen barge in and I think "I was right", but one of them starts stripping and goes full frontal, while the other actually seems to be arresting people. So it's confusing, but I stop trying to figure it out, as the naked guy is such a hunk with a big dick and I decide enjoying the view.
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