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    1. Semi-vivid Dreams #2 & #3

      by , 11-07-2012 at 04:30 AM (One Crazy Ride to Lucidity)

      I had the first dream a few nights ago, but I did record it in my physical DJ. The second dream I had before I woke up this morning.

      I was hanging out with my friend Dalton, and for some reason his side was hurting. Or rather his ribs. There was a girl with him who seemed to act the role of a girlfriend, even though in real life he's single. We were in a classroom setting just hanging out, but no one had the intention to help my friend about his side. Later we met up with another girl from work, and I ended up in her car. Then I woke up.

      I only recall being in a living room with my friend, Jamal, and we were playing a "Sonic the Hedgehog" video game. Apparently a NEW game came out for the SEGA Genesis which featured a large array of different hedgehogs to choose from. Later on my step-mother, from my early childhood, walked in the room and started playing games with my friend and myself.

      Both dreams were vivid in terms of what people looked like, but not much of the setting was too noticeable.