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    Lucid Time!

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    Confront Tsunami Dream

    Teach Manei to fight

    Meet Infected Mushroom and have them play Dream Music

    Try to use LD to stop biting my fingernails.

    Activate Sense of Smell

    To Do:

    1. Bad Recall :P

      by , 10-27-2014 at 12:51 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Unlike last night, where I know what went wrong, I don't know what didn't work last night. I did everything that consistently wins a lucid.

      Something to do with me eating at this cafe. Somebody who was out to assassinate me fired a grenade launcher through the window. I yelled everyone to get down and dove away from the table. The grenade exploded.
      I ran down the road into a suburban area and my assailant followed me. She was this shorter black girl with an army uniform. After running a few blocks, I looked back and saw that her grenade launcher had vanished. She looked confused. I came back after her to fight her in hand-to-hand combat but she vanished when I got closed.
      Somehow connected to a dream where more people were out to kill me. I was purchasing a gun and the owner of the gun store was showing me how I should load the bullets with a little piece of toilet paper in-between. It's supposed to make the gun much more accurate.
      Somehow connected to a dream about my parents when they were young and had first met.

      I was semi lucid and I 'remembered' that I wanted to visit this record store that my friends were into. I remember crossing the road and there was this big group of fat guys wearing matching shirts who were apparently the band that the record store was known for.
      When I got inside I saw that the entire store was empty 'cept for a cash register and a couple of racks of candy. The cashier was really cranky and told me that I wasn't a 'true fan' and that I should get out.

      There was some full-on lucidity in here somewhere, but I can't recall what happened.

      Well there is always tomorrow night...

      Updated 10-27-2014 at 05:33 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Undersea Resturant, Minecraft Basement, More to come.

      by , 09-25-2014 at 02:31 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was having some dream involving Avatar: The Last Airbender. There was an episode involving Zuko on this barge where he was fighting with this waterbending master. And he lost.
      He wound up frozen inside of a small iceberg. Also frozen in there was a letter that he had written for his father, the fire lord.
      I then became a character, a waterbender who was passing by and came across him frozen in the iceberg. I melted the part of the berg with the note in it and read it. I can't recall what it was about, but he was trying to earn his father's respect through the letter, just like in the show.
      Then, because I was a character on the show I went on to do my own thing. I 'remembered' that I was near a secret underwater restaurant. It was very far underwater, maybe a quarter mile, so the only way to get down there was by using waterbending to make a bubble around your head.
      I swam down. The restaurant is in a dome shape with a small row of windows around the top. There was an airlock that automatically let me in. I get inside. The restaurant is rather small. There are a couple of windows showing the underwater landscape, but it is pretty dark because we are so far down.
      The restaurant only has two workers, a cook and a server. They have a very limited list of items on their menu and ironically, no seafood.

      The dream glitched. I was back on the surface of the ocean, with a man and a large group of kids on board a modern cruise ship. We were now going out to eat in a very upscale restaurant. The kids were rowdy and bothersome, and I wanted the quiet and loneliness of the undersea restaurant back.
      I actually became somewhat lucid, and teleported myself back. But the place didn't feel the same.

      I was working with a construction crew on a house somewhere in the desert. The house was actually going to become mine, and I was helping them make design choices. I told the builders that I wanted another level under the basement, because in the context of the dream, I had some type of anvil looking object with a crystal ball on it that might be a target for thieves. Whatever this thing was, I had to tend to it regularly. I wanted them to hide it in the second basement.
      At first they were going to build the second basement right under the first basement. But they said there was a layer of hard rock there, and it would be easier to just dig a small shaft through the hard rock then carve out the second basement in the softer rock below. They said this will cost me more money. I say that I don't care and that I will pay them $1.2 million if I have to.
      At some point the construction site began to look like Minecraft and I was mining through stone with the other workers to finish the house. Somebody made a mistake and mined the wrong stone and had to fill in the area with dirt and cobblestone.

      I know there was much, much more last night. I think there might have been lucidity at one point. If I remember it, I'll have to edit this entry.

      Updated 09-25-2014 at 02:40 PM by 53527

    3. Fragments

      by , 06-23-2014 at 06:14 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Something to do with one of my classic dream signs. I am swimming near the shore of the ocean and large waves come in and crash down on me making it difficult for me to keep myself from drowning.

      I was in some kind of restaurant or nightclub sitting with a large group of dream characters. I'm going to skip over what are discussion was about as it was very immature and inappropriate.

      I know that I got lucid. I cannot recall what induced the lucidity, or what the situation was prior, but I do recall that it was only momentary before I awoke.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 10:01 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Drug Cartel Virtual Reality

      by , 04-30-2014 at 09:15 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am vacationing somewhere in the Caribbean when some man steals my wallet. Another man tells me that he knows that man is working for a drug cartel and knows where I can go to find him. What followed was a long chase across several islands utilizing planes and boats. We eventually cornered the man at this unassuming resort where the man who had been helping me explained that they were actually part of the same drug cartel.
      The thief gives me my wallet back and states that this was actually just a plot to get me here. The resort manager opens a secret trapdoor behind the desk and leads me into this basement area. Once down there, he explains that this is not a drug cartel at all, but rather an international secret project to develop the first virtual reality simulation.

      There is this girl with a robotic arm who has supposedly built the first prototype of the machine. The machine is huge, and I did not get a good look at all of it. But what I do recall was the room where you entered the virtual reality. It was a concrete room (because we were in a basement, duh) with wires and tubes running everywhere. There were four metal chairs, and there was a large chrome disc mounted on the front wall of the room. Several wires are clipped onto the outside.
      And of course, I have to be their test subject, that being the reason they lured me all the way out here. So I sit down, and they place this small nose-breather thing onto me with this blue fluid running through it. Supposedly, it is supposed to help stabilize the VR link. robot arm girl fires it up and a beam fires out of the silver disc.
      The room begins to distort and change. When its done, all i can see is the four metal chairs sitting in a black void. Two people phase into the other chairs and explain that they are agents sent in after me; the machine malfunctioned and locked me in. It also altered my perception of time, and now with every second we experience, an hour goes by. They let me out. I wake up.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 10:00 PM by 53527

    5. Rebuilding Recall

      by , 04-30-2014 at 01:16 AM (Lucid Time!)
      This is old and I never published it for some reason.

      Four or five people are sitting around a table and are snorting cocaine. They offer me to join. I decline.

      I am at some cafe or food court area. There are several restaurants. Only one of them is open; a pizza place. I ask the person behind the to please get me some pizza. She gives me a pita bread with some ketchup on it. Some other dream characters come, and the woman gives them actual pizza. I am jealous and ask some of the other dream characters if they were willing to share. They are not.
      Several other food-related things took place. Some of the other restaurants came open. I went to a chinese restaurant where they offered noodles. I tried to purchase noodles but they gave me raw dry noodles.

      I am in some industrial park or power plant area. Odd mix of heavy industry and nature. I find a hole with a ladder leading underground. I open it and some man emerges wearing heavy high-tech looking armor, something like the fallout armor.
      The armor grants him superhuman strength and he begins throwing rocks and large pieces of stone at me and other dream characters. Me and the other dream characters fight back by [dream logic] throwing fruit [/dream logic] Supposedly it was because the fruit had acid in it that would cause the armor to rust and freeze up.

      I get hit by one of the rocks, and die but become partially lucid upon the moment of my death and reset the situation.
      I help coordinate the dream characters and instead of simply attacking we plan an ambush and end up defeating the man in the armor.

      I am in what feels like a combination of a shopping mall and my middle school. I am lucid, and try to throw a plasma ball. It fails.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 10:04 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid