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    1. cookies in class

      by , 01-16-2025 at 03:04 PM
      So i was at school sitting in history and i think the teacher brought them or i did but i don't exactly remember it was probably the teacher but anyway, i took a handful. now they were either oreos, chocolate chip, or both but i handed them out to the class and later on in the dream i was sitting at this table in that same room but this table was not here earlier so it kind of just came out of no where but i was sitting with a group of people they were different people than the ones i handed out cookies to and we were just talking having a conversation
      Tags: party, school
    2. Night of Friday 1/19/24 (Comp Night 14: Final, WBTB DILD)

      by , 01-20-2024 at 06:07 PM (Dreamlog)
      Party Memories:
      I'm at a wedding party, but I don't know whose it is.
      The party is being held at an outdoor venue, and it looks like a mixture of IM's (from the Tots) and MM's (from highschool) backyards.
      It's night-time, and there is a hot tub on my right. I see BY from highschool in a full suit, and wonder if he got the memo that this was supposed to be casual.
      There is a sliding door on the left, and it goes into the sitting room from my previous home.
      I set up an area there, sort of "my spot" where I can feel less socially awkward, and gather up the people I know at the party.
      I'm in a local bar called Cornish Pasty. I'm sitting at the bar with MW from highschool.
      We're sitting where I sat a few months back with JV in waking life.
      He's there because I am getting married soon.
      MW tells me that there might be something in the mail for me, implying he's bought one of the wedding registry items.
      I'm feeling awkward, looking for a conversation topic, when I remember that I was at his wedding party recently.
      I bring it up, and he remarks how drunk everybody was, and how we are all singing.
      I tell him I remember that, but I don't.

      I'm waking up in my bed, and I remember that I had just returned to sleep from my 6hr/20m WBTB.
      I do a nose reality check and I can breathe.
      I'm dreaming.
      I'm in bed, but I can't move. I try to blink-teleport, imagining that if I can just change the dream scene I'll regain my movement naturally.
      So, I close my eyes and imagine a vast blue ocean.
      I open my eyes.
      Nothing changes, still stuck.
      The dream fades and I wake briefly.

      Loki and Oreo:
      I false awake into my bed again, knowing to reality check.
      I'm lucid again, but still can't move.
      This time I try something else. I imagine my old Doberman Loki (rest is peace, he was the best boy).
      The idea is that he will jostle the bed enough to kick my body into gear.
      I call for him "Loki! Are you here?" and he comes bounding into the bedroom and jumps into the bed.
      He, of course, lays down next to me because he always was a big lazy boy.
      He looks up at me, inquisitive as ever with his dopey eyes and large snoot. He looks so real. I laugh, and wonder if my girlfriend can hear me laughing in waking life (I asked later, she could not).
      My plan worked, when Loki jumped on me, that was enough to give me my movement back.
      I looked back down, and now Loki had changed into a different childhood pet.
      My longhair black and white cat, Oreo (also rest in peace, she was top-gangsta thug).
      I get out of bed and say "C'mon! Let's go!" and Oreo gracefully leaps off the bed to follow me.
      I see her characteristic "gangsta-prowl" as she moves and marvel at how well my brain is recreating my old pets.
      Finally I leave the bedroom and realize that I should stabilize the dream soon, worried that it might fade.
      The dream is a near-perfect recreation of my house, but it has blue hue to it.
      Otherwise, the best way I can describe it is "thin". I think to myself, maybe I am low on REM sleep.
      I start to narrate what I am doing as I do it "I'm walking in my hallway, I'm stabilizing the dream, I'm touching the walls..."
      It occurs to me that I need to spend less time in my own head, or the dream is going to fade.
      I make a concerted effort to engage with the environment, and not internalize too much.
      As is tradition at this point, I lick the wall to help stabilize. It tastes like wall.
      All this seems to help a bit, but I believe that I was simply low on REM, so the dream was going to be unstable no matter what.
      Then I remember that it was the last night of competition, and I had defined some goals.
      I recall my first goal of the three-step is to "summon" and then "ask for advice" so I go to summon Jordan Peterson.
      But wait, I changed my mind earlier on the plan. I struggle to remember, but then I do.
      During my WBTB 20 minutes, I decided instead that I would summon Daniel Love, because he would be able to assist me with a teleport.
      I start to imagine Daniel Love in my house. I call out to him "Daniel! Are you here? Daniel?"
      For a moment, no response.
      But then a head pops out from behind a door down the hallway on the right, where the bathroom is.
      "Yeah yeah I'm here!" he says, a bit flustered.
      But, before I can ask him for advice on teleporting, the dream fades out.

      Updated 01-25-2024 at 03:55 PM by 99808

      false awakening , lucid
    3. CN13- sky lights, filthy bathroom, tree mission, etc

      by , 01-20-2024 at 03:55 AM
      I was on some floating platform with my father, a sheet of ice I think. There were some of those pretty aura things in the sky and he was pointing them out to me, but I fell off the ice. It had drifted away a bit so I started swimming for it. I noticed my boots were really loose on my feet, one of them fell off, but it floated up to the surface. I grabbed it and thought about how awesome it was.

      I was in some sort of hotel like place, I went into a room which turned out to be a bathroom. I was assaulted by a piss smell so strong I almost fell over. I looked at the floor, it was plain cement almost completely covered with puddles, some fresh, most had dried into a crust. My father just walked in and used it like normal, I hesitantly walked into the room. My foot slipped forward and I fell on my back. The only thing worse than the liquid soaking my whole back was the crust I could feel with my hands, it was sticky and oily. I got up and started going to the sink to rinse out my clothes.

      I was in a dark warehouse like building, there was a hole in the ceiling and a few feet of water on the floor. I was on a sort of mission, I had to go into a room. I felt a slight sense of danger so I went under the surface and hid behind a box. I watched around the corner, and when I decided it was safe I made my way to the hall. It had a warm relaxing lighting and a luxurious red carpet. There were a couple robots at the end guarding a plastic door like the ones in the back of a grocery store. I was trying to come up with some complicated plan to get past them, and I decided to just make a run for it. I ran down the hall, they didn't shoot, but there was another set of doors to my left so I dove in. I then saw a giant ball fall and start rolling towards me. Fortunately there was a cement pole thing like the ones in front of walmart, so I flattened myself behind it and the ball rolled past me. I went back into the hall and just walked into the main doors. I walked down a giant mansion room. I then realized I passed my target. I pulled up a map of the room. I was a pink arrow and there were a bunch of yellow dots behind me, one smaller than the others. I walked back to look for who it could be, I noticed a ring of light on the ground. I stepped on it, and trees sprouted out of the floor which I thought I was measuring for some reason, I then saw pillars of light flash over them once.

      I was in a suburb with red rocky mountains in the distance. There was a small boy with me and he started playing with a wolf, so some guy with a clipboard started scribbling things down and muttering to himself. I looked at one of the mountains which had a bunch of houses carved into it and tried to remember when I had seen it before. I came to the conclusion that it was one of the mountains on the road to flagstaff. There was a helicopter noise, I looked behind me and there was a white and red helicopter, but it looked wrong, It was more rectangular than it should have been, and a lot of the parts looked like inflatable pool toys. I was right, as it touched the ground, the helicopter parts deflated and disappeared, leaving some camo print rv. I went to investigate, the back was open and there was some middle aged guy with a bunch of kids lined up in the vehicle. He cheerfully greeted me,"I got ten drunk kids in here!" I decided that the best response was 'Make that eleven!' and I walked into the back and he handed me what appeared to be a white gatorade. I forgot about my drink and punched the ceiling in excitement, leaving a small dent. He told me I'd get something special if I did some real damage, so I punched harder and left a hole. I was then standing in the center, and water pushed me up like some sort of park ride. I failed to punch the ceiling a third time, and was then slowly let to the ground. I then stood in a group at the back and watched another kid get shoved into the air. I walked outside where they had two picnic tables. There was a bunch of food on them, I saw a box of french fries, so I grabbed one and the bottom was covered in black grease. After I ate the worst fry of my life, I walked to the other side of the table and started eating off a plate that had refried beans and some green stuff I assumed was spinich. My grandfather sat next to me and we started a conversation on some service or something to do with housing and why it wasn't communism.

      total -5
      comp total-69.5[/COLOR]
    4. Night of Friday 1/12/24 (Comp Night 7)

      by , 01-13-2024 at 06:30 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm Mary Poppins Ya'll:
      I'm in an outdoor space, a large field. There are several long banquet tables extending out into the distance.
      Between some of the tables, there is a man demonstrating a flying device.
      It's an umbrella that allows free-flight.
      Later I'm seated near the head of one of the tables with my coworker C and my friend H from the Tots.
      I'm got the umbrella and I've taken off. High into the sky.
      I feel uneasy knowing that the only thing keeping me from certain death is my grip on the handle.
      But I get more comfortable with it over time, taking more and more risky angles by maneuvering the handle.
      I go out of my way to make sure that the other attendees at the party can see me by gliding close to the other tables.
      Eventually I return to my table. As I approach, C, challenges me to land the tip of the handle on a small plate.
      I achieve that and return to my seat.
      I wake up somewhere that I don't recognize. My Mom comes into the room from a door in front of me.
      I tell her all about my flying umbrella dream.
      There's a CPAP machine next to me, and she is wanting the pipe part off of it.
      This device is somehow now identified as the one that will allow free-flight.
      I give it up freely, knowing that I have another one I can use.

      Showing off my new flying umbrella. Made with ChatGPT 4.

      Updated 01-13-2024 at 08:37 PM by 99808

    5. January 13, 2024 11:?? am

      by , 01-13-2024 at 01:26 PM
      I was dreaming that I was at some gathering, and this black fashion dude who vaguely resembles this dancer-model I know got this purple streetwear outfit in the mail which he showed to me, the white and purple patterns suiting him.

      It might have been a house party or something where we were, but for whatever reason my mom showed up. When I saw her, I randomly pulled out my customer service voice asking her if she needed anything, pretending not to know who she was and we went to a different room where I talked about how embarrassed I was that she was there, bringing up this random memory from when she took me to her friend's daughter's birthday party in 2009 and I just sat there crying because I didn't want to be there.

      She then left and I sat by myself, contemplating what just happened, and started crying, my mom then appeared again to comfort me. I apologised and told her I feel bad about moving to a different country sometimes because I'm so far away from everyone.

      Then I woke up.
      I miss my family and my mom
    6. Disjointed Fragments

      by , 09-14-2023 at 04:30 AM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm with a coworker who is describing to a manager how he set up a mock plane in the air in a warehouse to mimic shooting down into targets below. It had all sorts of cables attached to pull it off. Later, I'm doing some assistant work at an airport where I'm waiting for a lady to write down the names of all the passengers. She calls out my name when she's done and I glance over the paper. I find it strange that there are so few names listed, only 20 or so, and that they are written in different colors. Later, I'm with a bunch of people at a little house having a party. It's after everyone's been drinking quite a bit and people start puking. I find my way outside and do the same in some bushes off to the side.
    7. Work Party DILD

      by , 09-04-2023 at 07:21 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I found myself at my workplace. I was going through the department till I saw a familiar person with his back facing towards me. I looked at his hair and the way he was behaving as I got closer and realized I knew him. It was a co-worker I knew from my last job and this was one of my biggest fears. He then turned around and greeted me saying "Hey it's me, it's good to see you again"

      I was shocked, couldn't believe it and it didn't make sense to me at all. I immediately began thinking about who gave him the opportunity to work here. I looked at him and said "No screw this". "This has to be a dream, I can't believe this is happening and I don't even remember driving here and why is it in the afternoon already?"

      I must be dreaming as I gain lucidity for a brief moment. That's when all the other co-workers came to celebrate his new position as my captain. They all started acting like they were going to throw a party for his honor. As he approached me saying "It looks like we'll be working again" I lost my lucidity as the dream scene changed right after.
      Tags: party, work
      lucid , non-lucid
    8. July 2, 2023 12:00 PM

      by , 07-02-2023 at 11:36 AM
      I met on online friend last night and went partying and clubbing with him and his friends, it was a wonderful evening and I had a great day, came home around 7 am and fell asleep almost immediately

      In my dream, I meet a random celebrity and get to join him on his "premiere tour" for the night, they go to random openings of locations and then sit at a table at the back of the venue for a while until the next one comes by. At some point they get the venue and tell me it's at the station called "pizza" I ask them if I should get on the underground on my way there but they telling me I should take the "Louvre tram"

      I then slowly wake up still tired, but rested enough to no longer sleep (hungover lol)
    9. Night of Sunday 5/28/23

      by , 05-31-2023 at 09:43 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm coming off of about 2 months break from journaling to record this dream and more moving forward, since Summer Comp is about to begin

      Cold Visit
      I'm at my sister's apartment, but I'm not welcome. There is a party happening with video games on the main living room TV. There are a lot of people there easily crowding the tiny apartment. Nobody explicitly tells me so, but I know that I've shown up uninvited. Some time later I'm walking outside to see N. It's night and winter-time. The scene reminds me of my brother's college campus from years ago. Snow is falling and it looks pretty against the street lamps. I don't feel cold, though. He's upset with me which reminds me of the last time we spoke in waking life. He seems to have cooled a bit since that discussion, but the result of the discussion is the same as before. Progress isn't made.

      Updated 05-31-2023 at 09:44 PM by 99808 (Color code)

      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Teaching Control to Another Dreamer

      by , 04-14-2023 at 03:49 PM

      Updated 09-27-2024 at 05:11 AM by 99032

    11. March 25, 2023 ?:?? am

      by , 03-25-2023 at 07:50 PM
      Black void with nothing but a cigarette floating in the center and experience burning pain in my lungs.

      I've never smoked in my life, by the way.

      Possible backstory, I went to the club the day prior from 11 pm until 5 am and was awake for 24 hours at some point as I wake up at 5:30 for work. The club bad people smoking indoors and I was also hanging out outside where people occasionally smoked, sometimes the smoke blew in my direction so I probably accidentally inhaled some of it.

      And I have been coughing all week, it wasn't anything new.

      idk my dreams have been a little boring lately, or just dreamless as a whole.
      A few days ago I woke up and couldn't even remember going to sleep, it was just a long vague hazy blur before my alarm clock went off.
      My other dreams have been about my job, boring 9-5 stuff.
    12. Surprise Bonus Cat (Friday Night)

      by , 03-04-2023 at 04:56 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm happy, but also jealous that my GF got a 20K bonus. I question my current employment situation.

      I'm at a surprise party that looks like Grandma M's apartment. My friend SG is there and she seems excited to see me. She's brought some friends of hers that I don't recognize. There's somebody else there who has a cat on his shoulder. He makes a big show of how the cat is clawing onto his back and isn't jumping off. I make eye contact with the cat, and it decides that I am the next place to sit. It comes over to my shoulder. The table is set to play a monopoly-like game.

      I'm watching some porn and my brother A catches me. This situation is embarrassing, but I own it as best I can.

      Updated 03-08-2023 at 05:32 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. 15 Jan: Leaving a party in an island and running away from my creep dad

      by , 01-15-2023 at 09:23 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At some party with lots of people from many places. It's fancy but also in some desolate location in some ruins. I get tired and get out of there, to realize we're in an island. I ask someone what time is it and they say 2 am. I say that's not possible. They reply is the jet lag, that's why I am not sleepy. But that is not my issue, my issue is that outside it looks early morning, with sunlight. I encounter some familiar faces and they ask me if I am joining them leaving this place. I agree, because I know nobody else and don't know where I am. So they walk me to a dock and then some small row boats come and get us.
      Then we're taking a trip by bus once on land again. Still not recognizing the place as the night falls. Then I recognize the sillouette of Las Vegas in the dark, despite all the city lights being turned off. I just recognize some of the iconic shapes in the dark, like the Sphinx and the Eiffel Tower replicas. When it is day again we stop at a large mall so we can eat or buy anything and stretch our legs. For some reason I encounter my father, who apparently was looking for me and traced me back here. His behavior immediately throws me off as he starts asking questions and making innuendos that I don't even understand. I ignore him for a while and I evade his questions, but allow him to follow me around as I look at the shops for fun. I am wearing a long skirt and a corset and he touches the strings on the back of my corset, asking what happens if he pulls the strings off. I am starting to feel really uncomfortable and tell him to stop. Then I look at beautifful dresses and he asks something like who I am going to wear them for. I say I don't even know what he is talking about. Then we pass by a section of lingerie, to which I don't even look at, but he starts asking if I like this item and that item, all very girly pieces with fruits stamped and not exactly for my age as if he is signaling he wants me to be his little girl again. I tell him he is sick and disgusting and I have had enough. He plays dumb. But I tell him I know his mind, I know he is sexually attracted to me and jealous that I grew up and might get a boyfriend (I say I still haven't had one, but if I did that was none of his business). He looks embarassed and doesn't deny it. I call him all the names I ever wanted to call him and move on, through a pastry shop and then a jewel shop. He still follows me and then tells me to wait while he goes check on the bus we have to take home. I do sit in a bench thinking about what to do next, but I have no intention to join him. Billie Eilish is playing on speakers and I start singing along, and so do other teens around who smile at me. Some even start doing a coreography and I am really impressed. Then some guy I know vaguely from school also sits on the bench and he is the one recognizing me first and asks me about what I am doing here. He offers me a ride with his friends that are coming. I accept but still I feel bad for leaving my dad alone, worrying he might get lost looking for me, despite all.

      [Note: My dad was a bit of creep all my life and I do have reasons to feel some disgust and anger towards him, but some of the dreams I have been having are a bit too much, because I don't recall him actually abusing me or saying stuff like he says in my dreams. This is disturbing stuff.)
    14. 22 Oct: Meeting Nighthawk at a party and we get down to business

      by , 10-22-2022 at 08:13 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Meeting Nighthawk at some party at a friends' place. We end up alone in a room and when I am sure no one is coming and the ice isn't breaking, I approach him and decidedly show him my desire to kiss him. He resists, saying he can't or mustn't, but I insist. He clearly wants it to, but he claims that if he caves in, his desire will become violent and uncontrollable and it won't be possible to turn around. I say I don't care, so we start kissing and unzipping our pants and we... fuck. It is very detailed and graphic, like at some point we talk about how deep he is in and I say he could be more. So, NSFW content... Then some nosy kid enters the room accidentally and sees us. We ask him not to say a word to anyone and he swears he won't, but we know he is going right away to tell everyone and soon a bunch of people will barge in this room, so we quickly zip our pants back and we run out of the room to avoid that embarassment.
    15. 25 Aug: Helping a victim of revenge porn and attending a school reunion

      by , 08-25-2022 at 08:46 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      A family friend comes ask for help. Their kid is being victim of revenge porn: some guys took got of her topless and there is a video and her data posted on a porn website. I take the case to a friend who is both a detective and a hacker and he assures me he can take it down. I am relieved because I wasn't sure if it was possible. I tell the good news to the family and they are overjoyed. They offer us a place to stay while my friend sorts this out. In the process, we find other women in the same situation and we help them.

      There is gonna be a school reunion party and I am at the venue to help out with the preparations a few days in advance. I find a vending machine that is broken and giving 10x more money than what we put in. I start mining it and others who find out feel it's disonest and judge me, but I don't care. At the day of the party I get all dressed up, very sexy with a very tight tube dress, one shoulder off, my long hair flowing. I prepared some treats at home with the help of my mom and as I walk to the place, carrying the treats, I start stumbling upon school colleagues who bullied or despised me. I see some jaws dropping when they recognize me, the guys are elbow bumping each other. I put the treats I brought on a table and I go meet some ladies I know. They are preparing to take a group photo. I wonder how long it will take. Someone says today is the day my crush will ask me to dance, but guys don't seem to be interested in dancing at all and I honestly just want to use the vending machine as I came prepared with a purse full of coins!
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