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    1. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 12:41 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Ka-Blammerz! (DILD)

      This is a long one, so I'll cut out the unimportant bits.

      We're on a bus heading out to a lodge somewhere. There are some douche bags on the bus, some antics ensue, not really that important. We're in Florida and heading through some of the sketchier parts. We've been on the bus for awhile, when the driver finally decides to pull over, stating he will not be going through that section of town. Instead, we're going to be walking around it since there's no other route. We get out and start making our way to a swampy area. A car pulls around and the Bus Driver hangs back. Turns out a drug deal or something is going down, and the bus driver gets killed. By now I'm in the swamp, but I can't move very quickly through the slush. On top of that, the people who just offed the bus driver are coming for us now. This triggers that handy dream reflex of mine and in an instant, I'm Flying away.

      The best part is I gained lucidity doing it. Sweet, finally, a legit DILD. I stabilized for a moment, rubbing my hands, before deciding to get right on the Task of the Month. I had it all planned out, I was going to activate the Self Destruct power from CoH. I "clicked" on the power (this is really abstract and hard to explain) and started through the animations. The red 10, 9, 8, started counting down over my head. I crossed my arms and hunched over, there was no electricity shooting off my body like in the game animation, but when the countdown hit 0 I released. It was one of the weirdest and coolest sensations ever. I could feel the blast engulfing and vaporizing my pursuers and the classmates around me. I saw pixelated specks of red and puffs of orange as my body became nothingness. I was gone and so were many of the things around me. I floated like that for a moment, in that serene state, before reconstructing my body.

      That part wasn't too tricky, it just involved realizing my physical body was in my bed, and emulating what I felt outside the dream. That destabilized it a bit though, and I had to stabilize again. After that, I went into the nearby house and interacted with a few DCs, my lucidity waning, but still there. Most of them were people from the bus I hadn't seen before. The house was filled with old nerf guns and this one guy had a mini uzi that shot needles. I told him to shoot me with it, he did, and I stopped the projectiles a la Neo. After a short time chatting with them, I figured I'd attempt to locate my DG. It had been awhile since I had talked with her, and our last conversation was very insightful. So I casually asked the group if anyone knew where she was.

      Surprisingly, they told me she was just up ahead, and sure enough, she came out from the other room. This conversation proved to be almost as insightful as the last one. We talked about the nature of reality, death, and she told me about a few drugs I should look into. I hadn't remembered hearing about these drugs before, but some of them turned out to be real, which was odd. One was Pepp, a hangover relief thingy (I don't drink, so this was weird), and one was Melox, or Meloxicam, an anti-inflammatory. The other one was Persep or something like that, I couldn't find anything on that upon waking. I knew the dream was ending soon, because my stabilization techniques weren't working well. So I said my goodbyes, went over the drugs once more to memorize their names, and woke up.
    2. “The Roc” (I watch a giant bird fly over a cypress swamp)

      by , 11-15-1978 at 05:15 PM
      Morning of November 15, 1968. Friday.

      The location seems to be a very dense cypress swamp in Florida. The cypress trees are seemingly gigantic; as big as skyscrapers (though there is no hint of any people or man-made features in the region). It is beautiful. It is also eerie but without any sense of a threat. Although it is of a full view and three-dimensional, I do not seem fully in my dream body (though I am not certain if I am implied to be incorporeal).

      I watch what seems to be an enormous eagle, mostly in silhouette, flying from right to left. It is the most vivid when I view it through a wide clearing between two dense areas of impossibly tall cypress trees. It does not seem to be carrying any prey. Its wings are moving but almost as if in slow motion. I feel as if it is a roc (even though a roc is mythological). There is a sense of peace, love, and timelessness. The imagery is mostly in shades of gray (which is very rare in my dreams). The emotional state is also unusual, as other dreams I had during this time included the threat of buzzards, yet this bird seems much bigger, possibly as big as a jumbo jet.

      This dream was my last dream of the morning and is a unique and very enjoyable return flight waking transition.

      My dream seems to have three influences:

      • The swampy Fort Ogden area in Florida where I lived when I was very young
      • The Pogo Possum comic strip
      • A deck of educational cards that, when flicked through, display an animation of wild animal silhouettes with a bird silhouette flying above them

      In my earliest dream journal entry on notebook paper (at age seven) I had referred to this bird as an “elephant bird” (though I also referred to it as a “roc”), but I later learned that the extinct elephant bird was flightless (and of Madagascar) and certainly not like the bird in this dream.

      This entry was last checked and clarified on Saturday, 31 December 2016. A new photographic image (based on an original sketch) has been added.

      Updated 12-31-2016 at 04:16 PM by 1390

    3. "The Night the Swamp Went Wild"

      by , 09-21-1974 at 02:27 PM
      Very early morning of September 21, 1974. Saturday.

      This dream was likely inspired in part by the often low-rated 1972 movie called “Frogs”, with Ray Milland. In my dream, I am spending the night with classmates at some sort of estate in the middle of a cypress swamp; probably in Florida near an area where we went on field trips in real life (as a toddler, I lived in a cypress swamp). My bus driver, Mr. F, is there instead of any of our teachers and he appears to be very scared and walks around with a rifle. (In real life, Mr. F was a kind but very unusual character. He would have some sort of severe panic attack whenever he heard the sound of someone whistling, even at a very low volume, and start shaking and yelling, almost driving off the road. He always acted a bit distracted and nervous as it was, and I was amazed he was allowed to be a school bus driver at all. He even bumped into me with the actual bus, although I did not get hurt, when I was crossing in front as we were always told to do, as he must have been distracted and just started to drive off again right after he had stopped.)

      The “killer frogs” come out precisely at midnight. We all hide in a building (which is - or is like - a tourist station in a park). Not much happens, though. There is some concern about them breaking through a window, but they do not. I see them all in a row, lined up like soldiers, even possibly with a seeming unseen group leader. I view some scenes like this at ground level somehow (even from an angle that would imply being slightly under the ground’s surface and a few other odd “camera angles”), but am not in any danger at any time. Even though it is supposed to be “horror”, it is somehow more like “Halloween fun” for me in my dream.

      There is a rather odd scene where I seem to be dramatically preaching about why the frogs are seeking revenge against humanity. One line is about them being run over by bicycles. (From a real-life event where I had actually run over a toad with my bicycle in the walkway from the carport to the shed).

      Later on, everything is quiet (in the morning) and everything is normal again.

      There were later a couple similar dreams as this. I also wrote a story in real life called “I’m Afraid of Toads” based somewhat on my dream (even though in my dream, they were frogs). Of course, I had no fear of either toads or frogs, and in fact, used to carry toads around as a boy even when they peed on me. I once set up a “toad city” in the Cubitis carport (before my father added the extra bedroom) in an old washtub (with dirt and cardboard buildings and the “Toad City” sign) I borrowed from my parents - and watched them for a couple weeks then let them go.

      In real life, my female friend and classmate, Brenda W, copied my story mostly word for word (including the title) but solely replacing the word “toads” with “spiders” in each and every case - and several people liked it. I found that so odd an act, I was not remotely angry or annoyed, only amused, especially when she became very embarrassed when someone was reading “her” story out loud on the bus and I listened in.
      Tags: frogs, swamp
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