Last night and two nights ago I didn't remember anything... Did have one night full of dreams though. Trying to sleep Kept having False awakenings in what appeared to be a living room right by a kitchen like the one house I lived in in Lethbridge. I walked by a girl sleeping on a couch. I went to the other couch to go to sleep. I started having sleep paralysis, I remembered something like trying to spin vibrations really fast so I could enter a lucid dream (Not realizing I was already dreaming.) . FA, I'm on the couch but the girl in the room is playing loud music. FA, again and the girl is asleep I forget what happened after. Box I was in a living room during the daytime and a small little box floated right past me. I was curious, so I grabbed it in mid ar. I opened it and two small toys wrapped in some paper fell out. Someone (Maybe Asuka) instructed me to put everything back inside. They kept handing me papers and chocolates. Next part of the dream I knock on Jamie's door. She comes out and I give her the box. She smiles and seems happy. I'm just watching her pull everything out from the box. Loving Flash of me and Jamie on a bed. She is holding me tightly and she's on top of me. We are both clothed though, We are looking into eachother's eyes and getting lost in them and smiling. I really feel like she loves me in that moment. Dogs I'm on a farm and trying to leave. A couple dogs keep following me around, and barking loudly. A young girl comes out of one of the barns and takes the dog away. Crawling Just a flash last night of a girl crawling in a strange way down a hallway...
Dream recall increasing from journalling more. Yay! Dog wtf Dream of seeing my dog again. He was barking at me again. His mouth looked funny again. It reminded me of the previous dream when he looked like that, but I didn't think to do an RC. Jamie 1 Flash of me and Jamie walking away from my house that I was in when I was renting the basement suite in 2011. We were arm in arm. My vision zoomed out in 3rd person perspective. It was night time, and we both looked semi anime. We also were smiling and looked kind of dazed. Mirror I was staring out of a window. I noticed my reflection. I was a girl though and I slightly resembled Jamie... I had spots on my face, like sick with the measles or something. My vision zoomed in and the spots were really sweat drops discoloring my skin. I looked away and looked back and now I was my normal self but still sweating. I was wondering how sick I was. Jamie 2 I was in a large store like a Sears or something. Asuka was behind me and Jamie was beside me. We were walking on the tile path between the wall and a clothing section when a really short blond girl blocked my path. Some music started playing while we were talking and for some reason we started dancing. But I was confused about which hand should go where. I switched hand positions a couple of times. I then remembered that I was with Jamie, and I shouldn't be doing anything to make her jealous. ( only problem with my dream state I'm like a drunk guy and everything I do is impulsive). I leave the girl and find Jamie sitting on the floor on the edge of the clothing section. Asuka is just in the background watching. I sit down in front of Jamie, she still looks semi anime, she's staring into space and is smiling. I try talking to her but she hardly replies. I grab her hands and stand up. She stands up with me. I think asuka was using a song spell on Jamie or something when I was talking to the girl to trance her out from noticing, or being jealous. Maybe the song spell made me sober to think of Jamie as well. Next night Terrorists I was in a town that reminded me of Red deer. I was walking into a store when I noticed a bunch of Arab looking guys in black bullet proof vests carrying large guns go into a bank across the street. I go into the store and warn everyone in there to quickly leave the store and that I seen people with guns. I hear a bunch of gunshots and I leave the store. The Arab guy keeping 6 makes direct eye contact with me. I pretend I don't notice and quickly enter a glass door leading into the hallway that goes to the other end of the shopping plaza..l I exit into a residential area and keep walking. Last night. Moving in together Jamie asks me to move in with her (her exact words). But when I move in it sucks. Jamie doesn't talk to me at all. I remember eating at a dinner table with her and her parents... Maybe siblings? I'm given my own room. I keep passing Jamie in the hallways but she never looks at me. This seems to go on for a day or two and I'm considering just moving out, since I feel like a complete stranger there. Dog I'm in the backyard of a house by a garden. I see my dogs dad (who we put down years ago) he's a large and intimidating rottweiler. I think it's strange he should be around. He growls and runs past me, one of his hind paws is mangled. I noticed smoke by some plants and notice a small fire when I get there. I have to pee and consider putting it out that way. I try to but the my jeans get caught on some thorn bushes. I wake up. Semi lucid Prelude: I dream I am laying in bed. Jamie is talking to me as a voice in my head. I tell her I'm meeting up with Raven in a dream and we are going to see some cool dream place, I invite Jamie along. Jamie says in my head that she's going to put on something special for the occasion. *** I'm on a motorbike and stop at some hobby place. I go inside to reserve a table for the people coming (Raven, Jamie, maybe asuka). Inside the place people are playing cards and chess. I notice a piano in the corner and make a mental note to talk to the owner about tuning the piano and leaving some cards, since I just got certification in piano tuning and repair. I slap my jacket over the table to reserve it and leave. Outside is no longer a street, but a huge Campus. I walk through a few large buildings on the campus, I walk by a room with ridiculously large bleachers inside. Outside I meet up with my group. A hooded lady, who looks like she's going to a cosplay convention. Two golems, the clay made into man, kind. A lady wearing wearing a blue wig with a large braid hung over one shoulder she introduced herself as "Samantha." Or something (Asuka). I say I reserved a table in a game room where we can play cards or chess. The two golems shrug and agree that could be fun. I begin walking through the campus again with the group. After sometime, the two golems are walking ahead of me, and that's when I hear Jamie call my name. I looked behind me, and she's barely even dressed. She's wearing a golden bra with sparkles on it. She walks past me and she's only also wearing a g string of the same color. On her waist is a thin gold chain with a blue veil mesh which barely covers even the top of her.... Box. The tips of her hair are blond. She turns her head around and smiles at me, asking with her eyes if I like what I see, then walks beside the Two golems. It then clicks in. I remembered the conversation in my head with her, when she said she was going to wear something special . For the bedroom yes, but for chess club? I'm about to follow them through the door when " Samantha," distracts me and starts talking to me. Then I open the door but the hobby/game place is gone and it's the room with the strange bleachers. I run outside and look for my group. I give up after a while and fly atop some pole sign. I turn and see Samantha again with her blue hair. She seems to be trying to cheer me up from losing the group. I notice she's wearing stilts to reach the height of the pole sign. I say, "You know this is a dream right? You don't have to wear those, just fly up." But she vanishes. Then I notice her below on the grass waving at me. She teleported. I shrug it off and fly away. I notice people on one of the ledges of the campus building. They are waving at me and calling for help. But I keep flying. Then I notice more people need help. I fly to them to rescue them. They are no longer people. Just mouths stuck on the ledges, they are just lying there calling for help. I go to pick a mouth up then it vomits on my hand. I stare at the mouth and it seemingly dies like when a bee loses it's stinger. I go to grab another one but the same thing happens. The stench is getting to me. I almost begin to vomit myself when I wake up.
I dreamed that I was in my room, sitting on my bed. It wasn't quite my room, but the bed was pretty spot on including the headboard. In the dream I had a stuffed animal that resembled a tailless Aipom. I hated it, because every time I looked at it, the eyes were looking in a different direction, or it was even leaning to a different side. I decided that it was going to go in a bag and into the car and straight to Goodwill tomorrow. No leaving bags of stuff in the trunk for days before donating them, it was GOING. But then I was at least a little aware of dreaming, because I thought to myself that I couldn't really get rid of it, because I didn't really own it, not in real life. I thought about the items on my own headboard, just few decorations and definitely not that thing. So I laid down and tried to sleep. I actually felt the doll climb down from the headboard and gently pull my hair, several inches of it. And that's what did it for me. I have a buzz cut. You can't pull my hair. Once I acknowledged that that wasn't real, the dream shifted. I was on the deck, tending to plants. A loud car drove by, one of the ones modified to make more noise and whose owner probably did donuts in parking lots to show off. He slowed and stopped, seeming to look right at me. Then he stuck his hand out the window, holding a gun, and fired three times at me. He missed all three times and I ran. He seemed like he hadn't really cared about hitting me and just messing around. The dream changed again. A recurring thing in my dreams is going out to the backyard to tend to my dogs, who died almost a decade ago. I realized again that I was dreaming and wondered if I stopped tending to the dream dogs if they'd go away and I'd stop dreaming about them. Like just no longer watering a plant you don't want anymore.
6.12.2023 Pixie, Pixels, and Lucidity (Lucid) There is something going on where we are shooting bows and arrows. Someone (my Dad?) shoots a target from a long distance away. I try to do the same... There is something somewhere about a doll that looks like an attractive “pixie-type” girl. Someone wonders who she is, and she turns out to be someone else’s sister...Hanging out with Kane Pixels. In the dream, he is my friend. I think there is some girl with us. We are talking about liminal places, and the girl opens a portal into another world. I think we were also talking about writing (I don’t remember what exactly, but that’s what my notes say – if I’m reading them properly. My handwriting is a bit messy again here). We go back outside to the parking lot, and Kane is looking for his truck, I think. This might remind me of one of my dreamsigns: looking for my truck. I count the fingers on my left hand as a reality check. At first I get 6 or 7. As I keep looking, I see a bunch of fingers on my left hand. I become lucid! I decide to look for some Dreamstone. I look around, and see a rock on the ground. It doesn’t look like Dreamstone, but it is a stone, so I try eating it to see if it will do anything for my dreaming. I put it in my mouth, but am unable to chew it. The dream seemed fairly stable, but I think I lose it as we approach the vehicle we were headed towards. This might have been part of the same dream too, but I’m not certain: Something about being in an underground zoo-like place. There are cats and dogs in enclosures, and if you look at the back of a couple of the enclosures you can see a curving stairway that goes up somewhere. I wonder where these stairs go. On the way out, we go up another set of stairs. There are some kittens next to the door, and I pet them. Technical Difficulties Someone has a kind of remote-control device. It raises and lowers a platform, and I think is somehow useful in research. He gives it to me while he goes somewhere, but doesn’t really explain how to use it. I go to my cousin and try to get him to explain it to me, but he doesn’t seem to pay attention to me. I follow him a while, and eventually give up. I also carry some condiment from one place to another. Now I’m in charge of playing music for some event, and this remote-control device is how the music is played. I mess around with it trying to see how it works. Meanwhile, a girl shows up and requests a song. I tell her I’m having trouble playing music, but I will try to play it for her. I finally find the buttons to press that will bring up a place where I can enter a URL to stream music. I try to enter Spotify, but when I try typing it in, it brings up something else instead.
3.8.2023 12:08 – bedtime, 50mg vitamin b6 1:55 – WBTB (failed) [+2] 3:15 – (from notes) Tom and Einstein. Excrement. I don’t recall what the Tom and Einstein dream was. I remember a dream in which there was a bucket of feces. I might have been adding to it with my own. [One remembered fragment – 0.5 points] 4:58 – (from notes) Looking for private (?) bathroom; Princess in trouble, broken slide, baby crying, “zombies”, “zombie” dogs The Princess and the Zombies [+1] This might have all been one dream, but I’m having trouble remembering - There was a dream in which I was in a large building. I was looking for a bathroom, possibly one that had some privacy. Or else I was trying to hide from someone or something. Not sure if it was the same dream, but at one point I went to a “Dad’s bathroom”, which seemed to be a sort of comedic take on bathrooms. Some kinds of silly decorations. There was a princess in a room (might have been the same dream as above). I forget exactly what was going on. She got in trouble for something. There was a slide that had a large crack on one side. I think it was my nephew, but much younger, that cried when he saw this. I held him and tried to soothe him. I think the “zombies” were more like an army. This might have been related to the princess. They might have been her army, but then they might have been going to arrest her. I don’t quite remember the zombie dogs. 8:45 – (from notes) Elevator up to chase someone (lucid?), trains shut down. Cattle, woman protecting us, kissing, taking dog to vet(?), buckets of water and gold pan in my room, Dad gives me something, trying to draw Fragment 2 [+0.5] I was taking an elevator up to chase someone. I had the feeling that I was lucid at some point, but I don’t have enough recall to count it as a lucid dream... Trains, cattle, and dogs [+1] The trains were shut down. I was with someone, commenting on how much of a problem that could be. For one thing, there were all those businesses that count on the trains. And what about the people that commute by train? Now they’re stuck. We go into a cattle barn. It seems that we are riding on some kind of open vehicle now. A woman is hanging off the side, acting as a guard of some kind. She is supposed to be defending us from cattle, I think. It seems to me that she wasn’t doing that great of a job, and as we go along I see pictures of anime superheroes. Eventually we get where we were going. The woman (?) and I kiss. Meanwhile, the maintenance guys get a piece of equipment and take it with them with a “let’s get back to work” attitude that I think is funny because it seems that we just survived a big crisis...I’m walking a dog, going to a vet. They are trying to make us line up the dogs properly. I take mine back to its proper spot. Fragment 3 [+0.5] ...I seem to be standing on or near a bucket of water, on a set of stairs. There is a gold pan too, I guess. Something about trying to move the bucket without spilling the water...My Dad gives me a round piece of something that looks like a cross between jewelry and a coin...Trying to draw. In a class maybe? Someone seems to be having trouble, and me too...Not sure if these were different fragments.
3.5.2023 Old Job and Zombies [+1] Back to the old job at the hospital. I am gathering items, including a heparin IV and another IV bag. There are also a couple of things that we are looking for, not sure if we have them or not. I think about how I have been here for 8 years (in the dream). Dividing up the labels that print out for filling...Zombies come at night. It’s as though I watch this on TV. A guy spends the night in a car or truck. Lots of carnage around. The windows of the vehicle become streaked with blood. I hide my eyes while this is going on. It seems like I become the person in the movie. I wonder, what if we stayed in the water tower this next night? That seems like a safer place. We get into a vehicle, and now there are several of us. A siren starts going off, which warns us that Japan has built a nuclear bomb, or something. I get the idea that they are going to nuke the zombies, and if we can survive it will be a lot safer out. I have to do something with two telephones. Fragment 1 [+0.5] ...Something about identical twins at a gas station. Middle aged guys with curly-ish hair. It turns out that there are actually three of them – identical triplets... Fragment 2 [+0.5] ...Getting coffee at a gas station. I decide to give a tip to the clerk, putting money in the tip jar at the counter... Fragment 3 [+0.5] ...A play with a Grinch-like character...Machine with rotating parts...A Bible school-like event, which involves a toothbrush. This is going on in a basement, and I might be trying to brush my teeth in a nearby bathroom... Fragment 4 [+0.5] There is a dog that runs out onto the highway. Someone is trying to call it back with a dog whistle. 3.6.2023 Fragment 1 [+0.5] I stop at a gas station. I would like to get something to drink, but the cups that are provided with the water seem to be dirty. One has a tea bag or two in it...There are people swimming in heated pools down town...My friend R...
3.4.2023 Woke up at around 6:11 and did a WBTB [+ 2 points] . Recorded the following dreams: Music, Ricky, and Lucy [+1] I’m going up a set of stairs, whistling “The Lightning Tree”, or trying to. I come across my friend K from the lab, and we race to see who can get to the top of the steps first. She wants to get a good view of something. When we get there, there is a musical performance going on. Some kind of politician is playing, I think. The “Superintendent”, or something. It is also very windy. The wind is blowing so hard that a backdrop is wanting to blow over. I mess with it, and reinforce it with a nearby rope and piece of something. On the other side, I think, there is a dog house type thing. Someone might be living in it...Ricky Ricardo is lighting a candle to start a fire. It is Ricky and Lucy’s wedding night. They have a kerosene heater or something. Lucy is delighted to find out that Ricky is cheap – apparently they are saving money with this candle, or something. Fragment [+0.5] ...In a house with a lot of dogs. I’m trying to go through some doors without letting the dogs out of the house... The rough side of town [+1] Talking to a weird man standing behind a bush. Something about parking. The area seems a bit dangerous to me. The guy we are talking to seems shady. Fortunately, a car drives up that belongs to a company that I have done business with (an insurance company or something). They give me a ride, since I did business with them, although they want to check my credentials. The car has heavily tinted windows, so it’s a nice place to hide in while driving away. As we drive away, we see that police cars are showing up. The Amish in the area are moving to the edge of the neighborhood, apparently to avoid whatever situation might arise. We continue on our way out of there, on foot now. We come to a golf course with some kind of earthworks on it I think. It is in a somewhat intricate shape, including a chili pepper. Fragment 2 [+0.5] Someone is trying to mimic fighting reptiles with robots. I wonder if the robots (or one of them, at least) can learn how to bite. They are learning through a neural net or some type of AI. The robots turn into a fly and a melon. The fly flies around looking for the melon. The melon extends some kind of tube and moves around somehow. The fly shows off how it can look at things – like a car. Fragment 3 [+0.5] A man at church wants 15 cents. My grandmother doesn’t think we should give him anything. Apparently they gave him money “last time” and they don’t want to keep on giving him money. I find a dime in the front seat of the car, and also have some pennies. I wonder if I should give the guy the money. I think about going back into the building, but I’m in the car as we leave the parking lot. I think about suggesting that we stop so I can go back inside, but my grandfather, who is driving, is talking and I don’t want to interrupt him. Fragment 4 [+0.5] ...At a restaurant place to get food... Fragment 6 [+0.5] ...The poinsettia in my apartment looks healthy. I give the other plants some water. I look for the bottle that I use to water plants... Fragment 7 [+0.5] ...At my grandparents’ house. TV entertainment is not what it used to be. I think about getting some snacks... Back to bed around 6:35. Awake at 9:37 Play and Water Danger [+1] Helping with a play. I’m doing music/technical stuff. At one point I think I’m playing music, or doing something along with the music, that involves tossing carrots around. There is a scene in which people bring a dead baby to Moses (?) to be brought back to life. They slide the dead baby prop under a table to me, which I then take and hide, while they bring out a live baby...I seem to be at Lakeside, a family vacation spot. The play is not over yet, but my part is done I guess and I can leave. As I go, they want me to sign a book. It also comes up that I had something to do with security, because I was trying to get into the town during the season (you have to pay to get in during the season) and was stopped at the gate. They then tell me about someone that either had a big parade float or were in a brawl that stretched across town. Down at the lake, there are some people swimming. A family with a couple of kids. There is a small whirlpool in the water nearby. They don’t think it is very dangerous, but it worries me a little. Kids keep drifting toward the whirlpool and into it, and have to be kept out of it. I realize that this is a dreamsign, and do a reality check. But I don’t get lucid, apparently. I, or someone else, wonders why there isn’t technology to rescue people when they go underwater. I then go up onto the pier. I see a woman rising to the surface of the water and clinging onto a part of the pier’s foundation below me. I signal to her that I see her, and then clamber down to her to try and rescue her. I seem to be too late, however. She lets go or loses her grip on the pier and slips into the water. But she gives me a thumbs-up as she sinks, as though she appreciated the attempt. I stand there, wondering if I should dive in and try to find her. The water is dark and murky, and I’m afraid to go in. But I do (and I seem to kind of half realize this is a dream or something like it). I let myself sink down to the bottom of the water and feel around, but I don’t feel the woman. Interesting about the woman. In the dream, I thought she had gone underwater and was resurfacing and clinging to the pier trying to stay up. I kind of wonder if this was another appearance of a Subaquatic woman though. She didn't seem too upset when she went back under, and I didn't find her when I dove in myself. Migraines and Money [+1] Talking with my mother about my nephew. In the dream, he has some kind of disorder (that has to do with his knee or leg?) that can be taken care of if someone who used to have migraines but is now better donates something (like plasma). My mother has migraines, but she still gets them so she can’t donate. I mention that my grandmother used to. My mother says something about how she doesn’t think my grandmother will donate because she doesn’t like someone...I look for money, and dig up a decent amount either from my pockets or the back of a car, or something. My grandmother comes along and gives me some money as well...driving into a park(?). I look for a place to turn around, rolling down my window to say goodbye to whomever I was with (my dad and some other people?) as I leave...Looking around Nairobi, I think. I notice how there is a slum in a kind of low-lying area, but nice buildings around. If you look at the cityscape at a certain angle, you don’t see the slum. Someone seems to find a nearby house amusing in some way. I think it’s kind of a nice house.
3.3.2023 Treasure hunting [+1] ...Going down a river. I, or we, come across a couple of people trying to fish something out of the water with a stick. At first I think someone has gone under and they are trying to give him something to hold onto. I think about diving underwater to try and rescue him, but then it appears that they are actually trying to fish something out that they found in the riverbed. I think I try to help, and feel what feels like a small log or something stuck down there. The people have a metal detector, and are searching along the river and riverbank. Then the go somewhere upstream. I look around where they were looking, and amidst the debris along the riverbank I find some coins. It seems to be silver change (like nickels or quarters perhaps), but as I look I find at least one-dollar coin. But then I realize it is Sunday, and I think this is too much like working on the Sabbath and I shouldn’t keep what I have found. I find a container to put the coins in, which turns into a mug. I hang the mug up on a peg or a rack of other mugs, with the intention of coming back for it later. I wonder if anyone will come across it in the meantime... ...(this might have been the same dream, or it might have been a fragment. I’ll count it as part of the same dream for the competition.) Continuing along our way, I see boats in water nearby. We can see emergency lights near one or two of them. Upon closer inspection, I see that at least one of the boats has a fire going in the bow... Fragments [+1.5] ...We are at someone’s house. There are a couple of different types of cake there. One is lemon, and I think there are one or two other kinds. At least one is layered, with frosting in the middle. I decide that one looks good...(Maybe the same dream?) Something about my niece...(again, not sure if the following was the same dream) I want to go somewhere. It might have been in Florida, but it was an archaeological dig that I wanted to participate in. The people that I am with are taking a long time though, and I don’t know if we will be done in time for me to go today. I think the dig might be going on for a few days though...(again, the next part might have been the same dream) in a Church service. I sit on the right end of a pew in the back of the sanctuary. After the service, people stand around talking (which might be what was going on in the part above where I wanted to leave). There is a woman with very tall platform shoes... ...There is a “party” going on downstairs. Maybe not really a party, but it is kind of loud. I crawl up a set of bunkbeds, and along the top, to reach an upper floor of the building. I want to go up and see if it is still loud upstairs. When I get up, it seems much quieter... ...Watching a trailer for an upcoming movie, perhaps an Indiana Jones movie. In this movie, there are Asian people, who might be supposed to be the antagonists. I get the idea that somebody thinks the movie is racist, because of the way that they portray the Asian people. I don’t agree, but I also feel a bit awkward because I am watching the trailer while I am with some people of Asian ethnicity. Something about going into a bathroom (?)...
I wrote this during the night, so I mostly just recorded the lucid part in detail. I might elaborate more on the non-lucid later. The child-man-ape things were rather creepy, and might be worth sharing. ------------------------------------------------------------- Up kind of late. It’s about 1:00 now. I took about 2mg of melatonin a bit ago. 2:30-2:48 WBTB, read some scripture, went to the bathroom, tried a bit of meditation. 4:30am Dream Guide (Lucid) Apes, and those four child-man-ape things. They want to attack me, bite me with their teeth. A monument that I think is not well constructed. Trying to sleep in the monument, then worrying about the cops waking me up. Guitar dog. Machine, which is my friend. It takes off down the road, and wrecks. I worry about someone or something being hurt. I go to see, and find that a couple of little animals seem to have been wounded. I feel it’s my responsibility to shoot them. ...I decide to hold off on shooting the animals until I look up whether or not they feel pain. Heading back out of the barn, I decide that I should do a RC for some reason. I do a nose pinch, and can still breathe. I’m dreaming! I think about how this is worth 10 points (possibly forgetting that the competition hasn’t started yet), and then think I should work on a task. What task? At first I think I try to find a place – I don’t remember what exactly. Having a bit of trouble finding it, and then I decide to try to find my dream guide. I start asking for the guide, or possibly saying something like “the guide is around the next corner”. Now I’m no longer in the barn, but in a larger building. I see someone up ahead. There is a short, but wide, flight of stairs leading to a corridor that runs perpendicular, and this is where the man is. I start chasing after him (there is something for a moment or two where there is someone else with him but I don’t know what becomes of the other guy) and catch up to him. He is a somewhat heavyset man, with a somewhat thin, sandy-colored beard. He is wearing some kind of shirt or jacket, I think, with words on the back. He has a kind of archaeologist feel to him, a bit of a cross between a couple of archaeologists I know in waking life and “Nigel” from the Jumanji movie. “Are you my dream guide?” I ask. “Yes, I guess so,” he replies. My memory is a bit fuzzy here, and I might lose lucidity for a bit. I have a couple of business cards that I try to fish out of my pocket and give to him. He is looking for a site to do some archaeological work, and seems interested in a place where I worked once. I seem to regain some lucidity, I think I want the guide to teach me something. He responds by pushing me down a set of stairs. I get the feeling that there is something he wants me to learn on my own, and at this point he isn’t going to help me (at least in a micro-managing sort of way). I remember thinking that he got me out of somewhere (a backrooms type situation, or something). Now I’m in a basement area. I seem to lose lucidity again. Someone is messing with an explosive – there is some chemical that makes people do weird things. I try to hide (with someone else?) while he sets off the explosive. Then there is something about going back in time, or trying again, to stop him. The solution is not to do something with the match as the man tries to light it. This makes him try to light it with a match that isn’t working as well (otherwise he would just start rubbing the now wood with his hand until it caught fire). Then I am able to stop him, although I think his hand and arm now look like a glowing, charred piece of wood. There is a large freezer nearby, and we go in. There is some conversation about whether or not I remember smells and such (maybe – the memory is kind of fuzzy). He seems to be hallucinating. He is also a reflection in a large mirror now, and is naked. I take the mirror out of the freezer, and out to where the burning stuff was. I think maybe the transition from the cold to the heat might cause the glass to crack, which it does. I think I drop the mirror. It falls backwards to the ground, and shatters. I worry that this might have been the only way to access my dream guide, but someone nearby says something about that not being the case. Elaboration on the Child-Man-Apes There were some people, possibly scientists. Actually, Charles Darwin might have been there. I get the idea that they may have been discussing evolution. They were going to do some test with an ape, involving it putting boards/shingles up against the wall of a cabin. I seem to be involved in some way. I think the ape attacks me. It is as though I've done something wrong, and as a consequence I'm now under attack not only by the ape, but by four creatures. These creatures look like a cross between large children, or sickly adults, and chimpanzees. They come after me, trying to bite at me. I seem to recall the thought of their teeth biting me was specifically repulsive. I think I go hide somewhere, also trying to sleep, possibly. But there is still that creepy thought that the creatures will find me. This might be where I come across the guitar dog - which is a sort of cross between a guitar and a dog. I really like this dog, and lay there petting it. It has some weird gelatinous thing lining the outside of its stomach. This eventually becomes a machine, I think, about the size of an automobile and with a couple doll-like pieces. I treat this like it is living. When I turn around and go back to where I had been laying, it moves away on its own and starts off down the street. I chase after, worrying that it might hurt someone. It does, in fact, wreck. When I show up to the scene, it appears that it has injured some small deer or rabbit-like things. I feel responsible for putting them out of their misery, and have a shotgun with me. I don't want to, but I feel like I should put them down. I try to catch, them, and go into a barn looking for them. This leads into the dream above...
Updated 02-28-2023 at 06:23 AM by 97618
12.12.2022 Familiar location, walking, and Dr. Loveless (or is it?) Walking through the parking lot of a grocery store in the town where my Grandparents used to live. There is a strange car parked in the parking lot, with beetle-like horns in the front and a big spiky tail in the back. My nephew is almost hit with this car, or else almost walks into it. We walk to the other side of the parking lot and down the hill a bit. The hillside in front of the store is partially grown up, and partially covered with daisies. I think it might have been in the process of being mowed. It seems to be the hillside, but in the past. There is a clue to how long ago this was in the fact that my second cousin, who is in his 20s now, was younger at this time. Across the street from this hillside is a body of water, like a small lake. As I look at the road going between the hillside and the lake, I realize that this looks like I location that I dreamed about recently and wonder if this might have been what inspired that dream. There is also a little park with trees across the street. It seems that there used to be a small fair, or open-air market, or such there. We walk along a nearby path. There is a large drain at the edge of the water. There is also a place where the path seems to cross over the water a little. There is trash in the water, and I think I might even add to the trash by throwing something else in. My parents walk ahead for a little distance, and then come back. They are concerned about someone up ahead. As we walk farther, we find that there is a weird little kid, or small man, with some strange shooting device. There is a bridge going across some water, and he sits under this bridge with his gun aimed at us. Then he starts shooting tennis balls at some kids in a boat race. It hits them in the face and think causes some swelling, but they don’t seem to be too badly hurt. On closer inspection, we find that this strange little kid is actually a midget. He doesn’t look too familiar, but we suspect that it might be Dr. Loveless from The Wild Wild West. By now this might actually be an episode of that show. There is something about a woman giving directions over a cell phone... ...A snippet of a memory about someone being taped down on the roof of something (a train or truck, maybe) and someone else being taped on top of them... Trash, robots, and tomatoes I wake up beside a trash incinerator. From where I am laying (outside) I can see murals painted on the buildings nearby. There is the phrase “all things to all men” in my mind, referring to a woman who was an actress. There is a painting I’m looking at that is supposed to have something to do with womens’ health. It is a big circle, kind of like a government logo or something, which has a big cloud (which looks like a dark cloud of pollution) and one or two other things. I wonder what these things might mean. Then I get up. Mom is nearby. I say hi to her. There is a trash theme at this point, and I see what looks at first like a man made of trash. He turns out to be a trash robot. I think there might be another one nearby, possibly serving my mother in some way. I think something about how robots are becoming common now. There is a website that has to do with robots. Possibly something where I’m just looking at pictures of robots, but then it seems to become a familiar AI companion site or something. But then I’m walking into a Lego robot store. There is a little Lego robot attacking a button on the cuff of my right sleeve, like a playful dog might do. It chomps on it and gnaws at it. I walk into another room where my mother is doing something. Then it seems that this robot is indicating a place on one of my knuckles where there is a small injury – kind of like a cut. There is now another girl with us. We decide that I need to go to the doctor to have this injury looked at, although I’m kind of embarrassed to seem weak in front of this girl. My brother shows up now, too. There is something about weeds. There are a lot of weeds where we are, and we start blaming each other for letting the weeds grow up. He had mowed there earlier on, and then I mowed later. Meanwhile, we are cleaning up tomato plants. The injury is now more like an open wound, and is in my leg instead of on my knuckle. We start throwing tomatoes at each other. At one point some tomato stuff gets smeared into the wound. Doctors, dogs, and the TARDIS Someone comes walking into a room. He seems to be familiar, and on closer inspection we find that it is the 5th Doctor from the original Dr. Who series. He has kind of scruffy facial hair though, and seems to have a false nose. At least one other Doctor, and possibly more, show up, from different regenerations. Each of them has a dog with them. I go up to one of them – an earlier Doctor with an earlier dog companion. I start petting the dog, wondering if it still remembers me after all this time. I might be one of the Doctors myself. There is an interaction between two of the Doctors – an older one and a newer one. The newer one wants the older one to do something for him. It seems that the older Doctor is reluctant to do whatever it is. The newer Doctor decides to put some pressure on the older and starts messing with his TARDIS. This involves pulling out some wires and messing with a strange beam (like a weaving beam). The result is that the older Doctor, who had a deep base voice, now has a high pitched voice. The older Doctor gives in (or at least acts like he does), but makes the newer Doctor reset his voice first. The newer Doctor complies, although at first he overshoots and makes the voice too low. But in the end he fixes the older Doctor’s voice. University Lucid Walking along a sidewalk near my undergraduate university. Waiting for the light to change so that I can cross the street. There are some other students around. I walk into the student center building, and when I’m there it occurs to me that I’m dreaming. I do a nose pinch RC to be sure, and can still breathe. There are some beams set into the ceiling at regular intervals, and I think I float up to these and use them to pull myself along as though I were climbing a ladder horizontally. I look over at some people nearby to see what their reaction is, but I don’t think they notice me. Spying, ape woman, shackles I’m some kind of spy. I start walking into a building, where I am greeted by a woman. There might have been some sinister plot going on. I think there is also something about me being muddy, and not wanting to leave muddy footprints on the floor. I make an excuse to turn around and go back out, saying that I left something just outside. I go back outside and walk a little to the left. I do something where I go around a corner so that I’m out of sight, but also they can see me appearing to talk with someone and pet a dog. I pretend to be interested in looking down a drain grate, as though looking for a hidden message. Then I walk back to the place I was going into, smugly thinking that now the antagonists will be expecting messages to be deposited there and will be thrown off (this might have led into the ape dream above. Not sure). An ape thing chasing me or someone around. I think it was an ape woman. We run into a room and shut the door. Something about another woman I believe. She’s 19 or 21, and she is interested in an older guy. At least for the moment... ...Something about being shackled to something, but it’s like a game because I’m trying to get other people to play by the rules. A part of the system holding us shackled isn’t even functional, we’re just pretending that it is. Fragments: (1) The bottom part of a snowman, sitting on top of a fence or something. I end up smashing it or knocking it over, or something. (Winter Theme!!) (2) My cousin is starting a new school. He is trying to decide on school colors. I think he ends up choosing either red and blue or red and green. The school is across the street from a big lake (like one of the North American Great Lakes). He has a set of three flagpoles in front of the school, and I think there is a joking suggestion made that he should fly the Confederate flag from one of them. I, or at least my vision, move down the coastline a bit and see a large ship or pier just off of the coast. It looks like a place I have dreamed about at least once before. (3) Redecorating my apartment. I have a poster of Narnia, and in the dream am trying to decide where to put it. (4) Outside, there are some posts and caution tape placed around, as though the utility company had been marking something out. Someone mentions, I think, that at least some of the posts, or flags, are in the wrong place. But we are in the process of moving. I still have a lot of things in my room that I haven’t packed up. My mother, I think, is kind of impatient to move, but I want to get these things packed up. At least the books. I might get angry and swear somewhere around here (which I don’t do in waking life anymore). (5) Someone is being chased on a mountain. There might be a couple of them, actually. It seems like they are on horses, but one guy suddenly hops on a 4X4 and goes speeding over the peak of the mountain and down the other side. The mountain is kind of blocky, like something from Minecraft. At least one of his pursuers is on skis though, and can make some decent speed down the snowy part of the mountain. There is a narrator, like a sports commentator, saying something like “he is determined not to let Sam go”. It might have been Sam Gamgee that was being chased. The following might have been part of dreams listed above, so I won’t count them for the competition score: (i) My Uncle talking with a fellow student of mine about growing up in E.L. Later I’m asking this student if he talked to my Uncle about living there. My Grandmother is around too, and when this student mentions a name of someone he knew my Grandmother starts talking about that person, having apparently known them as well (but this might have been part of the “spy” dream above, so I won’t count it for the competition). (ii) I wake up in the future. Or else I think about waking up in the future and expect to see futuristic things, but don’t. In a building like the student center above (maybe a false awakening from the lucid)
12.9.2022 Pizza Problems I go to a pizza place, I think. While I’m there, it is noticed that a dog has urinated on the floor near someone’s chair. I go to clean this up. This process seems to take longer than anticipated, and I’m at the pizza shop longer than I meant to be. I think my Mother eventually shows up, and is not particularly happy that I have been taking so long and didn’t get in touch with her. She might have even tried to call me and I didn’t answer. She says something to me like “does the number [her phone number] mean anything to you?”, sarcastically getting after me for either not answering her call or for not calling her to tell her that I was going to be late. I think I try to defend myself in some way. Fragments: (1) A “mummy”. A guy that looks normal, and probably attractive to women, but he turns into a mummy and/or zombie kind of thing. He also gets really mean, I think. There is a woman. For some reason, he catches her, ties her up, and hangs her from a tree. He might wrap her in some kind of animal skin, too. There is a bear, or some other vicious creature around. I think the man is enticing the animal to attack the woman. There is a skunk involved somehow. (2) There are two people walking down a street. Something about money, I think. One guy pulls some money out? Somehow, it is related to a guy having a pair of pants under another pair of pants, and pulling the other pair out.
Killer Whales Walking along a beach. There are lots of people around, apparently getting ready for a festival. It is like a regatta, with lots of boats, but apparently there are killer whales involved. I think the boats are going out to fish for the whales, or something. There is a ring of buoys marking off an area near the shore, beyond which are the boats, I think. I wonder if the buoys are marking off a safe place for people to swim. People are out in the water, some of them swimming after the boats. I think to myself that I wouldn’t want to be out there among the killer whales... I feel like the following was a separate dream from "Killer Whales", but since I'm not sure and the setting is similar I will only count this as one dream for the competition. Walking along a beach with my brother. We are in Florida, or some place. We are also naked. There might be more than the two of us. There is something about the sand – I might be noticing how nice the sand feels on my feet or something. We come across a rock outcropping that we start to climb. Some other people are walking along the beach, and I hope to climb far enough up that they won’t notice that I’m naked. I get up to a high spot, but then get kind of nervous about being up so high and climb down a little. The dream transitions into a third person account of people on a climbing trip. They are climbing back down, but in order to do so properly they are supposed to trust their guide to lift them part of the way down. The rock outcropping seems more like a house at this point. Aunt J’s At Aunt J’s. My family is there. This might have been related to an earlier part in which I’m with the family in a hotel (for the sake of this account I’ll assume that it was). We are in this hotel place, at breakfast. The family is sitting around the table, and I go to get some food. There is also some coffee available, in carafes in a separate nook...At some point I decide to walk over to my cousin’s house. At about the same time as I walk in, she comes in another door. I think she might be a little disturbed to find me prowling around the house while she was gone, so I explain that I just walked in. After a bit of talking, I learn that her three dogs (which she doesn’t have in waking life) have gone missing. We aren’t too worried, it just seems like they went outside and haven’t come back yet. We go out and I think I call for the dogs. At this point, either her dogs come back or someone else’s dog comes running in. There is something about the dog seeming vicious, but me trying to get along with it. Then the dream changes into a couple of people including myself carrying heavy doors into a garage. Two of them carry a set of two doors, and I carry one by myself, playfully bragging about being able to do it on my own. I think one of the other two people is my brother, who makes some kind of retort. At Aunt J’s, I think. I go upstairs to use the bathroom. For some reason I’m there for longer than I want to be – I think people have come back from somewhere and I’m concerned about seeming to be in the bathroom so long (or something). Anyway, I go to get dressed and go downstairs. There is a bit of trouble standing up somehow, involving pulling myself up by a railing and getting urine on a towel or something. Then when I pull my pants up and start going downstairs I find that I had a large bag of loose-leaf tea in my pants that has ripped open. The tea leaves are spilling out and making a mess, further delaying me from going downstairs to see the people who have come along. At some point a girl I know is talking about coming back to the other place with us to spend the night. Not sure if this was the same dream or a different dream: At Aunt J’s? There is a device that someone (my grandfather?) is using to siphon water into a jar for me to take with me when I go somewhere. They fill the jar with water, and another jar (at least, another jar comes from somewhere). We put these into a plastic bag along with some other items, and now I have the challenge of carrying the bag without spilling the water. Restroom privacy issues Going to a public restroom. I’m in one stall, but people keep coming into the restroom and for some reason that bothers me so I decide to find a different stall. There is one a couple of stalls down. I walk into this one. It is fairly large. At first I notice a mannequin set up inside the door, which is positioned so that it’s staring at the toilet. I guess that’s OK. But then I notice that there is a security guard sitting next to the toilet, along with a kid (his son, I think). I don’t really want these people watching me while I use the toilet, so I give up. Fragment A chipmunk or a small squirrel in my kitchen.
All the dreams this week weren't good. Jamie 1 Jamie seemed mad at me. Telling me she's never going to talk to me again... I think I always knew that deep down. But one can hope. Jamie 2 Some nights later Dreamed I saw her at a bar but she was avoiding me. Map I'm looking at map of where I live. There's a road east and west. South is Lethbridge. Under my town is shaded dark red. above the down is a lighter red. There are words describing each shaded region but I forget what. There is an icon on the east end of town it is a face of a native american with a red bandana. He looks sinister and the dream implies he's cursed this region. (IWL, It has been snowy and icy and I have called in at work too much not wanting to drive these roads. This dream was a day before the snowfall, Felt that the drean predicted this???) Don't drive One one of the days I was going to go to work (but called in anyway) I had a series of dreams of dogs biting me and people fighting me. Dream 1 I was in my house and a bunch of dogs that looked like my dog were trying to bite me. I had a razor and cut on of the dogs legs. It yelped and started bleeding everywhere on it's hind leg. Asuka and maybe data were there I asked them for a rage and something to tie it with to stop the bleeding. Dream 2 Someone was on the front end of my house with a gun. I was in a garage behind a white van. I got a peek at the intruder and aimed my pistol or something at him. I shot him and it hit. Dream 3 I was fighting someone on stairs. It was Gary, a friend from childhood who ignores me now. I Was hitting him with some pole and he stopped trying to fight me after he fell down the stairs. I asked, "Are you done?" He said, "Yes." I asked him "Why don't you talk to us anymore?" He looked shocked. I said, "I don't even do drugs or drink hardly at all." And he still looked shocked and seemed to be considering what I was saying. Then I woke up. After I woke up I found that the rods that were clear before were snowy and icy again... Dark Hogwarts I was getting off the Hogwarts express with a bunch of children in cloaks. I was young like them. Everything was so dark even with the lights, it was nightime nd I couldn't see much. I saw the Cone shapes of the tops of the Hogwarts towers as I was walking along but coult still barely see them.
I am in Dream-Prague with Saimi, showing her some parts of the city I like. She and I have both just recently arrived there, although it seems as if we’re here for entirely different reasons, and the visits just happened to coincide. We seem to be in the northwest region of the city. The place I’m showing her now is one that not many people know about, a neighborhood of winding streets on a hill, neat rows of houses on either side of the streets – a quiet, peaceful place. The houses are covered with what look like enormous cobwebs, large enough to completely cover most of the roofs. I tell Saimi that in the early morning, when it’s misty, they shine like silver. We then head down to the tram stop together. This, unlike the webbed streets, is a location that’s familiar to me from a previous iteration of Dream-Prague, although it doesn’t correspond to any waking-life location. On that occasion, the whole area had a much rougher vibe and was also undergoing construction. Perhaps with this in mind, I pull out my cell phone to show Saimi a couple pictures of how it used to look. I input the password first, which isn’t my waking-life password. This one is also six digits long, and the numbers signify a personally important date – there’s a charged quality to the memories the date pulls along with it. The date is December 22, I think (although I can’t remember the year now, or precisely what the date’s significance was). When I find the pictures, I notice strings of triangular orange flags in some of them, which tells me that I must have taken them during the protests. The wait at the tram stop is rather long (justified in-dream, I think, by it being a weekend). There’s a whole little scene here with a man who’s decided to teach his dog another song (it already knows two). It’s a large dog, but friendly: it puts its paws on me, almost knocking me over. The song he’s chosen is one of those old, popular ones most people know: it has kind of a jazz standard feel to it, lots of seventh chords and a melancholy tone. The lyrics are in German. I don’t remember what all of them are, though, and nobody there seems to know them all offhand, so I get my phone back out to look them up. While I do, a man in a red shirt sings a version of them in English – although I have the impression he only remembers about half of them and is making the rest up as he goes, and he also starts at the chorus for some reason. Once the tram arrives, I get my ticket punched – I just have a one-use one since I haven’t been here long. The tram heads straight east, neither turning or changing height so that, as the ground level falls, we’re positioned high enough to see most of the city from above. I look out over it. I’m glad to be back here, and I’m already looking forward to walking around all these places again. Eventually, the landscape changes. We now seem to be going through a park, which is also familiar to me. I’m puzzled at first – I don’t remember the tram going here. But I do remember seeing the tracks back when I worked in this place, and so it does make sense that it would go here. The plot seems to have changed now, with the dream partly drawing on memories of the old wildlife hospital, a different time and place. I still used to work here, although in the dream, it seems to be mostly a long-time crew instead of short-term volunteers. It seems as if this iteration also suffers from financial issues and is staffed at about half the level it should be to run it properly. This is currently relevant since the people on the tram are now coming to work here as well, which brings it about to where it should be – in fact, it seems as if I’m taking them here for that purpose. As we walk through the park, I lead the way. I find everybody together out back behind a building, where they're seated in rows on the ground. As I walk between the rows, I happen to glance down at my own legs and notice I’m wearing brown leather sandals and khaki pants that are cut off at the knee. Not far off is the man who’s in charge of this place, who’s grateful to have so many people coming. There’s a sense that there was once some kind of past tension between us that was wrapped up in why I left, and he’d since come to recognize was his fault. But that all seems to be over now. There’s conversation now, and something about a ceremony that’s going to take place soon, where Rae, NC and KD’s daughter, will break a staff in two and then remake it. 3.7.21