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    1. Comp Nights 2 to 8 - Fantasy Worlds, Yuri, and Lucidity!

      by , 01-15-2024 at 01:24 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      This has been a surprisingly busy week for me... I have stuff to do every day �� It's my birthday week though, so it's okay.

      Night 2

      Meditated a bit before bed, didn't record times for any of these nights. I also did some decent reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I can't really read my handwriting here, but there was an autistic boy who said something strange when he meant "thank you," and his mother had to translate.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      This girl, a senior in high school, was sexually abusing her brother. Their parents were dead and he was cut off from the outside world so he constantly went to her for head pats. She left for school and was almost killed for mocking a deity, but avoided it by pleading "love" for her brother. -_- It was decided that she would be executed as soon as she graduated, though.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      I was a super muscular guy with super powers, and this other muscular guy was fighting Todoroki with me. He had jetpack boots and special moves but we still beat him, slamming him into the wall of the arena. Later there was a scene change, a dungeon, where horses and monkeys were trapped in jail cells. The monkeys could (and wanted to) sacrifice themselves for the horses. One asked if he could sacrifice himself for a human but we didn't allow it. There were also some cats wandering around in there.

      Dream #4 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      Frag 1: Playing word games with (S) and their brother, similar to Bananagrams except we took turns.
      Frag 2: I brought something to a circus-like place.

      Night 3

      Did decent reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I had somehow been transported to 1964 and all I had was some then-unreleased Korean candy. I decided to sell it and make a killing.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      A boy was pitching a new Owari no Seraph series, called Niko something, made by the director of Yurikuma Arashi. It was a fan fav, rated 4.87 stars.

      Later someone was asking a bear, “Sir, please give me your yuri.” But something felt off. The progression of the relationship was weird.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      My mom was being really uptight… (illegible). Later I was pulling back my hair and saw I had white hair underneath. This horrified me for some reason and I was doing everything I could to disguise it.

      Later I watched an anime an talked to (S).

      Night 4

      Did good reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Non-Lucid):
      Stephanie Soo was recording herself in a cheap apartment, except she was an anime loli girl. She stood on a coffee table and gave a tour.

      Scene change. I was making hearts in a pond. I was very bothered when someone pointed out that as a child I only made rectangles.

      Scene change. MC was an anime girl who was also a lesbian. She was in a parking lot and two people, a man and a woman, pulled into a spot in a Jeep. The girl was completely spellbound by the woman.

      The two claimed to be firefighters and stole a bunch of her stuff. When the girl said she liked the woman because she was “petite,” she got chased around the lot, but she liked it.

      Then they left, saying their name was “UTY,” and shouted “US. TRUST. YOUUUUUU!!!!!” as they drove away with all her stuff.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      People were killing Titans, also known as Guardians. They were mind-controlling them to walk into walls and kill themselves. But a small one (the size of someone’s palm), had magical powers and was able to bring them back.

      Who's from England...I need some guy tips-compyuri.jpg

      Night 5

      Did decent reality checks and meditated briefly.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Again I had another dream about having white hair underneath my normal hair. This time I tried to take a picture in the mirror, but struggled a lot.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      I was at some interesting hotel place instead of school. But my dad found me and stole a school bus and started speeding down the street. He nearly hit a car but it turned just in time, but on school grounds he crashed into a mound of dirt and killed two kids!

      As soon as the bus came to a stop I bolted out and into the school, dropping a moon rock I’d picked up earlier. The interior was different and there was a disco ball hung from the ceiling.

      My friend (A) walked in and I complained to her, but she didn’t believe me. I screamed at her that two kids were dead and he was always doing stuff like this—how could she doubt me?!

      Night 6

      Did good reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Lucid):
      I was at a carnival. A dude was selling donuts in a strange neighborhood. Later I went home and my grandma was there. For some reason this struck me as extremely strange and I stared at her for a while before realizing, Oh, this must be a dream. Then I woke up.

      Dream #2 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      My dad called me a whiny complainer. I was about to go off on him, but woke up before I could.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      I was trying to fix my mechanical pencil, singing in my head. For some reason it was a very complicated process and I was on edge. Then my mom told me that my brother’s friends had stolen my rock-climbing passes and we needed to go meet them at the place now. Apparently we were late for my birthday party (which IWL was the next day).

      I broke down crying and stumbled up to my room, screaming at the top of my lungs. My dad was in the bathroom and yelled at me to shut up.

      Night 7:

      Did decent reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Non-Lucid):
      Crocodiles were killing seniors. We followed a friendly one down a path to escape, but still had to fight a few on the way.

      No WBTB this night

      Night 8

      Did decent reality checks.

      Dream #1 (Lucid):
      This dream was in anime format, with episodes and everything. A middle schooler was trying to save this girl named Mari. He was stuck in a time loop, running to the school roof over and over and over, where she would be standing, and then he would get teleported back down until she sent him a few texts. He met a couple friends, Xu and Enta. Xu was kind or a punk, Enta was a good honor student.

      At some point a giant frog detached from another building, a dramatic song playing in the background and the sound effects very vivid. It hopped onto the middle school roof and started drinking the girl’s life force.

      Anyway in one of the time loops he managed to save her from hanging herself by dashing to the roof the second she texted, “It’s the end.” But then she said she had also taken poison hours ago and it would surely be in her system by now. So even if he went back in time again, how could he stop her?

      Suddenly he was in my body (but still himself) and taking a bath while talking to Enta on the phone. Enta had forgotten him and Xu, so MC was trying to convince him they were friends by talking about the test scores he’d just recieved. The only reason he’d taken that test was because of them. He wanted to get into a good college and make a lot of money to take care of his mom and siblings. MC started choking up when talking about what a good person he was, looking at a yuri towel that doesn’t exist IWL.

      Then my brother barged into the bathroom and I took over the position of MC. I yelled at him to get out, then realized my dad had been on the toilet this whole time.

      Suddenly I became lucid. I got out of the bath and telepathically swung the door open, manifesting forks and knives and throwing them into the wall. I mind-controlled my dad to have a desperate urge to collect them all, and started throwing popcorn as well.

      I wonder if these items come from somewhere in the world, I thought. My lucidity level was not the highest. Then there’s no guarantee they’re all fresh, right?

      I ate one of the more buttery-looking kernels, but it was nasty so I ran to the sink to wash my mouth out. Then I flew up to my room, phasing through the door easily. It might be the first time I’ve phased through an opaque surface without losing lucidity; I felt super powerful in this dream. (Still, I was only vaguely thinking of the competition.)

      I knelt down on the floor and closed my eyes, imagining a complicated T-shirt design. When I opened my eyes, it was only partially formed, so I had to manually fix it by running my hands down its length, the rest of it forming before my eyes. The design was a bit dim, so I made it brighter by doing the same thing.

      I was trying to take a picture, even though I knew I couldn’t bring it back to waking life. I just wanted to see if it would show up on camera as well. It took a lot of effort to keep it materialized, and my mom broke my concentration by yelling at me to take a shower.
      It woke me up, but I’m really happy about this LD ^w^

      Dream #2 (Fragments, Non-Lucid):
      Frag1: I was in a fantasy world and killed two crows.
      Frag2: My dog was cuddling with a cat. I was surprised because he usually wants to eat them.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      I was on the phone with a little girl. She was lying between two houses, pretending that a boy named Jake had possessed her by stabbing her with an icicle. Her real name was Jane, and she was copying a behavior my friend (S) had been doing lately.

      I called (S), who was at college, demanding to know what was going on with them. They were always away, and if they weren’t they were between houses, or with some weird guy. During the phone call I met up with them in person, and they explained everything to me.

      The kid apparently thought they were a super powerful reincarnated deity, and they had to keep up the act. The kid joined us, and (S) slammed down a dangerously hot gold hammer into the ground, pretending it was a manifestation of their powers.

      I became less and less myself as the dream went on, pushed into an observer role. The one who had replaced me joined in on a shared delusion of the two that the school principal was behind all their problems. They marched to headquarters and fought the guards, one of which was a super cool neko girl with a black-and-white mask. She talked like a robot and for a decade had been in charge of China.

      We were losing but another girl joined us. She was inexperienced but managed to tie with another powerful guard. They both died. (S) had weak fire powers and was engaged in combat with the weakest of the guards, while the MC who had replaced me was standing in the middle “charging.”

      She was enraged at the death of her friend, her powers growing and growing until she lost it and blew up the entire hallway, killing everyone in it, including her friends. (The “narrator” was really dramatic about this, repeatedly saying she forgot to shield them, trying to get just the right tone.)

      The MC walked into the vault which was being guarded. Turns out the principal actually was evil and had been possessed. She would put very little funding into the school, using 90% of it on herself. I woke up as they were talking, but it seemed like the MC was going to become the new principal, under the condition that she be isolated for the rest of her life.

      Who's from England...I need some guy tips-compmaskedneko.jpg

      Night 2
      Brief meditation and RCs - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x4) - 4 points
      Total: 7 points

      Night 3
      RCs - .5 points
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x2) - 2 points
      Total: 5 points

      Night 4
      RCs - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream (x2) - 2 points
      Theme - 3 points
      Drawings - 2 points
      Total: 10 points

      Night 5
      RCs and meditation - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Total: 4.5 points

      Night 6
      RCs - 1 point
      WBTB - 2 points
      DILD - 10 points
      Remember a Non-Lucid Fragment - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Total: 14.5 points

      Night 7
      RCs - .5 points
      Remember a Full Non-Lucid Dream - 1 point
      Total: 1.5 points

      Night 8
      RCs - .5 points
      DILD - 10 points
      Telekinesis - 5 points
      Advanced Summoning (I could see the forks appearing in my hand) - 10 points
      DC Manipulation / Mind Control - 5 points
      Eat/Drink Something - 5 points
      Fly + First Chosen Task - 10 points
      Fully Phase through Big Solid Object + Second Chosen Task - 20 points
      Basic Summoning (Partially-formed T-shirt) - 5 points
      Advanced Summoning + Third Chosen Task (forming the rest of the T-shirt) - 25 points (**This counts because it's for the 3-step tasks, right?**)
      Drawings - 2 points
      Total: 97.5 points

      Comp total: 149 points

      Updated 01-15-2024 at 01:34 AM by 99938 (forgot to add night one points)

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    2. Night of Saturday 10/14/23 (DILD)

      by , 10-15-2023 at 07:54 PM (Dreamlog)
      This was another surprise. My sleep schedule has been terrible. I hope these spontaneous lucids lately mean that my work with dreamsigns and awareness is paying off!

      Went to bed around 2AM.

      Dancing with Cars
      I'm outside my childhood home. The yard looks like a mixture of heavy green and blue hues.
      I perform a nose RC and realize that
      I'm dreaming.
      My first thought is to try and stabilize, so I start rubbing the tree in the front yard. It's kinda wet, and I rub my feet on it too.
      The dream is very vibrant, with the aforementioned green and blue hues. I wonder to myself if this is what people mean by 'dreamlike'.
      I'm rubbing my hands and the tree trying to stabilize but the dream is fading. I started having a mental dialogue.
      Sure, this is fading, but even if we have to WILD back in, we should be able to save this attempt.
      I held on to the tree trunk, not wanting the dream to end.
      To my delight, the dream fades back in. My tactile sense comes back first, holding the tree, and then my vision.
      I walk away from the tree and I'm still rubbing my hands together. I narrate outloud what I'm doing as I move.
      "I'm dreaming, rubbing my hands, and walking."
      "This is a dream."
      "I'm dreaming, rubbing my hands, and walking."
      "This is a dream."
      I approach our next door neighbor's garage door and notice that instead of an actual garage door, there is a set of regular doors in a line.
      Perfect. I can use that to go somewhere new. However I'm not lucid enough to think about going to Silverlight Way (fantasy forest goal), and I decide that I want to go to Australia.
      Before attempting to open the door, I visualize a green/yellow hued, wild jungle. I really focus on trying to hear the bugs, animals, branches and all that. This aligns with Australia apparently.
      I say "Jungle!" and open the door.
      And as is tradition at this point, I see a boring neighborhood on the other side of the door.
      I shut the door, try again. Fail. This repeats a few times.
      On the final try, I get a slightly different looking area. The architecture of the buildings looks a bit more interesting and there is a highway structure with cars high up.
      I decide that is a more fitting setting for a lucid dream, so I go through the door.
      I emerge into a street, and out in front of me is a set of tall buildings and the highway up in the sky. It's definitely night-time here.
      I wander around a bit, enjoying the dream scene and sense of freedom.

      I'm in a plane-hanger, talking to a tall man that may have been a coworker from long ago. The plane hanger is in the same environment as before, but I lost lucidity at some point.
      He's telling me about an acne problem a current coworker, JG, has.

      I'm wandering and realize that I haven't flown yet, and my lucidity comes back.
      I take off towards the tall highway structure.
      Music starts to play. It's melancholy, upbeat, but also happy. I can still hear it and I'm wondering if the melody exists already in the real world. It reminds me of Foals a little bit. There was a repeating three note rhythm, and the final lyric in the pattern was 'stop' or 'shop'.
      I land on the raised highway structure. I think to myself that lately I haven't really demonstrated a high-level of dream control. I remembered some people on DV that talked about facing that DCs aren't real, and going through with dangerous situations.
      I look out to the oncoming traffic and decide that I'm going to interrupt it. I hover in midair on the highway, just a foot or so above the ground.
      The first car comes by, and it grazes me on my right side. As it approached it looked like it was moving around 75mph, but when it was close to me, it was more like 30mph. I slide my hand across it as it goes by.
      The music from earlier is still playing. The next car approaches, and I do a 'wax-on, wax-off' motion on my right side. The car wildly flips in the air and flies off into the distance. I'm flipping cars with telekinesis in rhythm with the music.
      It's total carnage, and I'm just like, vibin' with the music. But it turns out the DCs don't like to be tossed into oblivion, and cars start to park and queue up to block the road. They are getting out of their cars and approaching me. Chasing me.
      The music is still playing, so it doesn't feel like a nightmare. More like a music video. I'm flying, running, and jumping to escape them.
      Eventually I reach a garage-type area. BD from highschool is there, and he is trying to handcuff me with a bunch of different types of cuffs, but none of them are working.
      One of them though, works, and bands my hands together. It's made from a silicon-material, similar to my smartwatch band.

      There's a spinoff conversation about Apple TV remotes being smooth, and JG from earlier in the dream is showing off that she has a special edition one.
      I've lost lucidity at this point.

      Recorded at 7:25AM.

      Updated 10-17-2023 at 09:53 PM by 99808

    3. Underground Intruder DILD

      by , 09-05-2023 at 05:14 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I was running from an intruder at an underground bunker. As I was running I looked down and realized I had no shoes on. I decided to turn back around to the previous area I was in to retrieve them. Once I got back there I noticed a kid who was running as well and came to the conclusion that he was the intruder son. He was very young no older than 5 years old. I skipped past him knowing that the intruder was close behind me.

      That's when I began to hear a few gun shots. I was almost at the exit after going up a few stairs. As I'm about to reach the last exit he somehow just glitched himself right behind me as if he teleported here. We then struggle against one another in a grapple as he tries to reach for his gun. I thought it was bizarre that he caught up to me like that. I was certain there was no way he would reach me.

      I then said this has to be a dream because it's just too convenient that he would show up like that. He knocks me to the ground and now has the advantage. But now that I have lucidity and know it's a dream I told him it's over. I raise my hand and use telekinesis to zap him out of existence. I look around my environment and slowly lost my lucidity as the dream continue to a non-lucid dream.

      Updated 09-05-2023 at 05:16 PM by 67903

    4. Pirate Rivalry

      by , 06-28-2023 at 07:49 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Pirate Rivalry (NLD) 06.28.2023

      I am in a mideval town and I am part of a crew of pirates who use this town as their hometown. I am the mage of the party, being able to specialize in telekinesis even though I am not lucid. First I pick out an outfit with a fancy hat and then we go to the market to shop. I can't remember much until the part where we run into our rivals. We get in a tussle with them and I use my telekinesis abilities but I don't remember the details.

      The next fragment I remember is we are running into a concert hall and telling the musicians that the rival pirates have placed a bomb in the organ that is set to go off on the final note of the song. They inspect the organ and say they haven't found anything. However, when I look inside I am able to use telekinesis to levitate out the bomb and I throw it into the ocean.

      The next fragment is me heading home. I am worried that we will be attacked by our rivals. My home isn't there for some reason! I have a scale model of the place that looks 3d printed. I think that I can use dream control to convert it into a full sized home but nothing I try works. One of the rival pirates shows up to goad me. She is a young woman with the teeth and eyes of a cat. She patronizes me to come out and play. I realize now that she might have been a dream witch.
    5. Yesterday's Dreams

      by , 05-21-2023 at 09:14 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      I've been super busy this week 'cause for some dumb reason every single important exam and project is packed into May. Therefore I haven't been able to be on dreamviews much, or even to spend much time on daytime techniques... but I had these LDs anyway! I decided to try out present tense with 'em.

      Dream #1 (Non-Lucid):
      Actually this isn't a dream, because I can't remember anything about it. I woke up at 1:40, opened my DJ to a random page, and wrote "book," "reddit," "water," "dad," "crazy," and something illegible. Then I went back to sleep.

      Dream #2 (Semi-Lucid):
      First thing I remember is me and my brothers getting locked in the basement. There is a long backstory as to why, but I can't remember. All I know is that we're in a very oppressive environment and will likely be punished severely, even killed, when we're let out. We want to escape before that happens.

      Z asks if there's any way to break the glass of the sliding doors. I press my hands to it and shake my head. "Are you kidding? This thing is like ten inches thick."

      "True," N says.

      Z grabs a crowbar from somewhere and is about to try anyway, but I stop him because it will make too much noise. I fiddle with something complicated and half-unlock the doors. (Two out of four unlocked.) My brain isn't functioning properly, but I figure out that I have to move this giant black printer off the desk. At first I carelessly slide it off the edge, but at the last second I catch it and quietly lower it to the ground.

      With it out of the way, two switches on the wall have been revealed. I press one of them and the third lock clicks, the second one causing the same reaction in the fourth. I go to the door and, after undoing both locks, open it. Z blows raspberries to cover up the noise.

      "Why are you farting?" I ask loudly, playing along. Then the door is open and we run out. I tell them we have to keep running till we get to the lake, then we can take a break. But I forget about that plan and eventually we are just running in no particular direction. I'm worn out already, and it's hard to move my legs in that typical dream way.

      "Why are you tired? We've only ran 50 (something), that's not a lot," Z says, turning around to see me hunched over and catching my breath.

      "I'm out of shape," I say defensively. "Also, I'm having a lot of trouble moving."

      Then I have a "flashback" to the facility we were apparently stored in, the one we just escaped from. I am in a white hallway with glass windows, teenage subjects filing past me on both sides. A "professor" is talking to some girl, and I walk up to him, saying I can't run properly.

      He gives me some semi-useful advice, and the girl next to him says, "What helps for me is focusing on lowering my left arm at the same time my right foot goes down."

      That seems like a wise suggestion, so I try it, but her opposite leg-arm thing feels weird. I align them instead, but I can't focus on my feet planting.
      I vaguely think, Because this is a dream. Then I forget about it and return to the present.

      I'm a little better at running now, but it's still weird. Z and N turn into a mix of Avery and S, 90% Avery though. I take her to a restaurant and we buy food. I somehow end up with boba even though I don't like it. The boba is cube-shaped and green like the drink, and my straw sucks it up automatically.

      At first they are sweet and pretty tasty, and I think, Boba might not be so bad after all. But then a sour aftertaste kicks in, and when I drink more it tastes like coffee (which I dislike). I figure they must not have separated it from the cacao beans because it's "normally" served in lattes. I also have a ziplock bag filled with them, but I don't want it and neither does Avery. I feel bad for the waiter, who's standing next to our table, watching.

      At some point a group of college students come in, our in-dream classmates and part of the same facility we escaped from. I pray that they won't tell on us, but they don't seem to care much. I have an interesting conversation with one of them that I don't remember, and then Avery and I leave. We hear slow police sirens in the distance, which apparently means they're carefully searching and sifting through each neighborhood.

      Eventually we end up at a boardwalk-carnival place, where another Avery is sitting on a bench. She spots us, goes "aha!" and types something on her flip-phone. I know she's reporting us.

      "No!" I yell and fly into the air, out of her reach. Despite my distress, I think it would be funny to introduce the two to each other. [I must have been slightly lucid because I remember believing there were two Averys in real life as well, and technically, there are—my childhood friend, and the current stranger.]

      They seem acquainted though, as My Avery stomps up to Evil Avery, shouting with fury, "Avery!"

      Evil Avery smirks, ignoring her doppelganger and saying to me, "I got you last time, too."

      It's true, I do have the sense I've dreamed this before. [Even now.] I don't respond and keep trying to fly away, half Superman-style and half Flappybird-style. I feel a little hesitant about leaving My Avery behind, so I yell at her to run.

      We both flee, her on foot, me by air, but we don't get far. I don't know why, but I just keep flying in elaborate circles around the rides and tents. When my mom comes though, I stop that and actually try to get away. There is a grove of trees in front of a large concrete wall, and on top of the wall is an even larger spiky chainlink fence. I scale it and My Avery leaps over the trees to do the same, somehow having gained super-jumping powers. She vaults the fence and drops down to what looks like the roof of my school.

      I am a little scared even though I "know" it's a dream and I should stay confident. [I think I might've been semi-semi-semi-lucid this whole dream, it just shined through in flashes like these.] A random narrator says, "Good thing (Evil) Avery wasn't able to use either the chain links nor the spikes to climb the fence!"

      I turn around and sure enough, Evil Avery has fallen into the grove of trees, her eyes impaled by a couple branches. Her appearance has transformed into that of Kalluto Zoldyck from Hunter x Hunter, but I don't notice. I cry out her name and rush to her. In the back of my mind I'm thinking, So the plot calls for me to still care about my childhood friend, evil or not. How touching.

      She is alive but badly hurt. I pick her up and take her to a nearby hospital, which means getting captured again but that doesn't matter now. My Avery follows, and as we're screened into the building, we have to classify ourselves with a number stating our danger/rarity level. She says "8v6"—apparently she has been here before and her rank is higher than before. I say "10v4."

      I tell the guy in charge (who looks like Milluki from HxH except with white hair) to help Evil Avery, but he is apathetic, which surprises me more than it should. I think about leaving or destroying stuff, and over the intercom he says I can destroy whatever I want, since nothing matters. Maybe he is testing my abilities.

      I "know" this is a dream, and this time I hold on to that knowledge. I look up to a spiraling arrangement of pipes and try to telepathically slash through them, but I can't. There are some lightbulbs tied together on the wall like big Christmas lights, so I break them, but it's weird. I focus on one, and the one next to it breaks. Then when I try to fix it by zeroing in on a black bulb with gold decor, I hear a shattering sound, but it only appears broken when I look away and look back.

      After a while of this I get worried about my vision and the half-blind thing happening, so I step through a doorway into a warehouse area. My mom is there. I feel like any minute now my vision will go out, and I wonder what I should do. I remember a convo I had with Harlequin that day and decide to try out a command.

      "Clarity now!" I shout, and for a split second I don't expect much because I didn't direct it toward the dream. But then the scenery pulses and ripples and at the same time I feel it the effects within my body. When it stops, my surroundings are clearer than before.

      "Wow..." I say. My mom asks what happened, and I tell her, "I just experienced something amazing."

      "What?" She's kind of smiling, and I'm surprised she's not mad at me for running away. I don't want to tell her it's a dream in case I jinx it, but I also don't want to ignore her.

      "Next time you're dreaming, realize it," I explain, well-aware I'm oversimplifying it. "Then say 'clarity now,' and you'll see."

      She just keeps smiling as if she understands.

      I lose lucidity and the plot returns to Evil Avery. I carry her out of the building, pressing down the feeling that it shouldn't be this easy. I say that if Milluki won't help her, I will go to every other hospital in the area, even the "community center" if I have to. He seems more hesitant now and maybe agrees.

      He tells me that Cinderella's parents died when she was young and that's why her kids and grandkids and great-grandkids are so messed up. Her great-grandkid is apparently my "mom" and works at the facility. I am able to watch the story in a thought-bubble like screen, and this Cinderella looks more like Kyouko from Irisu Syndrome.

      "Wow," I say. "I'll break that chain, then."

      Even though I say that, I have the sense that I just isekai'd into the body of Cinderella's great-great-grandchild and am actually someone else entirely.
      Then I wake up.


      I woke up at 6:07, and it took me until 7:30 to finish writing down this dream Well, that was mostly because I kept spacing out in between each sentence. Then I set an alarm for 8:45 and went back to sleep.


      Dream #3 (Lucid; DEID; Non-Lucid):
      Me and someone else are watching a video of some pink-haired livestreamer, and I notice the background is almost exactly the same as my room. I point each matching detail out, particularly the photographs, and become lucid.

      My vision immediately blacks out, but I say, "Clarity now! Clarity now!" and it comes back. I do a finger-through-palm RC and it makes the back of my hand extend an abnormal amount, though it doesn't go all the way through. I head downstairs and as I'm thinking about what to do,
      I wake up. Just for a second! I am 85% sure it wasn't an FA.

      I close my eyes again and do an unintentional DEID, not DEILD because I'm not lucid when I re-enter. I check the time and it says 8:37, then Nile runs out of the house. I catch him and bring him back inside, only for my mom to yell at me about not making sure N ate his 30 rice cakes.

      I'm confused and walk into the living room to find N sitting at the dinner table, a miserable look on his face. In front of him is a bowl filled to the brim with rectangular, reddish mochi.


      I woke up soon after at 8:43, two minutes before my alarm was set to go off. Interesting that the dream time aligned so well with reality. I rushed the notes for this one because I had to leave the house at 9:30, that's why it's not very detailed.

      Additionally, the reason I say this dream was lucid while the other was semi-lucid is because the other felt more like roleplaying, whereas in this one I had more awareness that I was actually asleep somewhere in real life. Even though I didn't remember my goals in either

      And here are some pics of the dream scenes:
      What is the nature of the will?-unnamed-9-.jpg

      Updated 05-21-2023 at 09:15 PM by 99938 (semantics)

      memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    6. My Previous Seven Lucid Dreams

      by , 04-17-2023 at 02:24 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      Behold! Procrastination

      Lucid #1 - Some time in 2015/2016
      I was in fourth grade. At the time I was friends with a girl named K, she could be mean sometimes and I must've been mad at her when I had this dream. All I remember is we were at the neighborhood hill and I knew I was dreaming. She was running away from me, so I lifted my hand in the air, summoned up a giant cage, and trapped her in it. It's probably the most effortless and powerful dream control I've ever had.

      Lucid #2 - April 17th, 2021
      What a coincidence that this took place almost exactly two years ago today! In this dream I was at a cabin-like place, and entered a room with nothing in it but a piano and a chair. A girl in overalls that looked like the normal version of Samara from The Ring was playing the piano. I was creeped out by everything.

      I was about to leave, but for some reason said, "You know, this is very much like an unpleasant dream. Not a nightmare, but..."

      The girl said something huffily and continued playing. I sat down on the chair and said, "I dunno... it just has such a dream vibe to it!" And at this moment I thought that it could not possibly be a dream, because everything looked and felt so solid and real, I was clear-headed and nothing was spinning... But nonetheless, I continued, "Wait a minute... is this a dream?"

      The result was instantaneous. The girl suddenly turned into a doll. I thought, Oh my goodness, I'm lucid dreaming, try to control something! But it was weird. I had a sense of my real life body and was barely hanging on to the dream. Instead of controlling anything, I accidentally opened my eyes in real life.

      Lucid #3 - January 22nd, 2023
      This dream started out normal, the main character was some dude in a wrecked but prosperous city. There were a bunch of AoT-like people who used wires to get around. He was one of them but apparently could just fly on his own as well, which he did after talking to some of his coworkers.

      He must have become me at some point, because I recall flying in this flappy-bird way and remembering it was something that happened a lot in my dreams.
      That's when I became lucid.

      I descended to the ground and entered a big throng of people heading somewhere. I was next to J and L, telling them and anyone who would listen that this was actually a dream, taking care not to get too excited and wake up. I tried to control something, but it was extremely difficult: tried and failed to telekinetically lift up a signpost, tried and failed to turn some dude's hair blond. Finally I focused on my hands and tried really hard to make a grape. It worked, but J and L were still skeptical so I made an apple. It was kinda small but still. That's all I remember so I guess I woke up after that.

      Lucids #4 and #5 - March 25th, 2023
      I actually had these the very night I got back into lucid dreaming. Spent the entire day researching it obsessively, and it paid off!

      I was in school, but missed 6th period because I was playing a VR game with my dog. There was an emotion-measuring device he used on me and it kept saying I was almost dead. I could physically feel my heart beating and I was laughing a lot.

      In the VR my brother N fell into a toxic lake and I was like, "Dw, this is a dream, I can save him." Then I flew over the lake and telekinetically lifted him out, though it was kind of difficult.

      Next thing I remember, I was in school, more lucid than before. I kept touching the ground and walls (they felt dirty) to stabilize the dream. I even went up to this girl and touched her face and talked to her, but not for long because I was worried I would talk in real life as well. She was weirded out anyway.

      Then I found my friend A and asked what period it was and she said 7th. I was waiting for an opportunity to tell her it was a dream, but I was sleeping very lightly and when I moved my arm in real life, it woke me up.

      But then I tried the hypnagogia-WILD technique for the first time. The visual part wasn't working, but in my head I could hear a teacher talking and before I knew it I was in the back of an unfamiliar classroom sitting next to J. I talked to her while touching everything to solidify the dream. She had a red hardcover book with a title written in white/yellow bubble letters. She was really impressed when I was able to read it, and it was somewhat difficult for me to do in the first place. I noticed the words changed soon afterwards. Same thing with a couple sentences I caught on the inside; I was really delighted.

      She said that something was weird and I said, "You know why it's weird? Because it's a dream."

      "How do you know?" she asked. I could tell she was a little disconcerted that I was proposing it was my dream and not hers, that she was imaginary.

      "Because none of this makes sense! Whose classroom is this? Who is that teacher? Why is it so difficult for us to read the title of a book, and why does it keep changing? Sorry to break it to you, J, but this is a dream."

      She seemed to grudgingly accept it. Then I got an itch in real life and woke up.

      Lucid #6 - March 26th, 2023
      Yep, I had this the very next day. I was daydreaming about a white-haired writer in his thirties with three pens on his butt, and a black-haired guy in his twenties. [Don't ask me why, I must have been half asleep.] Next thing I knew, I was the writer, playing with the other guy in the snow. I was kind of lucid, trying to solidify the dream and marveling at the snow [didn't get any substantial snow this year]. But at the same time I wasn't, because the dream kept going into third person and the writer guy would start flirting with the other guy.

      Eventually a teen girl came over and told us to come inside because of some disease. I then became myself, and fully lucid. We were in my house and when I looked at the mirror, there was some dust in my hair, I guess from the disease. I tried to focus on clarity and stabilization, but when I locked the door, it looked oddly blurry and my fingers were too thick. It freaked me out a little and I got dizzy. It became difficult for me to walk.

      The other two had gone down a hallway I couldn't see, and I called for them to come get me, hoping their hands would solidify the dream again. They said okay but didn't come soon enough. There was writing on the walls, but I was too disoriented to read it and woke up.


      Lucid #7 - March 31st, 2023
      The dream started out with some hitchhiking scenario. Later on I was at school crying and screaming because my mom was accusing me of something AO3-related and my parents were stalking me. It wasn't lucid at this point. Nobody cared and after that I lied down on the hallway floor (classes were in session but I didn't care) and some girls came over and started bullying me. Eventually I got up and was walking in the hallways with J, and she said, "I hate (something something)."

      I responded gloomily, "I hate myself."

      She seemed to notice something was wrong and said, "Oh no, why don't you talk to K about it?" [Different K than first dream.]

      "What? Why would I talk to K?"

      I don't remember what she said but I was like "she can't help me nobody can, blah blah blah" and I don't know if I already was lucid or suddenly became so,
      but I decided to fly away because it was a dream! J went "wow" and I flew like superman to the end of the hallway. For some reason Kel from OMORI was there. I talked to him and we climbed into this weird window/dumbbell thing.

      I saw Mr. C walking around like a hawk and was worried he would see us, eventually he did but I realized I could control his reaction because this was a dream. So he wasn't angry, and even climbed in with us. While we were in there I was in pain for some reason but since it was a dream I just made it go away.

      (Not sure when this happened, but at one point I was in a classroom and did the finger-palm reality check. It was difficult and didn't go all the way through, but it still confirmed I was dreaming. I then did the nose-plug RC and it felt like breathing through a stuffy nose. The dream started to fade and there was a dark vignette around my vision. I was trying really hard to stay in it, talking to J, touching stuff, and telling myself I'd still be dreaming when I "woke up." I don't remember what happened, but back to the main story.)

      Eventually I got bored of Kel and Mr. C and went to some building, reflecting on my choices up till now. I climbed some brown petticoats to the top, a loft-church hybrid area. I think it was here that I looked around and was truly amazed at how real and solid everything looked. I did the finger-palm RC again, same result. Then I did the nose-plug reality check, same result. Finally I tried to phase through a window, but it didn't work.

      I pressed my hands to it and really tried to expect to go through, but it still wasn't working, so I said aloud, "Please help me, dream." The windowpane started getting warm and ripple-y but I still didn't go through.

      Now I was surprised that I still hadn't woken up yet, so I left to find a mirror. (It was the only one of my goals to occur to me.) The dream went into third person and it looked sort of like an RPG videogame as I walked up to a mirror (still in a church-like area; I was walking down a red carpet). I ignored the old lady beside it because I felt like I should hurry just in case I was close to waking up. Then it switched to first person again and I looked in the mirror.

      When I researched LDs I had been avoiding posts that said mirrors were taboo/scary because I didn't want my subconscious to internalize that, but when I was watching a YouTube vid some guy said that in a lucid dream mirror, you'd see the version of you that you want to become. So I guess if anything, I was expecting that. But when I looked, the reflection just showed my normal self... or so I thought in the dream. I realize now that it was not normal at all.

      My hair was long, and I was wearing a stiff, purple, cape-like cardigan. My hands were on my hips and my chest was puffed out. I looked more like an anime-superhero than anything else. I even had a line-smile like this: V.

      Anyway, as I was looking, my reflection suddenly split in two (as in there were two of me in the mirror). In the middle of them appeared another me, but a more disturbing one, though I don't remember how exactly. The disturbing me's multiplied until they were filling the mirror and maybe spilling out; I could only really see the tops of their heads. A bright white light drenched them and flew by like a train, and an unsettling sound accompanied it. I had to turn away and I think I woke up soon after, because I don't remember anything after that.


      Anddd done. Don't have time to color-code right now so I'll do it tomorrow

      Edit: Color yay

      Updated 04-17-2023 at 09:01 PM by 99938 (color code)

      lucid , memorable
    7. The Fall - Spring Competition Night 13

      by , 03-15-2023 at 12:04 AM
      At my grandmother's house. Thinking about how it is always summer in my dreams but a cold March in reality. I want to go out to check the garden. There is a guarding girl who doesn't want to let me out, I tell her that I have to go to school in half an hour anyway and she lets me go.
      I am in car with R. or maybe someone else, he takes a wrong turn and I am mad at him. I end up next to a mall with a group of schoolmates and I don't like it because I actually wanted to go to school. They want to go drinking. We argue in a small snack bar, right next to a railing of a mall atrium, several floors high. I say something bad to one of my schoolmates, Honza, a strong guy who weighs much more than I do. He gets mad and attempts to push me over the railing. We're struggling and the railing collapses. Seeing that I can't prevent the fall, I cling to him and take him with me. The dreams end before the fall actually happens, with us floating in the air.

      Waking up disliking the ending because earlier this night, I was thinking that I would like to fly again or jump from a height. I reimagine the feeling of floating in the air and successfully DEILD back.

      Falling. I slow the fall to levitation and land elegantly in a pirouette-like pose. I look for Honza and he's falling separately from me (and later than me, how convenient). I sent a rough burst of energy his way (this is like unaimed telekinesis, I am not counting it as a separate dream control because it works the same way), he bounces off it before reaching the ground like falling in an invisible trampoline, which gains me time and I catch him in more precise telekinesis and lower him slowly to the ground.
      Together with my schoolmates again, I want to eat something and there is a supermarket with cash registers right next to us. There is a woman paying for her shopping and putting it in her bag. I see a truss of tomatoes there, take them (she ignores me) and put one in my mouth. I give the rest of the truss to my friends.
      The tomato is awesome. Not really summer levels awesome but tasty and juicy. The sensation of eating it, including the juices bursting in my mouth and the texture of the seeds is so vivid and realistic that it makes me extremely happy. I want to share my happiness with one of my friends but she goes away and I quickly lose sight of her.
      I decide to move on the 3-step tasks. The plan is to summon a potion and drink it. I check my pockets and find a bunch of thread spools but no potion.
      I walk up stairs of a road overpass that should take me back to the higher floors of the mall because I am in the mood for more flying. On the way there, I also check the pockets of my cardigan and find two bottles there but they are lip gloss, not potions. I try to put it on my lips and it is extremely slimy. The bottle also leaks and the stuff spills everywhere.
      I wake up, consider another DEILD attempt but decide to journal the dream instead.
    8. 24 June - Am I dreaming?

      by , 06-24-2021 at 09:01 PM
      comment dream lucid

      I woke up half an hour before my usual wake-up time and assumed I wouldn't fall back asleep, but after a while, I did and had a long, very shifting dream.

      Fragments (not sure about the order and transitions between them):
      - I'm packing my things for some big trip with my mom and my brother, packing a big suitcase. I'm almost ready, but they're not, and I'm rushing them because we have no chance to catch the plane. But they ignore me for the most part and I'm nervous and stressed.
      - There's a magician, a dangerous man, but he trusts me, probably because I'm willing to work with him and not ask questions. I go out of the building to dump something in the trash for him, probably magical waste. It looks like a pear in a plastic bag, plus some kind of box, but I know better than to check what's in it.
      - I'm out with my brother, we're going somewhere. Then we sit on a bench and I empty the mess out of my shoe and show the shoe to him. He says he doesn't want running shoes. I show him how it has a soft sole and offer him the shoe to try on.
      Then the magician is there instead, and there's a railing behind us and stairs deep down. Somehow my shoe falls down - either he throws it there or somehow accidentally causes it to fall. I look him in the eye and tell him he should bring it back. He looks at me, surprised that I have the audacity to say that to him, but without a word he gets up and walks down the stairs. I follow a few steps behind him.

      Leading to the lucid part
      I am traveling in a group on horseback, including family members, the plan is to travel on horseback through several countries and then by train, this is a replacement for the original plan.
      Then we walk through pastures and someone tells us there is a dangerous cow, but now there is just an older, very playful, calf and sheep playing together.
      We walk along a field track, there are fenced pastures all around, and there is a rhino in one. It's very dangerous. I wonder if they have something like a mini zoo and why they have a rhino if it's so dangerous.
      I get to the garden where there are some roses, new varieties that I've been talking to someone about online, and also a small-flowered clematis.
      There are more beds and I want to see more, but I'm disappointed, there's not much else, just weird vertical structures for vertical growing and some shade-loving plants. There's a woman I know from a gardening forum and she says it's not finished yet.
      Then I'm with some people, half in, half out, as if the garden has turned into a spacious interior. People are supposed to go through some doors, but they don't really want to, probably afraid of the rhino that's still out there somewhere. I walk through the door and someone asks me if I'm the last one through, and I say no.
      I get a yellow and black frilly dress and am told it comes with trousers. There is a group of girls around, each in different dresses, but all in black and yellow. I put the dress on and someone helps me pull it over my head, and someone else hands me the black trousers.
      Something weird is being done in the group, maybe magical.
      The woman near me - I recognize her as my former classmate, H. - is having a nervous breakdown.
      She asks, "How can this be happening?" She's hysterical and clutching her head. "Am I dreaming?"

      I chuckle and say, "I am, and so are you." I kiss her passionately on the mouth and tell her, "Go and enjoy it."
      Like I'm sending her out to enjoy her lucid dream. I say this semi-lucidly, not having the slightest intention of detaching myself from the dream. But as she disappears outside, I feel some responsibility for her and I follow her.
      I walk out the door and I'm in a large square. Directly in front of me are steps down to the main area of the square, and then to the right are more gradual steps up, probably along the town walls. H. is already a little ahead of me, he is now with someone, they have started to levitate and have flown across the gap between the steps and are now flying faster, up over the steps, and disappearing in the distance. I call out, "H., wait!" and I envy her such skill in the first LD and I know I won't catch up to her.
      I put my hand forward and begin to concentrate on catching her and her companion in an imaginary loop, then pull them back by the force of will.
      She stands in front of me, a little confused, but she understands that my abilities are greater than hers. I think to myself that I made a point, but that maybe it wasn't necessary, and let her go.
      I tell myself that since I'm so good at telekinesis, I might as well do what she did - try using telekinesis to fly - use it on myself.
      I'll give it a try and try to levitate down the stairs.I float a little, but at the same time, I am inevitably falling until I'm back on the ground, a few steps down.
      I try again and this time I try to focus on myself/catch myself into the imaginary loop and add the impello spell word, but it doesn't help, the same result as before. Like I can't use telekinesis on myself.

      I wake up after this.

      - Another semi-lucid into lucid type of dream. Sometimes I think I am sort of natural in semi-lucid dreaming, my dream me almost always knows it is a dream to some extent but it's hard to tell unless the dream plot makes it obvious. The breakthrough from semi-lucidity to full lucidity is still hard for me, though. And sometimes, it isn't a breakthrough at all, like it is all a spectrum.

      Updated 06-24-2021 at 11:18 PM by 98406

      lucid , non-lucid
    9. Strong magic dream | [2?.06.2021]

      by , 06-24-2021 at 01:57 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Strong magic dream
      I seem to be a girl with strong magical powers. There is someplace where I am at some sort of grave, deep in the forest, reaching to grab something. At some point, somebody wants to research on my powers. I demonstrate with a copper coin and telekinetically fling it through the room and back, and then a very bright cloud of golden fumes fills the room, and it appears that my thoughts manifest, anything I want to move moves and anything I would want to disintegrate would just disintegrate.
    10. B6b12 1 dild

      by , 05-02-2021 at 02:25 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      Was driving my car through a parking lot and park it to meet someone. Next to me on my left side was a woman in a jeep who seem like she was frustrated. I decided to not look her way and check my watch to see why the person was taking so long. Then out of no where the woman in the jeep got out of her car and hop in my passenger side. I gave her a weird look and she seemed still irritated.

      I began questioning myself on why was I waiting on someone to begin with? Nothing made any sense and it was then that I became lucid. The scene change and I found myself in my previous town home living room. I practice telekinesis on my father front room door. I found it interesting how my thoughts could physically move the door on command.

      I went in my father room and stare at the ceiling , there was no lights on. I then remember that if you stare in a dream too long you will wake up and it was too late. I had awaken.

      Updated 05-02-2021 at 02:31 AM by 67903

      Tags: jeep, telekinesis
    11. Telekenisis on airplanes, teleporting at will, Flying to the moon, proving it's a dream

      by , 09-15-2020 at 07:43 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)

      I just want to start with this. I had many dreams and all were long but I don't remember that much.

      I'm at home and become semi lucid. I fly out the window and see two big airplanes about to crash into one another. They are about 20 meters long, one is red and the other one is blue. My pants are constantly being loose and it's hard to keep them on. I struggle with my pants for some moments but decide that it doesn't matter if I don't have any pants, it's a dream. I throw them away and isn't bothered by it for the rest of the dream. I use my telekinesis to make the airplanes change the course. I think it would be fun to see a big explosion so I fly with the big airplanes to the city and I'm looking for big buildings. The two airplanes I controlled have now turned into two big houses instead. I think it will still be a big explosion. I see four big houses and decide that I will target the two biggest of them. There is a church and another house. I lift the two houses I control up high and smash them into the two buildings on the ground. The church is not scratched at all and there is no explosion. The other house I crashed broke but there was not an explosion. I think to myself that the church was holy and therefore I could not destroy it. I fly to the ground and I want to pet a dog. I do the pet motion I would do if a dog were there. From thin air a dog is slowly coming alive. After a while I have a dog with me. I pet it for the rest of the dream.

      Notes: I usually don't have this much control over big objects or being able to teleporting dogs to me. Cool dream.

      I'm by church with Gustav and Klaus. I am semi lucid. I want to prove to Gustav that it's a dream so I tell him that I will take a picture of the moon on the moon. I fly to the sky, first pretty slowly but faster and faster I go. Suddenly I come to the sky and it appears the whole sky is just a hologram. The moon included. I take a picture of it and return down. When I show Gustav the picture it's not a picture of what I took. It's an orange picture of wheat or something like it. I couldn't prove it was a dream.

      Notes: I wonder if the first dream with the church triggered this dream to be at our church. I have only tried to prove it's a dream to Gustav in my dreams. It has happened two or three times now.

      I'm in a car with dad and he's driving. There are three turns and he fails at all of them. Accidents that could have gotten us killed. I am angry with dad because of this and he says I'm not wrong that we could have died. We arrive at some kind of tivoli/supermarket. Kalle J and Håkanssons are also there. I get some money by dad and I enter the glass house. The house has machines in it where you are supposed to put your money. I put two coins in one of the machines but don't bother to see if I got anything. I look to the left and see Kalle. I don't want to interact but he sees me and says hello. Håkanssons also come in and we greet.

      Notes: I have had many dreams were people drive bad and almost crashes the car recently.

      Updated 10-05-2020 at 11:46 AM by 97565

      non-lucid , lucid
    12. Multiple Lucid Dreams- Honey and MCT Oil

      by , 05-14-2020 at 12:43 PM
      10pm screens off, took melotonin, dreamleaf supplement, and about one tablespoon of raw honey and MCT oil.
      10:30pm in bed, meditation, dream yoga visualization practice, mantra: breathing in, I remember my dreams, breathing out, Lucid Dream TONIGHT.
      3:30am WBTB, only long enough to take galantamine, second DreamLeaf pill, and go back to sleep

      My first memorable dream, I was at a friend's house, and he had told me he had broken up with his girlfriend two days prior, and we started fooling around a little, but his roommate woke up and heard us and shamed him for hooking up with me so soon after his breakup. He left, saying he should stay with a friend since this was a bad idea, and I kept trying to assure everyone that it was okay, this is only a dream! But I wasn't entirely sure, so I started trying to check to make sure, at which point I fell head first off the bed into an almost black area where all I could see was the floor, and I was alone. The patterns on the wood floor were moving, and I bounced around strangely, and even though I was alone at this point I said SEE, this IS a dream! But with nothing around me, and several failed attempts to summon a portal midair, I tried to phase my hand through the floor.

      This is the first time I've successfully manipulated a LD! I put my hand to the floor, thought about how it would feel to phase through it, and blamo! I pushed the rest of my body through, looking for a wilderness dreamscape to forage for food in (task of the month!). I get to another empty, warehouse like area, and my sister Anna is there, pointing to a structure that I climbed, leading to an outdoor area. There was woods and grass but also a bar with several bowls of berries and other foods; I open a jar at the far right of the table, and although there are gnats flying around it, I pick a large chocolate chip cookie from the jar, and begin to eat it. Delicious. I wake up.

      I don't move, and allow myself to fall back asleep. I reenter the dream world. I'm in an area with several shops, it's raining. I know I'm in a dream, and I'm walking around (rather awkwardly) looking for a door or other portal. A little girl is following me. I hold out my arms and feel the raindrops hit my skin, my arms are red. I rub my hands together for stability. I find a shop with large windows, press my hand against it, then through it, and then step through. In this room are several tables with members of my family, and on the wall is a picture from my sister Tina's wedding. I feel deep love. I look back to the window, and see my reflection. For the first time, I'm able to change my appearance in front of a mirror. I guess I was hoping to go to the Land of Oz, so I try to make myself look like Dorothy. It doesn't exactly work, and I revert back to my normal reflection. Good effort. As I begin to walk through the window to look for Oz, my cat jumps on my bed and wakes me up.

      When I finally get back to sleep, after writing down notes to remember the previous 3 dreams, I'm somewhere with bad guys, and they're looking for me. I'm able to use telekinesis to throw them around, but from behind a wall, so I don't actually see this but rather experience it as a puppeteer would. I wake up when one of them finds me.

      I've never had MULTIPLE LD's in one night, or managed to do a DEILD. Very happy with my progress!
      Side note: does anyone else dream about writing in their DJ and wake up to realize they didn't jot down any notes? This keeps happening to me. I also seem to remember hearing sounds as if someone was on my roof, thinking it was real, then realizing it was just HH and that this was the in between dream state.
    13. The last 38 seconds.

      by , 01-18-2020 at 03:03 PM (Exterminate)
      I was semi-lucid throughout the dream. I was kindof aware it was a dream, but it was basically a layer two. Most of the dream was spent with me walking circles around an fps map with a gun that could auto-aim as long as you're pointed in their general direction. There was only one opponent at the time so I didn't really get any action. I eventually found myself in a central point of the map where several people were gathered. The scene shifted as I was now in some sort of 2 story home with several tables about and people of all sorts waiting for some event to begin. I used telekinesis to break some glass and shift about some plates and cups off the tables, causing general destruction. The physics were all weird, so things were hard to move and they didn't fly very far. Sometimes they'd just slowly drift in the air. Some people were disturbed, but most people were just bothered that I kept making a mess. One old lady was different. She had a look on her face like something wasn't right. She recognized that this isn't how reality is meant to be at all. She asked me what was going on with her hand. She had a ring wrapped around her middle knuckle, fused into her hand. I told her she must be dreaming and that she would be able to control the dream if she realizes that fact. I then go downstairs to leave the home and as I get near the door someone on the floor grips my ankle and I can no longer drift away. As I look around I notice a full blown yonko from one piece ready to attack me while I'm trapped. I manage to make it outside with them chasing me. I start making slow progress into the air to escape, but I'm still dragged down by something. Unsure if it was the person who was still holding me or something else. I then noticed two more yonko appear as well as these enormous versions of the same yonko appear on the horizon. These things were unbelievably tall. Like bigger than any mountain you'd ever see tall. I kept getting beat into the air by the yonko as they took turns smacking me with their full might. They then all hit at once and I flew straight through one of the giant yonko and left a hole in them as I woke up.

      Which yonko they were idk, but I'd assume big mom first; then big mom, kaido, and blackbeard. This whole last scene from the moment the old lady asked me what was going on until the dream ended only lasted about 38 seconds, or at least that was the final thought I had as I woke up.
    14. DILD , Reconnection

      by , 12-19-2019 at 03:08 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I tried to have a WILD this morning but fell asleep instead, but nevertheless I had a dild upon having a hand rc and realized I'm dreaming, although it was more of a semi lucid state. I knew that I'm dreaming but thats all that I knew, and wasn't really conscious of anything else at this point.
      I was outside infront of my house under a large tree. I started to use the force to move the branches around, I finally succeeded. I regained my connection to the force. I felt this intense vibration in my hands, head and in the air as I stretched my hand out to the large branch of tree , it was something special.
      Then I thought it's time to do something. So I started to go towards the local mall, for some reason that seemed to be a nice place to experiment around.
      On the way out I met with my friend, so we decided to go together there.. First I thought I'd jump on one of the cars to ease our transportation since walking is a bit hectic, especially in a lucid dream.
      the place was vacant, it was winter, snow covered the streets. the sky was almost pink . There was some sorts of barricade of cars there, we started to climb through the debris , then we were ambushed by what I suspected to be a krayt dragon, or some sort of dragon ,it was thin but nevertheless big and caused much panic.
      I reacted quickly I waved hand signs and blew fire onto the dragon, it seemed to have hurt it and it went away...I was like "damn ,even my fire element ability has came back too!"

      After that my lucidity really faded and I lost recall
    15. July Competition 19 long and cool lucid

      by , 07-31-2019 at 09:39 PM
      dream starts with sexual content i skip

      ...i walk with the girl and we pass a meadow next to a house. she tells me she doesnt like the city. i say why not its not that bad and its kind of green and other citys are worse. we some dog babys and the mother some of them starts barking but the mother keeps them back and educate them. one of them runs at me and i kick it away. one of them is more like just a face on the ground and morphs into a butterfly. my awareness rises. we reach a canon and i get lucid doing a rc. i ask her if she wants to fly with me and start flying. i reach the ground and meet some people. they are something like superheroes? one of them has a problem with me. i fly further to a woman who greets me in a very friendly manner (maybe with a kiss?) i tell her that in the following 24h i can help her. the group of "heroes" arrives and the guy that had a problem with me pushes me with his thoughts away and laughs. i come back and remember that telekinesis is not that difficult and start concentrating and do a gesture with my hand. suddenly his face get serious and a second later he flys up 5m in the air and crashes in the ground again. i lough my ass of because it looked funny like hell.
      the dream fades and i am in another dream. i do a rc and still dreaming. i find my self indoors. i phase myself slowly thru many layers of walls and rooms and wooden construction out and climb some parts. i am on a roof now and jump from roof to roof. i want to find me some icecream. i jump down and see some people that look like they sell ice on big bicycles like it is typical in mexico but everytime they come closer the just transport paint for some reason. i cant find ice and have a FA. i sit at a table eating icecream. i do another RC and again still dreaming. i get up and look out for icecream again to finish the task. i ask a young guy at a corner of a street. he tells me he doesnt have some but i tell him he should look behind him and when he does suddenly he has some icecream. i am happy and pay him some coins. its ice made out of coca cola. i continue my way and notice i am in the suburban train station. i want to get out but dont want to phase all the way out so i phase straight thru the walls and imagine to be outside and after the second wall flying thru i find myself outside. i fly up a building because i want to see the sunset. after founding a good place to be i do another handgesture to let the sun go down. i am a little out of practice so it doesnt work immediately suddenly there are one or two guys next to me and distracting me with talking shit and how it doesnt work. the sun goes down but the visuals get super bad like in dark night and i start to calm down rub my hands and focus on the dream. i tell him that for his reason i didnt notice the sunset properly. i try to get the sun up again but it doesnt work. i switch the roof and remember that the sun goes up from the opposite side so i turn around and fair enough see a nice sunrise. i jump and fly thru several roofs and found a well painted arty house. i enter thru the roof and explore the inside. there is a lot of art in the rooms. i see a woman lying in a bed and aproach her. i resist to start something and just pass into another room where i see another person sleeping i think its a boy but then it turns out to be a guy. i phase out and think about what to do next and remember Dreamers method of narrating the dream to remember it better so i think what happend so far. something happens and the dream destabilizes but this time its not getting black but white. i go into it and let it happen. everything around me spins and patterns appear a short moment of drawings. i ask a question to the dream: what to do/work? a new dreamscene appears and a guy talks with me he wants to tell me something but dont remember the word in the end he tells me something about a doctor or that i should be a dentist. im not sure about it and ask him what about physiotherapy he tells me that its possible but i wont learn to much there.
      i phase into a house and i feel its mine. i enter the kitchen and eat a fresh cherry and think what to do. i feel like the dream is hell long and try to remember how fast i got lucid so that the REM might be very long. i want to meditate a little but i feel like the dream destabilize
      but i let it go to not forget to much about it.
      lucid , memorable
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