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    1. fOrceez's Dream Journal

      by , 05-24-2011 at 11:20 AM (fOrceez's Quirky Subconscious!)
      20th May, 2011
      This is one of the two dreams i recall on the night i first started my Dream Journal.

      Writers Note| Dream

      My family and a friend's family were on a holiday together just about in the middle of nowhere. My friend (Martin) and i, decided to split up from our parents (i think they were doing something boring we didn't want to wait around on). While waiting in the 'waiting room' (funny that) for our parents on cushiony single sofa chairs, we decided to go exploring. We entered a corridor that seemed to just go on forever..

      The corridor itself was white, along with most of the buildings that we passed and seemed to pass through or just along every single building in this small town which is weird cause it only went straight( it went on forever and ever.. I think we spent at least half an hour to and hour getting through this). I don't remember if the buildings had any signs on them. We kept on walking cause i really felt like shopping.. We saw a building approaching with a Westfield logo on it. I got excited.. for nothing. Passing through the huge shopping center with high ceilings, there was all but one small shop in it.

      Leaving the building form the opposite side which again led back into the corridor. Eventually, after God knows how long it led into a room shaped in a semicircle, big enough to hold a convention. The circle half of the room was made up of glass windows all vertically rectangular.

      We left the building into what seemed to be Star City's (a casino's) dropping bayI turned to Martin, ."Dude, i know this place.. I've seen it before.. across the road there's a motel and service station." Sure enough, there was.
      Martin stared at me with eyes wide and then the whole setting changed. We were standing in the middle of a bowling alley, very colourful (primary colours: red and white). Martin started running down the steps and hid in a bad storage compartment.

      I turned around and saw a man about to throw a bowling ball the size of himself at where Martin was standing. It flew down the steps and locked onto the storage area like a heat-seeking missile. Somehow, it didn't hit. (I have no idea what happened). The man then turned at me and started throwing bowling balls at me repeatedly (REALLY fast!). I ran down the bowling lanes and dodged the first volley of bowling balls then I turned around to face the guy.. and started doing Tai Chi. The next few balls he chucked at me i caught without quite touching it and threw them back at him.

      Then i woke up :D

      Updated 05-29-2011 at 02:15 AM by 47374

      non-lucid , memorable