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    1. A Lucid Dream of a White Car (Driven From Inside Our House)

      by , 05-20-2013 at 11:20 AM
      Early afternoon of May 20, 2013. Monday.

      In my very clear lucid dream, I walk around in our house (which is much larger in my dream) wondering what is going on. I start to get into the habit of touching my face and mouth regularly in my dream to check if I am breathing properly in real life. This is because, at the time, I remember that I am sleeping with a pillow over the side of my head but there is plenty of room to breathe.

      I walk around until I notice that our back hallway is so much larger than in real life, I feel amazed. It is so large that there is now a shiny white car in mint condition, possibly a 1980s Ferrari Testarossa, parked between the bathroom and storage cupboards facing north to where I am standing in the larger than real life kitchen area.

      Being fully lucid, but with too many ideas on how I can utilize my lucidity, I walk to the car and start tapping it on the top and front and it makes a sound just like someone slapping the side of a washing machine, with a slightly hollow effect. This makes me happy, as I start lucidly feeling all the cool areas of the outside of the car. I am able to open the unusual car door (though on the second attempt). Curiously, I am actually able to fit inside the car comfortably after being able to get in. (As I have documented before, cars are often too small to get inside of in my dreams.)

      I move my feet over the floor of the car, not really touching anything with my feet, and I turn a key to hear a soft sort of engine sound. Suddenly, I take off very fast, north, right through our house. It does not matter at all because I am dreaming. There are no obstacles; I just drive through as if nothing was there to slow or block the car.

      I eventually drive near a cliff, but then the car is vertically upright, facing downwards, hovering high in midair, and I am looking down at about dozen people on a rocky beach near the ocean. A few people look up at me. I start thinking about all the things I could do in my dream, but I am also thinking that I had been asleep long enough and decide to wake up.

      Updated 02-09-2017 at 04:54 AM by 1390

    2. 7/17/2010

      by , 07-20-2010 at 03:52 AM
      -I've gotten a notebook dream journal and have kept up with my dreams, but I really don't feel like posting all of them, so the latest one....-

      Friends, Flying, Highway
      I was getting in a little kids toy jeep thing and driving it down the shoulder of oncoming traffic on a highway, at night. All I could see were the headlights of the vehicles. I was going really fast in the kids toy jeep and I started to drive out of control. I got scared and jumped out of it, and my friend V and another girl was there, we had just came from some kind of talent show? I start running down the highway, still towards the oncoming vehicles, and then I ran across the road to the grass that was in the middle of the two roads. There was a white car driving in the grass ahead of me, and I started to run faster. Then I leaped up, and the view was looked like what you would see if you were in an airplane, (I imagine.) I see land, water, and roads.

      Then I remember trying to figure out where I was, I had asked someone "What's on top of New York?" (lol)