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    1. TOTM for Jun 2014: Kiss a dude!

      , 06-14-2014 at 03:25 PM
      Pre-bed - 5htp
      Wbtb - G, C, L-theanine
      Time - 445am after sleeping for 6 hours, stayed up until 5am

      I was really concerned I wouldn't get back to sleep since I felt pretty awake when I laid back down. I kept starting to fade off and catching myself. I think I had this dream around 6 or 630, was going to keep going but daughter was up at 7.

      This one started as a battle. Was really similar to the Normandy invasion it seemed. There was not any blood and I don't remember seeing anyone getting hit just people launching rockets and shooting guns. At this point I was watching it as a movie, there was one guy who got behind the lines and started launching missiles at the bad guys. The good guys down the hill started to advance and by the time the bad guys realized it was too late. They turned around and started firing again but were too late and were taken over. I was then interacting in the dream and remember being at a bench/table with a bunch of gun magazines behind it. This is where some of the bad guys were at firing on the good guys and now it was abandoned. There was another guy about 20 yards from me who asked if we were supposed to expend the rockets that the bad guys didn't fire. He was given a yes and he fired it; the rocket flew right down and hit the SUV that I guess all the good guys drove up in. It exploded and all of the bad guys that were left laughed. So back to where I was, I found a magazine with bullets in it and tried to put it in a gun I had, it went in but a couple bullets fell out and it didn't lock in place. I then took it out looked at it and then put it back in again and it fit. There was a young boy I thought was a bad guy so I racked the gun and aimed it at him. I was told he was good to go and then held my fist out for a fist bump, and the kid gave me a fist bump. We all began walking along, all the soldiers I was with. I passed a girl I guess I knew and gave her a fist bump (not sure why I was fist bumping everyone). I was walking still and there were alot of people walking down a hill. The landscape was pretty green and there were trees, I saw in the distance where everyone was congregating. I had a moment of clarity at this point and became Lucid: I continued to walk with the scene for a bit and thought I would just keep flowing with the dream, then I thought I would fly straight up and lastly I remembered I wanted to do a TOTM. There was a soldier walking next to me wearing camo and a helmet, I turned him around and he was a younger guy with I assumed blonde hair but I couldn't be sure because of the helmet. I pulled him to me and planted one on him.... I smooched for a bit and it was really just like kissing a piece meat or a piece of bologna. After a few seconds I let him go and he just carried on as he was before with no comments or reactions. I said something to the effect of "That was good stuff wasn't it?". I then thought of trying the repeat task but woke up. It may have been from the excitement of completing the task.
    2. Mountain Hike

      by , 05-14-2012 at 01:40 PM
      Some kids were going around the neighborhood destroying property. They broke branches off my tree and made a mess. I ran outside, seen them, and yelled at them. Somehow I ended up babysitting them. They were a pain but gradually got better. At least I had a dream wife to help me with them.

      Next dream was about studying in a bowling alley, although I didn't really see the bowling lanes. Many students at desks though, it probably was a college course. I wasn't really studying all that much, but later on a military drill was performed by soldiers who burst into the building, and captured it. There were defending soldiers as well, but they lost of course. They didn't use real ammo, it was just a drill. I could tell they were serious about it though, and I stayed out of their way. I had went out into the hallway to see what the commotion was.

      Later on my dream changes and I am hiking up a mountain slope with 3 guys. I know them just in the dream somehow as friends, even though they are just random DCs. We come to this point where we stop and talk about if we should continue on or turn back, because the climb was about to get difficult. The biggest guy in our group insists we go on, seems he has some personal reasons for doing so. I have noticed that I have been wearing this watch. The watch is picking up a signal, it is a woman talking through my watch. I don't catch what she says though, but my big friend hears it. We both look at the watch I'm wearing and we see it is some type of "modern" spy watch. He says it is a "Star Trek watch." He is able to take some information it is displaying and can calculate our position. After he is done, he starts leading the way up the trail for our group. We come to this snow pack which has a steep climb, I know I climb to the top before waking up.