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    1. An old friend changes sex and has metal rings for a stomach

      by , 05-07-2012 at 09:56 PM
      During a nap; Saturday, May 05, 2012

      An old friend and occasional bedfellow moved back to town, and came over to have a sleepover, as though we were children. He didn’t want to have sex, because he didn’t want to bring up old issues, but he wanted to sleep in my bed and wake up with me. He slept over, and I kept trying to kiss him. Then he turned into a girl, and I noticed that she had a series of rotating metal rings in different patterns where her stomach should have been. It reminded me of those ear piercings people get, the ones that stretch out the earlobe until it’s a huge hole surrounded by flesh. That’s what her stomach looked like; small metal rings around the border, on the same plane as what remained of her stomach, and larger rings on the inside at a right angle to the other rings. I asked her if she was commissioned to play robots in films, and she said she was. I remember wondering how we were going to sleep together now.