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    2015-08-26 comp night #9 lots of dreams, semi-lucid moments, including nose pinch demonstration

    by , 08-26-2015 at 09:14 AM (479 Views)
    I got fairly pissed during the day that all my day work was yielding crappy nights. So I set very strong intention to notice the dream state and to remember dreams. Well, at least one of the two seemed to work!

    I had a great recall night (finally) with 3 semi-lucid moments but I'm not counting them since I didn't make the critical cognition of "I'm dreaming" and did not think of goals.
    Going to bed on time makes such a difference in dreaming. Actually in bed for approaching 12 hours, about 1 hour awake @ WBTB, SSILD finally got my mind calmed down enough to return to sleep for the after-WBTB marathon. This may be my non-recording recall record in terms of variety.

    22:30 bedtime
    00:00 2015-08-26

    (many earlier dreams, forgotten)


    + cat/crab
    I'm eating a bowl of some food and I notice that on towards the bottom it becomes gravel. Then some things are moving in the gravel and it's live (hermit?) crabs. The crabs are out on the couch (disembodied claws now?) and are severely pinching me when I reach for them. I say (to the cook?) "At least you could have cooked them so that they wouldn't be alive and thinking when I eat them!". Then my cat is going for the crab/meat chunks and severely bites the back of my hand. This really pisses me off and I lean down and severely bite the top of its head in order to get it let go. It does but it has successfully captured the morsel of food and it wolfs it down doing the cat/dog head-jerk bite motion to try to eat and position the food in its mouth at the same time.


    + driving SUV on freeway from back seat, guy with tablet/ magazines
    I'm driving a SUV on the freeway. I suddenly realize I'm driving from the back seat. I stand up to try to move to the front seat but this seem to dangerous so I sit back down and keep steering. Then I realize that this is incredibly dangerous since there are no brakes in the back seat. I imagine some dagerous situation forming and all I'd be able to do would be to steer and keep moving at top speed. My vision of the road ahead is blocked by the sun visor, I'm basically driving blind and with no brakes. Enough of this, I decide, and start to climb to the front seat. It's not easy, and the front seat is getting in my way, I keep moving things out of the way. The SUV starts to drift slowly to the left and I try to steer by leaning and pulling on the headrest of the driver's seat. This does nothing and I feel silly for thinking it would affect the steering. I make it into the driver's seat and now am just about to head off an exit on the right side and hit the left turn signal and move back onto the freeway.

    Then I take an exit. There's a young man talking "I had to use my (tablet) because my big glossy magazines are all under my bed"

    + the birds
    Standing outside, I look down and two beautiful interesting birds about the size of pigeons run to our feet. They have very interesting red feathers/things hanging off of their necks, I'm fascinated with them. My cat is also at my feet and I wonder if she'll pounce on them and she does, she grabs one with her claws and teeth. "Nooo!" I say and quickly reach and and pry the bird away from my cat. I'm holding the bird and look at it and see a small hole in its chest but it otherwise seems fine.

    +(f, semi) kiss "kissy lips!"
    I'm standing (kneeling?) in front of a girl and kissing her. There are some people beyond us. I say "make kissy lips" and she puckers up, I lean in for a *smack* and pull back out. This happens several times.

    + I'm entering a building, there's a weird old guy hanging around right at the door, I know this door should be closed (and tell him to go outside?). I go up the stairs (two sections, 180 degree turn between them). At the top of the stairs there is a girl sitting down on the floor with her back against the wall, she's facing the stairway I just came up. I glance at her in passing and say "How's it going?". She answers "Great!". I'm a bit surprised as I keep going that she answered in English. I go through a door and am probably semi-lucid/caveman at this point and sort of dive into a crowd of people reaching for a girl and I grab one but wake up.

    +(f) vague sexy time

    + (semi) I find myself lying down on my left side, I'm right next to a girl. Very bright/clear/vivid. Caveman thoughts right away
    Spoiler for sexy time:
    then wake/transition.

    + Burglary Hostel (FA)
    I'm waking up and notice that all around me people are also waking up. It's a large open dormitory-style hostel. I think how funny it is that people tend to all wake up about the same time when they're sleeping in a large area all together. I see people sort of on bed/ladders in front of me across the room. I say "Well I intend to keep on sleeping (because I want to dream more!)" and the guys in the bed next to me agree. Hmm where'd they come from? There's at least 2 of them, one of them is upside down (head the other way), he's a boy who's tired from his athletic training.

    Then I'm standing out of bed and looking at the lobby area (across the street?) and thinking of having some cereal for breakfast. There are shelves of products that the hostel makes available for you to buy. Then I think suddenly of my bag and panic, where is it!? I go back to my bed and see it under my shirt on a night-stand. I pick it up and look through it, in the wallet section it seems like someone has gone through it, there are keys in there strewn in ways that they shouldn't be. I think about my S-city apartment and wonder about the key for it. I'm on my way to S but what will I do there and where will I stay? I'm not going to sign up for classes because I'm done with school. I'll call CL and see if I can stay with him, only until I find my own place. I don't have a job so I'll have to go job hunting. I wonder if I can stay with them because his wife J pretty much hates my guts.

    I have a pile of strange keys in my hand, very strange shapes, one of them looks like one I had been searching for recently [false]. A hand reaches to take one of the keys but I turn away, I may need these keys later I think.

    I think about checking for my passport (it's there?). I then check for my smart-phone and it's gone. I start to panic. "Call 9-1-1!" "Call the police!" "I've been robbed!" Nothing happens, no one seems concerned.

    I'm standing at my open locker, which is sort of in a dark corner of the room away from where I was sleeping. I should have chosen a better locker location, somewhere lighter. I imagine a thief moves around the room at night stealing things from people.

    I reach to my (backpack?) in my locker and pull out a large rectangular box. I think it's 1980's calculator. "Magic-II: the gathering"(?) is written on it. I walk holding this up into the room and say "They stole my phone and replaced it with this old calculator! Did they do this to you?!". A guy answers "No, I slept in my own room." That gets me thinking: why didn't *I* sleep in my own room? I must have been exhausted from driving to choose this place. How hard would it have been to find a normal motel?

    wake-up, very relieved it was a dream. BTS

    + job interview
    I'm sitting at a desk at a job interview across from the (boss?). He asks me about my work experience that has lead me here at this time. I'm confident and arrange my thoughts while I start talking. I think I should probably not emphasize moving from company to company, that may seem flaky. I enter a long monologue about my work experience.

    + Return to Burglary Hostel
    I get a mobile phone call from front desk. I pick up my phone as it rings and see some strange symbols which indicate the call. The clerk asks me "would you like to check out in one minute or at 4:30?". He's trying to rush me out. I answer him "after having my stuff stolen at your place, you are going to give me flexibility regarding checking out."

    + pink nuke bomb:
    Some kids are returning to their parents, one of them is upset, the mother asks the kid about it. The kid says s/he was told about the coming explosion. This was me I know, I warned him/her about it. They go off into the distance. I keep walking the other way. There is some sort of chemical/nuke bomb combination that is going to go off. Then there is a big explosion and I look into the sky, in the distance I see a huge, tall bright-pink mushroom cloud. I start running for cover, and yelling "I TOLD YOU SO! I TOLD YOU SO!". Up ahead I see a small depression in a corner, I want to jump down there there is some pink liquid down there but I jump down there, kneel down (duck and cover!) and stick my head back under the pavement of the street I was just walking on, I hope I'll be able to breathe, and sit there waiting for the blast.

    Afterwards, I'm walking along the bridge which has an entire section under glass as a memorial for the victims of the bomb. There are cars in there with dead/mummy bodies of the people visible. The glass raises up and I can walk among them. Some of the cars are still moving slightly, "That's what is really freaky, that some of the cars are still in motion." Towards the far end of the bridge there are mummy/old/freaky looking faces of people in the cars. Something about some medallions on the floor of a car proving/disproving the identity of the body of the guy in that car who was well known, and had freaky wrinkly mummy face that was looking at me.

    + Return to Burglary Hostel II:
    There was apparently some guy with his eye on me at the hostel before. He didn't know me back then but now we're friends. He shows me the wires he strung (about 4 parallel) across the room leading over my bed. He prepared "nitrous bombs" made of soda cans filled with a flammable liquid. The cans would be send down the wires and ignited when they reached the area over my bed. I remember back in time [false] when I arrived to my bed area and looked up and saw the wires there and wondered about them but then promptly forgot about them, but now I know what they are.

    +(f) the dance
    There is music playing, and two couples who are mixed up (their beloved is each dancing with the other person's beloved). DO at first but then one becomes me? The slow dance is playing and we have to rush to get to the dance floor. The natural couples are not supposed to be together, but we just can't be kept apart. I come into the arms of my girl and we run to the dance floor, I hope the music will last a long time so we can slow dance. As we approach the music stops, but we stand there and embrace in a hug anyway.

    +(f) on the job site: chip in car chassis
    Talking with the boss about this new chip job, it's meant for a fancy car. The major customer wants to try it out in the car directly. I'm concerned about complexity, and ask "is there any testing framework that allows easy access?" "No, they want to try it out in the real car," he says. "That's going to make testing really hard" I say, he agrees.

    + Walking to come join a bunch of friends sitting around in circle with best friend MR. Two really hot girls are just in front of me, I think I recognize one of them and I want to be next to her. I manage to sit next to her and our hips bump a bit as we sit down, which is exciting. MR's (deceased) father is leading the discussion. I can't wait to introduce myself, I'm really excited!

    + (semi) in the office, a number pretty girls are there, I want to party. I say "You don't have to finish anything today, do you?!" I notice that there are some who do continue working and ignore me, not everybody wants to have a party. Sitting on a platform with everybody around, I start discussing LUCID DREAMING. I say to everybody as they gather around, "How do you know that you are not dreaming *right now*!? You have to do reality checks. What makes a good reality check? Well, rubbing your hands for one" [oops!] and I rub my hands. I look around and people are doing weird things like pulling on their eyelids. I think about finger-through-hand. I say "Pinching your nose and trying to breathe through it is an excellent reality check!" Then I pinch my nose and inhale, I can breathe! "See! Look at me, I'm pinching my nose and I'm able to breathe!" I'm holding up my left elbow high and reaching over and pinching my nose. I grab it tightly to make sure no air can escape, and I do another big inhale and exhale through the pinched nose. This gives me a funny feeling, I'm wondering what this means for the people all around me. I think I say (or just think?) "See? You're all dream characters!" [upon recalling this dream later, I groan "you've GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!"]

    +(f) I'm sitting with some friends (leaning forwards on something?), a cute girl short hair in a grey tank-top is right next to me,
    Spoiler for minor sexy comment:
    , she demonstrates a (sign language?) gesture on smart phone with a green screen, she makes a few quick gestures on her phone. I tentatively and slowly lean in for kiss, she does too and eventually a quick peck results. "You're really cute and I like the way you do those gestures!" I tell her.
    NyxCC likes this.

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    Updated 08-26-2015 at 10:43 AM by 65364



    1. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats on the ld! Love the RCing theme, sounds like you had a lot of fun with DCs.

      Also, fantastic recall!
    2. FryingMan's Avatar
      Thanks! I'm not counting it as lucid, just as semi (blue is my semi-lucid color). It may have been a super low level lucid but the ramifications of breathing through a plugged nose were entirely lost on me except for the slight confusion at the end about what this meant for the people all around me.

      Interesting that the recall was almost all pretty late, after about 6-6.5 hours.
      NyxCC likes this.
    3. NyxCC's Avatar
      Didn't know about the blue legend, but surely looks like a lucid! I think you had quite a bit of awareness there! Wish you a full blown ld tomorrow!
      Updated 08-26-2015 at 06:28 PM by NyxCC