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    1. 24.07.2012 - Weird night - STRANGE recall & normal dreams

      by , 07-25-2012 at 01:34 PM
      Date: 24/07/2012
      Place: My bed
      Time of getting into bed: 11.00pm
      Nothing before bed - Ginseng & Ginkgo the morning before

      Waking thoughts in black
      Non lucid dreams in blue
      Lucid dreams in red

      Dream 1 - non lucid (12.55am)

      So, I was all intent on taking my Lucid Dreaming pill on a WBTB last night, for the first time. I went to bed early, and fell asleep normally. I must stress I DIDNT TAKE ANYTHING, not even the usual B6 as I wanted to see the effects of the G&C without any interactions. I took Ginseng & Ginkgo the morning before, which I have been doing for about a week now. The night was particularly hot (we're having a heat wave, woohoo!) and I slept semi-naked, and out of the quilt. This always gave me nightmares as a child.

      Dream fragments -talking on DV about WILDing and lucid dreaming. I wrote this in my DJ, I was sweating and really tired (hence just a short sentence / fragment) but I was feeling weird. I was slipping in and out of consciousness and as I was I was unintentionally WILDing! It came on so fast, I would lie down to sleep, and felt my body go numb, then a floating sensation, all in a matter of minutes. I didn't fight it, but I mostly 'popped' in and out of it, very unusual sensation. This happened all night, at one point I checked the G&C pill on my bedside table to make sure I hadn't taken it in my sleep, because the feeling was so intense. I hadn't. I decided not to take it, as it was too early. (even though I was dreaming?) I slept, and then woke up to a loud noise a little later. I woke up (or did I? FA?) because there was a loud noise outside, at first I thought it was a helicopter flying by )it happens) but it got louder and louder, I realised I was awake... (I think... I didn't RC) but I was in SP - the noise got loud and turned into screeching, just like HH that people describe, but I've never had it. After the noise, I felt tingling all over my body, and fell asleep. Thinking about it now, was this a dream about WILDing? Or did I wake up in SP briefly? I have no idea.

      Dream 2 - non lucid
      Two guys are performing oral sex on me, the dream gets really weird, with medieval torture devices being used, I'll skip the details, but it was weird and erotic. This was one messed up sex dream.

      Dream 3 - non lucid / slight lucidity at end - 3.00am
      My mum is coming to pick me up from somewhere because I have been drinking. When she gets there she has some pizzas ready for me to eat, which I'm thankful for because I'm starving. My mum disappears, and I begin to panic. I ring her phone but she isn't answering, I worry she's been in an accident. However she then pulls in the drive with her car. The car is a big silver estate, and puffing out clouds of black smoke. I initially think she's had car trouble, but she gets out with my younger sister and says she's been in hospital. My younger sister is in tears - I ask her what's wrong? She says her favourite singer Adele, is in hospital. I laugh, and say 'I know she is, she's been in there for ages, call yourself a fan?' but she get's even more upset and says its an operation on her throat. I make a mental note to check weather Adele really has had an operation when I wake up, or weather my dream is making it up, as I can't remember right now.

      I woke up, with a music in my head from my childhood, that I had COMPLETELY forgotten. It was eerie and freaked me out, as I tried to get back to sleep, I kept remembering dreams from YEARS AGO. I shit you not. I thought about getting up (this was about 3.30am now) and watching some TV because I was so freaked out I daren't sleep. However I forced myself to sleep, but I woke up again and again, each time remembering dreams from about 5 or 6 years ago, with amazing detail. I thought I'd completely forgotten these dreams. What the hell was going on? I finally fell to sleep properly again.

      Dream 4 - non lucid - 5.15am
      My family owns a food shop, I go in search of starting my own food shop. I have a clothes shop, but this gets shut down. A pink tie is left hanging from one of the windows, and I take it as a souvenir. I open a shop selling action figures, and I make shoes themed with cartoon characters and comic characters.

      Dream 5 - non lucid
      I am chilling with friends when someone asks me if I want to take part in a fun, free experiment. I agree. I have to hold these 2 black bars, it's a new kind of virtual game where you play an incredibly life-like character, that moves just by sensing through the bars in your hands. When I grab the bars, they hurt me at first, but I get used to it. I am a young soldier, in the war, I follow his life as he struggles to survive and still look after his wife and young child at home. I get really involved in this soldiers life, eventually feeling like I am him. I wake up in the dream, and the soldier is now a real man, stood over my bed. He tells me he is real, and wants me to follow him, I'm shocked, but not scared. I go and meet his wife and daughter, it is an emotional reunion for them, I watch quietly. Again, I wake up and feel like I'm WILDing, entering SP without trying. My body is tingling and numb at the same time, I feel like I'm floating over my bed. I remember more dreams from my long forgotten past, but this time I try to remember more and I'm shocked when I can. I quite like it. I fall asleep.

      Dream 6 - non lucid
      I'm watching a TV show about young fathers meeting their in laws to be. One guy is wearing nothing but a purple robe, he has a scruffy beard, and lots of body hair. He poses and messes around and his naked body is clear to see.

      Dream 7 - non lucid - 9.03am
      I'm at a dinner table in a restaurant, wearing fancy dress. I am wearing a santa costume, but it isn't totally correct. Someone nearby is a policeman. We add up 'fancy dress points' that we get for our outfits, so that we can have enough points to leave the restaurant. There was more to this dream, plus a whole other dream after this one, but I didn't write them down.

      Overall, what a weird night. I feel refreshed this morning, but still in awe of the crazy night I had and I can still remember those dreams from years ago!