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    1. Biology Professor Office Hours, Chalkboard, Riding a Motorcycle on Snaky Sidewalk, Photo vibe.......

      by , 03-14-2012 at 04:12 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Biology Professor Office Hours, Chemistry Professor & Chalkboard, Riding a Motorcycle on Snaky Sidewalk, Someone posts IRL image of themselves (Non-lucid)


      Most of these were really vivid, I remember waking up for a WBTB, and I know I recalled a dream during that time, but I didn't spend long on the WBTB anyway. These dreams are not in chronological order, and I still have lingering images in my head about what happened, which is good.

      Dream 1: Biology Professor Office Hours

      I go inside a room where a man that looks an awful lot like the professor I had for Biology 111. It seems he's just sitting there casually waiting for someone to come in, so I'm assuming this is what he does during his office hours.

      (Since the real one doesn't do as much research anymore, he has a lot of free time to play Solitaire, and some students found that he really does this).

      I go up to him to talk about an Exam, and he still has a passive demeanor, and I don't remember too much on what I asked of him, but I know it was related to Scantrons and an Exam.

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      I think the dream shifts a little where I'm in the same room, but he's standing up and holding a blue version of a test, and he's looking directly at me waiting for me to ask him a question.

      Dream 2: Chemistry Professor & Chalkboard

      I'm sitting inside a lecture room for Chemistry apparently because I see an Asian woman who looks like the Chemistry 112 teacher I'm taking right now as a second semester freshmen at my University.

      I believe she has a projector screen up, but she decides to use the green chalkboards behind it to erase a few things, probably from previous classes where the other professor forgot to erase.

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      At first, it seems she's using a weird object to erase the chalkboard, and I think a few students where bothered by this, but she finally realizes she should use an actual chalkboard eraser. It's fairly big, and she's doing a horrible job erasing things.

      (In the real class, people didn't like her at first because she had a hard time configuring the projection screen and writing too small on the white board, but now I think they like her a lot. Just mentioning that to remember the mood of everyone in this room).

      She's swiping in an up and down motion with the eraser, and you can still see the streaks of what she erased on the board. It bothered me a little, but I tried not to worry about a small thing like that, but the way she did it so quickly and horribly was just irritating.

      She turns back to the class to probably start the lecture, and I think a few students in the large lecture room are talking to each other about something, most likely complaining about her exams or something of the sort.

      Dream 3: Riding a Motorcycle on Snaky Sidewalk

      The environment is either afternoon or close to it. It feels like I'm at my University, since I see some small stone hedges containing plants, seeing the green grass that is pure and clean (they have a strict policy in students keeping off on certain areas of grass, which makes the whole University even more beautiful, just don't go to Bryan, TX though lol).

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      Click image for larger version. 

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      I believe this motorcycle was black, and apparently I have to catch up with a few people, but I can't remember who. I get on the motorcycle, trying to shift my rear in the right place since this feels like one of those where you have to bend your back forward a lot.

      I didn't even need to start the motorcycle, I slowly ride it, and I have some trouble riding it on a sidewalk that seems to be formed like a snake's body structure (the sidewalk has a lot of curves where you have to shift left and right a few times).

      I didn't think about this when I recalled this dream, but I believe this same sidewalk's path could've led me to Alyzarin! Since the last dream I had about a snake-related even was a fairly huge snake crawling next to me, and I didn't feel afraid at all).

      I finally get the hang of this motorcycle, and it seems that it's actually developed, and by that, I mean I all the parts seem to be in thier proper place compared to how I normally see vehicles having some parts blurred out until I decide to make a conscious effort in making their more clear and vivid.

      I continue riding most likely,
      and that's all I remember for that one.

      Dream 4: Someone posts IRL image of themselves

      Click image for larger version. 

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      I think I'm on DV, and I'm looking at the "Post Pictures of yourself here, without discussion" thread, and I see a female post a photo of her.

      It was fairly small compared to the other big photos most people post, but I could see it was a blonde, and she was wearing a white shirt that had pink to it on her shoulders and the top section of her arms.

      She looked really beautiful, I couldn't see the Username of the person though, she just looked so amazing! I couldn't get my eyes off of her, and I sense a REALLY familiar vibe from this person's photo.

      There was also a small glow behind the person who took the photo, and it seemed they wanted to have a dark background (it was mostly a dark orange setting to it) so that their image can be portrayed more.

      EDIT: I remembered one more dream. That's weird, usually I don't have this type of recall after being awake for some time now. Oh well, guess my mind is getting better and better without relying too much on the half-awake half-asleep state I try to practice to remember more dreams.

      Dream 4: Restaurant To-Go

      This dream is vivid like the ones before, and I believe I'm walking to take a seat to a Restaurant. The environment is fairly dark, with some lighting to it. The overall colors in the background would be brown, yellow, and orange.

      As I'm sitting down, a lady comes up to me and asks what I would like. I look at this lady, and she looks like the Teacher's Assistant in my Sociohoritculture class, no doubt about that.

      I forget what I tell her what I wanted to order, but I say whatever it was, and said that I would like it To-Go and she goes on her way. The seat I'm sitting on are one of those long, fluffy, and comfortable leather seats meant to occupy several people.

      The Restaurant was pretty fancy, with flooring that looked like marble type of material. Then I think I head out because I felt I forgot something, and I completely forget the idea that I should wait for my meal to come for me to eat.

      I go outside to this mini-store, and I go up to this guy who I can't really get a good facial expression off, but he's signing something for me on some paper. It could've been yellow paper or just ordinary paper, and I think I'm in this store for him to help me with regulating something that I can't remember about.

      I then realize I should go back to the restaurant to make sure the lady didn't think I didn't want the food. But here's the weird part, as I'm going back to sit in the same location that I was in, she comes to me again.

      She asks me what I would like, and I thought she knew I was here already, but I guess she was just trying to sustain a habit of doing that to people coming in and out of the Restaurant. She asked me if I wanted the Sweet and Sour Chicken again? Or something like that, and I nod to her.

      Then after I get the meal the second time, I think I head out and had a bunch of random events happen in front of me. I think I had trouble trying to ride something, and people in traffic were being a bit ditzy and slow in response. It was at an intersection, so basically, everyone is trying to move, but they want to wait because they'll think one person should be able to go their way before they move.

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 08:06 PM by 47756
