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    1. #73 - Ship Wrecked onto a Paradise (And turtles boning?)/Dinner with old flatmates/Continued

      by , 03-06-2015 at 08:18 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Dream 1 - Ship Wrecked onto a Paradise (And turtles boning?)
      I'm on a large sailing vessel, like a galleon or something (the tone is somewhat 18th century). The vessel is in the middle of a huge storm, and the next thing I know I'm waking up on a beautiful beach, tropical trees and crystal clear sea water surround me and the sky is calm. Parts of the ship can be seen floating around or washed up, but I ignore it all, I seem to have a handglider which I use to glide around the place a bit.. I head off along the beach to where a group of natives are relaxing under a low wooden sun shelter next to the bushline. I prostrate myself before them and beg for help, explaining my situation, a jump in time occurs (like a minute ahead) and we're all buddy-buddy. I turn to see a huge tidal wave rising up (should mention there are about 4 of us together), I grab a native and dive to the ground so I don't get swept away, a man behind me also gets down low, but his wife isn't quick enough. Next thing I know we're searching for the wife, I glide through the air a bit, then I continue running in shallow water, sprinting in a panic state to try save her but we can't find her. I see a small turtle float on by a few metres away, it was so realistic. I then turn to see even more turtles, but this time they're HUGE, about 2 metres in height. Also they're boning hard out, I think to myself that it must be mating season, it was quite weird to see a bunch of turtles pounding their meat into a mate. Ruined the aesthetic scenery a bit tbh. I spot in the sky a woman gliding around on her handglider, and remember that 'oh hey, they obviously all use handgliders too'... Next thing I know, I'm gliding around 4 square block rooms connected by large doors so that they can be glided through. My friend Mikayla is here and she has a miniature glider that she throws like a paper plane. There is a large dome made of a kind of net in one of the rooms, I run and jump, gliding through the air and circling the dome without colliding with the net, wall, ceiling or floor, then smoothly land in the room I started, a full circuit. I seem really proud of myself for doing this... I also noticed a family of 3, they were really white trash. One of them I remember as having missing teeth, quite young, but fat and had a shaved head. He wore baggy clothing too... I guess that must be what I consider white trash? O_O never knew.

      Dream 2 - Dinner with my old flat mates
      I couldn't be bothered writing this in my journal diary this morning, and I've lost a lot of detail, but it just felt SO boring >_<.
      I seem to be on a cruise ship, there is a dinner party on these long tables with white sheets set out and beautiful cutlery, plates and fruits in bowls neatly placed. I'm with my ex-flatmates Emma and Sam, but we never really got on well with conversations... We were the first to enter the room and pick 3 chairs out near the end of the table. We seem to start some kind of subtle 'argument'. I don't remember much more than this though.

      Dream 3 - Continued
      Seems to continue on from where dream 2 ended... I don't remember much about this except that we were still on a cruise ship and eating dinner.
    2. 8/14/13 - Megalodon ass sharks

      by , 08-15-2013 at 01:10 AM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm in the water, it looks like the ocean and the water is so dark, it's like I just fell in from a ship wreck or something, I'm not the only one down here. There is someone way below me sinking and not even trying to swim, and then there are a few people above me trying to swim to the surface. I' trying hard to get to the surface as well but I can't swim well, I keep looking below me and I see this huge ship that is wrecked down there but I can't see its entirety because it goes to deep and gets dark. I see that person fall into a hole in the ship and fade into the darkness, and as I'm staring I see something emerging from the depths, it's a huge fucking massive Megalodon, and I wig out and frantically thrash my body trying to get away, but the shark grabs hold of my entire left arm, and as this happens I am watching it happen to me from above and I watch the shark violently shake its head like a dog does when it has a toy, and then it takes me down into the big hole in the ship wreck. Then my perspective finally gets to the surface, and I see the other people floating and panicking and some of them are mourning me and that other person. It's horrifying here on the surface just as well as below. Up here the water is so black and I can't see anything below me, then suddenly my body comes to the surface thrashing and my perspective goes back into my body. I'm secretive about the fact that The shark ripped my left arm off, I put the arm into my wet suits sleeve so I could hopefully get out of here and have reattached or something. The we are trying to climb up these rocks, we keep seeing shark fins emerge from the water and speed towards us and the mouth with encompass us but the rock stop them so they release and swim off. This happens about ten times until I see the selective exit, it's like a game show, we have to swim in the water to the tarp tunnel that goes vertically into the air so we can hopefully climb out before a shark gets us. The show host hates me, but he thinks I'm already dead from what happened to me earlier. I decide I need to swim NOW, so I jump in and it fells so horrible, it feels like the sharks are right under me, like I will die any moment, then I swim under water a little bit to enter the tarp, there's this elastic netting rope, I get the trick right away, you have to pull then you fly up a bit, then grab higher up while airborne then repeat until at the top and I can get a good grasp of the walls, then I climb up and through a sliver of a hole, and the host greats me at the entrance and he's sitting on a chair to rude to get up, then he realizes it's me when I unzip the hood of the wet suit off me and I ran through the building to get to a hospital, as I can hear the man ordering people after me.
    3. -The Sinking Ship and the Blood-Thirsty Doctor-

      by , 04-09-2013 at 06:18 AM (Of Distant Lands and Homely Fiction)
      It's weird. After I started writing in this, I began to forget my dreams, rather than remembering them.

      Part I: The Sinking Ship

      I was at some sort of dock with a bunch of my friends and classmates I had met in previous years. I didn't really remember why we were there, but I could only assume it was a field trip or something of the sort. Still, as we waited at the docks, we soon saw a ship come in to port. It was a yacht, essentially, though it was still a bit small. Nonetheless, it could fit all the students as well as a few chaperons.

      It was night, a lot of stars out as I idly chatted with some of the boat goers. It seemed almost peaceful, and we had no destination. We were doing just fine, until suddenly, the ship hit something. Something... invisible. Yes, we were now going to sink right into the dark, cold ocean.

      The boat was beginning to submerge, I was near my brother, sliding down the sloped surface of the wooden floor, and as the ship peaked upwards, I look to my brother and said "Now we have submerged." and right after that, the ship fell under the water, which woke me up.

      Part II: The Blood-Thirsty Doctor

      After the whole ship incident, it seemed as though we never hit anything, and the ship was not only fully repaired and functional, but also even bigger than it was before. Now, the ship had about three floors. I went up to the captain's deck with a few other people, and we idly talked again, though out of complete nowhere, a girl with a white t-shirt and black underwear came in with a shotgun, shooting for no reason.

      I pulled up a table and flipped it over, hiding behind it and dodging most of the shots, though eventually a few bullets got into my leg. The pain that came from that felt like a really bad cramp, which was more just uncomfortable than it was painful, but it was strange how it worked like that. The shooter disappeared, and I was soon in a hospital-like room, laying on a bed as a nurse came by. She gave me a few shots, which coincidentally numbed the pain a bit. The pain didn't just go away, I literally couldn't feel my legs! After that though, she just went crazy, stabbing me with the same syringe like she was brutally stabbing me with a knife. I didn't feel any of it, but I could hear the beeping from the Heart-Rate Monitor starting to beep faster and faster, my vitals dropping rather quickly, and the pain starting to come back. As I began to flat-line, I slowly woke up, until I was fully awake, as if my death had awoken me.


      I knew a lot of my classmates on the ship.
      The water didn't feel like anything when we fell in it.
      That pain was truly a bit of a shocker when I woke up, because I really did have bad leg-cramps in the morning.


      I've been rather social as of late. Perhaps, I'm being warned that I should expect the unexpected from people.
    4. Scary,Creepy, Weird, Island Escape ...ya

      by , 03-14-2012 at 08:30 PM
      Dream I had last night

      So I'm on this island and apparently have been on it for some time. It's me and my family and some others. I don't really remember how we got there, i think it was because a shipwreck or something but that doesn't matter, what does is the fact we can't get off the island. There are about 30 people total ans we have mad a little village. So some creepy stuff starts happening. It was nighttime through most the first part of my dream so it's dark. I start hearing noises coming from the jungle on the island that surrounds own village. (By the way the "village" houses are RVs) So I'm looking around and start seeing Darkness moving around in the corner of my eyes. I Start freaking out and go inside the largest building which is a makeshift house(the only one it look like it would be on a island). Anyway stuff goes down and people start going crazy and i have know idea whats going on other than the fact the people on the island are becoming zombie like(Not dead, just insane trying to kill others) So me and my sister along with some of her friends, for some reason I'm like 12 and my sister is 17 and her friends are around her age so I'm being treated like a defenseless little kid. (In reality I'm 17 and my sister is 20)
      We are running around trying to get away from all the crazy people. We come to the conclusion that the darkness thing is mind controlling them or something along those lines and we later figure out it can only do that if you are in a enclosed area or a small space (Small being the size of a small RV which most the people on the island are living in) So as long as you don't go inside you won't get your mind stolen. Only problem with that all the already crazy people are outside trying to kill you. We run down to the beach and for the first time there are Jet skis lined up there so we each take one and ride out on to the water.
      I get left behind quite always and this giant boat looking thing comes between me and the others. I somehow manage to jump through this hole in the side of it to the other side. On the other side my jet ski lands on concrete and i find myself in the parking lot of Walmart. I get off my jet ski and look all around. I'm now in a completely different setting. Before I can really grasp that around my understanding my sister grabs my are and says we have to get out of there. I notice her friends are still there motioning for us too hurry. Then I notice something else. Everyone is dress in normal closes but for some reason I'm in a one piece bathing suit. So I'm like WTF why? I end up stealing some cloths.
      We somehow end up in a hotel just hiding out. Apparently the darkness thing from the island is following us and we have to keep moving to stay ahead of it. I don't really know whats going on at this point but we make it to my house and it all starts to fuzzy from there. I do remember we climb into a boat that is on a trailer attached to my grandpa's truck. He says he is going to take us somewhere save. I remember talking to my sister
      Me: So why we in this boat and not in the truck?
      Sister:Because we have to stay in a open area so the darkness can't get us.
      Me: oh....
      Me: Well if that's why we are back here then whats to keep the Darkness from getting grandpa...who is in the truck... driving...
      About that time the truck, thus the trailer with us in the boat, start going all over the road. Everyone in the boat are all screaming and freaking all then suddenly I went completely weightless as the truck, trailer and boat all flipped.

      And then i woke up.

      The end
    5. psychology lectures; hollow ship in storm; home after losing job; freud limp

      by , 12-11-2011 at 03:00 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in some large area like a high school gym or an assembly hall. The place was unlit, but there was natural light coming in through some windows high up on the walls. The hall was filled with folding chairs, arranged in two aisles of seats.

      I was toward the back of the seats, maybe even standing a few meters behind the back row. The seats seemed to lose their order toward the back, and may just have been scattered all over the place.

      Up at the front, people had been giving presentations. There were two presentations. Each presentation was given by two people. I don't remember the first presentation.

      The second presentation was about the psychology of Carl Jung. The first person gave some kind of theoretical or philosophical overview of Jung's psychology. The second person then, apparently, acted as if he were Jung, though he seemed to be acting more like Sigmund Freud.

      This presentation was now over. Everybody stood up(including me? - I guess I had been sitting, now) to leave. I seemed to be eager to leave. But now someone called for me. The person said that I still had to do my presentation, which was about Freud.

      I realized I had been hoping to get away without having to do my presentation. But now that it turned out I'd have to do it after all, I was actually kind of looking forward to doing it.

      Dream #2

      I was in some gigantic, empty structure. It was like a parking garage: just an empty, dark structure with no walls. There were no lights in the structure. I was on the second floor, which was the top floor.

      The structure looked out on a big, wooden ship. The day was grey and the waters the ship was in were getting rougher and rougher.

      Now a lot of people were getting onto the ship. I was something like the ship's captain -- a tall, kind of big and strong man with a long, red-brown beard.

      Another man told me that perhaps we shouldn't go out to sea today. The weather was looking worse and worse.

      I didn't know whether to agree with the man. It seemed like all the people getting onto the ship -- a bunch of rich-looking men and women (mostly women, I think), dressed in nineteenth-century-style suits and dresses -- were still really looking forward to the trip.

      But now I was flying down, from the top of the structure, toward the ship. I could see that the ship had two levels to it. Both of these levels could be seen through the sides of the ship. In fact, there was no protection at all in these levels, and that's where the passengers would be during the trip. I now even watched as a huge wave of water poured all the way through the levels.

      I knew this was trouble. But I still thought I could get the passengers on the ship and take the trip. Perhaps we'd all have to stay on the top level. But then, perhaps, the waters would clear up, and we'd be fine.

      Everybody was still loading onto the ship. But now I flew over the ship's deck. I now saw that the slate-grey waters were swelling up almost to the very deck of the ship. I realized now that there was no way we could go anywhere. I decided to get the passengers off the ship.

      A terrible storm had come and passed. I was now in the water with the man who had been warning me against putting the ship to sea. I'm pretty sure that all the passengers had been evacuated from the ship before the storm. But the ship itself had been sunk. The man and I were in the water, looking for the ship.

      It was black night, and the man and I were taking turns diving under water to look for the ship. Eventually the man seemed to come up with what looked to me like shattered fragments of the ship. I was sure this meant the ship was somewhere below us.

      Now I dived under the water -- or, rather, someone dived under the water whose viewpoint I had, though "I" was still above the water. As I saw from this other person's viewpoint, "I" myself was still wondering whether I should dive under the water.

      I wondered how I would be able to see under the water. The person whose viewpoint I saw now had goggles and was wearing a scuba-diving suit. He also had a flashlight attached to his head. It shone just enough for him to see a couple meters in front of him.

      The man (or I?) came upon stacks and stacks of beige, plastic cubes that almost looked like small stepping-blocks. These were apparently the basic elements that had made up the ship. The pieces were cluttered all over, almost like stacks of boxes. I knew that this meant the ship was here.

      I surfaced. Now that we knew where the ship was, I thought, we would simply pull it up, and everything would be fine.

      But I had surfaced into a gigantic, dark room. My headlight was still shining, I think. A few other people were also in this huge room. They probably had lights shining near them as well.

      I waded in the water and looked around me. Jutting up out of the water were shattered pieces of the ship. Some of the pieces looked like the ship. Other pieces simply looked like wooden boxes or the plastic stepping-blocks. Some people were wading in the water. Others were sitting on the ship fragments.

      Dream #3

      I walked into "my mom's house." I came in on the first floor, through some kind of back door. The entire floor was charred, like a fire had hit it. But this seemed normal to me.

      I saw a book of mine on a little counter-like space at the head of a stairwell to a basement. It was a white paperback book with red-pink lettering. It may have been a horror novel. I knew that there was a computer (perfectly fine) on a charred table a "room" over. The "rooms" were hardly rooms -- the walls had been almost completely burnt away.

      I walked toward the table with the computer. My plan was to get on the internet and look at some kind of entertainment thing for a while.

      But I had to walk quietly. My mom was downstairs with a few other family members. I didn't want them to hear me. I had lost my job. I was coming home really early in the afternoon. I knew if I was too loud and too obviously on the internet, my mom would wonder why I was home, and why I was wasting my time on the internet.

      I heard a few of my footsteps creaking across the weak floor. I knew that I wasn't going to get through the house unnoticed. So I figured I'd just go down into the basement, let my mom know I was home, and let her know I'd lost my job.

      Dream #4

      I may have been looking at a website like YouTube. I had chosen a music video called "Freud Limp" from a list of video.

      The video first began with some kind of Pampers diapers advertisement from the 1970s. A couple of little kids were in a place like a doctor's office with their mother. The kids all ran to a bookshelf on the left side of the room and began grabbing huge boxes of Pampers diapers off the shelves.

      The music video now began. It also seemed to take place in a doctor's office. The view was of the waiting room of the office. The area was kind of small, lit with natural light and pale, fluorescent light.

      There was a reception window on the right wall, possibly with an adjacent counter, which was lower than waist height, running along the back area. Behind the low counter was a wall of shelves of manila file folders holding patients' records.

      As the song began, the main singer, perhaps a British man, bald, pale, kind of tough looking, was carted out with a woman and maybe two babies, on something that looked like a mix between a car for a really fast roller coaster and a grocery cart full of baby supplies.

      The man sat at the back. The woman sat at the front, facing the man. The babies sat in the middle, huddled in between all the bay supplies. The man's and woman's seats may themselves had looked like car seats for little babies.

      I heard the song very distinctly, and I can recall the melody. There were two verses. The first verse ended with some statement about the man seeing a smile on the woman's face and knowing that, despite all the uncaring stuff she'd said in the first part of the verse, that she really did care.

      The second verse went something like:

      "Sometimes I want to get away,
      I want to get away, I try to get away.
      But when I finally get away..."
    6. The abandoned city of Jupiter (Totm)

      , 06-08-2011 at 02:35 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      I'm at home, programming for one of my current projects.
      I have a bit of trouble getting something to work, that doesn't appear to make much sense.
      I quickly realize that what the problem itself is complete nonsense.

      Yep, I'm definitely dreaming.

      I notice I've also been programming in chrome in stead of visual studio, how weird.
      I see the "Dreamviews" tab is still open, so I click on it wondering if there'll be anything special.
      Unfortunately I get an error trying to access the page:

      "Error 000: You are not awake"

      I stand up and take a closer look at my room, trying to let the dream settle in and to figure out what to do.
      I'll try the advanced Totm again. I'll go to Jupiter! But this time I'll do it right, not like last time...
      After I feel that the dream is stable and that I am thinking clearly, I draw my phoenix wings and try to reach out to Jupiter with my mind.
      It's pretty easy, and I immediately find the big red spot, great!
      I take a step through the fabric of space, teleporting a few 100 meters over the red spot of Jupiter.

      I immediately start falling. Yeah... gravity, how did I not think of that?
      Jupiter is huge! When I look at the horizon I cannot see any curvature, it's perfectly straight, as if it would be a plane of infinite size.
      There is no sound as I fall, but I understand that is because I haven't entered the atmosphere yet.
      Obviously I can't hear anything in the void of space.

      I know I'll hit the outer atmosphere any second now, I can see the red layer of gas approaching very rapidly.
      It looks like an absolutely massive tornado, reaching for possible thousands of kilometers, and I'm falling into the very center of it.
      As soon as I hit the first clouds I can hear a massive thunderstorm. It is very loud, and it never stops growling.
      I see lightning flashes everywhere, so I draw a protective bubble around myself, which lessens the pressure I feel all over my body and the intensity of the sound.
      Although the smell is very faint, it smells a bit like an orange? How weird, I would have expected something more like sulfur.

      I descend through many layers of clouds, and the intensity of the storm decreases as I go deeper.
      Suddenly, a pocket in the clouds appears. There's a biodome floating in the middle of it!

      I realize that I will hit it pretty hard if I don't slow down and instinctively summon my wings in order to do so.
      Although I do slow down quickly I won't stop in time, but I know that's not a big issue.
      Just before hitting the outer wall of the biodome I simply blink through it and end up on the other side.
      I slow down and land on a big greenfield next to a sea.
      The air tastes and smells very fresh, you get that sort of salty taste as if you're standing on the beach of a big ocean.

      I was hoping to meet the inhabitants of this biodome, but it seems this place has been abandoned a long time ago, how unfortunate.
      But I'm quite happy that I managed to do this and that I found something rather interesting.
      I want to do the basic task as well, but I'm afraid to loose the dream if I go back to earth.
      But then it strikes me, the basic task should be easier than the advanced one... I'll just summon a shipwreck right here.
      My back is turned towards the sea, so as I turn around I expect there to be a shipwreck, and there is.
      It's right under the water surface on the beach. It's an old wooden pirate ship.

      I wonder if I can blink into water? Ah, what the hell, I'll just try.
      I look at the ship and blink. OUCH!
      Well, the good news is it works. The bad news is it feels like running head on into a brick wall.
      I dive into the wreck, searching for a treasure chest.
      It gets quite dark which I dislike, I know going into darkness can end dreams.
      But then I find a wooden treasure chest... except... it's really really small.
      It's maybe 10 by 10 centimeters, but it looks like a royal chest with jewels and everything on it.

      I open it up, hoping to find something amazing.
      As it opens, a few faint light rays emerge from it... woah!
      Inside of the chest I find... well... a wooden Yo-Yo.
      What the fuck? Seriously? What kind of treasure is that?
      My vision slowly becomes darker and then blacks out.

      I decide not to try to stabilize it and wake up instead to take notes.
    7. Series of Vivid Dreams about Travel

      by , 08-02-2010 at 09:27 AM
      Before I went to bed last night I ate a few pieces of cheese to help evoke some creative dreaming! After reading a little I fell asleep and had a series of dreams that I believe occurred in the hours just before I woke up (this is what it felt like anyway). This is what I remember upon waking up.

      1st fragment of dream: I remember this was a long detailed dream, but I only remember the end part. I was travelling with my boyfriend, not my real boyfriend but someone I have never met before in my life. Somehow something went wrong and we were being arrested by a woman who was in control of the area we were staying. She had the power to decide if we were to go to jail, which would mean never being released or seeing each other again. My dream boyfriend did not argue this but I pleaded and cried with the woman to let us go, that we were getting married soon and I wanted to spend my life with my boyfriend. She never said she would let us go but I knew in my mind then that she would release us. That is all I remember...

      2nd Fragment of Dream: Occurred just before I woke up. I was stranded on a big empty wooden boat at sea with a group of people I did not know. The boat had a closed top with dark wooden panels and hardly any windows. There were lots of areas and hallways I explored and a couple of rooms where the majority of the group of people stayed. The first part focused on us meeting another little boat and begging for help. We did not understand why they didnt want to help until our boat crashed into theirs, at which point they began climbing onto our big boat. I remember feeling threatened and trying to calm them down in case they were angry we damaged their boat.

      This then turned into another part of the same dream where I wanted to get away from the people on the boat, we were in close proximity of each other and I needed some space from the group. I explored the corners of the boat and found a white wood panelled door. This door had several swing parts to it and when I walked through there were stairs. I did not go up the stairs, however another girl came and went up the stairs and I was able to see through her eyes there were more people upstairs, hundreds more people. We then realised this was the upper class and we weren't allowed upstairs and I remember trying to convince them I could come upstairs but they all looked down at me. That was when I realised that we must be the lower class. This was when I woke up.

      3rd Fragment of Dream: I managed to fall back asleep for another hour where I remember dreaming that I was being sick everywhere in a room with another girlfriend in it. She was sick once but then looked at me and saw how much mess there was in the room. The room then turned into a red car and a guy friend told us that we would be ok we just had to abandon the car on the road, which we decided to do.

      I don't know what any of these mean but they all seem to revolve around travelling places to some extent. They also don't feature any real people.
    8. Sunken boat in the cove

      by , 11-04-2006 at 06:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)

      Many people are gathered on the beach when a challenge is presented to see who can swim all the way around the cove. The starting point is the beach and the finish line is the docks. All of the swimmers stop for a rest at the sand bar and some of them try to dive down to an old boat that has sunk in the deepest part of the cove. No one can seem to hold there breath long enough, though. The challenge to swim to the docks is all but forgotten as everyone is more interested in reaching the small shipwreck.

      When it is my turn I am successful in reaching the sunken boat. It looks like a small wooden fishing boat and it is laying upside down in the sand. I see a small gap between the cove bottom and boat that I can slip through. I do not have any scuba gear or a flashlight but I want to get underneath the boat. The sunken boat settles into the sand as I go underneath and I become trapped just as I am starting to run out of air.

      I almost panic, but quickly find that I can lift the boat through the water if I kick my legs hard enough. I push the boat up onto the sand bar for everyone to see, but the other swimmers get angry at me for disturbing a shipwreck. I am not really fazed by their attitudes because I am just happy that I did not drown. The dream ends there.