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    1. The Chosen One (28.5.15)

      by , 05-28-2015 at 12:49 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      The Chosen One
      Im on a beach and I can see a old style ship. It's decent sized, estimating at around 20x10. They seem old school in the way they operated the ship. It was all powered by man power. Two men were rowing at the front side of ship, and the controller was around the middle. Majority looked of Asian descent. I must have got there attention. I had a talk with someone on the ship about something.

      I'm now with another male, being lead by a female. We reach a house and I'm chosen out of the two of us. I'm unsure what's going on at this point, but start to realize that I may be able to have sex with her. We're in the bathroom and I really need to have a poo in the toilet. Eventually she leaves the bathroom and I get to business. I make sure I spray near the toilet as it smells pretty bad.

      I'm walking towards the lounge room, where I see her on the couch, I've gotta mention that she's pretty good looking and I want to please. I begin doubt my performance, and panic that I may blow my load too quickly. I see her with a blanket over the top of her and decide to start from the bottom to the top. I'm naked at this point and begin to suck her toes, but I seem to have trouble doing so. I seem to be rubbing my face on her foot instead of sucking on her toes. Some sucking and some face rubbing going on. I think about mounting her and tease her a little.

      I see either another female or the same one i was with, not sure. It seems that another scenario, like the one I was in where 1 was chosen, except both guys were chosen by the looks of it. They seemed pretty happy guys.

      Side Notes
      Even though I only remembered 2 dream last night, I deeply and completely accept myself, and i remember all my dreams tonight

      Even though I forgot to recall majority my dreams upon awakening, I deeply and completely accept myself, and I recall my dreams upon awakening tonight

      I think I need to simplify these mantras in a different way, but will continue with them for a while.

      Had a massive anxiety attack when waking up throughout night. Also felt as I was going to choke when I swollowed. I did some EFT which took the edge off the anxiety.