Wasn't necessarily doing any LD technique, but I was aware that I was dreaming and I'm sad I don't know how I made it work, didn't eat, drink or do anything special. I first dreamed about my sibling and I staying at my dad's shop in the middle of a Tatooine-esque desert area. While they were asleep, I got this clothing brand our family apparently gots according to this dream and changed the design from some old 90s cartoon squirrel to a different design. I then traveled somewhere and saw a group of people dressed like squirrels wear the new design. I then go back to the shop where my sibling just woke up, about to give a press conference confused as he noticed a bunch of squirrel costumes wearing the new design that he has no clue what they're doing. I then take his place and tell the crowd to check their clothing's tags, which leaves them surprised. The crowd felt so real I actually felt a little bit of anxiety when I stood behind the podium facing them.. I then see a girl carrying a passed out girl on a slide, I hold hold them as the three of us go down the slide, burning our asses off! As I try and hold both girls in my hand, I slowly wake up in my bed again. As I'm lying in my bed, two people put this glass casing around me, telling me to "go back", I touch with the casing and I can actually feel the glass. After consenting them to return, the glass case lits up and I fly through space, returning to the area from my previous dream! The passed out girl has now disappeared and I join this space crew to search for her through worlds. We first turn into fish and explore different aquatic worlds, with the female crew members having explicit sex with the fish in exchange for information for some reason (idk bruh maybe it's the abstinence) after some info, we finally retrieve the girl on one of the fish planets and as the crew returns to their ship, inviting me, I bring the girl to my own space ship. As we teleport back to the ship and return to our human forms doing so, I arrive in my Starbound-like spaceship where I see myself in the art style similar to Starbound as I speak to the space ship's computer in textbox format and use my hand to put all the items in storage, receiving a generous donation of fruit and cakes from one of the female crew members I recruited. I teleport to my home planet, the Tatooine-esque desert town where I recruit my friend who's working at a deadend job as a hotdog seller or something, but briefly teleport him back as his greedy boss hadn't paid him out yet. As my friend doesn't want to face him, I use the force choke from Star Wars to get every penny out of the boss as bystanders watch without interfering. I then get woken up by my dog who's loudly crying in the living room :') Kinda wanna play Starbound now, though.
I am rock climbing with Danielle. I think we’ve just summited and now we have to get down. We stand on the edge, a little area of soil and some small plant growth among the stone, and Danielle seems afraid. I think that we didn’t take into account the descent (which, thinking of it, involved downclimbing that I don’t feel prepared for). I am in some room with Melissa. I think it’s called an ‘exploration room’ or something similar. I think we pay to be in here for an hour or so. It seems similar to a massage room - dim lighting and an air of relaxation, except there are two full sized beds. There’s a man and two unfamiliar women our age here. We’re going to have sexual contact of some sort with them. Looking at the girls, I don’t feel any sexual attraction, but there is an air of relaxed acceptance. The man (who I now think is Teddy from work, though it doesn’t exactly look like him) reclines on the bed and Melissa and the other two girls crawl up to him. They pull down his jeans and begin going down on him. I’m off to the side a bit but reach my hand in and cup his warm scrotum. His penis is very stiff but skinny and only about four inches or so. After just a short amount of time, he comes. It gets all over, including on one of the girl’s face. Now, I’m under the impression that it’ll be my turn. I recline eagerly onto the other bed, but no one comes over to me. Maggie is here and there is something about her interacting with a cat at the sliding door that I guess disrupts the mood.
First alarm didn’t match an REM stage, just turned it off and went back sleeping. Next alarm was set to match a full cycle, it launched in the middle of a dream. I could have recall more fragments if it weren’t because of had some struggle handling my phone. Had to adjust the brightness for not insulting the darkness around Recovered fragments: The angry cows …/I’m seeing it as it were sort of ‘live-in’ video clips. What I see, is what the camera takes. It follows my eyes. Not my head as in a GoPro or such cameras. It’s a collection of short clips about raging cows/… *There were more clips in this section but lost them while struggling to handle my phone when I woke up. I had to dictate twice the first fragments I was holding because of a mistake of mine and couldn’t focus in the lacking scenes to remember* …/The next sequence I see is about a cowgirl blooper in a Bull Riding show on mud. She’s wearing boots, hot pants, a white jacket and a white cowboy hat. She tries to climb somewhere jumping with her legs wide open, her boots get stocked on the mud and she cannot properly jump high enough to get the surface she tries to reach, and falls on her back. A sort of bulls are standing in group behind her. In the video they’re know to be cows. One of them sees her falling. It has bright open and long horns. It comes running on the mud to attack her. I replay the scene to see it from another angle. Basically it goes the same, just to confirm it was the boots which got stuck at the bottom. The next sequence is taking place in a country field next to a road separated with trees. There are a group of guys and one of them also falls on the floor. There’s some mud around too, but darker than the previous video. I see cows with black and white spots coming to the road, going back to the stall. One of them sees the guy falling and get excited. It comes also to attack him. The other guys get scared und spread out running away. The guy stands and runs while the cow is getting closer. I exclaim something like “Ugh ugh ugh ugh” every time faster as the cow gets to the place/… Short sex clip …/I see a woman from behind. She’s wearing a summer dress and bends down to hold her ankles with her hands, without bending her knees. Her legs are wide open forming a triangle with the floor. She’s wearing black high heels shoes, sheer tights with opening in the middle and It seems to me she’s not wearing any underwear. I change the view from back to the view from below, as if the camera were on the floor. She’s not wearing any underwear. I see a guy with a white suit coming from her back, getting closer and closer to her. He’s getting too close in my opinion, and a couple of seconds later he starts doing it to her. I zoom out from the tablet display and turn to see my daughter is also watching that film. I quickly scroll it up. Gosh! Who posted something like that!? It should start the following clip/… The smooth sound of the bell coming from my phone woke me up. It was the perfect timing. Unfortunately the display light of the voice recorder was too bright, I turned my phone with the display down, accidentally pressed pause and start dictating the first fragments that came to my mind. Then I turned it again to see I didn’t record any. I had to start again and turned the brightness to min. The fragments were fixed but unfortunately the rest of the dream was lost. Later I was able to recall one more fragment coming from another dream: …/I see one of my daughters first teddy bears on the top of a stack of things inside a bag/… After the second alarm, I tried WBTB once more with no result. I guess it was because of the unplanned events that distracted me from my goal.
Updated 06-11-2023 at 08:44 AM by 18736
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With my mom on some type of underground shelters. Looks like subways tunnels, a maze of concrete chambers, but with beds here and there and lots of people taking shelter in each room or hallway. We are going around, as if looking for something and I become lucid, so I decide I want to do something with my lucidity, but I don't wanna hurt my dream mom, so I tell her I need to go to the bathroom and I move away. She yells that I am going in the wrong direction and starts following me, trying to catch me, but I speed up and lose her. The scenario becomes more and more dystopic and futuristic. I come across loads of people going to and from all directions on this underground, but I think about my teacher DK and call out his name, looking around for his face to maybe show up. It never does, but I am always hopeful. Instead, dream agents start popping up and bumping into me, agressively. I decide to fly up as the place became bigger and no ceiling can be seen. Looks more like a factory now, with a strange maze infrastructure beneath me and a big black screen ocupying the whole right wall. One agent also starts levitating and grabs my ankle, we fight a bit and I get rid of it. I decide to leave this dream by jumping through the black screen to my right, while thinking of my teacher. I come out on the other side and it is still a dark dystopic landscape, like a Blade Runner scene mixed with Stalker. I still don't see any signs of my teacher, or anyone else actually, so I decide to call for my secondary teacher instead, JK. I see some light illuminating a path into what seems a calm relaxing place. I pass a little reception booth and to my right I see a jacuzzi like pond or pool with a big black stone Buddha statue half submerged, sitting in a relaxed position. There are tealight candles giving just enough clarity to the space. I pass by the pool and fold my hands towards the statue. I swear the statue turns its face towards me. But I look again and it's still in the same position. I keep going and see a small building ahead, but before I go in, the Buddha statue appears standing in front of me, moving and breathing like a person. It is smaller in size, the size of a human, when in the pond it was the double or tiple that size. I immediately know that it is my teacher I just called. I say hi and he replies with another hello. He smiles and says he had been waiting for me to finally call for him. He asks if I see his face or some other face. His face changed a little, no longer the face of the original statue, but it still doesn't look like him. I chuckle and say no and ask if he sees my face and he also says not really. But that doesn't really matter because we are both sure of whom we are. I say I don't know what to do, that I needed to talk to him, that I am confused and lost and don't know what he expects from me. He comes closer, enough to feel his breath in my skin and hair. I wasn't feeling anything romantic or sensual towards him, but now I feel a tingling sensation in my body. I also get closer to him, close enough that our legs intertwine. He says something about how much he desires me and I tell myself I don't feel this way about him. But he keeps going, saying how rock hard he is and he is so close to me I can feel his erection against my legs and I feel strangely aroused by it. I can't resist to touch it and then I put my hand inside his clothes and grab it. The sensation is incredibly specific. He is average lenght but a bit thick and I like it. We kiss and make out and we kick everything in our way up to the building I saw before. Funny enough, it is some kind of gift shop, not a private setting and there is a lady behind the counter, but at this point we just don't care. It's just a dream. I am half undressed and he slides his penis inside me. Half standing up and half laying down, we f*ck and I can't believe how horny I actually am. In the end, he is embracing me from behind, both facing a small mirror on a table. We get to see our faces in it. I vaguely see myself in it but I tell him he appears as some tibetan man mixed with my mom's face, which could be weird, but we laugh. Then I lose consciousness for a while, everything gets black and I fear that I may be exiting the dream and waking up. But I manage to wake up exactly on the same place, this zen spa whatever, now with daylight shining. I get up from the ground. A lady, maybe the one that was behind the counter before, comes to offer me some gifts, namely some beautiful hair ornaments. I don't recognize what it is at first glance so she shows me how they are applied to the hair, very lovingly, as if she knows me and cares for me. She then says that guru-ji asked me to join the tsok later on.
I went to bed early and woke up from dreams early in the night. I am another person, a missionary in another country. The character reminds me a lot of Jodie Foster. She is attracted to a man in the town and she/I tells him how she/I feel. The next dream I am in an open world video game and I steal a truck and drive it to the beach. There is a party going on and everyone is smoking the thinest joints ever. A woman passes me one and I take a puff. I spend some time there and start to become lucid but not all the way yet. Later I am in some hallway where the party is still going on. I spontaneously become fully lucid because I slways do RCs when in hallways. I go around a corner and yhere are three doors. I open the one on my right and there are to girls on a bed wearing sexy Christmas outfits. I go in and here is where my description of the dream is going to have to fade to black... This dream is from this morning. I am playing Dwarf Fortress. I rolrplay that my character had their son kidnapped. I am choosing an adventure mode starting situation and I get one where I'm starting as a princess. Ive never seen that before. Usually you are a hearthperson for a princess. I start the game and see I start with a ton of money in a walled keep.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some victorian house, sort of half asleep and seeing the scenario fade away, but I realize it is actually a dream and that it is the dream itself that is fading. I hold on to it, but the darkness doesn't go away and I know this is when sometimes the monsters come up. And then I see a woman coming over and whenever she crosses a more shadowy area, her face becomes monstruous. I warn a friend that is also sleeping nearby to wake up. She doesn't know what I am talking about and she looks at the woman. The woman says in a hypnotic tone "look into my eyes". I grab my friend and say "don't look, it will kill you". I get in front of the woman and I say assertively "Now, you look into my eyes!" at the side of her face that is not disfigured. She looks puzzled and loses a bit of her power temporarily, so I open some curtains to let light in and I drag my friend to the outside. The woman still tries to reach me, but she can't stand the light. I decide to lift off and that's when I go fully lucid. I don't know what to do, so I decide to just watch the dream. Below me it now looks like some big american city. I also see a huge roller-coaster in the distance. There is some retro vibe to it. I just amuse myself by flying over people and watching their dramas. I feel very melancholic thinking how all these people are just DCs. I sing and dance in the sky above them. Visiting my mom at her old job at the Union. They are at some warehouse with piles of boxes with files and lots of stickers, calendars and other stuff I used to steal from them and collect as a child. I am mesmerized by all the retro things they have, not fully aware that I am dreaming, but aware I am seeing something gone from the past. I grab a box with some stickers to take with me as mementos. For some reason my dog Hachi appears and all is fine until someone else also comes in with 2 dogs and a baby. I grab Hachi immediately and try to take him somewhere where I can keep him isolated. Unfortunately there is only a small room with no windows and I don't want to lock him there. So when the other dogs follow us and we get cornered there, I close them inside instead and take Hachi away. We go to my mom's and he roams around the house free. After a while I am looking for him and find him in the balcony injured with a bad open wound in his front right leg. Nearby is a robotic snake I keep as a toy, also severely "hurt". Turns out she can bite and it is a powerful metallic bite. I try getting close to him, but he cowers and hides his leg. I go get hydrogen peroxide and throw copious amounts on his wound. He ends up accepting my treatment and even puts his front legs over mine to thank me, I guess. Then I also want to help the snake but need something to grab it safely. I didn't know she had such a dangerous self defense mechanism. At my childhood home, alone, and I become lucid. I go into my room, honestly just wanting again to dwell on the melancholic feeling of seeing things from my past. But then I feel crazy horny and feel the urge to remove my pants. I look around for objects I might use creatively, but all I see is a wooden spoon over the bed for no good reason. So I give up on objects. Instead I decide to experiment what it would feel like if my clitoris grew to become a very long penis. Long enough that it reaches my mouth. And then I suck it. I almost wake up with the sensation but I manage to come back to the dream. Then I jump scare when through the balcony door I see 3 Rinpoches sitting outside. They are not looking at me, they are to right side, almost out of sight. I can only see a bit of their faces but I recognize them ckearly. They are facing forward as if listening or watching someone to my left side. I pull my pants up quickly, deeply embarassed, hoping they didn't see that. I get up and walk slowly towards the balcony sliding doors. Then they turn their heads towards me and nod at me wtth a smile. As I approach, I see many more of them and recognize almost all of them. Then some more pass by from my left side and disappear behind the ones sitting. The balcony is no longer a balcony, but some room somewhere else. They all aknowledge my presence, nod and smile, but none says a word. Then I walk forward a few more steps and I see my teacher to my left. He is standing there and he is the one all others were looking at or listening. They hint that I should come in and I do. Rinpoche comes to me and we immediately hug. Then we kiss. It is a shy confused kiss, because I want to kiss him on the lips but I am not sure if it is ok, so I kinda go for the cheek but still touch his lips. He seems surprised but pleased. We continue hugging. Then he kisses me on the lips properly. It feels incredible and totally real. We continue hugging tight and saying how much we missed each other, while I caress his back and head. I can even feel the smooth edges of his robe on his back and do my autistic thing of stimming by feeling the calming texture of the seam. Then he moves on and we are in some kind of library or classroom and I realize we need to get out because a class or lecture is about to start. Lucidity fades a bit from here. Outside he is with his entourage and they are heading to some place to lunch with, but he specifically says to his attendant that I am to have lunch with the more private group and sit by his side in the upper room. The restaurant is asian, but I can't tell from which country. Rinpoche and the private group disappear upstairs as I am distracted looking at the food they have on display. Then I am not allowed to come up. When finally that is cleared up, I arrive there, but Rinpoche has disappeared again, maybe to go to the bathroom or something, I think. The people there look me sideways and want me to sit me at the "kids" table. I see three empty seats and figure that's where Rinpoche will sit so I say I think I am supposed to sit there to, but they mock me and bully me. Some lady is being incredibly rude and gets into my nerves, so I bang my hand on the table, wanting to punch her, and say "one of these seats is for me, just wait and see". But I feel bad for my ego outburst, so I just go and sit at a bench near the window, at the far end of the table, but where Rinpoche can see me when he returns. Then we hear his voice on loud speakers, interviewing some indian fella and it is about Russia and some allegory with volcanos and people wonder what is this about.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Some apocalyptic kind of scenario, muddy and populated by dangerous monsters. I encounter Pedro Pascal and while we are hiding and trying to escape some dragon like creature, we start making out. He is wearing a white shirt that is too immaculate for this scenario, I put my hand under it and then towards his pants. It gets serious, but the last thing I remember is me holding his dick before we see a drone outside in the sky, then other lights and again the dragon dark silhouette in the distance. Then dragon comes closer and is surrounded by orbs with lights. I comment how unusual that is and then a bunch of dinosaurs stampedes from nearby towards us, followed by a T-rex.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At an office with coworkers but during the weekend. Some team building thing, which includes a sleepover at the office. First day all goes smoothly and we do our meetings and activities normally. Then at night we party, and from thereon all descends into chaos and debauchery, with lots of booze and sex. Some guy passed out and others put him on the xerox machine with his pants down and are printing dozens of photocopies of his butt. Maybe someone drugged us, I wonder. Next day, when I start feeling sober, I notice there's security cameras all over and I panic, because I remember doing some sex stuff right under some of the cameras. I tell my colleagues about it and they don't care. Some claim the cameras must be turned off, but I go check a central console that provides info on the cameras and I confirm they are on. Unfortunately, for security reasons, the console does not give access to the recordings nor allows to shut it down, it is just informative stuff. I then think if the office is all clean and tidy, maybe nobody will feel curious to see the recordings. If someone does and finds out what happens, they might end up on the web on some porn website and it will be the end of me. So I start taking out the trash and tidying things up frantically, in an effort to hide whatever happened during the night. The others really don't care and are already waiting for their ubers and lyfts. I find a document briefcase that seems abandoned. Nobody claims it and it is indeed mostly empty except for a crumbled paper inside, some kind of dirt at the bottom and something sticky in a pocket. It looks old and dirty and certainly should go to the trash, but first I look into all its pockets and crevices, as I always tend to find something useful or important left behind. And there is indeed a small blue plastic box, the kind that usually contains jewellery. I open it up and also contains some crumbled small pieces of paper, but beneath it isa bunch of necklaces and earrings that look like gold, but I am not sure. Then Fernanda looks over and she says "Oh, that's gold alright, 35 karats." And I am like "How can you tell?" And she just smirks and I remember she is into fashion and all things luxury, so I trust her judgement. Others call me a lucky bastard and I put it away before they start getting ideas. There's a few thousand euros in gold right there.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I get lucid while at some old building and I admire the intricate details of it and feel the textures of wood and other materials. I feel like this place is absolutely identical to some place I have been in RL, but in actual fact I don't recall any instance where I have been at this building, at least not in this life. I walk into a large balcony, don't know what to do next, so I just observe and think about it a bit more. Then I see a beautiful tree with pink flowers and I feel like making rain such beautiful flowers from the sky. But instead, I just make it rain, normal water. Then I float down to the open ground below and I get surrounded by people of different african tribes coming out of nowhere. They seem startled by something. At first I think it is of my powers, but then a couple white ladies erupt through the crowd and they come dragging a tiger which apparently is unconscious. That seems to be what was making everybody nervous. Unexpectedly, the tiger regains consciousness and everyone runs in panic. I run to the tree. Then I remember tigers can also climb trees. As I struggle to hop on the lowest tree branches, and not exactly suceeding, I feel the tiger behind me and that dreadful feeling that I am about to die. Then I remember I am just dreaming and I can do anything. So the tiger becomes a beautiful lady, completely naked and a bit feral, but harmless. She does climb the tree and I manage to join her in a flat area between tree branches which makes a very solid platform. I get aroused by her simple beauty. I touch her and she likes it. I kiss her and give her pleasure. Then she retributes.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Meeting Nighthawk at some party at a friends' place. We end up alone in a room and when I am sure no one is coming and the ice isn't breaking, I approach him and decidedly show him my desire to kiss him. He resists, saying he can't or mustn't, but I insist. He clearly wants it to, but he claims that if he caves in, his desire will become violent and uncontrollable and it won't be possible to turn around. I say I don't care, so we start kissing and unzipping our pants and we... fuck. It is very detailed and graphic, like at some point we talk about how deep he is in and I say he could be more. So, NSFW content... Then some nosy kid enters the room accidentally and sees us. We ask him not to say a word to anyone and he swears he won't, but we know he is going right away to tell everyone and soon a bunch of people will barge in this room, so we quickly zip our pants back and we run out of the room to avoid that embarassment.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP On a hot air baloon with my boyfriend and another friend (not the same as in RL, I don't really know them). It crashes in the sea and we're rescued by sailors. They treat me ok, until the captain lusts for me and says he wants to possess me. My boyfriend does nothing and says nothing and I start loathing him. His friend also stays quiet, they just want to get out alive. I end up at home somehow with no recollection of all that happened in between. At my old bedroom in my mom's house, trying to sleep. But the room is haunted! The furniture is moving to the middle of room, the drawers open by themselves. I go wake up my mom, she doesn't see anything, but she helps me put things in their place. Then she leaves and one of my dolls is possessed and starts making sounds. I gather my courage and confront the spirit and ask what they want. They say they want me. I dare them to appear. They do, they look androginous, sexy, remind me of Desire of the Endless, appearing both male and female. We have a long talk, they want me to sign a paper, I refuse. They say I'll be their sexual slave, wanting or not and they taunt me by describing what they'll do to me. I confess I start to feel a bit horny and decide to twist it and I seduce the demon instead. I expose my breasts and dare them to lick them. They do. I put aside my disgust when I see their long triangular shaped tongue and I get closer and kiss them. I caress their breasts too and then their dick, until I cause an erection and make them cum. I feel like I avoided the worst but then they say I'll be coming to live with them in some place underwater and show me it on a map. I say no. They laugh and say I have no choice as I am carrying their baby. I am confused. Then the captain who had rescued/kidnapped me before appears out of nowhere and they reveal he is an extension or avatar of the demon. They laugh and say they didn't need to impregnate me now because I am impregnated already. I say no way and I run to the bathroom. I know it is possible, I am trying to feel if I can feel it inside me growing. I want to abort, I also know they'll never allow it. I panic.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Visiting an asylum in a castle during the victorian era. I accidentally step into the dungeons and encounter some weird looking bald grey skin people who surround me and say mysterious things like I am the chosen one. I just run away to daylight, feeling very uncomfortable. I am a rich young attractive man, looking very much like Gary Oldman in Bram Stoker's Dracula. The ladies all look at me drooling, but I am very chaste and not actually interested. I am also very weirded out by what just happened. Then some tall bulky bald man, also with a weird pale skin and a tall hat stares at me as he walks past me. I hear him in my head whispering something like "soon" and "you have been chosen" and I see visions of myself in a near future as a vampire. I actually feel seducted with the idea. I still try not to be followed by this guy as the night falls. There is some nocturnal parade and many policemen on the streets and I am kinda forced to enter a park and end up by a lake that is restricted access. Some policemen see me and tell me to get out. So I see myself again in the parade area and stuck in the middle of a group of noisy teenagers. I try to get away by entering a perpendicular street leading to a parallell road and walking it in the opposite direction. On the other road, the sidewalk is too narrow and the road is too busy, so I spot an old fashion mall that I know can be crossed into another street so I go in. I am myself again and I meet some familiar faces at the food court sharing a table. Namely there's Evangelion, whom I don't see for ages and he tells me to sit down at his side. We are packed really tight, but that was his intention all along. He flirts with me and I enjoy it. He says he missed me and would like to be with me somewhere alone right now. The others hear it and laugh, but he is serious. He suggests I follow him and I ask if he is taking me for a quickie in the public restroom but he doesn't get the sarcasm in my voice, Instead he answers that he has a better idea. There is some sort of rental rooms over the mall and despite all being taken he has some friends staying there and he hopes to get a room for free. He kinda does. Some friend is packing to check out soon and says we can enjoy the room for a while while she goes do something outside. I feel embarassed with all this, but I am also horny and want to be with him so I play along. As I get in bed he disappears for a while and when he comes back he has turned into a horny pimpled chubby pre-teenager and I wonder what the hell happened. He says he can't control it when he feels horny, he just becomes his younger self. He gets in bed and I say no way. Not only I'd be in trouble if I am found in bed with a minor, he also looks terribly unnatractive. He also can't contain himself and he is already literally covered in cum. I point it out and he is like "so what"? I am disgusted. Then my mom and a bunch other people just barge into the bedroom and they are shocked. My mom asks what am I doing and why. I try to lie and say it's nothing of what they think it is. I am actually still dressed under the sheets so I get up and say I was just taking a nap and this kid snuck in and got too excited. But they actually know it's Evangelion and know he is actually an adult and that that is not the problem. So I tell him to get back to his current self and he goes to the toilet and says he'll be back soon. When he does he is back into his tall adult self. I introduce him to mom and the others and they are all very nice and cordial and say we don't need to be embarassed. But I feel a bit puzzled and want to know what the problem is after all that they all barged in on us. Turns out that my mom thought I have been too libertine and worries that I go to bed with every guy.
I remember walking a wide, open street on a dark and rainy night, having just collected my takeout. There were a fair few people around. I considered getting on the bus to do some other chore I had to do, but changed my mind when I realized my food would get cold. I felt a tinge of despair as I'm always postponing things. In the next scene, I'm walking through a suspiciously clean and dry-looking back alley behind a local Burger King. I enter the place, only to find it's an absolute maze of weird-looking, narrow corridors. I somehow know there are multiple women in here, all of them vampires. Suddenly, I'm confronted by one of them. A nice-looking brunette, about my height. I had a false memory of having met her before, a week or so prior. We talked as if we were already acquainted. The conversation went well. She told me she'd always been in love with me, which surprised me. I was feeling a noticeably low amount of social anxiety. Anyway... before you know it, we were kissing. She told me she worked two jobs and this was her day/night off. Then we had sex, which was nice (despite my inexperience). I was having conflicting thoughts. She was nice and reasonably attractive, but I wasn't fully "feeling it" yet. I woke up with a new understanding of how new relationships work for "normal people". Love often doesn't just appear fully-formed, you have to give things a chance and hope it grows from there.
I am at some event that is fairly crowded. The area is indoors and unfamiliar. It almost looks like a large barn or just has similar décor. The crowd is currently transitioning outdoors, but I’m heading in the other direction, when I run into Sage’s parents. I start talking to them and her mom apologizes for her dad, who has been drinking all day/since ‘early’. He slurs something about it being the 4th of July, spilling a bit from his glass onto her mom. I tell him no worries, I get it. They continue on, and I watch her dad slightly stumble. I am in what seems to be a very empty hotel. The place is very dim and seems taller than it is wide. The rooms are actually little alcoves with only a mattress and a curtain to close them off. They’re only about 5’x5’ and very close together. I don’t see a single one occupied. I go a few floors up to what seems to be the top. There’s a single room and it feels a little larger than the others. I crawl onto the bed and wait for Melissa. I think we’re going to have sex here since it feels like we can get away with it. Now, a very large family approaches and stops outside, making it clear this is their room. I can’t believe it’d be this one out of the many, but I coolly play it off and leave.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am with my parents and maybe some more family members. Some woman comes by and says she has info about my paternal grandma. Says she was actually from Canada and came to Portugal and got citizenship and got married and nobody ever knew about it. I am baffled, but also don't see how that changes anything about my identity. My dad explains he hired this lady to investigate this. My mom steps in and starts rambling about meaningless stuff, making my dad yell at her. He tells her this is important business and she is talking about totally unrelated stuff. The lady leaves but there is a promise she will come back to share more info. We gather around a table to feast. it is some family reunion and there are lot of yummy things on the table. For some reason I get horny looking at some carrots. So I pick up a carrot and go alone to another room. I sit on a couch and play with the carrot ( you know what I am talking about). Then some bunch of guys enters the room and face me in an awkward position with a carrot. They don't say a word and their faces are in shock. At first I feel I wanna disappear, but then on the back of my head there is this slight trust that none of this is real so I decide to go for it and propose them to fuck. After the initial shock, they actually go for it, so they line up and one at a time, they drop their pants and bang me. I had several orgasms for real without waking up. On maybe the third I do wake up, but hang in there between dream and wakefulness and the orgasm lingers in a limbo, without really ending for quite some time. When I fully wake up, I am still feeling the rush for some time after.