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    1. Absurdity to awakening

      by , 01-17-2013 at 06:23 PM
      The first dream I had was circled on a park, nearly like a Jurassic Park of modern times sans dinos. Families from all over came with survival possessions, their family, pets, and anything else they thought they needed. I wasn't conscious of the end point of this park, what was the point; however, I was well aware that this park was a kill or be killed kind of park. We needed to be the last family standing, by any means necessary. In this kind of primal world, my family chose to bring ourselves, the dogs, and our cars, which weren't really our cars...

      I don't remember much of this one, but some parts I do remember were quite vivid. It was a lush forest with plants that grew too high to be natural. The air was fresh and crisp, yet there was always a sense of tension, a sense of someone watching you from the shadows. We were taking a short break by a beautiful park when we came across another family. Nothing was said, but we immediately started attacking each other. After an unsuccessful few minutes, the other family decided to get in their car and speed away, making me miss some poorly thrown javelins by me. We decided to get in our car and go after them, but before we set off, my mother suggested putting one of the cars inside the other (we apparently had come with two cars...or the other was simply procured magically). I don't know how, but one of the cars fit inside the other, and we were fussing about which car had to have its windows down so that we could have access to the windows in general. While my mother and I were getting the window situation squared away, my father was looking and calling for my dogs, not quite sure of where they went. My mother kept telling him they were inside the car(s), and I realised they had both magically fit on the floor of the back row with plenty of room to walk around and lay down and things...these dogs can't remotely do that with our cars, they're far too large an animal for a space that's kinda tight. It was then I rethought the absurdity of this proposition, and then it got me thinking about the impossible nature of me having a javelin in the first place to throw, and finally settled on the fact that cars can magically fit inside each other and be fully operational. I came to these conclusions rather quickly and my dreamworld collapsed; then I woke up.

      I was awake for a while and then went back to sleep; sadly, I did not remember any more dreams