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    1. 2021-08-31 Epic! Neighbor woman saga, firepit outside CH window, hamsters, coal train car, concert

      by , 08-31-2021 at 08:51 AM
      One of those fabulous "overflow" dreaming nights -- hard to remember it all, including a long, vivid, epic non-lucid! My first since my return to full-on practice, and a really big motivation boost!

      ~100ml champagne brut before bed
      2 ice cream bars (1 of them an it's-it style cookie ice cream sandwich)
      No supplements, sniffed some lavender essential oil

      bedtime ~23:00
      final waking: 09:23

      + giving a shot to my (fiance?)

      [mid ]
      + in my bedroom in CH at night, standing at the windows, there is a fire burning in a "fire pit" placed outside the windows on the side of the house, I see the flames, the smoke is entering the room though cracks in the old wooden window frames. My mother is lying on the bed closer to the door, I ask her about the cost of installing the fire pit, she answers "1 12." I say that "I don't know what that means, does that mean 1/12th the cost of a 'normal installation?' Did it cost $100,000? $50,000? $20,000?"

      + [epic, long, vivid] Saga of the neighbor woman:
      I'm lying on (my?) lawn outdoors on a suburban street with my head facing the sidewalk which runs left to right (with a friend to the left?). Daytime (not very bright but not night). A woman with a small child/boy walk from left to right by us. Then (I think) the same woman with the boy walks from right to left heading in front of us again, and I mention to my friend, "Oh, there's that boy again." Right away, the woman gets down right in front of my face and asks very aggressively, "What do you mean, 'there's that boy...again'!?!?" I'm a bit flustered by her aggression and try to explain I just meant that I recognized the boy from earlier.

      We're walking with this woman to her house which is up the street a little ways. As we approach the entrance, I study the architecture of the house, note the dark stained wooden shingles lining the walls, and recognize this as a feature of many houses in B, and mention this. I'm describing all the feature of the house as we enter. There seems to be a party going on, the house is full of people. I say that this is another typical feature, that these houses are full of hippies smoking marijuana. The guys look very hippy-ish with long bushy beards, they're all young, in their early 20's. I see the guy who I think is the husband of the woman.

      We're in a room with the husband, his friends, and we're playing music. I'm thinking about singing something [details forgotten].

      Wandering around the house, I notice a guy entering a room from a small courtyard, and I think this is a bathroom and the house has the bathroom entrance from the outside.

      Inside a large living room of the house, it's night, and everyone is preparing to go to sleep. The room is fully of the young hippy people, men and women. There are no real beds, but everybody is gathering blankets (plaid?) and pillows and settling down on the ground and on couches for the night. The woman is one of the people on the bed, and (the protagonist, who is no longer me?) is shuffling the people trying to get in to position to lie next to her. Everybody on that long couch is lying parallel to each other, packed really tightly.

      I'm up on the roof of the house. All the roofs of neighboring houses are all located back to back next to each other, heading off into the horizon. They are colored light pastels: pinks, blues. People are in hot tubs on the top of the house, and they're talking very aggressively towards me [DS, I guess!]. I threaten them that I will pour the hot tub water down into their houses if they don't back off. This doesn't work and the kids from the hot tubs pursue me. I get back to the ground level and the kids are ganging up on me, throwing what looks like large Pop-Tarts at me. I am wondering if I should pick these things up and eat them!

      I'm on the street corner down at the end of the street. I'm doing tricks on a long skateboard with multiple trucks on it. It's raining. There's another guy on the other corner also doing tricks, and he sort of gets in my way.

      In a courtyard amongst buildings outside the woman's house, there is a big show, a young man is unveiling a massive (cubic meter sized) drone/robot/missile/thing made out of legos. He takes the thing take off and it looks like a missile, but it rapidly is transforming its shape as it swoops up and down and flies all around us at high speed, it is very impressive. Then the guy, since he's "against me" [DS], as a grand finale, flies the drone right at me and it hits me square in the face, since it's made of lego it doesn't hurt, it all falls to the ground in pieces around me. To show my disdain for this attack, I stomp on the pieces of the drone, completely breaking it so it can never fly again.

      In a pool outside the house, like a community pool. It is packed with people, and it is night/dark outside. In the distance, up a hill, I see the neighbor woman sitting on a chair. I sense and see that there are some guards (female) who are looking at me suspiciously from around a corner. I'm trying to avoid them seeing me [DS], I think they know that I'm not allowed to be here since I'm not a resident. There is a small boy pressing closely up against me from the right. His face is right up against mine, the view of his face is a bit out of focus, he's saying something (which I didn't understand?) and I detect the strong smell of alcohol coming from his mouth. The pool if very shallow (like a wading pool) and I'm moving about trying to stay out of view of the guards.

      Back in the hippy/woman house, the woman is there, me, and a few guys. I'm looking intently at the walls and ceiling of the house, which in almost every room has been stripped to the wall boards. I think that this is a tradition in this house: since the levels between the floors are so thick with so much material, the residents periodically strip down the walls /ceilings to the boards then add their decorations. In this case, the protagonist (not me, not here with us now) is planning to make a massive mural of the Great Wall of China all throughout the house (as a tribute to the woman?). I'm wondering and say, this will probably take many years, and you guys here with me, and the woman, may have already long graduated and left by the time the mural is finished. I can see the details of the wall boards and ceiling, and am studying these intently from room to room.

      [after recalling for about 10-15 minutes, time is 05:23]


      + Standing with others (late wife? PaZi?) observing the hamsters (guinea pigs?) in their cage. The animals themselves are not seen. I notice the galvanized colored wire fencing that runs floor to ceiling around the cage. The openings in the fencing are about 1/2-inch squares. I notice the grey concrete floor of the cage, and notice that the poops have been neatly swept to one corner. The owner goes to throw in the food to feed the animals, using a long pole. I'm disappointed because I was hoping she'd open the fencing and we'd be able to interact with the animals. But I see they're very aggressive, they are a dark blur as they vigorously attack the pile of food.

      I notice that I've feeling something in my pants. I realized I've pooped in my pants, and I'm in a panic about this. I don't understand how this could have happened without me knowing. I wonder if the others can smell it (I don't)? I quickly move down the hallways on my way to the bathroom. I'm going to have to strip and wash everything and put it back on.

      I'm turning corners at right angles, always turning left. I enter a large-ish room there there is an Audi car parked. The driver is in the car and is moving to exit the room out of the entrance from which I entered. There is a wall/divider in the middle of the room, and I am moving to keep myself on the other side of the divider from the car and the driver, so he does not see me [DS]. As the car moves forwards, I change my position to remain unseen across the divider. I enter a long corridor on the way to the bathroom, and encounter a lot of (my? ours) clothes strewn about the floor very messily. I'm picking up pants, shirts, etc. as I go. I think about the notion of always wanting your kids to return home at any time to do laundry, etc. even when they're grown up.


      + Outside, near a train, out group is getting ready for a trip. I move to the back of the train but the way is blocked because the train is backed up completely against (a car?) behind it. I push the train, hoping to get it to move enough to let me get past, and am a bit surprised that it moves, I think there must have been some "slack" between the cars of the train or I never would have been able to move it. I open the high back window of the end of the train car to check the coal levels -- I discover that the coal compartment is not fully loaded up to the ceiling, like it should be. A group gathers to discuss this situation. I'm wondering how we're going to get this compartment filled -- will we have to order a coal cart to some here and shovel it in ourselves? I reach in and pick up a piece of the hard, black, rough-edged coal, about the size of a BBQ charcoal briquette, and put it back in.


      + arrive to pick up my instrument from the storage locker while the concert is beginning, the storage area has a clear door [DS](?). I think I've picked up a delivery just previously to this one from a storage container. I reach in and pick up my instrument case, and take it out, showing it to the people around. I look down and see a red-colored case through the case cover, and then I see that the case is opened and what I'm seeing is the red wood coloring of my instrument. I put the case carefully down on the ground and make sure that all the pieces are there and not falling out. I wonder if I am going to need to grab a fold-up music stand as well to use for the concert. The orchestra is already playing while I'm still setting up.

      I move to a closet (with white pillows/linens?) with a percussionist. He's talking about how he's going to know where his entrances are. I try repeatedly to say "you just need to learn the *context* of your entrances from the rehearsals", but every time I try to say something he keeps butting in and interrupting me. He eventually says what I wanted to say all along.

      Back in the chamber (darkened) with the musicians, they're announcing recognition awards. They announce my name, badly mispronouncing the final syllable of my last name. I say "What!?" and think the conductor very well knows the proper pronunciation of my name. I go to sit among the musicians, and sit there a while where more musicians are recognized. The ones called move through a curtain behind the orchestra. I'm sitting there a while then someone says I should go there, too, to be with the other recognized musicians. I move through the curtain. A group of the young musicians are mulling around, I'm wondering what we're supposed to do next. Some of them are lying on the ground at my feet to my right. A young lying (woman?) reaches up and takes my right hand in hers. I keep the contact, holding her hand, and looking down at her as I move a few steps forwards.
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. God Rebirth dream

      by , 08-31-2021 at 05:08 AM
      i see someone walking in a neighborhood then i close my eyes then i see a man holding pills that offer me sum hey says hey young man do you want to know what it like to dream in someone else mind im baffled because the dream is that someone else mind i go up to the man where he rises like a angel then start dropping ecstasy from the sky i was close enough to see the texture of his hand before he began flight his body white and blue sticky dots sweating in the palm of his hand brody brody i hear my friend start talking and there cake up on snacks in the pantry they start to get entice i see a boy dress like superman saying racist remarks as he jumps out of a pipe into a burning volcano the volcano didn't explode then in the distance you see a cyclops towering over the mountain where i see a crisp orange soda being drunk this is where i see a stranger that give me acid and then i see a bunch of people with there eyeballs in the sink a demigod appears where he say the only dream you have is people offer you drugs my lucidity starts to fade i try to get higher in my lucid dream i see a revolving world where i throw a blunt a khole kardashian and see holly madison in a pink jump suit while in virtual reality