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    Lucid Time!

    Some Stuff

    by , 02-07-2014 at 12:15 PM (410 Views)
    I had recently uploaded another Dream Journal entry to this site. (In my dream.) In it, I discussed my reasons for not "making love" if you will with another dream character. I got a bunch of comments saying that I should have done it.

    Something to do with me shopping at a huge warehouse type store trying to find foam mat board. It was sold in these big rolls of white foam that came in varying thicknesses from two inches to four feet. I also recall that the store sold yachts on these giant shelves that were like 10 stories high. It was a pretty epic store...

    I am with my cousins. And my three cats. We are outside in the drive. This cat walks out of the neighbors yard, but she looks rather strange in that her face is half black and half white split down the middle. Somebody else points out that the cat is a mother.
    As the cat gets closer to our yard, four kittens walk out of the bushes and follow her. One is silver, like a British blue. Another is a brown tabby. Another is a black and white spotty cat. I think the last one may have been an orange tabby.
    I pick up the brown tabby kitten. Now he was feral so he wasn't very happy about being held, but he wasn't scratching me. I petted him for a moment then put him down. My cousins were trying to decide if they wanted to adopt one of the kittens.

    Nightmares invade real life:

    This last dream was very weird. And epic. I was told by someone that this dream was in fact a prediction of what would happen in real life. The setting was strange too...
    Disclaimer: Even though this dream claims to be a prediction, I severely doubt this will every happen in waking life. I just don't want any of you to think that I am crazy.
    I am in a vast circular valley surrounded on all sides by mountains. The entire basin is filled with a grassland. There is a large city in the center of the basin, with an extra tall skyscraper in the exact center.
    It is daytime, and the sky is a bright blue. But above the city is a large thundercell that is starting to rotate. The lightning strikes become more frequent and the underside of the cloud taints a purple color. Some of the lightning strikes hit the tall skyscraper in the middle of the valley or some of the other nearby buildings. There are not one but three vortexes underneath the cloud now.
    As I pay close attention, I begin to see the outline of... something in the cloud. It drops below the purple cloud layer and is revealed as a rather oblesk with a warped black design. What looks like the front is vaugley claw-shaped. This is the side of the "ship", and it is tremendous, probably four miles long.
    I hear the voice of someone, quite clearly in fact. He explains that he is the "nightmare king" and that he is able to talk to us directly in our minds. He then explains that for thousands of years he has been the source of all nightmares, but only now has the world fostered enough negative energy for him to manifest himself and his army in the real world. He seeks to lay waste to earth and rebuild it as his version of paradise.
    About two dozen smaller ships emerge in a close ring formation along the edge of the portal, with every ship facing forward, out. For a moment, the portal glows in the outline of a strange symbol. The smaller ships have the same look to them as the large one. They begin advancing outward while bombarding the city.
    I look over my head to see several squadrons of Jet fighters followed by a trio of what looked like the flying battleships from last night's dream. Two identical fleets closed in from either side, and there was probably a final fleet on the opposite side of the city that I could not see.
    They go into combat. The nightmare ships seem to have some kind of protective shield that causes anything shot near them to hit a red forefeild wall. (Think Independence Day). The "good" army is losing terribly and the warships have advanced to the edge of the valley, widening the portal storm as they went. I woke up.

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    Updated 08-27-2014 at 07:26 PM by 53527

