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    1. OBE to Lucid Dream to OBE

      by , 11-21-2014 at 05:11 PM
      Wake Induced Lucid Dream (WILD). I was lying in bed asleep, yet conscious, waiting for my dream to start. My body was completely asleep, but my mind was alert. Then I could hear somebody sawing something with a hand saw. Who could possibly be sawing wood at this time of night? Maybe somebody is breaking into my house with a saw! They must be stopped! I rolled out of bed, left my room, and headed off down the hallway to the stairs. Suddenly, I’m back in bed again. I can still hear the sawing! I rolled out of bed again, left my room, and this time I found my wife in the hallway. She had a white glowing light around her, and said she can hear sawing. For the second time, I’m back in bed again. I can still hear the sawing. I figured it out, I’m doing OBE’s of False Awakenings, I then slipped into a lucid dream. This lucid dream lasted about a ½ hour so I’ll just describe the highlights, then finish off with how I exited into an OBE.

      Most of the lucid dream happened in the fenced backyard of an old country style home. It was night time. When I first entered the dream, it was very dark and scary. I knew I was dreaming, but it still felt scared, so I hid under a bush. A nice woman came and reached her hand out to me, and asked me to come out and not be scared. So of course I did.

      The fenced yard became more lit so I could see everything, but it was still night. People started to appear, and I was not sure where they came from, but they were all standing around and chatting. I joined in with a group of people and started to chat too. I did not let on that I was lucid; I was trying to blend in, observe the dream figures, and just have a good time. One of the guys I was talking too started to sing, ‘Can’t touch that!’ There were five of us there, and we all tried to sing along with the fellow, but I didn’t know most of the words, and I kept screwing up, but this one fellow kept the song going to a Tee. As he sang it we all lined up with our hands around each other’s waists and started to dance around the yard. It was very fun.

      Then out of nowhere came this crazy chick on a forklift loader was trying to run over people in the backyard. I ran up to the forklift, stuck out my left hand point finger against the forklift’s left fork, and stopped it dead in its tracks. The back wheels started to spin, and then the front wheels started to lift off the ground. I couldn’t feel any force being applied to my point finger. The crazy forklift driver was staring at me with a real angry expression. She then jumped off the forklift and started punching and kicking me. I couldn’t feel anything. I said to her that I won’t fight her, because I don’t want to hurt anybody. She then grabbed a piece of wood and took a swipe at me, but it just passed right through me and I didn’t feel anything. I told her she can hit me with whatever she wants and it won’t do anything. She then turned around and stormed out of the yard. Everybody in the yard was watching what was going on, and they cheered as she left. The party continued.

      Okay, this next dream figure interaction was very interesting. This fellow shoots up through the ground, out of nowhere, and starts to stagger around. I run up and grab him with my hands on either side of his chest. He say’s something to me that made no sense whatsoever. I was just like something somebody would say if you just woke them up. I then said to him, you must have had a couple of drinks or something. He said yeah, I had a couple of drinks before I went to bed. I put my one arm around his back and helped him over to a car. He sat down on the car hood. I asked him for his name. Before he could answer, some big dude behind me says my name. I turn and look at him. I said, how do you know my name, I didn’t say my name? He looked momentarily dumbfounded. He then said, “Don’t ask for names”. I said, “I just want to know his first name, so we can talk to each other.” People were starting to gather around to watch what was going on. Another dream figure instantly appeared beside the fellow that was addressing me, and he asked him who I was, so he told him. I thought I was going to be punted from the dream at this point, but then the drunken fellow then said his first name, “I’m Zsharat”. I thought that’s strange name? The two guys questioning me then disappeared into the crowd. Zsharat said, “This is going to be memorable.” He was smiling. He had also changed from a Caucasian to a dark alien with no nose or lips. That didn’t bother me at all (not sure why). He seemed quite thrilled with what was going on.

      I started to think about how I stopped the forklift with a finger, and I decided to experiment a little with this. I saw an old dual axle dump truck on the other side of the fence, so I levitated it up in the air, and then spun it upside-down, and slammed it into the ground. To my surprise, and without my help, the truck then flipped itself back over onto its wheels, and a guy inside the cab started yelling at me for flipping his truck. He said, “You dreamers are totally out of control!” He then backed up and drove away. I thought I better check next time to see if anybody is in a truck before I flip it.

      I decided to go and investigate what was in the old country house. The house was full of young kids. Two young girls were smiling ear to ear when they saw me. They had real intelligent looking eyes. They both nodded at me in recognition, and I felt I knew them from somewhere. I then woke up, but my body was still asleep. I was consciously aware while asleep.

      I was lying on my left side in bed, conscious, yet asleep. I could feel somebody laying on top of me, on my right side of my body. I was not alarmed by this. I then took my OBE arm and reached around and pulled the person in front of me and gave her a huge hug. As I did this, I heard a her voice say, “What?” It was my daughter! I told her I loved her.

      Updated 11-21-2014 at 05:25 PM by 71173

      false awakening , memorable , lucid
    2. Observing a Dream Figure Entering a Lucid Dream

      by , 11-20-2014 at 01:35 AM
      Have you ever seen a lightning strike forming, before it actually happened? I did once on an Arizona bus tour. First, a whirling plasma ball of blue light formed on a high point of a lava rock formation, approximately 50 yards from the bus.. The plasma ball was about 4 or 5 feet in diameter. Second, faint sparks started mix in with plasma, creating a miniature light show. Finally, boom, a blinding lightning strike! I felt I was very lucky to witness this from start to finish. Similarly, last night, I witnessed a dream figure entering my lucid dream, with no suggestion from me. It was very cool, and much unexpected.

      I was sitting alongside a highway, on the front bumper of an old car, simply observing what was going on during my lucid dream. Btw, I was tipped off I was dreaming because a beautiful young woman was following me around, and I couldn’t figure out why she was there. I’m an old married man, seriously? I thought to myself, no way, I gotta be dreaming! I think I thanked her for hanging out with me. Anyway, back to what I’m trying to describe. All of a sudden to my left a couple appeared, lying on the ground, both asleep, and under a quilt. They literally appeared out of nowhere, and for no reason. I thought to myself, why would a couple appear in my lucid dream, just to sleep? No, I wasn’t thinking that!!! I just found it really odd because I was sitting alongside highway observing dream figures as they drove past me. Now, without warning, the woman woke, and jumped to her feet through the quilt. The quilt didn’t even move as she passed right through it. She was wearing white and red, bike shorts (whatever they’re called), and a fancy spandex top to match. Then a bicycle appeared, and she was holding it. She then looked at her partner and said something in German. I couldn’t understand a single word. He then disappears, and she hops on her bicycle, and then rides off down the highway. As she peddled away, I lost lucidity, and continued on with the dream in an unconscious state.

      Updated 11-20-2014 at 04:38 AM by 71173
