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    1. 4 August - 1st time flying and TotM

      by , 08-05-2021 at 08:03 PM
      comment non-lucid (shortened) lucid

      I was sitting at a table with a guy I liked and I asked him something (in Czech). I realized that I was in an international group and that he wouldn't understand me, but that if it was a dream he would understand me. He asks me some follow-up question, which makes it unclear if he didn't understand or misheard. I answer it in English. He answers in Slovak, which satisfies me - it makes sense that he understood my Czech. I continue talking to him in a mix of Czech and English.

      I used to have some language-induced LDs. These days, similar situations usually end as only semi-lucid (I know that people in my dreams understand everything). This was almost there…

      In another dream, I'm running errands in Prague, walking down a street in the centre, I want to catch a tram. I think about the previous dream - I set an intention for the next night so I don't make the same mistake again. Anyway, it's a pity that I haven't managed to fall asleep again after that dream, otherwise, I would have had a good chance...
      ...How do I know this isn't a dream? It doesn't seem likely to me that it is. But thinking about it, I don't really have any reason to be here...
      RC confirms. Nice.

      I'm in the mood for a different experience today than yesterday. I recall Sageous's thread and the memory exercise. I know I'm not in Prague, and I know I'm sleeping. I recall my birth year. Then the exact date of birth. Easy. Highly lucid, I think, ready for anything
      (not as much as I thought at the time, but it wasn't bad).
      Goals? TotY, TotM, and teleportation training. I tell myself that TotM - asking a DC which part of my subconscious they represent - is easy and a good place to start.

      I turn the corner and approach a woman. I excuse myself and ask her, "Which part of my subconscious do you represent?"
      She looks confused and scared and doesn't know what to answer. She tries to talk her way out of it, so I let her go.

      The city around here isn't much like Prague anymore. It has a vibe somewhere between the multicultural neighborhoods of Western European cities and third-world countries. There are more women around with headscarves. I don't want to ask them in case I scare them. I also notice there are a lot fewer people around than there were at the beginning. I want to go back to the center.

      I tell myself that an experienced LDer would fly, but I still can't fly. Just taking off probably won't work, it's never worked for me. I decide to try high jumping.
      1st jump - I jump higher than I would in reality and the man who passes me looks at me in surprise.
      I bounce again, and I'm even higher, about 2-3m, which still isn't enough, but gravity already has a weird feel.
      I bounce once more, this time bending my legs a lot to bounce, and gravity is already completely broken, like it was in the Defying Gravity dream. I do a half backflip and float in the middle of nothingness, seeing only solid grey above me. As I realize there's no reason for me to land backwards on my hands, I flip forward again and the street reappears in my field of vision. I use swimming motions to orient myself and dive into the air in front of me. I'm flying!
      Occasionally, I'll add a swimming stroke, but my clothes restrict my full range of motion. I'm losing altitude a little, but very slowly. I started at roughly streetlamp level and flew about 200m before I landed on the ground again. Cool!

      I want to give the TotM a second try. There's a small market in a side alley. I approach a group of people, same question as before. They look confused and I notice they're really young, young teenagers. So I explain it to them in more detail.
      "There's a theory," I say, "that all the people in the dreamworld, except for me..." a girl interrupts me: "Why except you?", but someone shushes her.
      "All the people in the dreamworld, except me," I repeat, and continue, "represent a tiny part of my subconscious. And I have an assignment that my mother gave me" (this seems like an ok lie) "to ask some people what part of my subconscious they represent. So what part do you represent?"
      The children seem attentive and understanding. One boy starts to say something but stops after two words and it doesn't make sense. Someone says they don't know. Someone else says something evasive. So I thank them and say ok. It doesn't get any better than that. Done.

      Teleportation. There are lots of doors and lots of walls around, lots of opportunities for different techniques. There's even a box that has doors on 4 sides! But I want to go somewhere farther.

      My lucidity has gone downhill from here. I want to fly more, but I'm carrying strange silver plates. I want to tie them to my waist with a towel so I can fly, and a woman is helping me, but it's not really holding. Then I think about leaving them in this locked chest I have with me, but I find it's full of silver coins with wolf images on them.
      A merchant shows up and offers to trade me silver for gold so I can have a smaller volume of stuff. He's got these dodgy coins, pale greenish-yellow, don't look like high purity. He wants to know if my Witcher coins are genuine, and he wants me to prove myself to him with a Witcher pen. I remember that I lost the pen in the previous dream. The deal is off.

      I wake up.
    2. 3 August - Unwanted Magician

      by , 08-05-2021 at 07:52 PM
      comment non-lucid (shortened) lucid

      I walked down the street, looked around and thought - "could this be a dream?" Everything seems normal. In the 1st split-second, I think clearly not, just like with reality questioning in reality, but then I think "it could very well be" and as I raise my hand to RC I already know the outcome.
      DC, who is walking towards me, looks at me as if he recognizes what I am doing and smiles. Meanwhile, I inwardly celebrate - "Yes!", but tone down my enthusiasm. I feel like enjoying the dream as it is, as long as possible, having fun, nothing complicated.
      Something is happening in front of me, something fantasy. Some sort of battle preparation or perhaps a LARP? I arrive in town and there are more people around. I come to a bush that has brittle dry branches and break off a large branch with the goal of turning it into a sword. But as I break it off, someone attacks me with a staff, and I block the attack. Turns out he just wanted to practice, and we try different attacks and parries.
      I'll keep my staff as a magician's staff. I'll remind myself it's a dream so I don't lose my lucidity. I go to a nearby building and there's someone in charge of battle preparations and wants my help with a little something. I'll help. Then he goes out that he needs to pick capable people and heroes. I say I'm happy to help with that (I mostly want him to pick me), but he doesn't really want my help and doesn't take me seriously.
      Everything out there now is a mix of fantasy and modern and there's quite a crowd. To my right, I hear some talk about lucidity and I turn around and there are two girls giggling. I ask if they're lucid dreaming too. They say they do, and they look happy. I congratulate them.
      I say to myself, that was a good reminder. And I think it's probably not true, since it's my dream and I don't believe in shared dreaming. But I suppress such thoughts - I don't want higher lucidity and I don't want to stir up a fuss or disturb the story with the truth. This dream is fully about the suspension of disbelief.
      I'm looking at some dresses on a rack outside a shop. Then I go inside where they have decorative cushions. I wonder when the dream will end, but I know I have plenty of time and there's no reason for it to end. I walk down the street away from the crowds and the shops.
      Then I want to go back again and notice I don't have my staff. I try "Accio staff!" and try to imagine it in my hand, including the feel of the wood. Nothing. I'm disappointed. Maybe it's because I can't see it. But if I could see it, I could use telekinesis. I decided that when I see it, I'll use TK. I want to go back to the commander and convince him to test me to show him I'm a mage.
      As I'm going back, I'm suddenly in a wheelchair and moving awfully slowly. It takes ages to get back...
      I start thinking about how I'm going to write the beginning of my lucidity in my DJ, and I think of the best wording in English, and how I'm going to post it on DV
      . And as the balance between me and the dream collapses, I wake up.
    3. cccxv. Airport troubles and explosion disaster

      by , 08-05-2021 at 07:06 PM
      5th August 2021


      (mostly the second half of a dream)

      I'm arriving at an airport, supposedly in L. I'm with H. We walk in through a tunnel I think, like from a subway. We're approaching a check-in queue area. It's packed and it doesn't seem to be moving at all. There's a covid context but with relaxed rules, making me feel generally apprehensive.

      This is on one of those upper tiers, though this dream location doesn't quite relate to any specific bit from waking life. There's sunlight at an angle, brightness and colour that makes it feel as implied early morning, just after sunrise. Seems like it would be hot but in the dream I have no recall/sensation of temperature.

      Mom and dad are here at the queue. Mom is impatient and suggests to dad that he might use his airport credentials to hurry them through this. Dad doesn't want to, but he does start a conversation with the woman at the desk. She says that the airport suffered a virus attack a while ago and all the flight schedules are therefore inaccessible (among other problems?). Dad says something about how she could use pen and paper?

      I think to myself that they really should have an on-site IT crew to deal with this sort of thing and that they should restore a physical backup to the system.

      (gap and recall is fuzzy)

      A few things happen while waiting around. At some point H isn't with me anymore.

      Then I'm outside, it's night time now and I'm walking along some hangars, on a typical road that has a stone wall and forested area to the left. I feel I am going away from the airport. Three 1950s-ish cars, all black and kind of sportsy, go past. I make note of their headlights as they go past, with a pretty circular shape. The ground is wet? I end up walking through a residential area of sorts. It's more like overcast daytime now. After a short climb of cobble stairs or something, in a parking/loading area in front of a warehouse, I see three police officers and a police vehicle of some kind (a van?). They are fighting, two against on. Those two aren't real police officers, I feel, but I am not certain.

      They're restraining the third officer, a woman with black hair and pony tail. All their outfits are completely blue apart from a bit on the back with POLICE written in English, in white letters. Uncertain that I'm doing the right thing, I spot a serrated knife with a wooden handle (like one from our WL kitchen) and I pick it up and sneak up to the officer restraining the woman. I stab the restrainer in the back, with a lot of force to be sure I can get through the body vest.

      He falls over forwards and the woman gets away to the right, taking cover behind the police vehicle. The other fake policeman draws a gun and I hide/take cover behind the body. He shoots at me but hits the body a couple of times. On the ground is a Beretta, which I pick up. I wait for a moment and then come out of hiding from behind the body and shoot the fake police officer in the head, he looks surprised as he dies.

      The woman urges me to get in the car with her. I do and we drive a short distance back to the residential bit. We talk and I tell her about the dodgy cars I saw earlier. I tell her the drivers had white racing helmets and seemed to be up to no good. We drive over two oncoming cars on a descending ramp bit. It was accidental but it all seemed fine actually. In the car, I'm trying to find more ammo, because I think that I only have eight bullets left. She can't manage to tell me where more ammo might be, but I get the impression there is none.

      At a certain point we need to get out of the car. It's still wet, and raining now. There's a lot of water flowing through some cobbled part of the path and it looks like there's a bit that's in disrepair where the water is flowing into.

      Eventually I start running, toward the airport area I'd originally come from. I pass the hangars. I see SWAT police reinforcements ahead of me. I get to a more open area and there are implied signs of a massive explosion (but not really) under a huge commercial jet. Some music like "New York" plays but New is replaced with Zoo. I look for survivors and am told by someone (a narrator?) that these two people on a corner, a mother and daughter are the only survivors, supposedly because they were under a blanket together at the time of the explosion.

      The mother and daughter were implied to have been victims of incredibly horrible burns but when the blanket is removed they just look like those wooden mannequins artists use for reference, but they have stylised (and real somehow) eyes that move. The spherical and cubical wooden blocks that make up their bodies seem pristine.

      I realise something about barrels and explosive atmosphere mixture and how nobody should have used firearms. I fall to my knees crying (and wake up shortly after, with leftover emotion).


      - In the dream I did not realise how odd it was that the mother and daughter looked like wooden mannequins but still felt like real people. After waking and recalling the dream, I think about how this could have something to do with how trauma is processed, but I find myself unable to relate to this specific experience in that sense.
      -- This is one of several dreams recently where hard and pure geometric shapes have made an apperance. I am not certain why this is, though a week or two ago I returned to practising basic shape drawing, something I'd been lacking in and on the other hand, I recently read up on Platonic solids and something else related to that subject.

      - Essentially there were two viruses in the dream context, Covid, and the computer virus.
    4. cccxiv. Underground cult

      by , 08-05-2021 at 06:41 PM
      4th August 2021

      Poor recall, didn't feel particularly motivated to write initial notes either.


      First I'm in some kind of hidden little place. It reminds me of a chapel. Arabesque. There's a woman and she helps me in some way? I stop some psycho in our midst from killing someone because I already knew he was going to try something, as I saw a hidden blade in his hand, but I wait until I can catch him in the act.

      There's some context of a cult. Cho'Gall makes a brief appearance, we speak or maybe I eavesdrop, not sure. At some point I'm getting ready to leave and everyone is wishing me goodbye. I have a lot of things to carry, two backpacks and some other items, plus my old boots to carry in my hand because I'd put away my newer ones in the backpack by mistake. I feel pressed so decided I should swap them later on.


      I'm outside, at the entrance to that place. It's a little secluded cove bit, with sand, water and so on. It's sort of below a bigger hotel complex that is on top of a reinforced hill. (certain aspects remind me of old home but details are gone)

      At some point, I start jumping from place to place, over the water. I find some secret collectible books and think that they are quite obvious finds and that they need to try harder. At the edge of town(?) or something, there are some ancient ruins, half Greek, half Elvish. On some level, I dismiss this as part of an asset mismatch or incorrect loading (as if this was part of a game).

      (another dream later on but recall was lost)


      - It's peculiar that Cho'Gall appeared in the dream. He's not a character I've ever had any particular attraction to but also not an unmemorable character for me. Considering his intellect in lore, I feel that his symbolic meaning may relate to brutish wisdom or some part of hidden wisdom, a concept a bit reinforced by the fact that he is a cult leader, both in this dream and during certain events in WoW lore (i.e. Cataclysm for one?).

      - There was something familiar to the architecture both of the hotel and the "hidden" chapel place, reminds me of some hotels I remember we stayed at when I was a kid.
    5. Gently

      by , 08-05-2021 at 06:27 PM
      I had a lucid dream by accident this morning. WBTB as usual with a bit of gentle meditation. The lucid dream was one I've had some many times before:

      1) Feeling like I am melting out of my body.
      2) End up in my bedroom forged out of memories
      3) Walk outside my home into a cloudy overcast morning or straight up rain.
      4) Lucidity lasts for 2 minutes then either I lose it or wake up.
    6. cccxiii. Longing for touch

      by , 08-05-2021 at 06:26 PM
      3rd August 2021


      I am in some kind of complex, a lab or hospital. Something about hand gel at the entrance and an old man (part of staff) is commenting on its futility. Dark and moody environment, maybe some red lighting.

      (recall gap)

      I'm in a car with my cousin T and our aunt B, plus someone else I can't recall anymore. My aunt is driving and I'm sitting in the middle at the back, with T sat to my right. I'm kind of slumping and when I try to do something about it, it feels like not much changes. Our arms are touching in some way that feels kind of sensual, I feel that she is feeling as I am feeling, that it's a good sensation but that we shouldn't be doing it. On some level I'm concerned someone in the front of the car will notice, but on another level I also feel myself not caring.

      In the dream I think about how I haven't felt this specific pleasure of touch in so long, (as if it had been years).
    7. cccxii. Twice to the future

      by , 08-05-2021 at 06:19 PM
      31st July 2021


      (chronology and order a bit messed up in recall)

      I'm travelling through space back to Earth. I have to travel so far that it takes two hundred years to get back to Earth. It's implied I use some kind of cryogenic sleep and for me only moments seem to have passed between all the travelling. But I remember time spent during travel. At some point I fiddle on with a mini-disc player that can supposedly output video signal around the back. I have some frustrations with the player. I note that its model is an "MD-6" and recall that it looks a bit like a high end CD player we have in our bedroom in waking life.

      This mini-disc player is on the floor and this bit looks a bit like my parents' old room. Where mom's study used to be, the enclosed balcony bit, is like a viewing area and I can see into space; it extends further than it would in waking life. There's a planet or two and a star, white? Space is pretty black and realistic in that sense of it.

      I think about how mini-disc as a format wasn't meant for video output and understand that to be part of my frustrations with getting the unit to work (the way I want it to?). I don't recall a screen or what the video was anymore, but I do recall watching some of it.


      Some other part aboard the ship, talking to another crew member?


      When I get back to Earth, the year is 2400 or so. There are alien overlords of several species, dealing with unrest on Earth. I do not feel opposed to their presence, but I feel annoyed at all of it in general. One of the alien overlords is a giant and grey scaly creature, which I like the look of. Another one, whom I'm with in a semi-circle room with a glass dome, is a bit bigger than the average human and looks yellow and a bit chubby.


      I loop back to returning to Earth on the ship again. This time, by the time I'm back on Earth again, the year is 3500. Humanity is (apparently) incredibly advanced now. I am inside a structure, a latticed sphere building of some kind, which likely wouldn't work with conventional construction techniques, I feel. At the centre of this structure, there are platforms and some humans.

      The humans are gene editing themselves, they look very different from how a human should. I remember some are much bigger and some look a bit stretched in some sense. There is some kind of weird mohawk fashion going on. I think I have some thoughts on this.

      I feel annoyed again, about so much time having passed since I was last on Earth. I think about how they have all this technology and they didn't do anything about me needing to return to Earth with cryogenic sleep. I think I feel myself partly loathing them and partly feeling distant from them because I am essentially from the past.

      Updated 08-05-2021 at 06:23 PM by 95293

      dream fragment , non-lucid , memorable