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    1. 01/10/2015

      by , 10-01-2015 at 04:59 PM (LucasPotter's DJ)
      So I was at this weird place, it was like a huge patio. I had to hide from those big... tripods. I've just finished a book series, Tripods, and then I started The 5th Wave, so I guess I've been a bit... affected.

      Anyway, I hid from the tripods because I knew they were bad aliens. As I was trying to find a place to stay, I ran into the twins from The Fosters. They were staying inside this really tiny, ugly, dirty bathroom*. Jesus wasn't really all that happy to have me there, but Mariana convinced him to let me stay.

      After a while, we left and there were lots of young people around, unsure of what to do. We had our phones, but I knew that our numbers weren't ours anymore, because... somehow, we were in the future? So I left and I ran into this group of adults.

      Angelina Jolie as Maleficent was there. The group was sorta judging her? As in a trial, but in a park. The leader said that she owed them the spell/potion for eternal life. She laughed and said that it would never work on him, since he was old, fat and ugly.

      Then, she got serious and said that we needed to protect the kids. That if we ran into kids asking for food, we should give whatever we had, even if it was little, cause there were kids everywhere trying to live on their own after the alien invasion and they'd probably all be starving.

      After that, she also reminded us to take care of the dinosaurs. She pointed at them and I saw three weird... things... trying to get away from the ropes that were holding them to trees. It was hopeless, they weren't strong enough.

      So I walked away and I found some "soldiers" being mean to starving kids, even beating them with a chain. For some reason, I took charge of them and decided to beat the soldiers with their chain, to teach them a lesson.

      *Yesterday, I had decided I needed to do a RC whenever I went into a bathroom. I actually forgot to do that, both in real life and in the dream. So. I need to get on that. It's obviously a strong dream sign. BATHROOM = RC
      Tags: rc warning
      non-lucid , side notes
    2. 30/09/2015

      by , 09-30-2015 at 04:28 PM (LucasPotter's DJ)
      I woke up a lot last night and I was kinda anxious, so my dream is a bit of a mess. Also, I've been up for a few hours now, so I kinda forgot some stuff. I did dream about DV, so niiice.

      Anyway, I was at this weird place. It was like a fancy camp/cheap resort kinda place. I remember I kept going from one... small cottage to another, looking for a DV member (who doesn't exist in real life). I knew I had to find him cause he was wise and he'd help me.

      I finally found him and he was old and crazy. He kept saying I needed to get ready for the collapse of our society and that he wouldn't be around much longer cause he was gonna die. So he took me to his tiny cottage and he helped me pack some stuff and food. Then he made me take a shower.

      Note: I dream a lot about showers. I need to start doing RCs whenever I take one.

      When I came back from my shower, he was gone. I took my bag and I couldn't find him. Everybody was freaking out, so I finally got into a car. It was a regular car, but, somehow, there were MANY people there.

      Note: I dream a lot about cars/buses/planes/trains/subways/driving. I need to start doing RCs whenever I 'm on some type of transportation - ESPECIALLY driving.

      There was this traffic jam and we were on a very steep street. The other lane was empty, there were no cars coming our way. Two cars ahead of us, a woman got out and she looked at us. I knew she was gonna ask for our help because her (adult) son was in our car.

      I told him that I was sorry, but we couldn't help her and that the best thing he could do was go to the other lane and drive away. There were no cars coming, so it wouldn't be dangerous, we could use it.

      He did that and I woke up.
      Tags: rc warning
      non-lucid , side notes