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    1. Vivid Containers and Short Lucid False Awakening

      by , 10-28-2012 at 08:22 PM
      Non lucid

      Part 1
      Actually woke up from sleep. I lay still and tried to remember my dreams.
      I remembered a fragment of a line of metal fold out chairs with some people filling some of the seats. A big person in the middle chair had a red hooded sweatshirt on. Something was going on but I can't remember what.
      I was to tired to get up and write this down or try WBTB so I settled on doing a MILD
      Tons of colourful imagery flowed through my mind.... Houses, a Lion, other animals, and landscapes. Then I saw to ovals(one blue and one orange) with holes in them form into the tops of two industrial like containers. Both were about the size of a trash can but were slightly skinnier and had straight sides.

      They were made out of metal and had minorly complex rods and levers to open and lock them shut. The origional ovals had transformed into a second layer that resembled the top of a smooth shiitake mushroom (no flat spots but not to rounded either). The tops still had holes in them and covered a flat lid that shared a ceiling surface with the containers. The shiitake like covers attached to the underlying lid via welded tabs around the circumference of its curved base. I think that some sort of filtering vent contraptions were hidden between the curved top lids and the flat ceiling lids. The lid assemblies also had heavy duty hinges that connected them to the containers. The two containers colors (blue and orange respectively) were very vivid. Over all the shape of each container was like super cylindrical salt or pepper shaker with contraptions on them, larger and fewer holes in the top, and a ceiling surface.

      I liked this imagery and the two containers became dozens of vivid blue and orange containers all laid out in front of me. Then this faded and I thought I'd get up to use the restroom. False Awakening

      Part 2
      I spun my feet out of bed as I lifted my body up. I floated effortlessly on to my feet and realized that I was dreaming. I stood beside my bed and then dizilly made my way over to the middle of my bedroom. Even though I knew I was dreaming I also felt that I was trying to WILD for some reason and I felt disoriented. I decided to lie back down because I found the disorientation to be uncomfortable. I stumbled over a laundry basket and foot board that don't exist in real life. I fell face first toward the bed, hovered about 4 inches from the covers, and then sank a little.

      I awoke for real, did a reality check, and got up for a minute.