I’m reading through profiles posted on a website. For one, I read, “My story does not begin or end and has no need to stop at these David’s bones.” -- I’m going to a gym or similar. Everybody there is trying to work out some cryptic puzzle. The phrase “traveling in the tail of a sound” is a hint. -- I’m attending a class in a floating city where all the buildings and such look like clouds – almost certainly as a person other than myself. It’s a group of a dozen or so students led by a teacher. There’s a nocturnal atmosphere. Up until this point, I’ve been behind the rest of the class, but something has clicked for me since the last time we met. All of us are supposed to race to find a certain ship (airship, really, although it wasn’t described that way). I start out strong and have a lead from the beginning, and I actually make it there first. (This part is sort of video game-ish.) We do a couple more rounds after that; I take even more efficient routes, having a better idea of the city’s layout, and again make it there first. The third time, which works a little differently, I make it to the ship so far ahead that I actually have time to untie it and bring it around to where the others are still struggling to get past a certain obstacle. -- The next dream from that night is explicitly video game-like rather than implicitly. The dream involves the party going down to the underworld to rescue a comrade. This is a fairly routine occurrence, although enough of a bother to where it’s still better to avoid having to do it. This is the first time it’s happened in this game, so we get a special introduction to Fancrow, who is putting in a special appearance as lord of the dead. Fancrow is an older man, short, Caucasian, with white hair and a beard, wearing a blue uniform trimmed in yellow – just how he looked in the previous game. There are a number of little references to his role in that game, where he was a side character: there, you have to win a duel against him to get [handwriting illegible]. I’ve been given to understand that he just lets the dead person go the first time, and also the first time it happens after a solstice passes (which is yet another little reference). But nothing is happening. In addition to the action playing out, there are a number of interface elements visible, including one with a grayed-out sword. That means that we haven’t yet recruited the party member who would be really helpful in this situation. It’s also possible for the deceased themselves to trigger their own release, and the dream then cuts to the PoV of the person we’re here for, who’s in the process of doing just that. She jumps onto a flying vehicle, which instantly plummets since it’s set to the gravity of the lower realms. As it goes down, a bad smell becomes more and more prominent – associated with the place itself. The dream cuts back to the scene with Fancrow, where something is happening. He’s being hit with small objects in advance of the party member breaking through. Things are looking good now, but I’m still angry at Fancrow for taking my friend away, so I take advantage of his distraction to punch him. But he isn’t taken off guard. He just mirrors my action and grins. I know that now I’m going to be the next one to end up down here. -- To help RD, I go to a place that looks like an abandoned mall to complete some kind of puzzle that involves getting the air to flow into a certain place up high, which is necessary to accomplish something. There’s no place I can stand to get it there directly, so I have to use the extremely larger flowers growing high up on vines there to redirect it. This is a timed puzzle, but I manage to complete it quickly, mentally directing the air along the right path. RD is happy about this. We are part of a small group, and because of this, she will be able to provide the space for us to do something later on. Possibly related, although for reasons that are now unclear, later on, I'm running through mental projections of rat experiments, one after another, changing the conditions as certain aspects become clear so I can get another step closer to figuring out what I want to know. I do tens of thousands of them, although each one only seems to take instants to run start to finish. It seems as if all of this is necessary since I'm trying to actually figure out the causation of something rather than just navigating outcomes. -- I have, in connection with (dream-)siblings, made something that had gotten very popular. I'm getting invitations from people all over the world wanting me to have adventures with them. I could travel anywhere in an instant, but that somehow makes it seem less interesting. And what I really want to do is just to get back to the newest musical project I'm working on. -- I'm with a group of people in a small city, chasing after someone. We split into groups to surround them. Something will end when we catch this person, and I want it to be over really badly. I experience the landscape of the dream as having harmonic connotations – in the area where I am, specifically, ones indicating tension. There’s no audible music playing, just a sense of information being perceptible as part of my experience of the dream. (July, mostly)
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Me and mom have suspected for a long time that we have been abducted by aliens periodically. Then one day walking by the riverfront in Alhandra, she gets a bit more ahead of me and I lose sight of her for a bit. When I catch up and see her in the distance, I also spot a big alien ship pointing a tractor beam to her. She is starting to being pulled up and I run to pull her down, but we're both sucked in. She seems to be in a trance, but since I am extra weight that wasn't planned, I am fully conscious as maybe the effect only works on expected passengersWe are dropped at a big hangar but there are no aliens in sight. Looks more like an automated factory with conveyor belts and escalators and all the abductees move on their on while on a trance. They are taken to what look like shuttles and sent somewhere else. I observe all this while hiding, and when I lose sight of my mom again, I decide to jump out of the hangar through and opening to the ground, because I fear there won't be an atmosphere I can breathe, once it lifts off. I feel that now that I gained some insight into the functioning of the abductions, I may resist entering a trance next time I am abducted. I meet other abductees and we exchange info on methods to resist the numbing effect of the tractor beems, but nobody ever really managed to suceesfully pull it off. I am the only one who accidentally went through it consciously. Somehow, the next time that I am beamed up, I become physically numd and unable to move, but totally aware throughout. Once I am taken in the shuttles and end up at what looks like a train station inside the ship, I get out from the abductees lines and hide out. I spot some alien guards and even alien guns and I grab some alien grenade. I throw it to the middle of the "train station" and when it blows up and the aliens scramble, I sneak into a room where other humans are being held hostage. These people are also conscious. There is a blind autistic girl in the group with her mom and she is unaware of where she is and people are making an effort to keep her happy and entertained and hiding thr truth from her. I feel emotional and I share with them a plan to escape with them all. Fortunately for us, the ship is parked somewhere on Earth and is not flying in outerspace. It has many floors and we run down a bunch of stairs until the lowest floor. I sent everyone else before me and when it is my time to follow, we are surrounded by a couple drones flying over our heads. They zap us one by one and freeze us into what seems Han Solo frozen in carbonite, but it looks like wood. One by one we try to resist, but it doesn't work. Then I and another person notice a small detail, that the board people get frozen in, has a fixed size, like there is a size limitation to it. So we try open our arms and gesticulate like crazy to try to look larger and impossible to freeze. Somehow it works. One of the drones keeps flying around us and zapping us from all angles but we yell insults at it as we flap our arms and flip the middle fingers. That's when the men in black appear. A couple guys in suits and sunglasses, lead by a lady that doesn't seem very friendly. She is indeed pissed. They surround us and tells we're supposed to cooperate. Then zap us with yet another tool that makes us numb and obeyant. Then ask us to line up and march. At some point soon after, I manage to break the effect and just pretend to comply while making signs to my mates to see if anyone else is aware. I think a few of them are also slowly breaking the spell and regaining control. So I start walking sideways and going around in circles, then getting under an area with lots of valves and turning them, releasing vapors and causing chaos and confusion. The lady in black comes to me and tells me she has had it with me and asks WTF am I doing. I literally ROTFL and say that all their instruments no longer work on me and I suspect they are also not working on a few others either. Then they break character and join me in my little insurrection, grabbing the men in black. The lady then breaks down and starts talking like corporate talk, about the need to show results, to have a certain number of subjects being tested successfuly or else this alien-government cooperation will fall apart. I understand her frustration as an employee following orders. She is sitting down, defeated, while she shows me some dossier with graphs and signed protocols and explains why she has to keep doing it. Then I ask who the fuck was the stupid person who decided to secretly kidnap humans and why are they still doing it, when there are legions of human beings who would volunteer to do the job if only they were open about it and fucking asked. I tell them to just come clean and publicly announce this partnership and ask for volunteers and I guarantee they won't be short of interested people who always wanted to see the interior of an alien ship and cooperate with whatever studies they're doing and be part of the few selected ones, even if that involves a little anal probing here and there. They seem convinced and hire me as their consultant.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With my parents, but in a totally diferent reality and time. it looks like the middle ages and our life is not so good. I have told them that I want to live independently and depart from their home. Apparently I had planned to sail away in a raft and it took time for them to accept the idea. Then one day, it's them who tell me I must leave for good, I guess they're upset with my choices. But it's almost night and I realize I will spend my first hours of sailing across the sea in the total darkness of the night and then I realize I did not think this through. I realize I will probably die alone and agonizing and don't know why I didn't consider all that beforehand. So I do leave, but I don't take the raft, instead I go to the docks and enlist with the crew of a big ship that is hiring staff. I go as a maid, to serve food and drinks to men. It is a dangerous position, but the owner and captain of the boat, a rich spoiled kid, fancies me and so he offers me protection. Later on he decides he wants to marry me, which I accept, expecting my life to turn around, because he is much more wealthy. And it does go according to expected, but he is also an abusive jerk who makes my life a living hell. If I run away, I'll have nothing again, so I keep delaying the decision. Thanks to my position as a wife of a rich man, I got to know a princess that is also miserable in her life. Her husband is also a piece of shit. One day, everybody is gossiping about the domestic violence that goes on in the palace, because everyone can hear her screams and desperate cries coming from a tower of the palace. I get closer to try to check up on her and I get to see her yelling at her husband because of some infidelity, I suppose. She seems to be over it for good. I make plans to meet her secretly and convince her to leave with me. At least she has easy access to jewels and money, which can make it easier for both of us and allows to start a new life somewhere else. Then we are on the run and find a place where we try to blend in and be accepted. I get a job but it is not going well. At the same time I want to embrace my real self and I decide to change gender. I start taking male hormones and with time my features change a little, my voice gets thicker and I am pleased with the changes. My friend/partner asks me something about my lady parts and I mention they are a bit different too and my boobs smaller, but for now pretty much I am still female underneath and plan to stay so for the moment. Then for some reason I am meeting back with my parents, who already know of my transition and accept it well. But my paternal uncles and aunts are also there (actually the real ones I have IRL, even the deceased ones) and I am afraid of their reaction. Strangely, they all react very naturally, congratulate me for being so brave and ask me if I always wanted it. They sound all very respefcful except for a moment I hear one of them ask my parents about the size of my new dick (which I don't have) and because of a misunderstanding of a gesture my dad makes, they all end up laughing because it is interpreted as if I had a penis the length of my leg. I am really surprised that besides that, they are being very understanding and suportive. Bu then my mom calls me to the side and tells me not to trust my aunt Maria da Luz because she is pretending to be so accepting, but secretly calling it a demonic thing and praying for it to go away. With Riverstone and NightHawk and I am feeling some pain so NightHawk offers to massage my legs and arms as I sit on something. I am surprised but glad with the offer. He is very gentle and I am melting away with his touch. Riverstone is getting a bit jealous, but I don't care. I caress back when our hands touch and then something weird happens, like one of his arms stretch like a tentacle and goes between my legs, under my butt and reaches my back and somehow he massages my back while I am feeling aroused by his tentacle-arm between my legs. I am on a train, like the movie Snowpiercer. I am trying to reach some wagon in the front of the train without being noticed by the dwellers on other wagons. Not an easy task and I am trying to do it by swinging on the outside using a rope. But at some point I really need to go through some wagons, so I infiltrate and try to blend in. There is one guy though, who knows me from school when we were young, he recognizes me when I come inside and knows that I am up to no good. I don't know what he is going to do, so I sit in a seat and wait for him to approach me. He does and he puts his hand on my leg, harassing me and making threats that he'll denounce me if I don't obey him. But I don't. Someone enters or exits the wagon and I use the opportunity to push myself into the next one. There everyone is partying and it's noisy and strobe lights flashing, so I feel it is easier to disappear in the crowd, but everyone is acting like zombies and just moving the least possible, while walking in a circle around the wagon. I join in to blend in but then I see an open passage to the next wagon, where the party continues but people look a bit more normal. The music is hypnotic and takes the best of me. I start dancing like crazy, doing really weird creepy moves, like I am possessed or a true zombie from the Thriller videoclip. Instead of going unnoticed, everybody is staring at me as they've never seen anything like it. But they all look mesmerized. Then I take it up a notch and add some extremely sexy moves and the result is like I just showed a piece of meat to a pack of angry wolves. Both men and women look at me as if they want to eat me with sheer lust for me. When the music stops they are literally like "she's mine! she's mine!" and they all chase me. I escape to the next wagon and it is their sleeping areas, with many rooms along a corridor. I hide in one of them that seems to be full of children in bunkbeds. One of the girls wakes up and is scared and wants to call for help, but I tell her it's ok, that I am hiding from actual bad people out there. She believes me and she calms down. Then from the darkness comes a big black wolf with red eyes. Not a stranger demon though. I know him and he knows me. His intentions could be to help me or harm me. At first I am scared because he looks at me like "well, well, look who we have here?" as he starts walking slowly towards me and corners me against the wall. I have nothing with me that I can use as a weapon and I know I'll be dead if he attacks me. But he doesn't harm me. Instead he is determined to help, so he takes my side by side and we tell the kids not to be afraid as we prepare to face the mob of attackers chasing me.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I know from a safe source that the world is ending soon and a friend has one seat available to take me on a ship that his leaving earth with a few selected people. She had a plus one that isn't joining her anymore and she can chose any one as a substitute. I agree to join and I make plans with my parents, who will take me to the departure place and all. But she comes suddenly one day very early and says we gotta go now, that there has been some change and they have to depart sooner. We are even leaving from a new location. I ask if I can go see my parents but there is no time for absolutely nothing, not even picking any stuff to take with me, we just run to the car as she talks on the phone with some other friend who is providing her the new instructions. Soon after, I manage to call my mom and explain the situation and she says she'll be at the location we are going to. It's possible, because it's closer to them than for me. We meet at the destination and it is a dock. We are going on a boat. I say goodbye, hug my mom and tell we'll do this and that when I return, and then it hits me that I won't ever see them again. Then I panic and cry and I don't want to go. On holiday at some island with lots of resorts amd some famous hipppie dwellings. I am kinda lost for a while in some street, but then find a grocery store and feel like getting some things from it. Then I recognize some other street on the back of the grocery and find my way to my hotel. I am sharing a room with another girl, we take turns using the shower. I shower after her and while I am getting dressed she goes check on something. Then she comes back to say that lunch is being served only until 3 o'clock. I ask the time now and it is 2 something. I thank her. Then I go lunch at the dining room. We are with a large group, all people in their 30s-40s, we don't know each other from before, not sure what's the connection between us. At some point some of us start feeling weird, our pupils start forming spikes, like affected by a vibration or magnetism and we sense something weird and undefined. Someone says "Guys, have you heard of that thing that could happen nearby and there would be a megatsunami? I think this is it. We are sensing it coming, we must run to higher ground!" and we immediately agree with him. Some of us grab some food from the table, others go to their rooms to pick up some stuff. My room is too far away, so I go with the ones that are closer by and pick up someone else's bag and essentials, like warm blankets, warm coats, utensils. Then we gather in the lobby and I find that they have been contacted by a foundation (maybe the one that brought us here in the first place?) and they were told to wait for them to pick us up. They are taking us to a safe place and we will be among the few humans left to repopulate Earth. I envision them dropping us up in the mountains somewhere, so I keep telling others to take as much useful things or we will starve and die of cold. But some of them are just waiting peacefully, because they are sure the foundation has everything prepared for us in some safe bunkers. Anyway, I go to the first aid office of the hotel, by the reception and I start grabbing pain killers, medicine for diarrhea, and anything else I deem useful. Meamwhile, some older lady joins us and she is smiling a lot. She explains that 24 years ago she knew that this would happen and to prove it, she hid a small paper with a message on the medicine cabinet I am looking at. Someone looks for it and it is indeed there. On her note, she mentions us and what would happen today and she claims she was meant to join us. We are fine with it. She has a little kid, a girl, and I play with her while we wait for the foundation. She has a doll car that opens up into a caravan. I tell her I had one very similar when I was a kid. Then I reminisce trying to remember what happened to it. On a road trip with Riverstone and three of our cats (Ginga, Buda and Yéti) on the back of a van. He knows all the gas stations and pensions where we can stop, from his former job travels. We stop at some gas station with a shop and I check the shop while he checks the gas. But then he also goes elsewhere and doesn't lock the van. It's all fine, until we're back on the road and I scroll through my instagram and see pics on some random dude account of my cats sleeping inside the van. I feel invaded but ok, he took the pics through the glass. But then he also shares a video in which he opened the back door and is calling for the cats. Two were sleeping under a blanket and hid, but Ginga stands up, looking at the person. I feel my blood boiling. The cats could have gotten out, get scared and get lost. I tell Riverstone what happened and we shout all kinds of insults to the person on the video. He wants to find the guy in person. I say that if any of the cats had disappeared, I would beat that person with a bat until they were a meat soup on the ground. But luckily none of that happened. Then I am totally pissed at Riverstone for having moved away from the van and not lock it. We keep going on our travel and we arrive at a mansion which is going to be a movie set of a film we are working on. We get a tour inside the mansion by Tyler Perry. I find funny that I recognize the house from another movie, but I keep it to myself. They've redecorated and put different furniture but it is clearly the same house. I go check the landscape outside and it's vyneards. Tyler Perry points out that the house is supplied with energy from a bunch of solar panels on the backyard.
In the earliest parts I can remember, I’m traveling on a ship with a friend when the water underneath starts to swirl. Soon, a whirlpool has formed, and we’re spinning around as the wall of water grows higher around us. It now seems to be just us in the water – the whole dream was a bit iffy on continuity – and I see a smaller spiral under the surface near me. I move away, but it follows. It strikes me that this thing is only after me, not my friend, so I pass them something which is supposed to be a useful tool of some kind and encourage them to leave. I am alone now. The ship (or something, anyway) seems to be back, and there’s nothing to do but wait, I figure. I pull out a book—The Hobbit—so I can read until it feels like manifesting. At some point, a dark, oppressive energic atmosphere begins to form—not something visible, but a feeling hanging over everything—and it does show itself – in the form of Bilbo Baggins. Simultaneously with this, I now seem to be Frodo. “Bilbo” starts going on an exaggerated diatribe about what an awful book “The Hobbit” is. This goes on for quite a while, interspersed with my occasional sarcastic responses. The continuity continues to be rather sketchy, with “Bilbo” occasionally disappearing and subsequently reappearing elsewhere, and once, apparently accidentally, walking into view undisguised before the previous one has finished talking, appearing as a figure cloaked in black, face hidden beneath a hood. But then, a little later, it’s back to “Bilbo” again. He now has his own copy of “The Hobbit,” enclosed in a bubble wrap packing envelope which he’s holding by one corner as if it’s something disgusting. There’s a whole tub filled with bubble wrap beside him. I haven’t been taking anything that’s happened the least bit seriously so far—I’ve been treating it as if it’s some kind of unavoidable everyday nuisance rather than an actual threat—but somehow, in this whole improbable series of events, it is the bubble wrap that gets me thinking critically about what’s going on. “Bubble wrap. Why?” I say aloud. There is no bubble wrap in Middle Earth. I think it over just to be sure. No, it’s quite impossible. Couldn’t happen. I then proceed to do the only logical thing one can do under the circumstances: transform myself into a cat and leap into the bubble wrap-filled crate. But it’s just then that the dream ends, and I awaken. 4.11.21
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP It's a freezing weather and some type of post-apocalyptical secnario or post-catastrophe situation. I am with some people at some place that looks a cross between my mom's home and a public hospital. For saving energy and heat, I suggest we close down some rooms for good and keep open only the ones with stuff we need. Then we gather in a few interior rooms which are more insulated. Things get better later and some group is able to reach us. There are some famous faces among them. They are our contact with the exterior so I prepare a plan with some of my friends in which one of us goes with them when they go out again. My friends chose me to go, because they secretly conspire for me to hook up with a guy from the other froup, who is drop dead gorgeous and hot but he is clearly out of my league to even consider it. But I also secretly feel some hope once they mention it, so I go. Later on for some reason I do a prank to everyone on the group, by attacking them with cans of whipped cream in spray that I come across. They don't react so well, they look disgusted and humiliated but decide to ignore it. We still finish our mission and we eventually come back to get all the others. Some surreal dream on a ship I can't recall. Then it is night and from the deck of the ship I see some dock below and a woman running away from a slender dark figure. I go down there and ask someone if they saw the woman being chased. I am told that a slender man has been terrorizing people, especially women, in the area. So I keep looking around trying to find them. I never see the woman again but Slender Man appears. First I freak out, but then I tell him he just met the one who will take him down. He laughs at me and for a second I doubt myself, but I am mildly aware that I am in control, so I stay firm. He tries to grab me and I sink my hand into his thigh. He screams in agony. I tell him I can rip him apart and I cause him more and more pain, until he is contorting on the ground. He starts losing his scary demonic look and now just seems like a very tall thin man dressed in black with a tall black hat. I feel horny with power, so I order him to undress. Turns out his got a nice body and I decide to abuse him as a way to subjugate him. He looks so scared and confused. I mention to him that I am dreaming and I can do anything I want. I tell him I want to rape him, so to keep undressing. I manifest some kind of really long black dildo and I sodomize him while somehow also riding it. I actually have an orgams from it in the dream and in RL. So I think slender man will be out of business for some time 😂 On vacation in Belgium with mom and Riverstone. Somehow we are staying in an apartment full of our stuff and even my cats, so I am concerned about packing it all for the return travel coming in in a few days. But they want to go on a 3 day tour up north by the sea and I end up giving up on packing up. It's summer, sunny and the ocean is turquoise blue and gorgeous. But the towns are already putting up Xmas decorations.I find it so odd but it all looks so lovely, my mom gets very emotional.
2nd September 2021 Dream: Aboard a spaceship. It's dark in most hallways and rooms and there's a general eerie feel, like how I used to feel about the dark as a child. Some parts of the ship look like the Nostromo in a Weyland-Yutani style. There's discussion with some characters and we're talking about Vulcan. I seem to have future knowledge that it will be destroyed by an explosion but I keep it to myself. A guy is talking about his brother having gone to Vulcan as a trader. I see out a central window in a dark room and there's a planet with a green atmosphere, framed perfectly by the round window. I go away from the rest of the group on my own, I think just through into some other nearby rooms. There's a WY wall-mounted bulky junction thing, over a doorway (resembling corridors in the Pods). This thing has a flashing red light, possibly beeping too. I notice that the flash seems to slowly be gaining speed. This unsettles me, telling me something is wrong. In the dream I can't seem to remember what the thing is for and when I ask nobody else seems to know or care, being preoccupied with their own conversations or thoughts. Nobody takes this seriously. I feel there may be an alien (xeno) aboard. (recall gap) Then, I'm in the mess hall, which is nearby to where I was before. There are two or three dozen people here, all eating from bowls and stuff, but there are no tables or chairs. There are a few kids too. An adjoined kitchen has workshop-like tools, like buzz saws, table saws and the like. All of this just makes me feel uneasy and I imagine or fear accidents relating to these tools. One kid in the mess hall has a cyborg hand with a circular saw attached. He's cutting beef jerky with it, or some other kind of stringy meat. I am or become one of the kids at some point, possibly early teens? Everyone eventually leaves except for myself and a couple of other kids. This unsettles me, like something terrible is going to happen, still because of that eerie feeling about the darkness. The other two kids, a tall slim boy and a short fat boy, start picking on me and won't let me leave. We get into a slow struggle but I eventually break free. I forget the rest of this part. (recall gap) Somewhere outdoors-like and sunny, but I just walked there in the ship, it's just some section of it. Some other characters, I'm accompanying them I think. Despite the changed environment the eerie feeling remains in some places that are indoors here. I forget most of this segment but at the end I'm talking to a male doctor, a psychologist. We're sitting at a bench in an outdoor cloister bit with benches. There are other people around, passing by or whatever. We discuss some problems of mine (which specific to this dream-life) but I forget what is said exactly. Notes: - For quite some time I have been wondering if or when I'd ever dream about one of the Alien films. Oddly enough, after waking from this dream, I didn't remember this, despite realising there were some similarities between the dream environment and the setting of the first film. - I haven't known or felt that fear of darkness in a number of long years, it's a fear that I think I must have worked a bit to overcome but that also kind of just went away on its own. -- It's notable that I can't remember ever having felt this eerie feeling in a dream before, but it's possible I just don't remember any specific instance anymore. - I couldn't notice any outer details of the ship from the windows. -- The planet I saw was probably based off space games I've recently been playing. But the (vivid, tending toward yellows) green atmosphere is probably symbolic, as it's a colour I associate with death, envy and other sinister feelings or effects. This seems pertinent with the rest of the setting and mood. - The unwillingness of other characters to cooperate or listen probably relates to how characters are often portrayed in the sort of film like Alien, where you always seem to have stubborn or ignorant characters that make everything worse. - On some level, the ship having the self-contained outdoor-but-indoors environment is probably related to a story I've been working on for a while now. - Despite the feelings in the dream, this wasn't really a bad dream, especially since I've been waiting for something like it to come up.
31st July 2021 Fragment: (chronology and order a bit messed up in recall) I'm travelling through space back to Earth. I have to travel so far that it takes two hundred years to get back to Earth. It's implied I use some kind of cryogenic sleep and for me only moments seem to have passed between all the travelling. But I remember time spent during travel. At some point I fiddle on with a mini-disc player that can supposedly output video signal around the back. I have some frustrations with the player. I note that its model is an "MD-6" and recall that it looks a bit like a high end CD player we have in our bedroom in waking life. This mini-disc player is on the floor and this bit looks a bit like my parents' old room. Where mom's study used to be, the enclosed balcony bit, is like a viewing area and I can see into space; it extends further than it would in waking life. There's a planet or two and a star, white? Space is pretty black and realistic in that sense of it. I think about how mini-disc as a format wasn't meant for video output and understand that to be part of my frustrations with getting the unit to work (the way I want it to?). I don't recall a screen or what the video was anymore, but I do recall watching some of it. (gap) Some other part aboard the ship, talking to another crew member? (gap) When I get back to Earth, the year is 2400 or so. There are alien overlords of several species, dealing with unrest on Earth. I do not feel opposed to their presence, but I feel annoyed at all of it in general. One of the alien overlords is a giant and grey scaly creature, which I like the look of. Another one, whom I'm with in a semi-circle room with a glass dome, is a bit bigger than the average human and looks yellow and a bit chubby. (gap) I loop back to returning to Earth on the ship again. This time, by the time I'm back on Earth again, the year is 3500. Humanity is (apparently) incredibly advanced now. I am inside a structure, a latticed sphere building of some kind, which likely wouldn't work with conventional construction techniques, I feel. At the centre of this structure, there are platforms and some humans. The humans are gene editing themselves, they look very different from how a human should. I remember some are much bigger and some look a bit stretched in some sense. There is some kind of weird mohawk fashion going on. I think I have some thoughts on this. I feel annoyed again, about so much time having passed since I was last on Earth. I think about how they have all this technology and they didn't do anything about me needing to return to Earth with cryogenic sleep. I think I feel myself partly loathing them and partly feeling distant from them because I am essentially from the past.
Updated 08-05-2021 at 06:23 PM by 95293
24th June 2021 Some in-line notes, some side notes. Dream (fragmented): Playing as a level seventy human warrior, protection spec by the looks of the gear. I'm in some kind of life-like place with rooms, but on a flying mount and mining ores. There are Legion enemies around as well as general Legion stuff. I think about how something looks wrong, not as how I remember it (according to a dreaming false memory). (recall gap) I'm flying around Helfire doing ore mining, mostly getting Fel Iron but some Khorium and other novel gem ores, coloured after the type of gem they're supposed to be. Oddly, I can't mine Adamantite at all. I manage to avoid fights with horde players by flying to ore locations in a random pattern, helped by having the fastest mount, some kind of gladiator's nether drake by the looks of it, not too different from whatever I was using before. I go to parts of Helfire that don't actually exist. One such place is a floating rock isle, high above and to the south east of the peninsula. There are some unremarkable chests here, they give me a few silver coins, something like twenty to fourty as well as random crappy items. They feel worth getting since nobody else is after them and this area seems to have little interest. Some people, ghosts, come out of some ruins on the south part of the island, some two/three hundred yards away. I forget who the ghosts are or what they say, but it's a mom and a dad and their pre-teen daughter. Despite a life-like quality to them, they still seem game-like. Then I fly away to the north from here, to an area that's east or north east of the peninsula; it's more at the same height level as the general landscape and not quite so fragmented as the other island. It's the leftovers of some kind of world tree thing that some night elves tried making. There are some NPCs here that provide alternate introductory quests for people entering Outland. (recall gap) I see from my friend's list that HW is on his priest. He's only sixty and this seems normal to me. I remember physically being in a place like a regular room with him. I suggest that he could go level up. It seems he's annoyed, he was trying to do tower captures in EPL but I can't figure out why and I don't ask. This room has windows and light comes in from outside, but it feels dark and dingy even so. There's an off-orange tint? There's some kind of IKEA shelf thing. There's hi-fi on top of it. I adjust the top unit because I'm concerned about it dropping off, it's just barely bigger than the shelf's surface area. In the dream this hi-fi belongs to HW but also seems to be his PC or something. (recall gap) Later on I'm on some kind of desert island. It's sunny and grassy and wild, a little bit of rolling hills. I have an inventory with some food but need to get wood break some rocks to make better tools with. Vague recall of beating on a rock with some tiny drum sticks, amused by the rhythmic noise. (Not realising that I couldn't have performed this action in waking life since I have no experience of it) This is after some bit where I had been on the island and I'd finished my "run" of it. This bit now was like a new game or a reset. (recall gap) A different sequence about space ships and docking into a large and complex vertical structure (in space?) with hundreds of individual hangars for sort of fighter-sized ships. The hangars have blue energy fields at the entrances. Inside there look to be full amenities (not unlike a Freelancer equipment shop?). I think to myself it's amazing I get assigned to dock on landing pad one, when there are literal hundreds of them. I am here with someone else, maybe HW, but whoever it was didn't want me near them. I find this annoying, since the dock assignment was automatic, as was the docking procedure, so I couldn't override to get closer to them (and help them feel better?). Notes: - There are some less common dream elements to this dream, for one thing it was fairly consistent about Helfire's look and layout. On the other hand, the room I met HW in seemed like it could actually be his flat room, though the IKEA shelf and the hi-fi stuff seemed like ours; associative link between IKEA and HW, since both are from Sweden? - The bit in space was a mix-mash of most of the space themes that have made impressions on me, like Homeworld, Freelancer, Elite Dangerous and a few others. The "vertical" bit may have been brought about by what I heard in the audio documentary of the fourth Alien film, which at the time had made me think about the Hiigaran mothership. -- It's a shame I haven't really had any dreams that I can recall that are more directly around Alien themes and WY. - Perhaps the reason I couldn't mine Adamantite (red skill level) was because I generally think of Adamantium-related materials to be very top end, although in the game Khorium would be the top end material. - The irony of me being 70 and HW being 60 on his character is that this is a role reversal, where I'm trying to include him by saying it would be a good idea for him to level up. - HW seemed moody, annoyed or upset, in the dream. I think I couldn't understand why and wanted him to feel better.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some team building event. I am with Zilla and I also see other familiar faces from high school, like Filipa, who tells us that Claudia died some time ago. There is also by Bad Wolf, my pre-teen sweetheart, who ended up hating me. But he seems cool about me now. We do our team building exercises and the ice breaks between us. I actually think he is into me and I wonder if maybe the universe is offering us a chance to have the relationship we never had in the past. He looks youthful, keeping is highscool looks and he is now divorced or something. And apparently I am free too. So we become good friends and plan to go on a date. Now I realize we are all on a ship, looks like he a fisher boat. One night I get up amidst a chaos, the boat is in a storm, there is water and debris everywhere and Bad Wolf is looking for me, concerned. He meets me on the deck and says it's not safe, a giant whale is attacking us. Then I see a giant flipper hiting us and I fall into the water, losing consciousness. I am in and out of my senses as I sink into the water and at some point I notice someone swimming nearby and pulling me into some other ship wreck below us. We can't go up, as the whale is still hiting and now some orcas have joined in attacking survirvors. Luckily, the sunken ship is almost intact and is turned upside down which created a giant air pocket inside it, so we can actually breathe and walk through a big part of the ship. Zilla managed to join us and we discover a pantry and it's packed with food. I know the air won't last long and we will eventually have to go to the surface again.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP On some big ship with Riverstone, I think illegally and we are being looked for by the security on board and policemen awaits us on arrival. The ship enters some water elevator, like those in canals and we use that chance to escape through service areas and service latches into a concrete ramp that will soon be flooded. I run up the ramp but there are police waiting on top of it. I yell to Riverstone to run the other way, not sure there is another way, but I think there is. The leading detective then keeps me secure while he sends out the rest of the men after my guy. He takes me away through the crowded terminal and I claim I need to go to the toilet. He denies me that first, but turns out we have to wait a lot for the other men who are not succeeding in catching my BF, so he says ok. I think I see Riverstone in the crowd and think I know where he is heading. In the toilet I find some passed out tourist napping against the wall and she has some bag with a t-shirt, a sweater and bermudas, plus a small purse with some change, so I take it and change clothes and hairstyle. The detective is not really by the door, he is slightly distant, keeping an eye on the door, so I sneak out quickly the other way and he can't tell it is me. Doesn't take long though for him to go check on me and learn that I stole things from the girl. Later on he spots me at a ticket office trying to buy some ticket and he catches me again. He takes me to his place, which I feel is unprofessional and wonder what's happening, but he just wants to have some heartfelt conversation with me, wanting to know why we are outlaws and keep committing crimes. I really ask him what we did so wrong, since we haven't hurt or killed anybody and the worst I did was steal some clothes and some change - as I don't recall doing anything else before. I tell him anybody in our position would do the same. He insists if we do small crimes we'll do bigger ones and I explain I could eventually knock him down unconscious to escape but would never deliberately beat him in order to seriously injure or kill and I mean it. He seems to believe me and cuts me some slack. Apparently we have some waiting to do. He says his men caught Riverstone but they have to meet at some exact hour at some door to a police station where they'll bring him. I pretend I have given up and just want to enjoy my last hours of freedom and he relaxes and serves some drinks and we talk and listen to music. He doesn't tie me up, I am free to move around. I sing along and he is impressed with my voice. He starts really enjoying our time together, like we are on a date, singing and drinking, but I am making sure he drinks way more. At some point he is losing control and I manage to tie him up with some S&M gear that he has. My plan is to leave him there comfortable while I go to the meeting point to rescue Riverstone,
10th April 2021 Fragment: I'm in space, in a ship. It feels like a mix of Elite, Rebel Galaxy and Starpoint Gemini. Space is mostly realistic though, black with stars, no fancy nebulae or anything like that. I remember at one point there was something about overriding speed safeties and using a manual control to improve time taken getting somewhere. I'm cruising at a high warp speed, not sure how fast, but fairly fast as I come toward the surface of some astral object, I become unable to slow down enough and bounce off the surface. On an interface I see I lost about 75% integrity. There are local armed defence systems and I re-engage a warp speed to get away from here. I remember interacting with someone, a friend or family maybe? There was a lot more to this dream but I left it too long and having made no initial notes, rest of recall is lost.
8th April 2021 Scraps: (chronology unknown) I'm in a ship in space. There's a Freelancer feel to things but things look more realistic. I'm flying with two escorts through some kind of debris field and when we encounter some hostiles I shoot one of my wingmen by accident at one point. My ship has enough firepower that it's pretty much a one-shot kill and a message comes up and tells me I have failed the mission. I can't understand it because the wingmen were not marked as mission-critical. I click retry or something but then I'm doing different things. Vague recall of a more normal Freelancer sequence where I'm in an Eagle and using Salamanca weapons. Intense manoeuvring. Some other sequence. Also in a game of some kind? Doing some kind of time-trial thing and there's a score multiplier that goes up to x30. It works like the DOOM arcade trials in a sense but the game itself is a mix of RoR2 and something else, having a more crude feel to it. There's a swampy area I go through and maybe some kind of ancient temple. The ambience seems a bit grungy and not particularly bright. Another thing, relating to the space bit. I am in some kind of station, it's advanced. There's a lot of green and black and I think there are many enemies. My relative power level to theirs is massively superior but it still takes a little bit of time to clear enemies. I'm trying to get to an access or lift perhaps. The area has a very open-design kind of look and is like some kind of massive sci-fi raid dungeon.
4th February 2021 Fragment: I'm with JC, we're walking together through an alternate version of my town. I remember asking him about his family's cafe or something, I ask if it was located near his house (I visualise it a bit) and I'm generally asking him questions about things I'm sure we've talked about in waking life, when we knew each other. Initially we had been at some kind of school or public building, leaving. We walk through the areas of town, which are much more open than usual, but the buildings seem proportionately expanded as well. We're headed somewhere specific, towards where my home is, but I forget the exact destination. I feel we're walking from the physically lowest part of town. It's day time but I think I remember a sunset at some point. Fragment: (Complicated dream, vague recall.) Something about being in some starships and some kind of ancient device on a planet. A wild grain field of sorts, that's where the device is located. I and four others come to it, and it requires five people in total to activate. It forms a sort of pentagon if it were viewed from above. It's comprised of five adjoining capsules of sorts. We get in them and they are like lifts, taking us down. We are then inside some starship of an ancient design, resembling ancient Mayan stylistically. It's a rectangular stepped pyramid with powerful thrusters, effectively. I remember it breaks through the crust and the thrusters smoke a lot, seemingly struggling a bit too. Fragment (FA): I'm in bed with H or something. It looks like my parents' old room but with a layout more like our bedroom. There's a unit with a seven-segment display across the room, it says 20:16? Eight PM, either way. I tell H that we'd stayed in bed far too long. H seems surprised but doesn't do much to get up? We're both naked, I think. I then remember being in our office room and thinking it's amazing that it was still day time at 20:16, more specifically at this time of year, but I do not question reality. (Recall mixed here.) On the computer, playing BL. Trying to find my way through some portals, with H, so we can get to KH. I end up on a dead-end player-owned location. It looks like a nice location, but I feel annoyed for wasting my time. Notes: - The false awakening was unusual. For one thing, I rarely have false awakenings at all. The dream presented some very obvious dream signs that I did not pick up on at all and I still managed to find myself in amazement. - Recall was overall poor because of having to get up to answer the door somewhat abruptly and then I returned to bed wanting to get up soon, but didn't, falling asleep again.
17th January 2021 In bed, at about 3 AM whilst trying to fall asleep. During the whole thing I noticed my heart rate was higher than it would normally be at rest. Dialogue as close to original as I can recall and notes are in-line and unbracketed. Not a dream and conscious with my eyes closed: I start to think about wanting to be lucid and then wanting to look for the black lizard. I hear the voice of Data and find myself seeing I'm on the bridge of the Enterprise, the one that's his contemporary. It's a bit clear at first visually. I have encountered Data other times in my head recently. For some reason he seems to encourage my conscious control and mastery of the sub-conscious and wishes to serve me. Data: "Hello, may I call you captain?" Me: "Hello. Yes, you may." Data: "Will you accompany me to the turbolift sir?" Me: "Yes, why?" I find my own voice comes out naturally as if it was Picard's; I eventually try to alter this but with little success. Whenever Data speaks, half of it feels like it's being controlled by me, resulting in strange dialogue, but otherwise it feels detached from my ego. Data: "I'd like to show you to the bridge; the battle bridge; no, the dream bridge." Me: "The dream bridge?" The visuals are muddy and too much like as seen in the show for my liking and I try to taste the walls, I try to feel where I'm walking and touching the railings and so on. It doesn't improve the visuals, but there is a feel of being in the place. We get on the turbolift and then find ourselves on a similar version of the bridge we were just in but it has a different feel. I see the large screen and the unmanned bridge. Data: "Yes sir. The dream bridge will allow you dream control if you so desire." Me: "How does it work?" Data: "It allows you to scroll; view, pre-view, select, choose and so on. As in your childhood sir, it works the same way." I understand what Data is referring to as being my pre-sleep lucid experiences from when I was much younger but this is somewhat different, more elaborate. I have an intuitive feel of how it's going to work but don't fully understand and the unclear visuals make it difficult to manipulate anything. I sit on a version of the captain's chair on this bridge. I feel the chair, just. There is some kind of controllable trackball I instinctively conjure on the right arm of the chair. I try to use and feel it for scrolling. Me: "If I have any further questions, I will call on you, that will do for now. Goodbye Mr. Data." Data says goodbye politely and I lose awareness of his presence as if he is completely gone. I try and use what's available to try to look through potential dreams. It doesn't work very well or as I expect. But one scene does pre-view better on the large screen, a M/M themed scene that plays itself out. But from there I don't know how to progress. I try to visualise more but it doesn't really work and visuals in general remained poor or unclear. The rest of the dialogue recall is too vague now, and I recall calling out to Data a couple of times and he would appear every single time I called him, and disappear whenever we said goodbye to each other. The computer would talk to me as well if I started a sentence by saying "Computer," but for the most part it was useless, probably because of how in the show I perceive the ship's computer as having no intelligence, a feature that Data, even as a character in my head, exhibits very well. I have found the experience to be somewhat odd; although a lizard character has tried to (aggressively) promote my ego's control and confidence, Data as a character is seemingly trying to promote control and mastery but in a very loose and passive way, allowing me to explore at my own pace for the most part and actively trying to teach me things. I think what has surprised me is the fact that these characters are not at the ego level but they are promoting it and basically siding with the ego. Data seemingly has loyalty for me as he would indeed for the captain on the Enterprise. For a couple of nights now I have thought about trying to remember what those pre-sleep experiences from my childhood felt like, so this whole thing has felt like a following of that and the theme may be because we've been watching the show again, although this was unexpected. The rest of the recall is lost but I was awake for a while longer after this.