Notes Sleep Quality: ok Wake Times: 3-5AM?, 7-9AM? Before Bed Activities: Meditation These dream fragments occurred the second time I fell asleep. The first fragment I remember Is going in a shed or something, I was searching on this dusty counter with a bit of garbage, and found a Nintendo DS cartridge for Super Mario Maker, I was happy, and picked it up. The second fragment, I walked past my father, I think I went in a hall. I was thinking about what I'd do when I was next lucid dreaming. I remember thinking that I'd fly, or pee, or pee while flying. I Went into the bathroom, which had a toilet, next to a really worn down drawer. I climbed on the toilet and squatted like a monkey, while I looked through the drawer. The cloth or plastic or whatever in the bottom of the drawer was peeling , so I threw it on the floor. Underneath it were a couple brown rodent turd like objects, and a really long DS card that looked like Final Fantasy. I was happy even though it was too long for my system because It was a 'sound card'. Then because I'm on the toilet I start peeing, which results in me waking up to myself peeing.
Updated 05-12-2023 at 03:16 PM by 100014 (forgot to categorize)
This dream was in the middle of the night and I should have gotten up and written everything I remembered in my journal. But I would have had to turn on the light to see what I was writing and I just went back to sleep. I should do better. But I remember this: I was competing in some kind of obstacle course and there was a puzzle aspect like identifying objects along the way that had a theme to them. My course had a semi-deep rectangular hole to run through, a seat to jump over, and a tool to grab and carry with me. I figured out that three were the theme in that they rhymed. Trench, Bench, Wrench. I felt so smug in that no one else would figure it out, mostly because 'trench' was a little-used word and no one else would think to call the hole a trench, they'd just say hole or something similar.
I own a pair of wireless earbuds; they're black. In the dream snippet I was in my room with two of the black pairs plus a pair in white. My earbuds have L and R on them despite being the same shape and looking neutral. But in the dream I was thinking that if I couldn't match the correct case they'd either not charge or even break. Not an issue for the white pair in a white case, but the black ones? And it didn't help that I had one extra black earbud marked not L or R, but 73A. So five black earbuds. Well as long as I was confused I decided to try and charge both L's and listen with them and do the same with both R's, just to see if they'd sync to each other. I guess I was willing to risk breaking them all? And then figure out what the 73A one did. There was someone I didn't know with me who was going to help me with this, but I woke up.
03/21: The Price Is Right is back in dreams again, this time in animated form, in to the style of PBS (Public Broadcasting Service)-style shows for kids such as Arthur (R.I.P.) and WordGirl, and like the dream on December 4th, it's Showcase time again, but in a classroom-like setting. This time, there is a "category" that tells the four remaining students things about a Showcase they're trying to bid on. The dream, like one of the Wayne's World films, shows all the possible endings, and one of them it decides to show is when one of the students overbids on their Showcase, gets booed, and has these red "down" marker like objects thrown at them. There was also another possible ending where all the students overbid on their Showcase, gets booed, and has the same thing that happened to one student, happen to all of them. However, there was one student who feared this monster that would be out to get him if he lost, kind of like me when I was younger -- well, my elementary and middle school days, but I never really explained it to anyone. I forget his/her/its name, but it resembled like a typical villain from an anime, as they're usually blond-haired, and this one was no different. I'm guessing this one was male, dressed like a "scene" kid (possibly skater/emo mix) revealed in dark shadows. Watching the events play out on TV in my room, I ask in disbelief, "What is Weston Gardner doing on a kids' show?", and the dream ends at 6-ish in the morning before any of the students on the show in the dream reacted to it. (also, that wasn't the "monster" the student feared.) (Personally, I think the mysterious character the dream showed looked like a mix between him and professional wrestler Jeff Hardy -- minus the hair dye.) (Fun Fact: Weston was actually a contestant on The Price Is Right 12 years ago in Season 39 (2010-11), show #5263K -- aired out of order on October 13th, 2010, actually airing on September 22, 2010 in an afternoon showing, in the place of the long-running soap opera As The World Turns, which ended after the 2009-10 season in the U.S. on CBS. He won two prizes in the Drew Carey-created pricing game Rat Race (a late-Season 38 debutante) totaling $3,614, and later went on to win his Showcase, accumulating $28,638 in cash and prizes, including an extra $1,000 in his Showcase Showdown -- that's where they spin the big Wheel to see who qualifies for the final round of the show, simply named "The Showcase", and the three contestants that got up on stage to play a pricing game try to get as close as they can to $1.00 -- without going over. He passed the first Showcase, which included a boat, to his opponent, and she overbid. Oh, and the show re-aired two days after Christmas 2010 on December 27th.) I had a heck of a bad day yesterday (mentally having to play the protagonist and antagonist at the same time in the morning), and it was stressful. I just have to learn not to take game shows and their results way too seriously, which I had been doing since my teenage years, and quite frankly, I think it was anxiety and depression-inducing. I just have to find a better way to manage mental health and anxiety. -WM86
Updated 03-22-2022 at 01:44 PM by 5884
01/16: I believe the dream this time was a continuation from the "teenage girl trying to be Hayley Williams of Paramore" dream from three days earlier on the 13th. However, this time, I found myself in the living room of a beautiful house with a beautiful view of the neighborhood underneath a sunny/partly cloudy day a flat-screen HDTV with something recorded via a digital video recorder, or DVR, for short. On the TV screen playing through the DVR I see what appears to be a professional wrestling ring with red ropes, and a wrestler with seemingly strange attire taunting the crowd and holding in one of their hands what appears to resemble a championship belt, probably belonging to World Wrestling Entertainment, or WWE, for short; the champion dressed eerily similar to 1-time WWE Champion Jeff Hardy back in the days of the revered Attitude (1997-2002) Era, but all I could see was a flash of dyed blood red hair, but the person wearing his in-ring attire (oversized colored short-sleeved shirt, baggy pants, wristbands made from women's pantyhose, etc.) from 1998-99 (during the "New Brood" days) to at least 2002 was smaller than he is (he's 6'1"), and more than likely female. The rest of the dream made no sense, as a fake program on Netflix was shown with a cast of teenagers in what appeared to be an action-packed series in another room in the house, the setting still being daytime. I am no stranger to Jeff Hardy-like characters in dreams that dress unusually, as I've had dreams like that since 2001 (age 15), and the last one I had was twelve years ago back in 2009 (age 23). I am also no stranger to dreams taking place inside houses, as I remember having one as early as 1995 where I heard these electronic toy sounds, and then I walked into a room and saw what appeared to be a toy rabbit chomping on a floor, Pac-Man-style. When I went to tell my mom about it before going to school, she hilariously made a reference to Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (& Knuckles)'s Special Stages where you had to collect all the blue spheres to get a Chaos Emerald. I remember another one from early 2004 where the TV was on, probably on MTV as a music video was playing as well. If this was trying to show me an idea for YA/teen lit, I understand. Once again, I don't mind having these dreams. -WM86/DFW
Updated 01-17-2021 at 10:19 PM by 5884 (2021 - 2009 = 12. Can't math for the life of me apparently...)
A bizarre fragment: Seemingly, an anime-styled woman asks me something which I don't remember. I also don't remember anything else from this dream. Dori, what are you doing? I am standing in the living room. The TV is on, but I don't remember what it showed, but I think I see two people, close to each other. Likely an event in a series. Dori, my cat, plays around with an object in the doorway to the living room, which I remember as disc-shaped and Ronja, her sister, is sitting on a towel on the living room table. For some reason, Dori doesn't react to what I want her to do and I am despairing, I think I remember even almost crying.
I was using my Wacom tablet and I was drawing one of my characters called Benn (He's basically an old-western bounty hunter) on Manga Studio 5. The screen was zoomed in on the ends of his pants, which are torn, and it looked like I was 80% done. Then the dream ended. Though it does seem like that was only one part of the dream, not the whole thing. So, there's that.
I don't remember much. I let my dreams slip away, but what stayed with me was I was in the back seat of a van and Jenny is in the middle seat. My parents are in the front seat and I wanted to ask them to let me and Jenny switch seats because I'm tall but I sensed hostility from Jenny. Then my dad said that we are going to pull over for a food break. I think we are driving to a party. I wake up and then fall back into the same dream, I am in the same van but I don't become lucid. Since the van is the only symbol I remember, and what you manage to remember is usually the most important part of the dream, I'll focus on that.
I am in a house I've never been in. I just assume it's my real house. There is a fire and we all run out. Fire men don't come, it's just us. I run back in to get my journals. I come out and "Susan" is there. I run back in to get all of my leotards and I run out. I want to go back in to get my computer because it has my novels on it but I see the flames coming towards the front of the house (I live in an apartment/town house so I know it's not my real house now) and that the flames would stop me from exiting this time. Going into a burning building isn't making me gasp for breath so I should have become lucid, but I didn't. I stood outside with my journals and my leotards next to Michael or Gabriel looking like Susan and my siblings. We wait for the fire to stop, we don't call anyone. Then the house is back how it was, as if it was untouched, and we all go back in. I forgot this dream and remembered it when I was watching supergirl seeing a burning building. Sometime in the past two weeks I dreamt I was going out onto my deck. All of the decks were connected; there were no railings. Our neighbors were outside grilling burgers on the left side of the deck outside of their house. We're about to start to talk and then the dream changed. I remembered this one when I went out on the deck and saw that the decks weren't conjoined like in the dream.
Dream character Amy reappeared and reminded me of the ice-cream we ate together. I told her that it had been a dream, thinking the dream of Amy was real. She said, "No, it was real." And I believed her. This is a fragment of a larger dream. Wondering if Amy will be a dream guide sent from God. Looking forward to being in a lucid dream with Amy to see what part of my psyche and my spiritual life she represents. Since she was eating ice-cream with me I sense it means that God wants me to share His joy with other people, and that the eating of the ice-cream was platonic and not sexual at all.
I thought I was in Europe...Italy. I was in a house during a party eating good healthy organic food. Then we were all in my house eating food in my dad's refrigerator (this was a false wake up). Then I saw a purse that wasn't mine in my room. Then I was in a different house and a guy tried to rape me and I defended myself. I kicked him and grabbed his feet and pulled him down. Then I smoked weed with a peaceful guy. He showed me how to take a hit without burning my thumb. I really thought this was real, more than usual. The guy tried to rape me again and this time I let him, and later thought he had HIV. Later at night I saw huge rocks in my house. I don't remember but one was silvery and purple and translucent. There were some medium sized ones and some small ones. Demons made me put a lot of them in my mouth. I took them out of my mouth but swallowed a few. Again, I thought it was real and God was taking the rocks back. In another version of my series of rock dreams I was in a store and saw a huge purple amethyst. I wanted it but it cost about 2,000 dollars. If I'm right, it represents 2,000 years, that I am older than 2,000 years and that years = money. Dreaming about special rocks = being a precious gem of God. That I will find my gifts from God. Also smoking weed in a dream after a long time of not doing it in real life for a long time was very reassuring. I know once I smoked DMT with a girl in a dream. There were other dreams of rocks. The main difference was the rocks were different. Different sizes and colors. I wanted to keep them but I woke up and they were gone.
Updated 06-02-2017 at 07:56 PM by 93335 (remembered more)
11/3: After a few scenes that didn't make any sense, like four months ago showing my grandma's house before she passed away nine months ago, everything picks up after a dentist's appointment (I don't really have one until three weeks later). I am walking with a character down a hallway that looks like a cross between a backstage area from WWE Monday Night RAW, SmackDown! Live or Impact Wrestling and the hallway from a backdoor leading to an office, locker rooms and the backdoor of the gymnasium at Southeast Raleigh Magnet High--which, like certain young-adult fiction projects I've written--had arcade machines. The person I walk down the hall with is possibly Ashton Hobbs from Contestant 25, a young-adult fiction book series I'm currently working on and has taken me over 20 years -- September 1995 to be exact (I was 9 at the time) -- to get perfect. The next scene makes no sense, and was like a scene from a typical TV sitcom or movie after a school bully/main antagonist has done enough damage. I then see a locker room where a possible student is coughing, stuffed in a locker. The character and I then exit the school where this redhead teen and what appears to be his parent or his mentor were parked in line one spot ahead of us smiling and waving at me before my alarm clock buzzes at 6:45 this morning. I, however, do remember an OC ReMix playing - a remix of the opening from the 1989 Commodore Amiga game Shadow of the Beast - one of the first OC ReMixes on the site since the site's introduction in 1999. I wonder if I had gotten this dream last night after viewing the Wikipedia articles of Ross Powers and Kelly Slater on Wednesday on my Surface tablet that led to the image of the redhead teen at the end of the dream. However, if I view the Wikipedia article of James Lafferty, nothing happens dream-wise. I've also had some pretty strong dreams two months ago before my doctor's appointment and the finals of the U.S. Open, too, but it's probably too late. I think this dream was trying to tell me to watch what I write sometimes, although I have never in my 21-year writing career (yes, again, 1995) written about bullies doing these horrible, unspeakable things like what was demonstrated in my dream last night.
I had a dream of a sexual nature. It's reoccurring but the people are usually different. It's like just talking to people & because I have sexual energy or something I feel the need for a release but I'm always trying to get away from these normal conversations to do this but I didn't succeed. I'm not going to more graphical than that. Memorable/Reoccurring
Sort of a horror-esque type dream. I was in the living room with my mom, my brother, and his baby son. We were coming from the store when a girl, I guess his girlfriend shows up as well. After talking afterwards, his son falls off the edge of a porch and seriously hurts himself. We bandage him up and I look for my mom's towel in my brother's car. It was a beautiful day with passing clouds, a bright sun, and seemed mildly cool but was still warm. I was searching through his car which seemed very messy with a lot of things all over the place. He comes over and ends up helping. We decided to drive around so we end up whipping the car in reverse and spin around almost hitting which looked like my friends naj and isa. We drove up hill and noticed a anime styled girl walking in the middle of the street. Her eyes were black where it should be white and her iris was gold. Her mouth was slightly opened and she seemed to stare blankly at us. We drove by and she was just looking in one direction pass us. We kept driving and noticing most of the girls had the same eyes and this zombified look on their faces. Caught a girl biting another's head. I remember saying that they seemed controlled by this dead girl. Soon we are out the car walking when a dark skinned girl shows up. She wanted us to come with her. As we were walking down the hill near the school, I caught a glimpse of her eyes shift color to gold in a split second. Me and my brother end up running the opposite way and she resumed chase. We ran down this hill and afterwards turn left back up the other hill losing her completely. My brother had the idea of crossing over then full sprinting straight toward the house. She soon spots us again and we did just that. Speed running toward our house passing other girls who seem zombified and began chasing us as we picked up speed, almost inhuman at that point. We were at our house and I was watching TV about these magical primates that had white and gray fur. One had a staff with glowing red auras around them. They seemed very intelligent. Soon afterwards I heard that the girls desired to have sex with us since they were only running on reptilian instinct, however will try to eat people if hungry. Another horror esque dream showing me and friends playing basketball in a classroom. We were having fun until we noticed something odd. Things that were coming to reality shouldn't be. I saw Alma from the F.E.A.R games coming forth from the TV along with other creatures. We were all running around noticing these entities terrifying other people in the building and attacking them. One creature looked like a tall grotesque, humanoid bag of blood and skin, and another looked like a biomass looking golem. *Woke up at 7:30, wrote dreams in Awoken Journal, back to sleep* Short string of 5-6 lucid dreams. Each time it started, I woke up in my bed, plugged my nose, and confirmed it. Walk out of my room for different events to happen. It was almost like my room is a base to restart. One of which where I went to my front door only to have a girl walk in to make out with me. Afterwards I went to my room to spawn a DC but restarted. Second time walked from my room to the basement. A door opens another girl in and she follows me to my room and we talked about something. Restarted. Third same thing, I walked to my front door to see if another DC would spawn but nope. I stabilized and tried walking through a wall to my room and it worked. The last two I cannot remember, but I think I went outside to levitate reasonably high. Im working on figuring out what causes these lucid strings as im calling them and working to induce them. So far they seem to happen whem im in deep relaxation but tireless at the same time.
Updated 12-17-2015 at 10:24 PM by 79725
On the bus heading to a school trip with S. We are eating different snacks such as chips and muffins. He talks to a girl named Shane who looks like someone I knew from school. She had on a black shirt, gray sweats, and white shoes. She also had a long ponytail and was african. We joke around and soon heads to the front of the bus as we are in the back. Soon afterwards a cute girl gets on the bus I never seen before. She had a pink t shirt, black yoga pants, pale skin, glasses, jet black hair in a ponytail and black slip ons that are pointy at the end. She sits at the front as well The bus begins moving through a highway and soon after we hear an argument in the front. Its between Shane and the cute girl I dont know. They are arguing about different things and from what I am hearing from people on the bus, Shane is in the wrong. Me and S continue to eat a big muffin when Claire *finally hear her name* starts yelling louder and saying to Shane to look at herself and her life if she wants the things she wants. And then there was something about ten dollars I cannot remember thoroughly. Soon Shane was about to get up and fight Claire. I see S get up and sat down Shane in the front while She continues yelling over S.* Claire then moves to the back with me and S and talks to us. She wonders why we are in a corrupt class when we are definitely not. Apparently the school has a *Shining Star, ethic, and corrupt classes.* me and S exclaim that we just didn't fit well. I soon said that I was just lazy and didn't do work. She chuckles and says we are definitely not corrupt. We arrive at our destination and we all stood up. The bus stops abruptly and Claire nearly falls backwards but I catch her since I was behind her. We both smile and laugh. I can't locate S and soon wake up. There was also a dream of robots fighting each other with crazy weapons, and the robots fighting a boss that shot fireballs. Its very distant. Gahhh my recall needs improvement.