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    1. Anger, Scanning, Horrible Cropping

      by , 06-30-2012 at 02:53 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Almost close to 99 summoning on Runescape, just have to keep catching Implings for cash since it's the quickest method I can think of that isn't stationary and boring (at least until I start going crazy...)..
      Anger (Non-lucid)


      I took a nap that was intended to end at 6:30 PM starting from 5PM, but I wake up around 8:20PM.

      I'm in middle school again, and I believe I was doing random things in the the gym, or just conforming to what the group of students were doing. When it was time to head to the lockers, I quickly head to the one that I remember using last time when I was in middle school.

      It seemed I had set of gym shoes and a set of walking shoes, probably to make sure that the walking shoes didn't skid on the gym floor. I'm peacefully taking these gym shoes off and switching to the walking shoes, and I believe I already had my clothes on already.

      There's another guy near me who looks like James in waking life that I knew in a High School. Let's call him James D.

      James D informs me that some guy named Jon is in a bad mood, and he does look like the Jon that used to be on the tennis team in one High School I attended.

      I wondered why James D would tell me that, because I never had any problems with the guy in this dreaming state or waking life state, because James D in waking life told me Jon was afraid of me when I hanged out with James D and a few others because......

      Because I was black...LOL.
      He was afraid of me because he thought I would do something to him, but clearly, I wasn't the aggressive type in High School, because I hanged around all races, I didn't care who you were, how you looked like, I treated you with common respect.


      I look at Jon, and it doesn't seem like he's in a pissed off mood, and he's talking with two guys about something, but all I hear is mumbling. James D continues professing how Jon's "bad" mood is still augmenting.

      I still get confused because Jon looks perfectly normal to me, what is James D really trying to do? Instigate? Pretend? Lie? But why?

      I done tying the shoes by now, and then Jon suddenly comes near us, making fun of James D by calling him "Snotty" and nicknaked some other guy around us with a random nickname that I can't remember.

      Then he starts insulting me with something with the word "Black" in it. It must've been really offensive because I usually don't get angry like that in waking life....but dreaming life is a different story. =/

      I tried holding in my rage, I get closer to him, and then told him in my trailer dude voice...(LOL I actually did it fluently in this dream for once)....the perfect voice to use in rage, and I basically gave Jon a piece of my mind. After I talked to him in a normal tone, I increased my alone and told him to not piss me off again.

      To portray to him that I earnestly mean that, I grab him by his collar, turned him upside down, and slammed in onto the ground.

      I didn't look back, I just walked away in a pissed off mood.

      I wonder if James D was telling that I was going to be a bad mood, and not Jon, but used the wrong name?

      Scanning (Non-lucid)


      Apparently, I'm walking down the hallway of some kind of airport-esque environment. The flooring and walls were mostly light and medium shades of blue, and there was the section where they used those black metal scanners.

      For some reason, I was worried that I would have something in me, since I clearly didn't know how I got here in the first place. I'm also walking with my mother....loooool, anyway, I finally pass through with ease, nothing in me.

      My mother hugs me from behind and says,

      "We did it!"

      I tried to get her off me, and told her that this isn't really a big deal at all, and I felt embarrassed because there were a bunch of people in front of us that seemed to be going on some kind of tour. I quickly glance away from them and proceeded to the exit with my mother.
      Horrible Cropping (Non-lucid)


      Apparently I'm trying to crop a decent image of Itsuki from Yu Yu Hakusho, and it seems I lightened the image too much.


      Updated 06-30-2012 at 03:03 AM by 47756
