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    1. 62 shared dream attempt whiterains dream

      by , 01-29-2012 at 03:00 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      whiterains dream

      back with a bang last night. it all started at this apartment complex i have been to many times. it is partly based on a hall at my old uni and is gigantic with a massive indoor hall space filled with poplar trees and swallows flying around. the first thing i remember is walking into a room and just instantly having a deep feeling of knowing that the people there were my people. i think i have met some of them before in dreams but the feeling was just incredible, like i had found the people i had been looking for for ever. even though the talk was of dreams and such, i still wasnt fully lucid until a couple of my real mates showed up.

      often when i tell people they are in a dream, it ruins it somehow, or they get scared or simply dissapear. this time i took a different approach and just tried asking them how they got here and where did they think they were etc. all i needed to do at his point was keep the conversation going in order to stabilise the dream. unfortunately all i got were confused looks and responses so i went back outside to explore.

      a couploe of old friends were walking a few dogs. this big old dog was off his lead so i grabbed his collar and walked him back to his owner and lead. it wasa girl who used to live down my road as kids. we chatted about dogs and it seemed quite a lucid aware conversation even if i was confused at the time and no longer that lucid. i mentioned the apartments and she instantly knew which ones i meant. called something spanish sounding like vista bueno. when i have been here before the dreams have had a litle bit of an experiment type feel like i am being monitored but there was much less of that this time.

      i again realised i was dreaming as i walked home. for some reason i decided to try to bilocate or something. i tried to keep my 'body' walking along while transporting my mind up to above tree level. it didnt really work as i think i was starting to doubt my lucidity. the place i was walking was absolutely identical to reality so this is probably why it was hard to stay lucid. nice to be lucid in a 100% real location though.