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    1. August 1st, 2024 11:54 am

      by , 08-01-2024 at 11:11 AM
      I was approached by this journalist to do an item on something, idk what exactly it was about, voice acting or something.

      I go upstairs to take a shower real quick and there's a whole group of people partying in the bathroom there. I don't care and shower regardless. Once I'm ready much later, we head into the city, which is Alkmaar for some reason despite me not living there, nor have I ever been there. We film a bit, but it feels unnatural, so the reporter gets these fake red dreads and attaches these to my hair in the front so it looks like I have more hair. We then go to the McDonald's for dinner and it's super busy there. Meanwhile the camera woman gets the plants out of there so we can film.
      She does this whole shot from streets away where she runs towards the McDonald's, puts the camera on the table, then interviews me. I can't even remember what it was about and it definitely wasn't a serious interview. The guy working there says the interviewer used to be her boss, I check her LinkedIn and she used to work at a hand washing service company. I think she got some B-roll afterwards, and we get into the Berlin metro and head home. In the metro, I access a locker that apparently everyone in my art school can access, and I get my journals out of there. As the metro arrives at the destination, I try to grab my stuff before the door closes again. A little kid brags that I was interviewed, but no one really cares and I wake up.
    2. Night of Monday 12/4/23

      by , 12-06-2023 at 08:11 PM (Dreamlog)
      Mother Eater:

      I'm on a gloomy, dark, rainy street.
      There is a monster down the way. It has eaten a sort of mother figure.
      There is a cave area, with three couples of people together.
      The monster is there and the couples are giving up to it.

      Searching the School:

      I'm walking quickly through my highschool with an unexplained sense of urgency.
      I'm looking for someone.
      I see one of my old roommates from college in the stairwell. I go up and down different stairwells at different parts of the building in my search.
      I pass an old classroom of mine, and one of my old English teachers from back then, Mrs. F.

      Updated 12-14-2023 at 09:05 PM by 99808

    3. College Again

      by , 07-03-2023 at 06:10 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      College Again (NLD) 07.02.2023

      I am in the animation drawing class at my old college except instead of rows of computers there are normal desks with seats. The professor is MF and he says we have to design space craft for this assignment. I look in my portfolio for a blank piece of paper and pull one out. After I start drawing I realize there is already part of a drawing drawn in ink and it clashes with what I have drawn in pencil so I need to find a different paper without anything on it. This is when I start to question why I am back in college. After all, I already have my degree. This is a common dream sign but the dream logic keeps me from doing a reality check! Instead I walk up to MF and ask if I am on the list of students. He takes a look at his notes and says I am indeed enroled in the class.

      After the class is over I go to the information desk because this just doesn't seem right. I walk up to one of the people at the desk and ask if they can tell me if I am enrolled in clases. "You see, I often have dreams I am back in school and I just want to know if I'm enrolled." They make up excuses of how they don't have access to this information. "What is my current GPA?" I ask. "You have a 2.2 from missing so many classes." I was an honors student so this stresses me out and I still don't become lucid.

      I go outside and there is some sort of game where you walk around a square shape made of squares drawn on the pavement in chalk. I get hung up in playing this game where you walk around the squares and things happen depending on where you land. This part of the dream is fuzzy now and, of course, I don't become lucid.
    4. ccclxxxiv. Space dread, foreign land, art/drawing class

      by , 05-09-2022 at 06:37 PM
      2022 May 8th


      Something like NMS. Flying through space in a system of a few planets. There's a Dyson sphere surface (like in FL before entry) and there's a planet which just seems to be melding or embedded with the sphere surface (which in itself appears impossibly flat). Something feels slightly trippy as I start to warp towards this planet.

      (recall gap)

      Border control place, at an Arabic-looking kind of building. Some kind of ID is needed to enter this place, which is an unspecified foreign country.

      (recall gap)

      Then I'm in a drawing class. Feels like college but with a mix of university too. There are photocopies of classical Roman-themed drawings which are sitting upright on a conveyor system and going around the classroom. I'm late to the class and don't get a brief and such. I start trying to draw based on one drawing of a gladiator down on the floor, the composition is focused on his head, wearing one of those brass helms. (Like in Jean-Leon Gerome's "Pollice Verso")

      I get about halfway through drawing this with a BIC pen and then somebody takes away the reference drawing I was using. I get annoyed by this and I try to simply wait to get it back and make attempts on my own to continue my drawing but it seems like it's not going to happen. I try to ask my tutor V for help but this doesn't go so well because he's trying to talk and me and others keep interrupting him and he forgets where he was with it, so he never really finishes circling around to any of us.

      Then the class is ending and my drawing remains unfinished, even though I'd been trying to make do without the reference. As people are leaving, someone takes the drawing I was working on, though I don't realise at first. When I do realise, I get annoyed and a bit frustrated by how everything was going.

      I just can't find the drawing anywhere and assume someone stole it. V and JC were waiting for me to finish looking because V was offering to give us a ride home and now they've been waiting a bit too long and just leave without me. It's now night time outside and there are other people around, so I am unable to distinguish who they are or where they went, in the dark.

      At this point I try to reverse time, without much fine control over how much time to reverse. The dream ends after a failed attempt where I reverted time too much, I think.


      - The main "trippy" thing about what was going on in the first segment was more or less what I could only ever describe as a feeling of dread when I first played some games like FL and when I experimented with placing planets and objects in such ways that the effect was so unnatural and which meant that when physically navigating these instances in a ship created a feeling very much like a fear of unknown and a sensation like falling. I can't really describe the effect on me too well because it has always felt particularly unique and I've never heard any special term for it, so weak comparisons are the best I can do.

      - I haven't thought much at all about something like the mentioned gladiator's painting for quite some time, though it is definitely amongst my favourites in paintings of such styles. The closest thing I can think of right now that has any associative resemblance would be thinking of a hairstyle for a character for H.
      -- The other aspect of this in the segment, is that the drawn reference of the gladiator that I was looking at was exceptionally well drawn and originally in graphite. The dead gladiator's expression was that of shock, looking sideways to his right, which relative to the position of his head would be "up". The point of view was at eye level to the dead gladiator and there was a fracture or some other kind of damage to the helmet. I distinctly recall there being chainmail under his helm.

      - The whole atmosphere to the drawing/college segment was one of a transitional phase, much like university actually had been. There was some dedication on my part but I was still not "in tune" with all of it. Although I do not recall exactly the quality of my own work too much in this segment, it wasn't too far off the original drawing I was looking at for reference. Symbolically, as this had the feel of a transitional phase and there are aspects of hindrances and frustrations, this is likely related to some of my current issues, which are not with some external factor this time but with an internal one, since it reflects the seriousness I want to put in while also reflecting something of myself to be lacking, with regards to having the required drive to push myself along where I want to go. (I am not feeling able to adequately express the sentiment of the relevance of this to myself right now)

      - Again this dream shows a strong symbolic element relating to three principles; individuality, group and collective, which seem to be strongly recurring elements at present, or perhaps my mind is much more focused on noticing this type of recurring element lately.
    5. Some Fun Dream Fragments

      by , 03-08-2022 at 12:43 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Over the past week I have had a lot of dream fragments that I hadn't journaled. Some of them were even lucid. Two of them stand out as worth sharing.

      Going witht the Flow (Non-Lucid)

      I am at the beach with my girlfriend. I go out in the water to were the waves begin to break. A big wave comes up and I body surf it to the shore. There is an overweight man standing in the water and the wave carries me close to him. I shout out sorry. Just then a horizontal current pushes me around and past him. I find such a wave improbable but I continue to body surf with the current. Now I am back out in the deeper section and another horizontal wave comes going the opposite direction. I end up in a circular current that takes me around in one big surf for several cycles. It's really fun!

      Graduation Break Dance (DEILD)

      I have several short dreams about various topics and then wake up. When I fall back to sleep, visuals of being in a line in a corridor appears. At the end of the corridor there are stage lights so I assume there is also a stage and audience. I remember I just woke up so I do a nose pinch reality check. I hear an announcer reading off names and I'm wearing a cap and gown so I know this is a graduation ceremony. When I get out on stage I do another nose pinch rc just to be sure I am not going to embarrass myself in a real life situation. With that out of the way I decide to have some fun.

      First I purposefully trip to the surprise of the audience! Then I start break dancing. (poorly) After a little while of this, two men escort me off stage and the dream transitions back into more non lucid fragments.
    6. 13 Jul: Lucid surreal stuff, chased by Darth Vader into tunnel, college field trip

      by , 07-13-2021 at 03:36 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Had some lucid moment in front of a mirror, but then lose it. I hate my clothes and look, so I make magically appear a gorgeous princess dress and then get horny with myself. I pull the dress up and expose my nether regions in the mirror and summon some dildos to play with. Some dog big hairy appears and gets on top of me and humps me. And the weird thing is I let him for a while until I realize this is kinda sick and I want it to stop. So I become lucid again and break it. I get up, go out and see some scenario I think I had dreamed of before at least twice.
      There is a big group of people outside, then on a black horse comes some lady like a Queen, of whom people are afraid of. I remember from having this dream before, that she'll boss me around and I am not in the mood. So I freeze everyone and everything around, like even the birds in the sky. Some people resist a little bit my order to freeze, so I yell to them that I am in charge. When everything is totally still, I admire the details, I focus on the shapes of the clouds and then I see the International Space Station falling from the sky and smashing against a building. I go check it out up close. There is some kind of engine burning fuel and I climb on top of it, almost get burned by the flames, but make some joke about it, as I know it can't possibly hurt me.
      Then I see a door behind this burning engine and I go in. Looks like an entrance to a theater, and once I get inside I am followed by Darth Vader, who stands there at the entrance, looking menacing. I run from him down a corridor that gets tighter and tighter until it becomes a tunnel and then the tunnel starts descending until it is a sliding pipe. It gets tighter and tighter, until I feel stuck and unable to get out. Plus the walls are covered in chocolate. (Looks more like I'm stuck in a sphincter ). I start digging around to remove chocolate layers from the walls until I slide down and find myself out of it.
      Once outside, I am in a strange locker room and hear someone discussing how they'll clean us up and then will chose 2 or 3 girls. I don't like the tone of the conversation, and try to escape through a door, but end up cornered in a room with a balcony where some guys are assessing girls like they are meat.

      There is a fire in Á-dos-Loucos and firetrucks are going up the road in a long line. Then behind my mom's building, the gates of all the houses also start burning. It is clearly arson, but now all the firefighters went up the hill for the other fire, so no one can put these fires down.

      Checking in at some place, like a college and then hostel. The procedure involves interviews and putting applicants interacting in small groups. I pass and I am admitted without hassle. But later on I pass by the admission area and there is an enormous queue and everyone is complaining about the time it takes. Bad Wolf is among them and I have this fuzzy feeling of having him being my colleague again. I picture us becoming bf and gf and marrying and me owning half of his business. When everyone is checked in, we take a field trip and we get to meet each other and assess each other. When we debate whom we seem to connect to and whom we think will end up fighting, I say I don't fear anybody in the group because I could handle them all, since I noticed we are all about the same size (males and females alike).
      We have a quick lunch at the hostel, but some prefer going back to our college as the options there are better. We eat a soup and then some pastry. I then need to go to toilet and it is a unisex with two stalls and very little privacy. David the Kid is also rushing to the toilet, so I tell him to go first and instead I go look through a window on the corridor, with view over a lake on the back of the building. I spot 3 toads who change colors. Some are white with black patterns and another is blue and green and when they spot me they all turn brownish and dive into the muddy waters camouflaged. I find them awesome and then tell David about it but he tries to spot them and can't.
      We join an afternoon activity with our hosts. They take us to the back of a local meat processing plant and show us how they observe the workers conditions and denounce them. They sometimes make live vigils, often they end up dumpsterdiving and salvage lots of meat. Back at the hostel they explain they are really into meat eating not only because they get a lot for free, but they believe they need it and start telling individual stories of some of them who became strong and other BS because of their meat diet. I feel it's time to go away or else I'll end up disrespecting our hosts. So I get up with a colleague and we say thank you for your hospitality but we are leaving. I go back to the room we were supposed to stay for a night and I pick up my bags and lots of electronics and headphones we brought in for some reason.
      I go down to the lobby with my colleague and she asks me to do the checkout with her right away, because we have a ride. But I find they have a really nice library on the ground floor. Some guy approaches me rudely asking for help and I reply that I don't work there. He says "ok, but you study and stay here, right? I need some info about this book about Angola" I say no, that I am a biologist for many years and notice some incongruity in what I am saying. But then Marta P. comes to us, presents herself as the librarian and offers to help the dude.
    7. Super cool embedded party barge

      by , 06-18-2021 at 02:27 AM
      This dream begins at college. It's somewhat like the college I went to for a brief time. I am studying computer science (which is what I did in real life). It's the first day and people are getting orientated. There is some confusion amongst the staff with my application. Apparently I had been there before and was re-entering at a level above. The confusion is eventually sorted out. I see a girl there that I kind of like.

      I later find myself in the computer lab next to the girl. She's one of the very few girls in class. I slowly become more and more impressed with her. We are all supposed to use some really obscure form of Linux and she seems to know her way around it better than anyone in class. She's entering some stuff in the terminal that I don't fully understand and finishes the assignment pretty quickly. I partly learned what to do by watching her, so I finish not too long after. It was not very complicated, it's just that the teacher was terrible and not making it clear what commands we were meant to enter. Just knowing them made it easier.

      Anyway, I leave class thinking this girl is pretty amazing. She was really cute too. She didn't look like the typical nerdy computer science girl, nor did she look "hot"; just a short normal looking blonde girl.

      We fast forward some time later (maybe a week). There is a college party going on, but it's not your typical party. It takes place at a huge lake with a marina. Everybody is swimming in the lake and having fun. There are a couple boats out in the lake, but not many. A super long dock spans across the entire lake. It's not straight; it has many turns in it. It's very narrow; only wide enough for one person to walk unless you squeeze by. Everybody is walking up and down it, trying to find the best place to dive in. It bobs up and down because it's supported by floats. Some people are just sitting on it and chilling.

      Now the strange thing about this situation is there is some type of project going on in the water. It's like people are having to re-direct the water somewhere because of a problem. I don't fully understand what it is, but a lot of people are putting things in the water to fix it. It's a fun problem though, nothing serious. There is a very tall diving board attached to the floating dock. It sways back and forth. I see the girl climb up onto it and jump off. It was very high up and not something I would ever do cause I'm afraid of heights and deep waters. I was impressed. She acted like it was nothing; didn't hesitate at all. Like it was just a fun thing to do. This further raised my appreciation towards her.

      Before jumping, she took off her shoes and left them on the dock. After diving, she started swimming away to the far end of the dock and disappeared in the other people over there (it was very far away). Me and my friend were talking there and decided to start walking to the end. I decided to pick up her shoes and bring them along just incase she forgot them. We slowly made our way to the end of the dock. Squeezing past people and trying to maintain our balance because it was swaying so much. Along the way, for some reason I decide to put her shoes on (I wouldn't do that IRL). When we make it near the end, I take the shoes off and leave them because I see her there. She's working with some others to divert the water with some boards or something. Even though I put her shoes down right there and tell her something, she's super focused on what she's doing and doesn't notice. So we ignore it and walk off the dock onto the mainland.

      Some time goes by as I'm talking to the others on the shore. I get tired of talking and start wandering around the shore. I get to an outcropping (like a small peninsula). There is a big hill of grass that goes down to the water and the edges are lined with that corrugated rusted steel to keep the dirt from falling into the water. As I walk closer to the edge, I notice there is something odd about it. One part of it looks like it has some buoys attached. There's also some metal patches under parts of the grass. There are two goth people working down there. I approach them and ask what they're doing. They say, "we're trying to get this unstuck." I don't even have to ask what, cause at that moment it becomes clear to me what this is. It's a huge old barge that was docked so long that the terrain started to grow on top of it. The dirt must have slid down the hill and covered it and then grass and flowers started growing on top.

      I immediately knew I wanted to help them. I wasn't goth, but they didn't care and seemed friendly. Another goth showed up. Now there were two guys and a girl helping us. We eventually got it unstuck and one of the goths found a hatch partially hidden under the grass. He lifted it up and climbed down into what I think was the engine room. In a matter of no time, the boat started up. We all got super excited. So the four of us got on and the one guy started driving. It separated from the land without too much effort and we were on the water. It had a large canopy across the top - it just appeared there on it's own. It was automatically a little house inside now. I don't remember the details of what it looked like though.

      We felt like (were) the coolest people on the lake. Everybody turned and watched and we all waved at them. We saw some other small boats as well, but ours was taking up a huge part of the lake. We just kept waving to everybody and feeling great.

      Nothing happened with the girl. The End.
    8. 14 Jun: Hit and run and consumed by remorse, UFOs among us and learn to program them

      by , 06-14-2021 at 03:34 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am a college student and I hit and run a man and left him bleeding to death on the road. My thought was that he was going to die anyway, before help arrived and so I rationalized that fleeing wouldn't ruin even more lives, namely mine and of those around me who would suffer immensely if I was convicted of manslaughter. So I decided to run away and pretend I had nothing to do with it and act normally. I was absolutely sure I could pull it off, even when the police appeared on campus and started investigating the students.
      I am heading to the library and the detectives are in the corridor talking to people and my paranoid mind believes a couple of them seem to be watching every movement I make and my facial expressions. I do get a bit nervous and I bump into a table and throw an ashtray to the ground, but I am already out of their sight. At the library I steal some chips from some kid who has a bag of chips open on his table. He doesn't even flinch. Wonder if that's because he is my friend or he just fears me. I go meet a friend at the most far back table and he is playing a computer game with cars and he is very proud that he managed to fit a car with a long hood into the back of a truck cabin and make a weird truck trailer, just to prove his smart and ability to bend the rules and codes of the game. I couldn't care less and cars actually trigger me at the moment, but I engage with his enthusiasm, to not raise suspicion. Later on I meet a group of friends, who are all very shocked with the events. One of the girls (looks my old friend Mara) says she would have no mercy for whomever the killer is. I feel very uncomfortable that I am the person and imagining if it is ever found out.
      We go for a walk outside the campus and we pass by the road where the accident happened, but they don't know that. There is no longer any sign of what happened, besides a patch of sand the authorities spread to soak up the blood. But my friends don't know, they have no idea where the accident happened, so "Mara" asks what is this for and I swiftly say probably to cover some oil spill. They look at me a bit strangely and I say I am just guessing. We arrive at some snack-bar / pub by the side of the road, where they like to go, and the cops and detectives are gathered there. This makes me anxious. There is also Master Harry, a Scott who is like the keeper of the campus. He spots us and invite us along. But my friends feel super interested in talking to the cops. The owner of this place is a surfer and has a long board decorating the place, above our heads and one of the detectives apparently also surfs so they engage in conversation regarding the long board. I am not interested.
      Then the older detective throws me a bate, by teasing me about a plant cared by the bar owner. I am not the least interested. He asks me stuff like if I can identify it, if I'd like to have one too and what I think about this guy managing to have one in this climate. And I am like "why should I care?". Then he shows me it is a pineapple and asks me if I shouldn't I be more enthusiastic about plants. I realize he already knows too much about me and my interests, which means I am a suspect. I do have a greenhouse that I care for meticulously at my parents house and I care a lot about plants, just not in this context with the stress I am feeling. I am seeing my life going down the drain. I don't know how they know, but they already suspect it was me, and are just trying to catch me. I think about my plants dying if I am arrested and I feel extremely sad for that, more than anything else.

      Back to previous dream. I am not caught yet, but I am going crazy with the guilt and duplicity. I have to deal with several people related to the victim and the feeling that I am keeping this secret from them and they would hate me if they knew the truth is consuming me. I am wishing to go to some island where nobody knows me and start a new life.
      I am staying at some pension of a lady who isn't particularly fond of me. She complains of something I supposedly did in the kitchen and asks me to clean it, but I am relieved to know it is just a silly thing I didn't even do. She has no clue that some other night I was drunk and peed in the kitchen. So I go look into the fridge and instead of cleaning whatever, I steal something, like some cheese and bread to make a sandwich. Then I hear her talking to her daughter, who just arrived from school and is complaining about something. Her mother says "well, you're not doing anything, because her mom is Carolina Herrera and nobody dares to upset that family at this moment, because of the terrible thing that happened to her dad."
      They are talking about the man I killed. I feel guilty again and run to my room. The room looks like my mom's office and there are tigers outside of the window trying to come in, so I rush to shut all the openings and lock the door.

      At my mom's house, It's night and I look outside. I spot a UFO, just a white light orb dancing around at distance. Then I spot another one, static and the first one moves towards the still one and then they both move away. During the day I spot one again in the sky. I start seeing them a lot. One day I spot one very small just hovering a street. I now am able to spot them all over the streets, spying on people, unaware of them. Only I seem to be able to see them. with the help of some friends, I capture one. It is the size of a basketball and it loses the ability to camouflage when offline. I show to my friends, who believed me but had never seen one themselves. I teach my friends how to spot them, and we can see them in the sky, in strategic places, positioned in geometric clusters. They form ice crystal like shapes with arms connecting them inside pentagonal areas. These bigger structures seem to be regulating the climate or other purposes. The little ones at the street level are watching us on a daily basis.

      Back to the dream. Me and my friends are now a rebel force meeting in secret and collecting data on these UFOs, trying to understand what they are here for. One day, I am on a bus ride with one of this friends and we spot one in the sky, after a long time not seeing them. We wondered if they found a new way to cloak or had simply disappeared. Then we see two jets flying on each side of the orb but at some point leaving and the orb staying fixed in a position. Me and friend point to it but no one else seems to see it. As I point to it, I feel like I am pushing a button and the orb opens up into a square of squares of different size, like a virtual keyboard. On top rows are bigger blue squares and bellow are smaller red squares. So I do what I did before and also pretend to click them as if they are buttons. I push a random combination of keys. The UFO/keyboard disappears and immediately strange things happen, like some cars on the road going bananas as if they lost their electronics, and going over the rails and crashing. We rush to meet with the others and tell them what happened. They are a bit incredulous, but I explain maybe all orbs are programmable but we need to crack the code and see which combinations do what. Then the girl who usually brings us food comes in looking scared. Says the building is surrounded and they threatened her. Everyone wonders how they found us and I say I actually told them and it is part of a bigger plan, but they think I am just crazy and are in shock that I did that. I seem to have a really intricate plan, but I wake up before finding out.

      Updated 06-14-2021 at 03:38 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , nightmare
    9. 7 May: Incest story and lecturing to kids at a college

      by , 05-07-2021 at 10:45 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Some weird circular story. Starts with a woman sending her daughter to orphanage. The girl grows up and gets pregnant. Her kid is taken away and raised outside by someone else. He meets his grandmother without knowing who she is and they get involved. Then one day the grandmother finds out where her daughter is and comes to see her, bringing her son along, nobody knowing who they are to each other and he also falls for his own mother. Can't recall what happened next but it was some crazy full circle incest shit.

      At a college, feeling like a visiting student. Some girls who are showing me things around take me to the auditorium where it is being played a documentary about Billie Eilish. I go inside all happy to watch it and sit on a chair, but some dudes come to charge me 20€ for it and I just don't wanna pay, so I get out, thinking I can probably stream it online cheaper or for free.
      Then I am invited to coordinate a group of young kids, also visitors, who will be planting trees and bushes in the outside premises. First we all gather in a room and I give them a small lecture about the plants. At some point the kids are all distracted and talking loudly and neither I or their teacher manage to quiet them down. I am losing my voice from shouting. The teacher gives up, but I go grab a recipient with water and throw it at them. It works. They are all wet and in shock looking at me and I finish what I was saying.
    10. Modulating Dreaming Processes with a Calculator and a Robot

      by , 10-15-2020 at 07:19 AM
      Morning of October 15, 2020. Thursday.

      Dream #: 19,659-02. Reading time: 2 min 12 sec.

      My dream, in instinctual mode (but on the periphery of liminality throughout), transitions through the usual processes, but I carry a graphing calculator throughout my exploring and meandering. This aspect keeps my somatosensory dynamics vivid and sustains my overall clarity and perceptual awareness throughout most of my dream. I keep it in my right hand and enter numbers mostly with my thumb.

      In the main narrative, I walk through several areas of what seems to be a college campus in the late morning. I consider I am not supposed to be here, but I doubt anyone would notice or care. As I walk, I push random numbers on my calculator, which I consider some people might perceive as a cell phone. I do not look at the display and only vaguely think of random numbers to enter at different times. (It is mainly somatosensory focus holding me in the dream rather than cerebral. As I sleep, I sometimes habitually clasp the wooden slat of our bed’s headboard.)

      Eventually, I transition into the predictable “seeking the sleeper” mode. I find myself walking into the bedroom of an unknown person. As a result, associations with the physical immobility of my body (while sleeping) instinctually initiates. I cannot find a way to leave the room even though I had just walked in. The sleep personification resolves as an unfamiliar girl. She leaves her bed and talks to me. I tell her I have to find my house. She assumes I am a professor that should be living in the school and is puzzled by me calling the school a “house.” I tell her, “Well, I call where I live a house.”

      For a short time, I contemplate returning to deeper sleep. As a result, we walk to a staircase that leads down into a dark flooded basement. The girl briefly transitions into the Naiad simulacrum and talks about the process, but I decide to explore more. We continue to communicate as we find an exit from her bedroom that leads into the next predictable stage of dreaming, the parking lot setting.

      The sleep-wake personification appears as an unknown young male a foot taller than me. I consider if he will be a bully or remain friendly (especially as I am already in the last transition of the dreaming process, so he does not have to be imposing). My indecision creates a delayed and ambiguous behavior on his part as if he does not know how to act. He says something that comes out like gibberish. “What did you say?” I ask him. He does not seem rude or confrontational, but I still move on to the next process.

      I instinctually summon the process of attaining physical mobility (while still thumbing the calculator), that, of course, is imaginary while in the dream state (a fallacy that has occurred all my life when dreaming in this mode and is autosymbolic in co-occurrent continuity of the process rather than a false awakening). Although the man is not a bully, I mentally define, with engraved lines, the perimeter of a large square in the parking lot. As we watch, a Transformer robot begins to emerge until it is visible down to below its chest. In this analogy to moving into post-liminality, I walk on to the school building and soon wake.

    11. Thursday, April 30

      by , 05-06-2020 at 08:14 PM
      I am with Melissa in what seems to be some kind of cave or room with stone walls. It is pretty dim and all that seems to be in here is a grid like stone floor. I think Melissa’s mom is here too, just hanging out in the background. The floor is like a word search, and when you choose a letter you press the grid section down a few inches (and it stays pressed down). While we are doing this, Melissa takes a phone call from the girl scout mom Rebecka. She tells Melissa that her daughter is undergoing surgery and that it’s become critical. This makes me feel worried and uneasy, but I’m not sure what to do.

      I am in Iowa and have applied for a college. I am outside, probably on the campus, talking to a thin blond lady who must be staff. I’m asking how long it takes for them to get back to me after I’ve applied. She casually replies that I am supposed to get back to them again. I’m not very impressed with that and think about what it would be like going to school here. I’m sure this isn’t the only one out there and there has to be more I can consider. I think about going through the application process all over again. Later I am messaging Sage about it; she says this is Maynard’s home state, which makes sense except for him leaning a little to the left. (I think there was also something about Dad coming to see me and parking in a metered spot - going over time/getting a ticket?).

      I’m with Melissa and we’ve gone to visit Laynie and her baby. I think we’re all sitting on her bed, Laynie up against the headboard. Laynie’s ‘baby’ looks proportionate and maybe toddler age… but is only about six or so inches tall. This seems to strike none of us as odd. The kid boisterously plays around on Laynie as we talk. At one point it falls down face first off her shoulder, almost humorously, as if to get attention. I think I notice bruises on the kid. Laynie doesn’t seem to be paying her much attention.
    12. 25 Nov: Tiger on the street and Kevin Spacey naked on a restroom

      by , 11-25-2019 at 09:43 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I'm an exchange student at some foreign country. I am walking the street at night and have an encounter with a tiger. I somehow escape him and warn everybody else, specially the college students nearby. I become sort of a hero and the Prime Minister of the country comes on an official visit to thank me. He makes some joke I don't find funny and he feels embarrassed publicly. I feel tired of all the circus and I go hide in the toilet, but I encounter Kevin Spacey naked and apparently under the effect of drugs, wandering into the restrooms to. He doesn't even notice me and I use the opportunity to get out of there.
    13. Crystalline College

      by , 08-12-2019 at 01:34 PM (The book of mars)
      I'm with my (dream)friend, a girl, kind of sporty wearing a flannel, at UMF but its not UMF. We're here for tryouts for this... game/thing/college/class.
      Its being held down in the Roberts parkinglot, which is busier, with a building in the center. I pass Michelle Darling, hello.
      There's a group of ppl who made it and those trickling out who didn't. The test is like, throwing these darts or catching them or something sporty.
      She fails. But on her way out she catches one, but it doesn't count. I don't know if it counts or not.
      I don't know how I pass, but I do. Eventually all the winners are left and are being guided away toward wherever we're going.
      I look for her frantically, I don't want to be alone, but I know she's out.
      In the crowd of people I see Rebecca! I have a dream memory of knowing she wanted to go back to school. I get in with her group and say hey.
      We're stragglers. There's this big fat happy boy. I say something about my friend (another person, a winner) wants to go to this college thing to dismantle religion.
      Everyone laughs.
      Eventually we go to where we're going to be for the next like, 6 months.
      Its a crystal cavern-turned-school. The cavern is the school. The crystals are super powerful. (This is some Hollow Knight bullshit).
      The cavern is kind of 2D and there's a 'flat' back to it, even though it LOOKS like it goes deep. I wonder if we'll unlock it.
      We go "right" into a huge chamber and are told some stuff, don't know. Its an important room.
      We're herded into a crystal-cavern cafeteria-esque small room to the "left" of the flat center room and sit at tables. Its like everyone had been here before but I'm one of the new kids, even though we're all new: I'm like an hour late to the game or something. I ask the fat boy if I can sit next to him.
      "OOO, your body!" referring to all my current bruises and scars. "Yeah I got too drunk camping." "This is my first time being drunk!"
      I realize this is why they brought us here: a woman hands out a menu with only drinks. Mostly wine. He orders more wine. Chelsea is behind me and orders Coffee Brandy, but she calls it WBTB (lol). I have that flash-urge of "fuck sobriety" but I consider getting a coffee. Its like 2.98, the cheapest coffee and cream option. Tons of crazy chai coffee stuff, but all very expensive.
      My vision flashes outside of myself and I see this crazy cackling headmistress kind of deal, and like a cinema/movie, I know she's got secret/subversive plans based on the "shot" of the scene. She's behind the flat part of the center room and zoom-slips through the crystalline hole. She lands on the outside of the cavern to the "right" -- we didn't know there was a behind. She punches the crystal and it super-charges something. This is "bad" ... she's not telling anyone she's doing this, she has some evil plan here.
      My vision flashes again to a group of girls being shown the cavern for the first time. You can see the flash on the edges/seams of the room.
      "WOAH," they say. Their faces are like half-drawn anime, I can see those vertical+horizontal face lines artist do, and I toggle the horizontal on and off with some dream-watcher power (not the me of the dream, the me of me/myself dreaming) and I realize they look half-drawn because the flash is so bright.
      Then it subsides and I see their normal faces.
      Flash back to me going back into the cafeteria room with everyone. The wine is being served.
      "I think I forgot to order somehow" I say and the waitress/teacher (there's only like, 2 teachers here, she's one of them) sighs and says they can put in a last minute order for a price. Well, I guess, sure.
      I ask her if she lives here year round, half knowing she must not, but just curious.
      "Oh, no. This place is inaccesssible half of the year."

      Some kind of time skip, and I'm on "leave" from the school, like a vacation or something.
      I'm in Walmart in the back room. I came here very much on a mission. My job is like an assassination. I track people down with my team and tell them to go to jail or we'll kill them. We hunt out people who get away with bullshit.
      I'm walking and I don't know who my target is until I do (the first person I see: I can feel the dream being made up as I go along).
      Its Torrey. I feel bad, some part of me who knows it was random. But he sees us, my team and I, and knows what's coming.
      I threaten him. I don't remember the exact words but I make the offer, tell him we know what happened.
      "We have a graveyard for you all set up. Westskull or Eastskull cemetary, your choice. But I'd rather you atone. YOU MUST ATONE FOR YOUR SINS AND GO TO JAIL."
      He's getting really nervous but refusing. He doesn't want either. He tries me: "How do you know, you have the paper?" "Yes, I do" "So you were in the cop car when it happened? I doubt it" and true doubt flashes on his face, but I know what my job is and I know I'm right, so I press onward. YOU MUST ATONE!!!
      A roll-up door rolls up and a truck is parked out there. I have to get away from the situation, and I know my dream makes it up that I can dive under the truck like its my get-away vehicle, so it is (That dream faculty!). I do, and I'm nervous it won't work, that I'm making it up and he's going to get me, but the car rolls away and I'm unharmed as I'm dragged out of the building underneath it. In the parking lot I hop up into the cab.
      I see my buddy, the driver, and know I'm safe. He has a super-long lens camera. I take it so he can drive.
      We getaway. I fuck with the camera, but it won't stop zooming/adjusting. I go to turn the zoom off, but the body is super-blank.
      "Simple camera," I say. "Yeah, it's probably not good." I finally take some shots. They look good. "Nah, it's great."
    14. 20190220: Ld #138 (WILD!)

      , 02-20-2019 at 05:35 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      WBTB when F left for work. As I got back in bed I thought briefly about LDing but didn't MILD or anything. I relaxed and drifted, but right before I slipped out of consciousness I snapped back into awareness and began to feel the waves of vibrations. I was having the transparent eyelids effect and could see I was in a replica of my room. I had some expectation of SP/RA since I've had a few pretty spooky instances of that lately when I've MILDed (or sometimes when awaking from a DILD). However none came, and I started drifting up and to the right. I relaxed and let myself go.

      Slowly I floated over to one of the walls and when I felt my dream body was free, I pushed off the wall onto the floor and walked down the hallway. I said "lights" and hoped that would work but it rarely does and didn't. I decided to do the thing that almost always fucks up my WILDs and phase through my window, hoping that that would be more successful than walking through my almost pitch-black apartment. This time instead of trying to phase through the curtains (which I always do for some reason), I pulled back the curtains and phased through the glass. It was double-paned with about six inches of separation between the two, so I thought I may have trouble getting through, but I decided to expect it to work, and it did.

      Outside seemed like my apartment grounds at first, but it became clear that I was in the quad of my old college campus. I floated down (my whole body was engaged, it was a nice and quite physical dream, with some light gravity). I aimed my fall and landed on a nice bush, grabbing it with my hands and balancing myself on it with my feet, before I dropped to the ground. It was still night, and everything was lit by tall streetlamps along the path. One of them had its box cracked open, with the plastic exposing lots of thin red and blue wires. I walked along for a bit and then woke up.
      Tags: college, wbtb, wild
      lucid , memorable
    15. Getting to the Competition

      by , 09-13-2018 at 10:02 PM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm walking along the street in my college town with my roommate moving towards the university. We are planning to go to a Smash Bros competition and it's late at night. We head into the Agriculture building in the basement and start looking for the room. We come across others who are also in the competition. They have TV's and controllers in their hands and I hold a door open for them as they walk through. I start to see more and more people enter the building, and not all of them are in the tournament. It's especially strange as it's also late at night, however, I don't end up thinking more about it. A girl I know shows up and starts talking to me. I'm moving up a ramp to start walking and she follows, but gets stuck on the rail for the ramp that heads down. The only thing that stops her from sliding all the way down is her shoe that gets caught on the side.
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