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    1. 8/14/13 - Megalodon ass sharks

      by , 08-15-2013 at 01:10 AM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm in the water, it looks like the ocean and the water is so dark, it's like I just fell in from a ship wreck or something, I'm not the only one down here. There is someone way below me sinking and not even trying to swim, and then there are a few people above me trying to swim to the surface. I' trying hard to get to the surface as well but I can't swim well, I keep looking below me and I see this huge ship that is wrecked down there but I can't see its entirety because it goes to deep and gets dark. I see that person fall into a hole in the ship and fade into the darkness, and as I'm staring I see something emerging from the depths, it's a huge fucking massive Megalodon, and I wig out and frantically thrash my body trying to get away, but the shark grabs hold of my entire left arm, and as this happens I am watching it happen to me from above and I watch the shark violently shake its head like a dog does when it has a toy, and then it takes me down into the big hole in the ship wreck. Then my perspective finally gets to the surface, and I see the other people floating and panicking and some of them are mourning me and that other person. It's horrifying here on the surface just as well as below. Up here the water is so black and I can't see anything below me, then suddenly my body comes to the surface thrashing and my perspective goes back into my body. I'm secretive about the fact that The shark ripped my left arm off, I put the arm into my wet suits sleeve so I could hopefully get out of here and have reattached or something. The we are trying to climb up these rocks, we keep seeing shark fins emerge from the water and speed towards us and the mouth with encompass us but the rock stop them so they release and swim off. This happens about ten times until I see the selective exit, it's like a game show, we have to swim in the water to the tarp tunnel that goes vertically into the air so we can hopefully climb out before a shark gets us. The show host hates me, but he thinks I'm already dead from what happened to me earlier. I decide I need to swim NOW, so I jump in and it fells so horrible, it feels like the sharks are right under me, like I will die any moment, then I swim under water a little bit to enter the tarp, there's this elastic netting rope, I get the trick right away, you have to pull then you fly up a bit, then grab higher up while airborne then repeat until at the top and I can get a good grasp of the walls, then I climb up and through a sliver of a hole, and the host greats me at the entrance and he's sitting on a chair to rude to get up, then he realizes it's me when I unzip the hood of the wet suit off me and I ran through the building to get to a hospital, as I can hear the man ordering people after me.