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    1. Flying in the mountains

      by , 09-25-2011 at 06:42 PM
      I appeared in my room. I got up and looked around, making the dream stable. I thought about how realistic everything looked and felt.

      I walked out my front door, trying to picture something els on the other side. After several times, I decided to just fly to where I wanted to go.

      I flew off my porch, amazed at how real the chilly wind felt. I pictured snowy mountains off further in the distance and they came into view. I spotted a series of caves in the mountains.

      The mountains and caves, looked like they had World of Warcraft graphics. I flew into the caves, trying to find the frost giant. I thought the frost giant looked like a dwarf from WoW, a dwarf wizard. I was incorrect, the frost giant looks like a yeti.

      I woke up in my bed again and flew outside to the mountains again, with new knowledge of how to explore the dream.

      I was flying near the mountains and I spotted what looked like the dwarf wizard, on a rocky platform. I flew down, but I had difficulty. After fighting my way down, I found that it wasn't the dwarf I was looking for.

      Frustrated, I flew through more caves, trying to find him. After doing so for awhile I woke up.

      ((((I'm going to find that dwarf next weekend, I think ill call him the frost dwarf.))))

      Updated 09-25-2011 at 06:49 PM by 49495
